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Armageddon Of The Lucifer

31.08.2018 — 31.08.2018
Mother Earth underwent terrible invasion. The terrible Empire of stelzan brought down the overwhelming power on a fragile blue sphere, and heavy chains of slavery, appear, forever held down all mankind. But the guerrilla movement without watching total terror, is not going to lay down arms. Lev Eraskander, and a small group of persons developing in themselves paranormal abilities became new hope of resistance. The challenge of space tyranny is thrown down. The way to a victory is difficult and long. Film!
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Konoradson logically answered:

— The last is excluded! Stelzana are rather clever to understand that the death of the Senior senator will entail such investigation that the governor and his accomplices will be not just removed, and will criminally punish, having made an extreme point. So rectilinearly they will not risk...

The unexpected alarm signal tore off the phrase of a wise zorg. Two very large starprobe vehicles of an unknown design appeared on thirty to the three-dimensional hologram. They on limit, (it is even surprising that by nbsp; Kramar picked up Dashingly and reliably packed in an invisible chain armor.

so already learned to disperse out of stelzana hyper space) speeds approached absolutely small forwarding starprobe vehicle of zorg. The ship of diamond constellation, however, inside is incomparably more spacious, than, it seems outside, in it the whole palace where it is possible to lodge freely the population of the solid settlement. Even detained by meticulous check, he all the same would be in time, be at his owner such desire, to go to a hyper jump. In the hyper drive the starprobe vehicle pierces another dimensions, the set doing quasimaterial almost any substance because in hyper space it is impossible to conduct military operations. All space battles come after an exit from a hyper jump. Near huge, traditionally predatory form of starprobe vehicles the swarm of smaller fighters of the class "Eaglets" and "Photon" span. Suddenly all small Egyptian vultures disappeared in cases of enormous space submarines, space gross battle ships bristled up force fields. Of course, the low-tonnage starprobe vehicle of the Senior senator only by sight seemed defenseless. Zorg effortlessly could bring down the ships of the opponent or go to the forced hyper jump. Animals having felt danger, screeched, and krylata of a small fish having left a meal directed to the magnificent, playing purely decorative role chandelier, having stuck around the hieroglyphs of bulbs covered with precious kamenye.

— You should not react! Let the first blow will be struck by the opponent! — the imer Konoradson ordered the Misinformation.

Starprobe vehicles came to a distance of direct defeat and brought down violent falls of hyper plasma balls of fire. The gifts bearing in themselves explosive energy of billions of atomic bombs flashed and right there died away, having got in trans-time (capable to change the period course) a force field. Multimegaton charges seemed the harmless crackers looking not so much threateningly how many it is beautiful. Dozen of fighters as the devil from a snuffbox jumped out of a belly and joined senseless firing. It even slightly surprised the Senior senator.

— Really our opponents are so silly? They have in the head a vacuum?

Suddenly starprobe vehicles of the opponent executed a bend, and from predatory bellies two hundred-meter akulopodobny lethal cars took off. Promptly dispersing so even the vacuum behind them gleamed an orange haze, megarockets synchronously jerked, slightly without having reached an impenetrable force field. Explosion was so strong that the starprobe vehicle of zorg tested severe concussion. Numerous animals were hit from legs, some crashed into a wall which on their happiness automatically became elastic and soft as if a trampoline. But as these animals peeped for fear, and couple of pineapple jellyfishes even burst out crying in three streams. Cries of harmless beings were heard:

— This superdestruction, infernal drakonist came!

Cascades of elementary particles, the broken-off preonn and quarks, having reflected from the field, generated flash, similar to a supernew star. On the fighting power the rocket could spray on photons and scatter on a galaxy a star body the sizes about the planet the Neptune. The reflected stream of elementary particles reached the opponent, having struck the attacking starprobe vehicles. One of them lost control and became, a mad spinning top to rotate around an axis, flying as if from strong blow a soccerball. Be it though is a little closer, from it there would be one quarks. Fighters were protected much worse, and their pilots were lucky only that they died, without having managed even to be frightened, hyper plasma moves millions times quicker than a painful impulse, leaving from a body only soul. Other ship managed to move to the safe place, having avoided destructive blow of a cumulative wave.

Ir an imer the Midship section, the captain of a starprobe vehicle of zorg, made request to the General inspector.

— To take countermeasures?

— Is not necessary, they all the same will receive the... — The senior senator said it half-heartedly as the kind parent punishing the playful child.

— Perfectly!

Great zorg it appeared the rights. The starprobe vehicle which lost control was not lucky. Having got to a vacuum corkscrew, he did not manage to adjust management, and was absorbed by an enormous big star. In violet glow of a giant star the emerald point flashed and right there went out, the gross battle ship dived into the flaring subsoil.

The escaped starprobe vehicle came nearer on a fighting distance again and opened heavy fire with luchepushka, and the installations which are bringing destruction live as if checking patience of crew of the inspector. It was visible how round towers rotate, densely utykanny guns and radiators. From the largest barrel the crooked hyper plasma eight took off, it moved on the broken line. Having reached an invisible barrier a ball of fire, burst, having scattered on the smallest sparks. Having convinced that zorg do not react to its firing, the ship changed a distance and, having accelerated, went to a hyper jump, having disappeared for is dazzling bright clusters of stars.

— Something is not similar to actions of galactic freebooters. Terribly strong weapon and large fighting submarines of a class leader battle ship. It is serious! Similar to provocation from fleet of Purple constellation. — With badly hidden nervousness the captain noticed. — And they jumped somehow quickly as if the newest developments of bisexual.

— Truly, Ir imer Midship section. Though stelzan also have fighters with the kapersky patent for ecowars, but usually it is smaller and maneuverable starprobe vehicles. In these sectors there are no wild pirates. It is necessary still to be able to run into not under control free piracy. The most important, this weapon, applied absolutely the latest. It is a termopreonovy charge of a cumulative orientation. It is a new step in military equipment. There was a proven means which is not applied in practice of modern wars yet. The opponent wanted to check a force field of our starprobe vehicle for durability at the same time. It was possible to reward them according to the deserts, but I will not touch let unripe, but nevertheless the conceiving life forms. — Strong tone, the Senior senator finished the pathos speech.

The captain answered quietly, but if to listen, then notes of the suppressed irritation were in a metal voice of the tempered zorg:

— Of course, it is better to avoid the evil and causing suffering to other conceiving beings! Till what time, however, it is possible to suffer the evil, cruelty and insidiousness of bisexual beings! We have the power that the terrible answer to beat out aggressive arrogance from proteinaceous parasites. Angrily it is necessary...

Konoradson interrupted an aggressive tirade of the captain:

— Leave! Angrily it is impossible to destroy the evil. They will even more become hardened if against them we apply their own methods.

— And how into the account of the new weapon? If they progress so in creation of new removers, then it sverkhopasno further. Sometime their technologies will come to hyper level, and even we will become helpless and we will not be able not only to stop them, but also even to protect the lives! I did not even think that our ships can test concussion from their crackers! — On the raised note almost cried out the Midship section.

— It disturbs me too. I hope, wisdom will prompt us an exit. — The senior senator, softly added. — And now my pets a few entertainments will not prevent you.

The starprobe vehicle went to a hyper jump again. The space behind a covering instantly grew dim. Dense blackness flashed inexpressible human words in the flowers and dispersed exotic shine.

* * *

And in other parts of boundless space life flew the, as always, unique turn.

* * *

— Yes, you, the Young lion, of course, the good fellow, beautifully laid one of the best officers of the galactic case. But you have to understand that you thereby signed to yourself the death sentence. In the Ministry of "The truth and love" or "Love and lives" such affairs are decided simply and without delays.

Dzhover Hermes gloomily grinned. He did not want to lose such valuable slave. Lev Eraskander quietly sat, having inclined the light brown head. It had the most exhausted look, under eyes there were dark circles, cheeks fell, legs, hands, sides and a brawny breast became covered by scratches, burns and bruises. He spent the whole week in voluptuous hell, humouring the hated tribe, not having an opportunity to take rest at least for a minute. Through it there passed hundreds of brawny, temperamental women with the big sexual imagination. One cool general's wife even burning end of the laser of a prizhgl barefoot boyish heels. Similar was pleasant to other shrews, and they tried on it and cold beams, other types of fighting radiations. Now blisters on soles insufferably scratched, and the young man to appease an itch pressed them to cold metal stronger. Sex was needs of nature of a young, powerful organism, but here it became similarity of torture, and smelled as if filled in with the melted metal. To the boy at present, there was a wish, only one: it is rather to fall to any plank bed even if utykanny nails and to drown in a dream.

Hermes was very happy also with impressive profit for the sold body of the gladiator who was promptly gaining popularity, and humiliation of the slave who became too abrupt.

— I in your feelings am guided too. Our young women from an orange brothel scratched you as females of tigers. All right, so you annoyed us. Not only that the person beats our officers and if he and in sex surpasses us, then it specifically dements.

Stelzan roguishly winked.

— Well, and now about business. On this planet we cannot already remain. Especially to you, it became too known. We will depart to the center of the Galaxy, to so-called dirty star sector.

The lion quickened here and at once raised the head:

— Interestingly, and what we will do there?

Hermes avoided the direct answer:

— In this area full concentration of nestelzanoidny types, living beings. Many of them half-civilized, are also not completely assimilated by the space empire.

— It will be unsafe! — In a voice Eraskandera sounded rather a hope, than alarm.

— We will have a weapon. Though it, you not only the slave, but also the state criminal is also not necessary to you. You can fight and one barehanded! — Hermes gave a hand and the glass with odorous and foamy swill flew to it in a palm, having quietly peeped: dope index hundred seven.

The lion only shook the head, darted a glance pair of fighting robots of maintenance and having given himself the most humble look, said:

— I can say goodbye with Vener Allamara?

Hermes having drunk a good few, the glass levitating on a gravitational pillow pushed away. That hanged in air chiknuv: "be sensible all eternity mister". Then rapaciously rubbed hands, probulkat:

— Of course! She waits for you long ago. You have exactly an hour, it is no more. Then we will also jerk! This time, we will depart on a military starprobe vehicle if it remains happy. I to you will allow to examine the ship within legal access. If is not present, then you will carry out all flight on a chain.

— Thanks for trust.

Stelzan caught irony in words of the slave:

— Do not become limp, you still will have an opportunity to show canines!

And Hermes friendly tapped of Eraskander on the shoulder brawny peeled, bitten.

Chapter 12

The death beam in a gloom sparkles,

Space monsters the crowd gathered!

The ruthless enemy attacks you,

But, I trust, the hero a hand will not tremble!

Dzhover did not keep the word. The suspicious youth slave was locked in a power chamber, having chained.

In the most ship casemate it was quite cool. Standard twelve degrees on terrestrial measurement, it is not enough for the earthling who got used to eternal summer. However, stelzana used almost similar decimal measuring system that considerably facilitated orientation in communication of two races. Still Lev was naked, in one loincloth, but he so got to like nakedness that did not even pay attention to it. And here stelzana, many from which never saw people got on it the predatory, impudent eyes.

In a chamber it was dark, and, lying on a naked metal bed, Lev froze, sharp thorns in a ship punishment cell pricked a brawny back of the boy. It was impossible to come off as hands and legs held down close clips, force fields. The young man suffered, turned and to distract, tried to concentrate on memoirs of the childhood.

Where he was born also who his parents, nobody knew. According to stories of adoptive parents, it was unexpectedly found in an oak children's cradle empty up to this point. Where future warrior lay rather span as vyyun, being very bright baby. On a twist of fate, it appeared in an only thing hut on all village of the guerrilla Ivan Eraskander. At the time of its birth on a breast of the baby drawing with very beautiful wild animal, like a human lion with wings and saber-toothed canines sparkled. Then the shining sketch completely disappeared, but on the village the hearing rushed that it also is the electee born by the Holy Spirit the Messiah who should rescue the planet. Some time nobody perceived it seriously. The boy named Lev quietly lived, grew, played and was secretly trained in the ancient forbidden arts of hand-to-hand fight. It is necessary to tell that stelzana seriously transformed climate of the planet. Having applied the graviavakuumny Trekotor installation — one of the newest models of iskrivitel of space, they displaced Earth orbit, having rather decently pulled together it with the Sun. It changed climate towards considerable warming. All glaciers thawed. To avoid flooding of enormous territories, scientists and engineers of Purple constellation by means of micro annihilation explosions expanded and deepened hollows and trenches in the World Ocean. It was made and counted by means of the most powerful computers so precisely and accurately that it was succeeded not only to avoid flooding of enormous territories, but even to change water circulation. The water cycle in the nature was modified so that all deserts disappeared, having turned into the jungle. Besides, the hydrosphere circulated in such a way that hot from the equator merged to poles, and cool from poles moved to the equator. On all planet the climate similar to the African equatorial belt was established, and extraction of wood became the most profitable business. Because of selection changes of a number of breeds of a plant almost all the year round yielded valuable and nutritious fruits, than forever, appear, resolved a hunger problem. In these conditions there was a lot of free time and very few entertainments, there were no computers with TVs, the Internet which became at the beginning of the twenty first century general. Only occupational, broadcasting only promotion and silly songs of radio, some musical instruments. Well and the elementary physical games. Well people were brought to native barbarous level. His early barefoot childhood was happy, without problems and a headache. Mobile, early years extremely strong and inventive Lev Eraskander who took a surname of the adoptive father was a leader and the ringleader, local children. It is easy to be happy when you do not know the best. But soon there were events which interrupted idyll...

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