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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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-Can you imagine what it is? surprised Битлер. -It is cold in the Luggage compartment! This is not a passenger cabin! You can just freeze when flying! You can discover! Besides, baggage, thrown haphazardly, you can download a ton of other people's things and just crush it!

-All the same! concluded Veronica. -Better to let crush, than to endure this!

-Well, well! agreed, suddenly Битлер. -Flight to London, from Sheremetyevo, tomorrow, in twenty-two zero zero. I buy a suitcase more plastic so that you aren't crushed, and some warm clothes. Here not to beauty, I think, Telogreyka, cotton pants and thick шертсяные socks will do. I'll wait for you in the Airport building, in the lobby, where comes Aeroexpress with Савеловксого station.

-Well! — Veronica replied, already hatching a plan to escape. -I get to Sheremetyevo by herself! And now you're in the morning take the money and go away, as if at all, understood?!

-Only If you do not come, Veronica, " said Битлер, I'll fly away... Without you...

-Well! resolutely she said. -I will! Wait!..

Early in the morning until I went Битлер, she called Garik with phone of rooms: while in the room she had a client, for his convenience connection is not disconnected.

-Garik! — said Veronika heard a sleepy voice армяна. -Wait for you for lunch!

"Listen, sweetheart! Expensive in "Cosmos" dinner!" You know! I havent so much!

I'll give your four hundred доллров! she said Veronica. -Be four!

-Really?! — Garik even voice changed, he suddenly woke up. -Well, wait, dear!

Veronica chosen from the remaining rags dress decently and accompanied by a young boy-a Chechen went down to the hotel restaurant for lunch.

"Don't eat! — warned her guard. -Six you said will come!

Veronica glanced around the room and found a table, behind which was already Garik, not only expecting it as the promised money. He sat with a Cup of coffee. Veronica went to him and sat down, pretending not to know the taxi driver:

— "Hello! Can you land?!

Garik glanced at her, then at the young guard and took the game:

-Yes, please, my dear! For such a beautiful girl I have always freely!

The waiter came up, Veronica made the order, and began to wait, when it will bring. The guard stood beside her, and she is now feverishly thinking how to get rid of it.

Listen, kid! called to him Veronica. -Come on, I'll order something!

-No! No! Thank you! — waved his arms a Chechen. -I'm on duty!

-Yes, Oh, come on! "said Veronica. "You think I enjoy eating when you're here as a guard over me stand for! Even in prison, so don't eat!

Her words took effect, and in ten minutes the guard was eating at a nearby table Veronica ordered him lagman. Now she could speak.

-Where is the money, honey? asked Garik first.

-To give the Sheremetyevo! — процедила Veronica, bow over the plate.

Garik realized that she wants to run away, but, apparently, decided to help her for the money.

-Half now! "he said, glancing at увлекшегося food security guard.

Veronica moved him on the table two hundreds of bills, although she knew that Garik can throw, but untill had to risk: haggle there was no time.

-And for lunch today you pay! — the taxi driver said, picked up dollars and stood, preparing to leave. -Wait for you fifteen minutes under the ramp, then leave!

When Garik disappeared from view, Veronika a few minutes lazily поковырялась in the plate, then stood up and went.

-Where? — asked the guard, broke away from the food.

-The ladies ' room! — confused his Veronica, and turned to the waiter, saying. -The boy still lagman, please, some dessert and drink. On my account!

Improving the moment when the guard is looking at it, Veronica jumped out of the restaurant, slowly passed through the lobby, past the администраторши, which articulates the group of clients, as well slowly entered in the chopper, which table улце porter.

Veronica imagined that nobody sees, and therefore we must do everything quietly, because if you start мельтешить, everyone's going to pay me, and understand that this escape.

On the street was a big tourist bus, and from it left the tourists. Garik with his car. Veronica from resentment filled with tears, and she, realizing that he deceived her, turned her back to the entrance to stand in one dress was cold.

"Hey, sweetheart! -окрикнул her voice Garik, выглядывавшего of the bus.

She turned back to the voice, walked slowly bus and immediately rushed headlong into the car, shivered from the cold.

"I specifically for the bus stood up to me have not noticed! explained Garik. -In Sheremetyevo, you mean?!

-In Sheremetyevo! — confirmed Veronica. -Click on all cylinders! Hurry!

-Uh! Here next! — успокил her taxi driver. Traffic jams are not, in half an hour'll be there!

In Sheremetyevo-1 Veronica gave at the entrance Garik the remaining two hundred dollars.

-Don't tell anyone! "she warned him.

-Yes, I'm that sick?! — has shrugged shoulders Garik, taking in his pocket money. -Running, whether that sweetheart?! he said after.

-Listen, Garik! And I thee in Sumy wanted to kill! — he said Veronica.

Garik stopped and sat there, shocked recognition.

Veronica was out of the car in her summer dress, and ran into the entrance of the terminal, swept to the top floor, in the end of the long hall which was the entrance to the station Aeroexpress.

Битлера she recognized from afar by huge suitcase, which was with him. He rushed to her happily, like a boy.

-Sasha! No time to let about packing! — suspended him angrily Veronica.

They went to the platforms of Aeroexpress, boarded the train, which soon went to Moscow.

In the car was empty. Under the ceiling in the center of the salon television.

They settled on chairs, Битлер revealed a huge suitcase, where pulled on his jacket, underwear, cotton pants, socks, boots and hat cap.

"Get dressed! he said Veronica. One hour will be at the Savyolovsky railway station.

Veronica put off from himself the dress, pulled полушерстяное underwear, then pants with фуфайкой, boots and hat. In this dress, she was like a гллупого, but very beautiful teenage boy, стонкими, youthful, almost girlish even features безусого person.

Dressed to Veronica began with злостю trample her dress, then ripped him to shreds. After that, she sat down and began to look at the проплыващие past the lights metropolis.

-Soon come! — looked at his watch Битлер. -Need to delve into the suitcase!

Veronica turned to him from the window. In her eyes was something strange, not anxiety, not fear: a plan to escape to England with a suitcase was truly horrific.

"You scared?! asked Битлер.

Veronica paused a little, as if he were going with the spirit, and then said:

-Sasha! Worse, of the life from which I run to me there is no nothing!

Then she stood up and ordered him a glance at the suitcase:

"Open up!

Битлер opened the case in the centre of the car, where there was no chair. Veronica entered into him, sat down and settled, they minimize curl up. Битлер helped sweetheart to fit in the limited scope of the plastic boxes.

When the train stopped smoothly from the deaf apron Savyolovsky railway station, from him among the few who arrived in Moscow passengers went Битлер. He hardly moved оромный and heavy suitcase on the platform, and had got it on wheels to the building behind the departed forward companions.

You know how much extra pay? "she took on the scales baggage girl. -And you custom pass it!

-What's in a suitcase?! asked, coming таможенница.

-A very valuable cargo! "replied Битлер.

What, exactly?! — not appeased woman.

-Your documents! — Битлер filed a diplomatic passport. -Examination can not be!

-Not subject not subject! "upset таможеница. -And why so much?!

Битлер shrugged:

-Diplomatic mail! — and turned to взвешивавшей suitcase girl. -How much should I!

Soon suitcase weighed and paid out across the conveyor towards the window, which has rubber ribbons, and Битлер cried in addition:

"You be careful with email! Very tender documentation!

In an hour he was back in the Sheremetyevo and wait for invitation for registration on the flight to London.

-As there are now Veronica? thought Битлер, sipping coffee in the airport cafe.

Chapter 33.

Veronica't believe her eyes. She again saw these perfect, but cold, repulsive from her soul halls and corridors, halls, lobbies, lifts and corridors. Only now it was even more strange than before. She would never come back here on their own. It was like a bad, incorrect de жавю: the same as it was a few months ago, the same people: duty, porter, porters, cleaners, кастелянши, the same meeting and seeing off guests arriving and departing one and the whole tourist groups, only it here in a worse quality than then: not arrived by the will of man with him in Moscow unnecessary here to anyone girl, and brought terrible "Czechs" runaway.

"God, Hippopotamus! Why did you take me with him to Moscow-then dragged her?! — escaped Veronica cry inside of her soul, рванувший heart of steel claws tribulation. -see, that with me now!"

Well, in fact, that have the capital to the bandits and schemers from it?! Why they brought from home in this hotel, which she already hated?!

Veronica for a moment she closed her eyes. The circumstances of life, in which she appeared, were so improbable, so unreal, as if from another life of a gangster movie, invented Director crazy, that she thought that if she carefully, so that it hurt глзам, squint, all this obsession will disappear! All this was not about her, another story! She didn't want to be part of this!

Veronica did so. She shut her eyes really, really, painfully in мыщцах, in order to feel that it does. In the eyes in the darkness, went yellow and blue circles, blurring and pulsating. It seemed that she was going to jump from a gust of efforts and wishes into some other dimension where she lived happily and carefree, and parted from this nightmare.

"You what, monkey faces корчишь?! interrupted her impulse voice Chechen.

"Cunt you, girl!" — frankly admitted to myself Veronica, opening my eyes. It was not a show-off before him, it was a Frank analysis of the situation. She had not moved, nothing around vanished like a bad dream and again she realized that reality — heavy lifting thing just by not передвинишь and that will not change.

Veronica was led in a spacious office with a large window, with a large table in the centre, with Seating on both walls. At the table sat a friend Veronica администраторша.

Veronica thought that now rushing into her, will do something bad to cry out. But the woman only looked at her for a moment, as the next thing on its konveere and ordered заведшим her Chechens:

-Search of her!

Her unceremoniously stripped down to the bare bra and underwear, roused by the chair of her purse, which as always was full of stuff.

Among all the junk attention of the young Chechen, who was involved in her handbag attracted thick, short tube of dollars: Veronica took with them all of its currency, realizing that leave her home was silly. Chechen took the bundle of three fingers of высыпанного pile on the chair seat content, brought to the table and laid it before администраторшей.

Almost four thousand dollars! said Veronica. -Take and we even!" This is all I have!

Администраторша picked up the bundle, покрутила, removed his gum, counted currency. For some time she was silent, as if thinking, and Veronica seemed that the issue has been exhausted: it really was a fortune.

-I pay, as a penalty! she said администраторша clear and cold.

-What is the penalty?! was amazed and protested Veronica, feeling that insatiable greed of this woman eating all her savings, like a sandwich, threaten freedom despite the fact that she gave her all that she had.

-Penalty for escape! explained администраторша. -And you, Бегетова Veronica, still I must now this amount!

She drew on a piece of paper a number and passed through the young Chechen Veronica.

The girl looked at a piece of paper:

-Fifty thousand?! was amazed and scared at the same time it. -I должнва you fifty thousand dollars?!

Администраторша pursing his lips, closing his eyelids, silently nodded her head.

Inside Veronica something breaks, as if dropped and shattered like glass its crystal slipper. She wanted to scream, to do something violent, grab a hold , rushing across the table in impudent face this vile aunt, but only started crying of impotence. Took all that was a fortune with which Ukraine could live, not knowing grief, for several years, and she was still must, should much bigger than that, that she had and gave.

Veronica knew that explain something now, try to appeal to conscience or that there is this aunt, it was absolutely useless.

-I have no more money! "she said. -The truth! I gave you everything that was!

-Well, first of all, do not give! the official администраторша. "If you then gave me the money, you're then even less was, I think, администраторша squinted, strumming of themselves justice in that, then perhaps I would be satisfied even with this amount...

But where fifty thousand dollars?! "exclaimed Veronica. -Have you any idea, what is money?! Yes, the money can probably half of your purchase!

Администраторша grinned at her assumption.

-Well, girl, say, not half! And you interrupted me! — she leaned forward and massive Breasts налегла on the polished mahogany table cover. -I don't like when I interrupt!.. Secondly, as I stopped, I have no reason to knock them off to you this sum and cents! You know how much the guys that you brought?! Damn expensive! They're looking for damn long! Plus, the room still for you! You do not passed! So, pay!

What?!! "exclaimed Veronica wringing her hands in despair. She realized that her aunt won't let go just like that, and these thousands of dollars which took, and for that were a condition for администраторши so, zilch, nothing pocket expenses.

Администраторша leaned back in my chair, and then отъехало back under her heavy carcass.

I don't know! This is your problem! In General! — she took a pen and began pounding it on the table. "I give you until tomorrow! You live in your room, подумешь, remember! Call relatives!..

"My parents — workers! They kind of money during their whole life will not earn!

Администраторша paused, waiting, when Veronica stop getting upset.

"I told you that you did not interrupt me! she reminded. -do you second comment! Now, you live until tomorrow in room, think, may be you remember, who can give you money! Tomorrow, the next day, she glanced at the watch — twenty-three thirty we will meet in this room again. Clear?

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