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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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At first it тряслло only slightly, but when the car drove into the territory of the hotel, fenced along the perimeter fence of the steel rods, she could hardly keep that shiver.

Mercedes drove under the ramp to the lower entrance.

-Get out! — for the first time appealed to her. He was seated next to a Chechen, the one that talked to her at her home.

He pulled himself, and stood, holding open the door, waiting until Veronica.

Saeed was also waiting for her outside. He looked at her with such a look as if he was going to the next second, rend.

I'm sorry you're a woman! I women do not hit! he said and walked down the stairs in the lobby.

Upon seeing him, porters cautiously opened the door.

-Go! ordered Chechen who constantly talked with her, показвая gesture that it follows the Sayyid.

Veronica eyes have darkened, but she pulled herself together and stepped forward, toward the unknown. Legs refused to obey her, as if saying to her: "Тикай! Тикай, girly!".

"Where тикай?! — herself said Veronika feeling some kind of deadly sadness. -Already тикала!"

Chapter 32.

Through a veil of sobbing, душивших her, Veronica saw that someone entered the room.

It was Битлер. He saw Veronica, weeping uncontrollably from some беконечного grief on the bed, naked, in накинутом top men's robe Terry robes, and rushed to her side.


She seemed upset the child, continuing to proceed with tears, held out her hands to him. He put his arm around her and drew.

-What are you doing here?! happily she cried, clinging to him and calming down a bit. -I was thinking all the time about you!

-I came to see my mother and to visit his father's grave! "replied Битлер.

-Take me away from here, help me! prayed Veronica. -I feel bad!

-Let's go! said Битлер. -I bought you till tomorrow night!

He lifted her from the bed.

"But where shall we go?! "said Veronica. -Look at me! Winter outside, but I have no winter clothes! Yes, actually, there is nothing but this stupid robe!

Veronica with hatred threw off its Bathrobe, presented by Shamil instead of ripped them a sundress and remained on the bed naked.

-I have a car at the bottom! said Битлер. -I'll drive to the country house of my friend. It's better than sitting here!

"But what I go? prayed Veronica, painfully, her hands folded.

-Wear it until Bathrobe! — filed his Битлер. On the way we will stop in the currency store! Приоденем you!

Veronica went to the elevators, and then down through the lobby of the hotel, the glass turntables door, wrapped in a large dressing gown, then went out into the cool air of the porch dived in a brand new BMW, which showed Битлер.

-How glad I am you came! — she smiled when they drove off, then pulled to the beloved man, who was sitting behind the wheel, pressed her to his shoulder. I wanted to say, only to not find the moment. And then the fate of separated us...

-And what? he asked, touching his eyebrows, but watching the road.

-I love you, Sasha! "Veronica as she never and no one spoke. -I love you!

Битлер stopped the car at the gate at the exit from the territory of the hotel and looked at it as something very strange, long and carefully.

"I love you too! 'he said at last.

-Really? "said Veronica. "Then why do you not say this before?

-Why aren't you say!? "he asked.

Veronica looked gaze.

-I thought that to you, I am nothing mean! — finally answered it.

"But why do you say that now?! surprised Битлер.

Because tomorrow I'm going to the Caucasus, in Chechnya! — curled her lips Veronica. -I was sold into slavery Chechen field commander! 'll outdoorsy field wife!

-It's impossible! — shouted Битлер. -We are civilized people!..

"Hey, take me away from here! prayed Veronica. -I don't want to Caucasus, I don't want some kind of Chechnya, I don't want to war, don't want to be anyone's wife, to then, one day, me in a fit of anger or jealousy demolished dagger head! Take me away to England!

Битлер turned his head back backpedaled and drove up to the entrance of the hotel.

-Sit in the car! I now! he told her and disappeared behind четырехлопастными doors, but всорке returned, and it was obvious that things are not so good.

"She won't you give! helplessly and outraged shrugged Битлер. "Listen!" Right something strange! You know how much it for you requested?!

A million dollars! she guessed Veronica. -But do you not have such money? Pay her for me to give me freedom! You're a rich man!

Битлер shrugged:

-Millliona dollars cash I have not and never was!

-Well, what about this holiday in Italy?! "said Veronica. -Rent a yacht?! Luxury room with sea view?! Breakfast, lunch and dinner in the restaurant?! And all these countless excursions?! You spent on me a week more than a hundred thousand dollars!

-I financier! — Битлер grinned. -In the West and in Russia, the notion of a million dollars varies greatly! I make money by referring other people's assets, investing and реинвестирую, create all new дерривативы and derivatives! I do income that can be obtained million dollars, using only a virtual one million dollars!

-How is this?! has not understood it Veronika, feeling that Битлер bears some nonsense.

-This is a very long time to explain! — Битлер shook his head. -For this I studied for many years! But I'll try to tell you in a nutshell! In Russia, the notion of a million dollars is a suitcase stuffed with cash! So think of it here! This country cave and cave approach to money! Everything here, even the current Russian capitalists, in the past the same Communists and Komsomol members, inherited the concept of money from the antediluvian, obsolete, cave-utopian teachings of Marx! In the West a million dollars — a single sum. This is not a cache, you know?! I use the money, which I can't touch it, and this money is not even belong to me! I can't make millions of dollars, with which I have been working in the cash! It's not even my money! All that belongs to me, this interest with this million, a gain on yours, that I can earn, net of the value of money, you know?! Roughly speaking, I take someone's money temporarily for some interest, and sell the same money, temporarily, for a lot of interest, and the difference lay in my pocket! But this is a very primitive explanation!

Битлер looked upset person Veronica, who could not understand him.

-I paid for the yacht, for гостницу, restaurant! — he tried to explain доходчивее. -Yes, I spent over a hundred thousand! But! These were not the cash! It was only my promise, you know! If I paid cash, would have stayed without pants!

According to Veronica was visible only to the fact that her hopes for Битлера were crumbling before our eyes.

"Well, and how you made for me bail of one million dollars when I left you without a bodyguard, without a Saida, in Palermo?! she asked, already weak and hopelessly.

-In cash! — admitted as a financier. -As made bail and now, today!

-Well! So here! How?! Thou them in from it?! 'couldn't understand Veronica. Then why didn't you buy me a freedom from the slavery?!

Is the money, which I don't! — Битлер sought out the concepts easier to convey to Veronica essence of her богатсва, more by similar, in essence, a soap bubble. -I'm taking the Bank into temporary order!.. Even not so! Is an operational credit Bank, which is controlled by me, but which I do not own! You know, banks give дург other short-term loans for covering the deficit of the balance of payments, replenishment of liquidity... I'm sorry, for those terms! I try to explain as simply as possible. Well, then have a loan overnight, there are кроссдэй. I sit on the cash flow of the Bank, that is passing me by the river of money. There flowing billions of dollars! So, what I отщипываю for a few days, a small amount, say, one million dollars, no one noticeable...

-Well, отщипни and pay for me! — Veronica's eyebrows naively took off.

-But it is invisible, when I deduce money from the stream for a day, for up to three! And then, I лавирую between lines of credit. You saw, as in Palermo I several times a day to sit at the laptop and do something! I closed overnight and immediately took кроссдэй. These loans are rather expensive; therefore, the maximum duration of which I can afford is three days. Then I return the amount in cash flow because the pay interest for the use of it with my salary, I can only during such period of the loan, and quietly make interest for use of credit. If I don't восполню percentage of the Bank, will lack of liquidity, the Bank money is lost, will not balance! Commence proceedings, and, eventually, come to me! I would lose my job. Get it?! And if financier loses his job because he was caught on such frauds, never could find her! Of course, I could pay your mistress of a bill of exchange Bank with high liquidity, which, in which case, she easily could turn into cash. I would not risk and the interest is not paid. But she notes are not acknowledges requires only cash. So I have to go to the machinations to spend time with you and to deliver you from its yoke of slavery even in this short time! I am seeing what you do!

-Thank you! — Veronica suddenly leaned to Битлеру and understandable only to her gratitude snuggled up to him, embarrassed and equally powerless before the "mother"as she was. Now it wasn't a huge financial воротила what it seemed to her before, and almost an ordinary man that just could turn their financial knowledge and skills in the money and it lived. -Now I love you even more than before, when I thought that you all pockets full of dollars...

-But what to do now? I don't want you took them in Chechnya! — he said.

-How much can you give me the cash right now?! — she asked.

"Well, fifty thousand! Believe me, that is all I have! — he answered.

"I'll talk to her! Veronica pulled the handle of the car door and turned to him. In the end, it's arrogance! I had her all to fifty thousand!

-Veronika! — called to it Битлер, but she was already moving through a snowstorm to the entrance of "Space" in the same robe Terry robes on a naked body. The wind stirred his floors, and passers-by with astonishment looked at her обнажающуюся with each gust up to the waist figure. He got out of the car and ran after her, but caught up with her just in front of the Elevator.

"Where is she? — Veronica asked, adjusting распахнувшийся Bathrobe, exposing her figure, and trembling more from nervous excitement than from the cold.

-In the office! "replied Битлер, pressing the call button for the Elevator.

Veronica knew this office! There she first saw "Mammy". Rapidly breaking a few transitions she burst into it like she was ready to give the decisive battle or, at least, to stuff as it should, insolent face a vile woman.

"Mother" was sitting in the company администраторши, they smoked, and both are very surprised at the appearance of Veronica in one coat unbuttoned, accompanied by Битлера.

-I was fifty thousand dollars! — said Veronika from the doorway, pushing open the door. -Why my release you require with Битлера million?!

-What do you think, Lada?! — with a blank arrogance told her "mom", a long waited for this issue. -Money is money! On your duty to falling interest!

-What interest?! "said Veronica. -And stop, finally, call me Lada! My name is Veronica, understand?!

"Oh, look how we talking! threatening raised tone, "Mama." -Wow! In the presence of the gentleman has grown bolder?! So he's here, in Russia, no one to call, and it's impossible to understand? I here, in Moscow, the сцапать I can be naughty! And he knows it!

-I worked you a million dollars! — продолжада Veronica, paying no attention to her words. -A million!!! You me not a penny paid for! Everything was taken away! Even clothes! I had only fifty thousand dollars! You none of your prostitute so much money did not bring much as I! I worked honestly, to what we say! According to my calculations, I already gave you my duty, whatever they may be!

It doesn't matter what you think! Gave the debt! going on "Mama" so frankly, that involuntarily listening to it it was possible to think that Veronica indeed it should. -Your debt more and grew up! I've already explained how much money you spent! What? If you complain?! To whom?! she laughed, leaned back. -Битлеру?! IN THE UN?! "Mama" and администраторша wound up they, and Veronica realized: they stoned. His study was a specific smell out. Proving anything to her was useless.

-How much? — Veronica asked, suddenly hopelessly сникнув, realizing that in some mysterious, incomprehensible way was entirely in the power of this woman could now assign its freedom any sum wanted from the ceiling.

-A million! — being serious and evil replied "mom".

Is a mess! no longer Veronica. -I never paid! Why a million?! To the resorts had a million, and now, when I already принелса you a million on a silver platter, again a million! I, your property?!

-Yes! — nodded her head дурашливо folded tube lips, "Mama."

The conversation was ended in complete defeat. Veronica went out of the office.

-When you leave?! she asked the Битлера.

-Tomorrow! From Sheremetyevo! — he answered.

"So we see each other one last time?! — in the face of Veronica tears.

-Well, why not! — he answered. -We still have time till tomorrow night!

-No! — Veronica shook her head and went to his room, then looked around, puzzled stood in the midst of a corridor Битлеру. Go on, take it a million! If you will ask, tell them that I don't want to sleep with you!

She walked away, then stopped, she turned back to him and said:

"Will you stay with me here in my room! I want you!

All night Veronica were in desperate sex like she wanted to eat Битлера entirely, completely turn his body in the seed and absorb all of the remainder.

Now she knew from the Wiki, why not get pregnant, although no предохранялась contrary требованниям mother. She had all this time had some kind of spontaneous desire to "fly"! Though from someone! It was all the same! But nothing came out, and now, when Vika told her about the miscarriage, she knew that she would hardly be able to do this.

If she could, she would become pregnant now from Битлера simply because really loved him, and wanted to give birth to his child, a boy. In the secret надежле the miracle Веронка all night passionately, самоотвержено copulated with him.

Under the morning Битлер tired of passion and her skillful game and calmed down beside her.

-If I run away, you will take me with you in London?! asked Veronica.

-You have even no passport! sadly, he noted. While abroad!

-All the same! she continued. -I run away! Hide me in your suitcase! Buy the big suitcase! I get there, and you send me the Luggage! In England landed in a suitcase!

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