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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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Veronica was silent. What's the difference. Clear it or not — this ничег not depended.

-The guys put it in the room! "администраторша, and when Veronica led away, warned. -Yes, and Garik call no more. He still didn't come!

Veronica took in the familiar to her room. Here was clean and tidied. It all was shaking from nervous exhaustion. To somehow calm down, she had a hot bath and got into it, leaving on a surface, in the water only a nose, his head thrown back, to breathe.

Sometimes surfacing and lying down in the water, she thought long and hard that she should do now.

In fact, call their parents? She did not want them растраивать! Yes, and what they could help?! Sell her apartment?! Even in the best scenario, they would not be able to help out and half of the amount required администраторша. Besides галлопирующая inflation switched human demand on the more immediate needs, and sell the apartment quickly and at more less the right price was impossible.

Yes, whom she lied?! She did not want to sell their own spacious apartment! Even now, when her life is in mortal danger, and she could sense it, Veronica could not give up with the thought that when all end, and she returned home, the apartment it is necessary: to live where she is?! Besides, trying to protect from possible encroachments on its property by the local bigwigs, it a few days ago took the statement in the BTI, that would deal with its headquarters seized, which can only remove it personal visits. No power of attorney, certified by at least three notaries, at least ten, were not valid. She knew that bosses if they want to, "сляпают" such power of attorney without problems. Therefore, with its headquarters now do nothing was impossible, and she would not like бестелесному spirit of her if her kill, this apartment is required!

Somewhere deep down, despite terrible fright, Veronica hoped that all cost, and everything will be fine. She looked like a movie herself, and could not understand to the end that everything is real.

Charter lie, Veronica left the bathroom and went into the room rooms. Was the third hour of the night.

She went to the window: there was still Moscow, in the black sky stood some orange haze from thousands of millions of lights below: this city shall not sleep, even at night.

Veronica some time stood near the window, feeling tired that even the emotions in her mind already extinguished, and that will extinct thoughts, следала few steps to the bed, dropped down on it and заснудла immediately deep, but a disturbing dream.

Next day was a blur. In the morning she brought the Breakfast, at noon, followed by lunch, dinner in the evening — hotel service worked as it should.

Veronica lifted the handset. The phone worked, but she lowered her back: who to call? There is nobody!

The whole day she was kind of detached, several times looked out why some of the rooms, but there was walking along the corridor of the Chechen another. These were unfamiliar to her, very different, very young, and Veronica realized that "Chekhov" in the hotel are a dime a dozen.

To вечеоу, when it became dark, and in Moscow at this time of year was a dark, much earlier than in her home, she stirred up, became feverishly think of something, but could think of nothing. And spent the rest of the time in a room with потушенным light, lying on the bed, gazing stupidly at the ceiling немгающим look.

In the beginning of the twelfth have come after her and led her off again in the same office.

now here except администраторши sat some расфуфыренная aunt, all in gold rings, sparkling small diamonds, which continually Smoking a long thin expensive cigarettes.

-Well! What?! asked администраторша Veronica.

"Nothing, " said Veronica, like отупевшая per day.

Администраторша was leaning on the table, pawing some trinket, long looked at Veronica experiencing eyes, then she started to speak:

Because you're from a poor family, and you have nothing to pay, we will proceed in another way!

She did pause, again looked up expectantly at her, as if giving the chance to think again and put it required money, but after a short while, she resumed:

-Women always have something to pay! Her purse is always with her! And this purse her between the legs!

Veronica some time trying to figure out what is this bad and администраторша stretched out her hand towards расфуфыренной aunt, who was busy with something under their noses, on the table.

Is this your mom! she said администраторша, pointing at the strange visitor.

-What it means: my mother?! has not understood her words Veronica.

Is now your mom! repeated her администраторша. -You will work on it until you don't with me!

Veronica couldn't understand what mom?! That means mom?! Her mother is!

Any thoughts began to spin her head, word processing this insolent aunt to the understandable her language.

Администраторша meanwhile, for the first time conversations with her, got up from the table and walked over. In her hands was something there, but Веронка could not see what it is.

Администраторша stretched her hands to her neck and became something for her to wear, and his plump handles under her hair. Veronica jumped back in the side, back, and, throwing up his hands, knocked off the hands администраторши:

-Take your nasty poles!

She suddenly felt like she was seized from behind, tied his hands.

Veronica felt the hurt and she involuntarily bent forwards.

Администраторша again leaned to her and grabbed her hair curls hogs hanging down, so it does not shaking her head from side to side, cried one of the Chechens, крутивших her hands behind:

"Hold it, so as not to rock the boat!

Chechen took coma Berenices of администраторши and rolled them at fist, like a rope. Veronica felt like the skin of her scalp stretched, it hurt. It seemed to her that her hair crackling, рвуться and turns popping out of his head along with the bulbs.

-Ah! Hurt! — she cried.

Администраторша my arms around the girl's neck, and soon Veronica felt her something tightly compresses.

It was an ordinary collar. Veronica realized it when she saw how администраторша moves away, goes away, and in the hands holding the leash. He was wounded with automatic coil, which was by clicking the button, adjust the length of the leash, to make it shorter. The other end of the collar was drawn to her neck.

It was so humiliating that of the eye Veronica laugh tears.

Администраторша went to the table, still some of my Affairs was engaged, Smoking a long and thin cigarette in the tip, расфуфыренная lady.

-All! 't take her! Until he can pay off debt! said, passing it the coil leash, администраторша.

-And how I should?! — twitching Veronica, but the Chechens are stronger squeezed his arms.

Администраторша made questioning eyes:

"What about you? Don't you remember?!

-No! — cried the girl in hysterics through tears.

Администраторша again called amount.

-Yes, I could not owe you so much! "Veronica bad voice. -Let's assume!

-And, what is there to consider?! — up to this администраторша. -I have a counter-always on! The longer you run, the more self-набегаешь! Here and ran up! Plus the guys behind you on Ukraine rewind, in these, as they are there,.. Sumy! Their services damn expensive! Besides the car, mileage!.. You that "Zaporozhets" in Moscow, brought?

"I wasn't asking to me at all brought! "exclaimed Veronica.

Администраторша came and moved to Veronica in the stomach so that the bent:

I do not ask thee. I didn't ask you from Moscow to run! Rather, everything would have been much lower blood! And you are no words did not give! You're now our, until рассчитаешься! And pay you, from here to the Kyiv cancer crawl, and even on the road so you пердолили constantly, understood?!

Veronica was silent. From a strong and unexpected blow to the solar plexus spasm bound its entire respiratory system, and she crouched on the floor, thinking that's about to suffocate.

"Mama" затушила bull in a glass ashtray, stood and pulled the leash:

-Get up, bitch Ukrainian, go to work! Need you first to look! But, like, nothing! Ladnaya! Oh! Nickname you will be working "Lada", understood?!

Veronica writhed in pain on the floor, made her no answer. Администраторша with the whole force kicked her in the side leg:

-Answer, when you turn!

"Mama" stopped her:

-Anfisa, do not spoil it for me the goods, and then for her, wounded, and cents will not give...


Veronica was sitting in a noisy coupe second-class wagon and remembered.

This was! It was indeed! Like a dream.

Was he good or bad?

No, it was neither good nor bad the dream.

He was her life, that was all, and the worst, and the most good.

But now it was all over. Outside, on the platform of the Kiev railway station stood Gladyshev and love looking at her, it was barely visible in the December dark.

Veronica shook her head. No, we need to stop this dream. We should get rid of its image, including Gladysheva...

Although it this dream was not. She kicked him in the beginning of the dream and he appeared in the end, like Almighty God pulled him out of this nightmare.

Бегетов. Yakovlev. Gladyshev. Охромов. Битлер...

She kept reliving in the mind of the men who had something important. Each has left its mark in her life, and in life of each of them it has left its mark.

Whether it was or bad? She did not know the answer to this question. But now the train was taking her home, and she wanted to throw out of the memory of them all, to make room for a whole new life.

What will it be, this new life?

Veronica didn't know, but now she knew that all would be well.

"Probably, it is in life not just me: one step forward — two steps back, then on the contrary, two steps forward and a step back. Life is over, but you seemingly nowhere and has moved! thought Veronica, looking at Gladysheva outside the car. But no, I more so it should be! I should set yourself a goal and stick with it! And no matter good or bad! We should go to this goal, as rush from one to another — perhaps the worst evil you can think of! I should set yourself a goal and follow to her in that everyday!"

But now choose a goal, after all those events that it occurred, was so hard, that she was now just afraid to do wrong! After all, the materialization of desire — it's good only when it happens correctly and in time, since she already convinced of this.

Her whole life was the materialization of its sudden and unconscious, but powerful and passionate outbursts.

Sometimes it seemed to her that she could not wish for what happened to her. But somewhere it is not уследила your thoughts. Because their energy is like the energy of explosion of a powerful explosion of a supernova. And control the flow of thoughts is as dangerous as a race сорости three hundred miles an hour on city streets: in case of error chance to correct it, there is little, but this is noticeable only when the result of the last maneuver already before the eyes: you should have experience...

Gladyshev waved her hand. Veronica answered him.

Why she did it with him. After all, he saved her from all of its problems. A year ago it tried to do Битлер. But really managed only Гладышеву.

"Strange, " thought Veronica in that little old man, it's hard to believe that this man can someone save!"

She remembered how come then in consciousness. Next was Gladyshev.

-Dima! Where are you from?! — wondered Veronica.

-I am for you! — Gladyshev said. -You are free, I paid your debt this уродинам!

-But how do you money! They asked so much! could not understand Veronica.

-You are nothing more should! — responsible Gladyshev. -Calm down! I'll take you home!—

-Dima, do you gave me such money?! Where you've taken them?! This was a fortune! Veronica couldn't believe his words.

-Yes, nonsense?! waved his hand Gladyshev.

-Nonsense?! "said Veronica. — I don't know anyone who found such money!

-Veronika! Calm down! The most important thing that you are free! — answered her Gladyshev.

-Free?! she stood up from the bed. -And I will tell you nothing should?

-No! — he shook his head.

-Why?! "said Veronica.

-Probably because I love you, Veronica! You are free! I'll take you home!

They descended from the hotel down. And nobody stopped her, no one paid attention to it, no one accompanied not окрикивал.

They walked for some time in silence, somehow aimlessly, unknown where and why. Veronica walked ahead, Gladyshev as before followed it.

"Another would now grabbed my hand! — thought to herself, Veronica. -Stopped at least! Said, "Stop! Bitch! Where are you going чиполинишь!". It angered that Gladyshev doing what nobody was able another that led her on. Like he never did, as if he was here there is nothing. No, it angered not even that! It is maddening that he appeared again in her life, and has now made what he could not even say "Thank you!" because of saying "Thank you!" it was so small as not to thank at all. And the more he did not ask. She didn't see what he will ask for more. Yes here we should not ask, but demand!!!

In silence, they walked a block and then the second, the third. Veronica wanted absolutely unclear where, bending around huge territory VDNH left. They walked along some tram tracks, crossed a road. Veronica meandering, as if she had had from the chase, some curved streets. Then appeared ahead some small duct. Not congealing длаже now in December, which floated some ducks. It was held at a semicircular bridge over it, stopped.

Ahead, there was a Park. The road directly, уходившая the hill leading to the Church. To the left of the bridge was another asphalt trail that runs on a wide parapet разделявшему channel and a square pond. Trough the pond was замезшей. Kids made it snowman. Past them on the thin ice was trodden, dark. Swollen water path. Veronica went to her, listening to down her Gladyshev.

She was embarrassed. She was so embarrassing! She suddenly found herself in a situation, when she could not resist else's will is to save her, because she wanted to release, but could not accept this salvation, because the Savior was she dislikes. Unpleasant and he was her for the most part by the fact that not behaved the way she did the other men who were not even explicitly, for example, as Битлер, but ve made it his own. After all, even the salvation of Битлера, more and more look like a bargain...

"Wait!...You that, you will not put me any conditions?! Veronica couldn't believe that it actually happens. Won't you tell me that I have to you the money?! Although I can't imagine how they can work off?! Yeah where did you get such a sum?! You actually gave them for me that kind of money?!

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