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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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-Well, okay! — falsely уязвленны voice I ended the conversation, and, deciding not to try the patience of fate, he summoned all his books and положл them back in the cupboard.

At night I overcame unusually deep sleep. My shift fell on the second half of the night. My companion awakened me, awakened, Yes not добудил, as follows, and without awakening finally, I fell asleep again. Yes, and from what was to happen: the impact of sleepless nights.

The morning came to the barracks for inspection carrying outfit service our morale officer of the division. It was a great surprise, because we have long ago no one checked. And he found the outfit completely asleep.

Zampolit woke duty battery, and he raised us, then he numbered the people in the rooms. It turned out that there is no place to nine people. The zampolit was not long to understand, raise замкомвзводов, find out who did not night in the barracks, but simply saying duty: "You see, Sergeant, misses nine people! Morning report battalion commander, who was excommunicated", — turned and went back to bed home.

In the morning the commander was, of course, furious. Now, just before the release, so terrible spot formed on the reputation of our battery, only-only began straightening things with discipline.

We took off the dress and together with самовольщикми put before a battle. They gathered together the entire division.

-Here, look at that!" — разгоряченно said, almost shouting, взмахиивая hands in our стоону, комнадир division. Future lieutenants, this future officers, in the future, the platoon commanders, through nearly two months to come to the troops, will command and require them to be subject to it! You me, товрищи cadets standing here in the line, sorry, of course but I will answer this оболтусам briefly and simply, in Russian: fuck you guys...

Then he spoke about something about abstract concepts is about remembering the military honour and giving examples from life and the Charter, waving at us in front of the faces and splashing in all directions angry saliva, but finished his accusatory eloquent tirade quite prosaic and humdrum:

-Shame, shame such cadets. They will be severely punished. The commander of the battery with the day of dismissal in the battery to stop, I mean in the night and weekend, on a system of batteries, swept the murmur of indignation and discontent. "Yes, " replied the commander of the division, отвеччая on this buzz cadet of the vote-and on Saturdays and holidays, well, the holidays we had not planned, but on holidays too, dismissal for your battery reduced to a minimum. I did say how many people can go away. You understand, comrade commander of the battery?

"Yes, comrade Colonel, " replied senior Lieutenant Лshoemakerн.

-Behold, very well. Outfit standing tonight and allowed unauthorized отлучку punish, comrade senior Lieutenant, with the greatest severity. Of course, the worst distribution to them, this is it, nine and along!

And here we were in the office of the commander of the battery, with drooping head and listening to the General part of the notation. Listen to accusations it was unpleasant, but the main thing was yet to come: the commander will speak with each separately, one by one, and him only shall say what punishment he applies to him or come up with then. And there hold on!

And so it happened. After a General notation, senior Lieutenant Лshoemakerн expelled us from the office of the in the corridor and then one began to appear. This was the procedure, щекочущая nerves. Everyone went away silently, scowling, and so withdrew. Avoiding to answer questions not yet experienced, and the commander, not letting herself, immediately caused the next.

Now it's my turn to go into the office. The commander sat, sitting back in his padded chair, holding out his legs, throwing one arm over the back of the seat, and the second holding a cigarette burning. All kind of it was to inspire setting, probably, that he's a cat, and the one who comes, a mouse caught in his paws, and now he is going to with this mouse to play, until you get tired and sweat Ohm throw away, throw it, wrinkled and полудохлую out.

For me, however. the pose of the battalion of special impression is not made, because to lose something to me especially, unlike the others, was something and nothing. All that was possible to lose, I have lost and now he was calm, like a boa constrictor.

Kombat, inидимо, noticed that his posture for me not too convincing, and therefore, probably, started from afar. Although, perhaps, he won't notice, and I just had overestimated his ability to understand people.

Yakovlev, don't you think that you lately I strongly примелькался? he asked with a sly and evil eyes narrowed, and the second looking at the brought a cigarette in his mouth, and making a deep puff.

'I think, ' replied I, for some reason, though not wanted to answer, and my head was down by itself. Perhaps Imалодушничал, and it was not in my favor.

-So I think so, " replied the commander. -Erase. First, you were the midnight. You seem then ran AWOL or not returned in time of dismissal, — it doesn't matter, because your командирои platoon was waiting for you almost until morning. Times? Times! Then you invented a woman, deceived the duty of the school that you in good fathers, the choice Lieutenant Швабрину, who is not like you let go, and quite rightly, put him in an awkward position the same duty officer at the school, making it what is called a fool, then went on leave for the night, hotI duty of the school has no right to allow you dismissal. To release you can only battery commander or platoon, but not always, well, in very extreme cases, when desperately need, and the responsible officer, which remains in the battery but again, if he deems necessary. Lieutenant Швабрин not consider it necessary to let you go in dismissal so you went to him to complain to, and to whom?! The emergency at school! This is ridiculous! But still, that's two.

Лshoemakerн twisted second pale and her hand holding the cigarette.

-I never went to complain, comrade senior Lieutenant, " I said again what had once explained to him, but to no avail-and Lieutenant Швбрин himself was sent to the emergency at school because, as he put it, can't let go of me in dismissal.

"Shut up, Yakovlev, quiet, interrupted me commander, -I'm not talking about the fact that, by law, you're supposed to because you're late of dismissal, as well as for unauthorized отлучку, held criminally liable, not stand here in front of me and apologized. We are accustomed to playing at spillikins, all the children you believe, and for a long time already required by law to ask. Earned term IDN Motel him, and no talking. Then would immediately and discipline the other became, and violators would be very little, because half would be planted, and the second would calm down, glancing at first. We'll all regret it! Why, soldiers all the same: people on the officers came to learn, have chosen a difficult profession, and their planting! And to plant, because the oath you have taken, and pledged not to violate. You all here are a conscripts. Immediate Noah! That is, the same soldiers. And come here mainly not after the army, and with the citizen, after school, from the mother's skirts. We are with you here цацкаемся, Yes that's the end of the same слюнтяями came, and most выпрускается... Well, okay! Stand you in the dress отбываешь, so to say, a punishment from the commander of the battery. And in the same outfit asleep himself and admit nursing people of the barracks, that should, on the contrary, prevent! Three!.. You see, how many have you done Affairs, just in the last two weeks?! And it's good that in three NIS whom nothing had happened! And I would have to go to prison on duty in the first place, and maybe I am, but I would not sit! I would like you, cattle, then just be killed, that's all! It would be even beyond that sit!

In the office there was another awkward silence. I was uncomfortable, and I didn't know where to go from his sight.

Why the silence, Yakovlev? wearily suddenly asked the commander.

-And what can I say? — I asked.

"Indeed," quite thesame apologetically agreed senior Lieutenant Лshoemakerн, with you everything is clear.

He hesitated for a moment, making a couple of deep puffs, thought, looking somewhere past me, and then said:

-Well, what blood you I drank enough for these four years. I have nothing more I forget. You'll try also not to forget, moreover, that time is not so much left to me sclerosis came clear to you?!.. Well, now go.

I was crushed and broken, as if I drove all night water. With dress me. Of course was removed and sent half asleep in class. Well, that was self-preparation for state exams, and I immediately went to sleep on the last row. The conscience has not been able to overcome sleep.

Chapter 12.

What you promised me Kombat, happened very quickly. Even 't have to wait long.

In the morning me attire was removed, and in the afternoon I was standing in the office in front command a battalion.

Yakovlev, and where your bayonet? his question threw me in bewilderment.

-Where? 't understand I have a trick that I was prepared. "I gave it to a new duty battery, Sergeant Slutsky.

-Not щнаю, I don't know. Thy bayonet-knife in the Armoury room no. And he's not written off. Follow his search.

-Yes, but I gave it to his new duty battery, I said.

-Where it is fixed? Where an entry in the book of reception and delivery of weapons, that you own a bayonet returned?

-Nowhere else. I just gave up, because in a hurry to class, " I said, starting to think where tends to combat. -New dress didn't have weapons, and they asked bayonet-knives with us.

"And you gave her a knife?

-Yes, he gave, and how

-Well, here's what he gave, and come back. Go, look for where you want. your bayonet-knife no dress, no oruzheyka. He's not written off.

He paused and added, officially:

-Go seek, comrade cadet, think where he might be. Time I give you until tomorrow morning. Tomorrow I'm writing the report to appoint an investigation if a knife is not found and you will pay moreover, according to the order of mMinister of defense, remember ноер order?.. Now, according to that order, you will be charged the tenfold value for the loss of weapons.

"Why, comrade senior Lieutenant? — I protested.

-Yes, because you got it under a list, you must have been under a list to pass. You have not. And then you say that someone is guilty. Blame but you and your personal carelessness.

-Well, ask the officer on duty, comrade senior Lieutenant, ask duty battery, handed him I bayonet or not was taking. He will confirm that I gave him a bayonet this damned give.

-Here there and deny it. I asked him. He knows nothing.

-As so, I gave him?!

I don't know. Sort it out with him. And I VMS task set. Do you understand me?

He looked at me a long look, which was not a drop of sympathy, but it was well hidden malicious joy.

I got out of канцеларии and immediately met Sergeant Slutsk, who gave his bayonet-knife

-Listen, — I said to him, I'll in the morning gave a bayonet. You don't know where he is now?

-You give me nothing left, " replied Slutsk and I was immediately confused his "I". At the end of hетвертого course none ержант not applied for a student to "you", as well as the back. And here — for you, a few hours ago, when we passed him the outfit, he spoke very differently.

-As it is not the left? — I was amazed.

-And that's it! All have put a bayonet-knives into the pyramid, and you come?

"Well, it was my bayonet-knife put in the pyramid for me? Is it really that hard to do, even more so. That I wear with his left.

-I have other things to do much. Onbefore it was all weapons are counted, the order of the show. That to me only, what with your bayonet run? You even didn't tell anyone, no one warned, where you threw it away

"Yeah, already "you". Much better," I thought. I couldn't shake the feeling that he knows where my a bayonet, but he, because he was warned and intimidated. Rather, warned and intimidated. And it's probably the work of the battalion.

"It's strange, how come you took outfit with a lack of one bayonet-knife and not reported to the battalion commander?

-I say, time for me, running, collecting bayonet knives your. Who has come and passed himself, I wrote off. Are you in the hearth of themal that will take your bayonet-knife after class, when you come to the barracks.

-Yes, but why do you then decided that I was lost and reported to the battalion commander?

My question explicitly caught him off guard. He did not know that same to me to answer, and then suddenly gave:

-Listen, or rather, listen, comrade cadet, stop, first фамильярничать, and, secondly, get away with their гллупыми issues. I have a bayonet your not take it, it did not lose. You have lost themselves and seek.

I realized that to speak with him, to no avail.

-Listen, Slutsk, the resentment and anger spoke in me, if I ever know that you're involved in the disappearance of the bayonet-knife, then you'll be sorry. I then you from under the earth get it!

Slutsk not taken my call, though one tone of my voice was worth it to try to fill me in the face, and especially that he was not flimsy.

I turned around and went to look for the missing, hot was firmly convinced that he had long rests in the safe at комнадира battery, taken advantage of my небдительностью. He promised to take revenge on me, that's his revenge.

Naturally, that search for my no results, although I, just in case, searched the whole room. In vain I looked into all the corners, under cabinets, vain sought and under the pyramids for weapons, and in the nightstand дневального, still hoping that the LDI not so cowardly and low as I think about them.

On other people's rooms I watch did not dare: perhaps it will seem ridiculous, but I was afraid that I might write some more and theft, if омбат and Slutsk, and he was probably conjointly vile "six", see me there and compute for me and adjust such козню. Hit upon the same walk off I-bayonet! Well, okay, my loss I paid, but if you make me a thief in the eyes of the whole battery, it will be a thousand times worse. Scat it, this bayonet-knife!"

Che more I thought, recalled the events of the morning, the stronger became strong in the opinion that everything happened for a reason and this attempt to annoy me, teach him a lesson. The duty does not know where the bayonet, дневальные (its the same like the boys!) my questions answer something невразумителное, and so it reluctantly, carelessly, but at the same time, apologetically, and generally try to be silent.

When the thought that I can't cheated, has become stronger in me completely then I began to realise that I do now.

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