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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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"Mama" drank wine and looked at her, trying to read her silence.

"You want me to tell me how much you earned?! "she said suddenly.

-Why?! — hopelessly Veronica asked, realizing that the "mother" looks for excuses to his treachery. -I've understood everything! Your word means nothing!

"Mother," it was obvious barely withhold giving from anger, and процедила:

"You, Lada, for me the word don't touch! I angry beast! Better do not anger!

Veronica dreams silent, and "Mama," a little поостыв, continued:

-You made me only three hundred thousand dollars!

But Saeed said...

Little said Saeed — interrupted her "mom". He knows shaft, but the cost is not considered. Yes, on the shaft of your экскортных services received even more than a million! I'm sorry, accountant I have elsewhere sits in a hotel, of course, so I'll Ledger cannot give! But I, offhand, you'll show the whole situation!

"Mama" put the wine glass on the table and leaned to Veronica so violently, like she wanted to hit her, that she shrank.

-What do you think, Lada?! — barely restraining his anger continued, "Mama." -Паримахер you go, make up artist, masseurs you served, designers, dresses you sewed it all at my expense, Yes?! — it поматала the face of a frightened girl his thick forefinger. No! It was all for your account! Understand?

Veronica scared silent, dumbstruck of "mother's" counter-attack.

Saeed went with you, you guard your jewelry around the world carried a in the suitcase! — continued "Mama". The my account, think!? Noa! — it hurts poked in the chest Veronica index finger For yours! And therefore, after deduction of all overhead expenses, you brought me an income of three hundred thousand green! That's that!

Veronica wanted to cry with impotent rage. The attack bogged down and failed. She felt, as the last hope to get out of the "mum's" claws leaves her.

"Mama" for some time in silence, was enjoying his victory, looking with rapture, as Veronica исходится suffering. Then continued to play the apparently long-prepared performance.

"You want the deal? she asked, Veronica, who sat killed "mom's" divorce. -Honest! You're doing. And I you lose! Honestly! You have my word!

Veronica sat and seemed not to have heard her. On шекам ran down her two streams of bitter tears. Would she have done now everything just to let her go home.

"You know, "mother" came as if from afar. -frankly speaking, I too thought that with you, Lada, do! Thought and thought! Well don't conform you more in my scope! Saeed leaves you and брилики I entrust someone else can't! I have no more such a person reliable, as said! Do you plain number... I honestly feel sorry for spent for you efforts! You're still a star! I'll raised in супердевочку! And I just assume respect the cease, if you, the fruit of their efforts, 'll feed local шантрапе! It still is that I'm under them go! Yes I better удавлюсь! And now, I thought, I thought! And thought up! I will make you a deal! Do it and in the calculation of me finally! Go home!

Veronica was still, as though he heard "mum's" rhetoric.

-You here today, as the fate of scented, looked in the концерный hall! — continued "Mama", noting that Veronica alarming ears. -You myself, Shamil spotted! Liked you very much! He in women know it, believe me! It has such beauty — hoo!..

Veronica more настораживалась, the tears stopped her flow, and she now sat still. Heart stronger thumping mouth of fear in her chest.

"So! summed up, "Mama." -Tomorrow you go to the Caucasus with Sayid! Go Shamil ППЖ half a year, in the transport поездешь! And then you said in Moscow will bring!..

What is that ППЖ?! has not understood Veronica.

-Outdoorsy field wife, " deciphered "Mama", as if in passing, continuing its basic idea. -I Shamil for you of thing makes a million dollars! Coming back from a trip to ten percent of yours! I'll nalikom surrender and let go of you in your beloved... what are they?.. Oh! Sumy! Goes?!

Veronica has slipped from a wicker chairs on the floor as if dead. Podol sundress went up her belly, revealing that of boys Chechens unprecedented through on their charms. It has been crushed. She had no more strength to anything else, as soon as creep up on all fours with my mother, взбраться to her knees and beg:

"Let me go, please!

Pear попочка Veronica злачно sticking out from under задравшегося sundress, confusing its appetizing forms, its distinguishing between lush buns buttocks brown spot erogenous zone around a little wrinkled дульки anus, its below peach bawdy lips, обхватывающих two sides of her magic rose of love, trying to escape from the captivity of these guards, surrounded by the narrow, carefully cut, like the antennae of a hussar, strips of hair. It seemed that boys do not окрепнувших in the observations of a naked female body, now will take place spontaneous ejaculation...

In this moment, the door to the sauna widely opened and she went bearded man, who appeared on the scene. He was in a long robe Terry robes, in which, probably, and walked through the hotel.

For a moment he stood, evaluating seen the picture.

Nude booty Ukrainian beauty, which he accidentally noticed during his speech before the meeting, now looked to its inviting viewers right at him.

Shamil decisively moved around the pool to the chair of the "mothers", which played some kind of female drama.

"Mom," remarked logged and now looking at him as he approaches them, but Veronica still passionately detracted from her go, not noticing anything around him.

Вдург she was scared. Someone decisively and powerfully took her hand and raised his knees, so lightly.

Veronica turned around and saw the bearded uncle, who kicked her out of the hall. Her heart обмерло from fear.

Shamil turned her easily instinctively spread his прижавшиеся in his arms and in one motion ripped her dress, exposing the dazzling beauty of her body.

Veronica couldn't say, she just did not expect that there will be someone else. Chechen pushed her into the pool.

-Let's go swimming, baby! Good! — appraising flashed his eyes, looking like the body of Veronica describes pirouette, immersed in water to dampen her all around splashes

When Veronica jumped, spitting the проглоченной water, bearded man pulled off his robe, that was, like a torpedo, sticking out from the excitement of his stallion and jumped pike into the water.

Veronica nearly swept a wave. In the next second she felt the strong hands grabbing large palms of her waist. Near from the water seemed smiling head Shamil. Veronica почувтсвовала as large head member furiously, not спросясь, splitting open her vulva.

In the evening in her room came Vika. Veronica was laying on the bed, staring in dull московксое sky. It was Bathrobe bearded vulture. Vika sat down on the bed.

-Say, how come you got the keys to my room? asked Veronica.

"Why should you? — surprised Vika.

Veronica said nothing. In fact, what was the difference, where and how are taken from Wiki keys from this stupid rooms, if tomorrow she goes to Saeed in Volgograd, and from there to the city of Makhachkala.

The names of these cities not said Veronica nothing. It has never былва, and was not going to ever go there. Now she just lay there and looked at flying over the hotel gray clouds that threaten to snowfall.

-Heard that leaving tomorrow! — she said.

-Aha! — somehow отершенно said Veronica.

-I told you that "mom" you won't let go! — Vika waited the answer, but not waiting for dialogue, continued. -See more careful!

-And what? asked Veronica.

-Yeah it Shamil temper cool! Be wary!

-Me "mom" again promised to let go, when six months back! — somehow indifferent said Veronica, like myself do not believe in the promises.

-Can, and let go, who knows answered Vika. -Because she promised, because he knows that chance to return from there you can practically no!

-Why is that?! — asked cautiously Vika.

"I'm telling you: that to the Chechen Shamil temper, as from the devil, evil, cool! He women changes as gloves! See, not гневи it!

-Yes why? "said Veronica.

He jealousy can easily throat cut or neck twist, as the chicken! You know how many girls he killed! Killed easy!

Veronica remembered, a fiery temper lammergeyer, manifested them in the sauna, and involuntarily shuddered, imagine what he can do it.

-You sold Shamil! — she said. The debt! Shamil imposed a tribute to all the aid for Chechnya. "Mother," he appointed pay a million bucks. "Mama" money regretted said no, and invited you as a calculation. He's in the sauna and went to the product show. So now you're his property!

-How? "said Veronica. "She told me that I was on a business trip food for six months.

-Yes no, this is not business trip, fool! You have sold in the harem to Shamil, understood?! — smiled Vika.

-And what do I do now? — поинтресовалась Veronica confused.

"I don't know shrugged Vika. -Run!

-With whom? Where?! — Veronica grinned. -I have this Bathrobe, that he gave, the warmest thing in the wardrobe.

-Here Битлер! — informed her of Vika. -That is why I came to tell you! Maybe it's your only chance to escape...

-Битлер!!! — Veronica встрепенула, jumped on the bed. Her heart letters quivered in the breast from love, that all this time smoldering in губине soul. -Where is it?!

-The "mother"! — said the vetch. He came several times until you resorts went. You asked. Fell in love? If you want, I will fix him?!

-Bring Vika, bring them in! prayed Veronica.

Vika got up and went to the exit. At the threshold to open the door. She stopped, as if something else to say.

-I go I won't anymore, she said. -Битлера run, and myself will go. Give him the key. Therefore, we are with you, friend, I do not see you. In any case hardly. Run away you're with him — you can't run away, don't feel see you! Therefore, прощевай. dear!

-Goodbye! sadly said Veronica, it was hard for her to realize what his rescuer, which they always hurt the heart so that he wanted to weep.

"Oh, Yes! I almost forgot! — Vika went back to the bed on which lay Veronique and stuck her headboard few bills. -Here are those four hundred, that I with you, jerked! You're sorry that I'm such a bitch was, and is, I guess!

"Nothing, " said quietly, as if she forgave Veronica.

-I loved you always, mother! As a man, probably loved, jealous, could not let go! And now love! Only now I understand that you can't stay here! Заездят you! Maybe if you come back, "mother" and indeed you go out! And if not?! I know her! Believe me, no one not виделва girls, which was working, so she went. While the "mother" of all juices are choking — lets go! Yes and not let go, and will give a kick in the ass, when she had no value whatever! That's all! And you look how! Such search more! "Mother," you know how much money from you огребла?! All to go mad! Only now said to war is taken, so you can no longer operate abroad! You as a gold mine was! She no prostitute so much money did not bring much you!

-How did you know?! "said Veronica.

-Boasted she администраторше, well, that you кутерьму all started about you, " said Veronica. The something with you several thousands raped, and this to you a million dollars raised! Here and boasted that the toad crushed!

Veronica listened to the truth, which now, in the last hours of her stay in "Cosmos" even now from the Wiki.

-Yes, beautiful, they are you, Veronica, guys! In General, beautiful! This администраторши right talent sacrifice to choose like you!

-So you say! Veronica rose up on her elbow. "So I did them and shouldn?!..

-Of course! — agreed Vika. -You yourself't seen it all a Scam! You got divorced, a mother, as a simpleton provincial, and of simpleton made a prostitute! Yes, and stripped completely removed!

Veronica didn't know what she should do.

Rage has risen to its throat a lump of tears, she was breathing hard, tears welling eyes.

-I'll kill her! she Veronica and repeated. -I'll kill her!

-Okay, I'll go, and then Битлер tired of waiting! — Vika потеребила her hair, then leaned in and gently kissed her lips. Veronica let them, leaning slightly forward its beautiful head on the lovely long neck, feeling the warmth of love, coming from a woman in her heart. Down her again tears. -Прощевай!

At the threshold of Vika was delayed, but now she felt that it will not return.

-Yes, mother! And another thing! — she hesitated, as if had to tell her something very important and could not. -Baby, you're lost then!.. Well, when it посявщение was! You miscarriage was! I'm not wanted to speak, but now I'm saying! You must know this! And who you кромен me to say?! Yes, okay! Well that she is alive then left! I say thank you!..

Veronica почувтсвовала that two bitter flow is even stronger. She choking their bitter tears, already Mae unable to ask nothing. Yes, and that was to ask?! She saw first hand the whole picture!

A child! Her baby! Her little, the most beautiful, the most favourite in the world, the only infinitely dear to her baby, she was to bear and give birth!..

Vika disappeared behind the door.

Mouth Veronica opened in a silent mourning. It all has turned into the mountain.

Chapter 31.

Veronica stared forward into the clearance between the seats, on the road, Dating back to the snowy expanse of gray cloth, sometimes dodging and bending, sometimes straight as an arrow.

First, on its sides were of Ukrainian hamlets and villages with houses from a brick or, rarely, clay houses, white, decorated with blue shutters, with tile roofs, sometimes fresh straw, rarely slate. They were like a picture from a children's book, with разводками gas pipeline network on posts, with neat low заборчиками, and if not on stone columns, with squares sections metal grid or low, only to designate the territory and pallisades of beautiful остроглавых painted plates, then carefully made плетнями.

That car drove into the territory of Russia could not even guess. The landscape outside the window immediately changed. Gray, log, often nod and have sunk in the ground, sometimes gone to the Windows cozy little houses, broken, worn slate roofs, fences long on bare curves посеревших poles with rare, покосвшимися risers, to which they were fastened not the rope, not the wire.

Everywhere caught the eye of neglect and disorder, покинутость like it's not already lived fifty years.

Although Veronica was frightened at what is happening with her, her brain kept thinking of nonsense, he thought.

"Strange, " the girl before she's never been out on the territory of the Russian regions on the machine, and now this contrast, for the seasoned driver became long been familiar and invisible, rushed into her eyes — the same land, the same climatic zone, the same yields the same state! Why such a difference?! Even people of the same: and there, and there on the majority of Russians! What then? Why so?"

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