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07.07.2021 — 07.07.2021
Когда Баффи брошена в таинственный портал еще более таинственным демоном она оказывается перебрасываемой из одной реальности в другую. Истребительница должна найти свое измерению по дороге столкнувшись со своими чувствами к Фэйт.
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"You did it, you killed me."

And in that moment, if I could have sobbed, I would have.

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I let out a low groan as I tossed the covers over my face. "Five more minutes," I turned to my side, pressing my face against the pillow, "just...five...more..." My eyes immediately shot open as a second, much louder chime broke through my comfortable haze of a sleep. Bells?

Unmoving, I scanned the stone-walled room with my eyes. The first thing that caught my attention was a simple wooden bedside table decorated with only a Bible and an equally simple crucifix. I shut my eyes and let out another low groan, "Oh, you have got to be kidding me. I've died...again? Jesus, gimme a break already!"

Not even a second after my protest, there was the unmistakable sound of someone awkwardly clearing their throat. My eyes popped back open and I cautiously lifted my head from the pillow to see who exactly had caught me in all my blasphemous glory. I could already make out the black and white cloth before I had even focused on the person now standing at the foot of my bed. Just my luck. A nun.

I let out an inward sigh of failure and questioned exactly why irony always had to be so cruel? Maybe it was just me. I mean, I am the Chosen One after all. Maybe I'm just as entitled to bad luck, tragic romances, and eternal loneliness as I am being the Slayer? Like I said, lucky me.

I sat up, pulling the sheets around my waist as I fumbled with my apology, "I'm, um, sorry. I didn't mean..."

The sister merely shook her head, her lips forming a soft, ancient smile, "Do not worry, my dear. You have been through much this week. I'll not hold it against you."

Giving her a sheepish smile, I pulled the sheets up closer around me. "Thank you."

"Now, I'm going to inform Dr. Garritson that you're up and well." She turned, slowly lifting the veils of cloth that separated this room from whatever lay beyond, "I'll be right back, child."

Leaning back against the headboard, I exhaled as I ran through my current course of events. "So, as it stands right now, I've been tossed into a portal by some demon only to get one of the greatest beat-downs of my life, by a hunk of metal on wheels no less. I've barely any money," I cringed, "only one outfit, and I've got no extra green portals handy."

How long have I been here?

I turned my head toward the row of vacant beds to my left. There was only cool, natural light pouring from windows high above each headboard and onto the off-white bedding. That combined with the mild chill in the air created an odd, sort of wistful atmosphere. I had to get out of this place.

"It's really not that bad."

Slightly startled, I turned to see a much younger sister step into the room, and I couldn't help but look confused. She couldn't be any older than about twenty-five years old or so. Yeah, that's way too young to tie yourself down if you ask me, especially to a place like this. I couldn't even imagine this lifestyle to be anything but monotonous. Completely and utterly mind-numbingly dull. Oh well, her grave, not mine.

It was safe to assume that whatever expression I had on my face was currently mirroring my inner thoughts, because she timidly shifted her gaze toward the ground before she spoke. "I'm Sister Liana. Sister Mag sent me to answer any questions you may have. She sends her apologies that she couldn't make it back herself. I'm afraid she's going to be tied up with the neighboring hospital faculty."

I dusted a stray feather that settled on my arm. "So, what is this place then, some hybrid convent or something?"

She smiled, "I guess you could say that." She walked to the side of my bed and motioned to the foot of it. "May I?"

"Oh, yes, of course." I pulled my legs up into my chest.

The sister sat, briefly smoothing the gown down the tops of her thighs before placing her hands in her lap. "Thank you. I'll try my best not to bore you with the details too much."

"I really don't mind, I've been known to have selective hearing anyway."

She just smiled and continued, "The cathedral itself was built back in the 15th century, but wasn't renovated into a convent until about 150 years ago. The addition of the hospital is fairly new." She paused in thought, "it has only been present for maybe one-third of that time."

I didn't even bother with the math. High school taught me that I could get away with using context and key words in sentences. `Fairly new' passed on the message easily enough, and I couldn't help but smile in triumph. See, this blonde isn't as dense as everyone thinks she is. Giles would be so proud.

She continued, completely oblivious to how pleased I was with myself, "so, yes, you could say it's somewhat of a hybrid. Most of the recovering or homeless who don't require any medical services are sent to these quarters to create room for incoming patients. This cathedral is very large, but it's not nearly as large as a fully functioning hospital. But, we must make the most out of the resources given to us."

"So, I'm assuming that's why I've been placed here?"

Sister Liana directed her attention to me, her golden-honey eyes trying desperately to read mine. "Buffy, where is your family?"

It was an understatement to say that her sudden seriousness caught me off guard, and the boring intensity from her gaze was too much. I averted my eyes to the dull slabs of stacked stone forming the walls.

"My mother is dead," at the mention of my mother, my heart felt like it imploded in my chest, "my father was never a part of my life, and my sister doesn't live anywhere close to here." I dared a glance back up at Sister Liana, and was met with somber compassion this time.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't realize..."

I reassured her, "It's fine, really."

"Well, I should leave you be." Sister Liana stood, straightening the black and white cloth again. "We placed your belongings in the box under your bed. There are showers down the hallway on your left outside this room. We also have a moderate selection of donated clothing if need be."

I grimaced.

Liana let out a low chuckle. "Don't worry, they've all been thoroughly cleaned and disinfected for your safety." She made her way toward the veiling cloth and turned to regard me, "if you have any further questions, please, do not hesitate to ask. Any of the sisters will be more than pleased to help you, Buffy."

I nodded, regarding her back. "I appreciate it."

With nothing left to say, I watched as she turned, parted the veil, and disappeared behind the coverings.

Reclining against the headboard, I closed my eyes, listening to the breeze send the sheets in a calm flutter. I really could lie here all day, but deciding against it, I forced myself to sit up.

I swiveled my legs off the bed, letting my bare feet brush against the cool stone floor. All this dull grey stone was going to get to me, I could feel it. Slowly, I pushed myself off of the bed. I wasn't sure how my legs would take to walking after a few days of inactivity, but I'm sure it wouldn't be that bad. Anyway, first things first, this slayer was in desperate need of a shower.

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It's amazing how a simple thing like a nice hot shower can make or break your day. I can't really remember the last time I had one I enjoyed so thoroughly. And as bad as that sounds, I don't care, because I am so on top of my game today. I'll admit, the thought of rummaging through the `donation room' seemed a little beneath me, but I never realized how much you could salvage from donated clothing. Sure, some of the clothes smelled like they've been marinating in a closet full of mothballs for years, but it was nothing that a few washes and lots of detergent couldn't fix. I was even lucky enough to discover an unopened set of make-up. So it's some brand I've never even heard of and the majority of the colors are fit for a clown, but am I going to complain? No. All I need is a little eyeliner and some lip gloss and this Summers is good to go. Sometimes `simple' really is better.

I checked my reflection in the mirror. Sure, I would have been pushing my luck if I'd been intent on finding a flat-iron up for grabs along with everything else, so, I spared myself the false hope. Besides, a little wave never hurt anyone. I'll probably just settle for putting my hair up anyway.

I let my eyes fall to the black soft-shell jacket I'd recovered. It was a little tight for a jacket, but it fit in all the right places, which probably worked out for the better. Underneath, I'd kept my white tank top on, and honestly, my dark denim bootcut jeans may have looked better now than they did before the accident. Lucky for me, ripped jeans are still in style. On top of that, I didn't even have to pay extra for the damage. I just had to dance with some asphalt for a few yards. My boots are strictly off topic as of now though. It's a sensitive subject. Let's just say I had to settle for some work boots.

As I stepped back to check my outfit in its entirety, I couldn't help but notice how much this style reminded me of Faith's. I knitted my brows together, contemplating my next move. The thought that this girl involved in the accident could very well be Faith kept cycling through my mind. What if it was her? I know the other `Faiths' that I've encountered weren't her, but this one was different. This one knew who I was. She knew my name! And the fact that she could be lying completely alone somewhere in some hospital bed was just wracking my nerves. I wouldn't let that happen to her. Not again. I needed to go. I needed to see for myself if Faith Lehane was somewhere in this town.

Turning on my heel, I spun around, nearly colliding with Sister Mag. Caught by surprise and off-guard, I nearly wailed on the creeper-of-a-nun. Luckily for her, I've got slayer-like reflexes to stop me from slugging people who like to pop out of shadows. Who does that? Honestly?

She just stood there, not even so much as a flinch crossed her expression. Then she suddenly smiled in a way that looked like it hurt her to do it. "Where are you going child?"

I swallowed. Uh, you mean aside from anywhere as long as it's away from you? I gave her a brief smile, trying to ignore the thoughts in my head, "I was just heading out. Needed to get some fresh air, stretch my legs. You know..."

"Oh?" She didn't look amused.

What else was I supposed to say? Nothing came to mind, so I just stared at her for what seemed like an eternity as she stared right back. Yeah, like I said, creeper. When it became outright uncomfortable, I finally looked away, finding relief in those familiar dull slabs of stone again. I cleared my throat hoping to ease the rapidly building awkward silence, "I'm probably gonna go to the market, look around town, mingle..." I glanced up, offering a sheepish smile, "...or something."

Sister Mag just continued to stare at me. I don't even think she blinked. If I didn't know any better, I'd say she'd fallen asleep in the very spot she stood, with the exception of her eyes being open. Okay, this lady was total creepage. Seriously.

As I went to walk past her, she turned, stopping me with her gaze. "Just watch yourself, Buffy. Many things may not be as they seem."

I stopped, wondering what the hell she was talking about.

She paused for a moment as if remembering something, "oh, yes, and there's a visitor for you." And with that, she turned, and slowly shuffled out of the room.

That woman was nothing short of odd.

Moments after Sister Mag left, another figure stepped into the room, boots thudding softly against the rug covered stone. As I looked up, my hands immediately went to my mouth, stifling a cry.

"Hiya, B."

I didn't hesitate for a moment longer as I walked straight into Faith's arms. Wrapping my own tightly around her, I felt my eyes swell with so many emotions, "I...I thought you were gone." The tears spilled unhindered, and I buried my face into her shirt, inhaling her scent deep into my lungs. "Faith, I thought I lost you." My words came out strained, meant for myself, but I knew she heard anyway.

Her hand gently went to the back of my head as she pulled me further into her. "Aw, c'mon, don't cry, B. I'm right here. I ain't goin' anywhere." We stood embracing for a while, neither one of us really saying anything.

Wiping my tears away, I pulled back, giving her arm a hard and deserved swat, "where the hell were you?"

Feigning hurt, she laughed, "don't ruin the moment, Buffy, it's not every day I get a hot chick to cry over me."

The amount of relief I felt knowing she was fine and alive and with me was absurd, and I let out a brief laugh.

A pout settled on my lips as I playfully threatened to swat at her again. "You didn't answer my question."

"Eh," Faith shrugged as she gave me a grin, her dimples coming into full view, "I've been around. I've been scopin' the place out. Mainly trying to figure out where the hell we are and how the hell we're getting' out."

I pulled away from Faith and made my way to the edge of my bed, motioning for her to join me. "You have any luck?"

"Not yet," she moved toward the other side of the bed, letting herself fall onto it, "but honestly, I'm just glad we've managed to land in a place together." She grinned at me, "two slayers are better than one, anyway. I mean," Faith crossed her legs as she reclined back, "with my good looks and brawn, and your brain we're pretty much unstoppable, B."

I'm not sure how long we were lying there talking, reminiscing and swapping stories about our portal travels. It was easily hours, and by the end my eyes slowly began to drift shut despite my best attempts to keep them open. Moments later and it was no use. Chilled and exhausted, I moved closer into Faith trying to absorb as much heat as possible. As I pushed myself against her, I felt her lips lightly press against my forehead, kissing me. She was here, safe with me, and that's all the reassurance I needed to rest peacefully.

I felt the mattress shift under me, and before she could get up my hand shot out to tug Faith back into bed. "Stay." The word slid from my mouth, barely audible as I nestled into the comfort of my sister-slayer.

Before I slipped into sleep, I felt her lay her arm around my waist, settling her nose and lips onto the top of my head as she exhaled.

"That one's up to you, B."

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Slowly, I managed to open my eyes, and I could only stare at the now vacant space in front of me as the disappointment slowly set in. I let out a moan as I rolled onto my stomach where Faith had been just hours ago, but as I inhaled, that familiar scent filled my head. Immediately, my eyes shot wide open, and I couldn't help but draw in her smell again.

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