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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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Arriving from the troops прохлаждались deep in the basement, playing cards shook the store-room, and we "died" in the March-roll. He slowly, but with some diabolical skill performed all the tasks of the battalion. All they managed to skillfully and quickly, but incomprehensible to the uninitiated — how.

That neither asked their commander or the commander, they would reach from the earth, knowing all the loopholes and the wisdom of this art. We were about to take the oath, not thinking to even look at the other side of the moon, they already know, as my five fingers surrounding wine-vodka point, used to go to the city and drove through the night in каптерку подзаборных потаскух ever ошивавшихся about school. We slept upstairs legs, намаявшись per day, tired from неразношенной, unusual military uniforms, while in the lower shook the store-room playing "Sekou money to drink vodka or flogged Bab. Then, when almost everything they said goodbye, it turned out that "with молтка" put everything lying is bad in the battery.

About their adventures such as I, learned third-hand, from those who was with them at short leg. They brought us closer to a more nimble and agile, those who enter the school managed to understand many issues of life, was not of the last on the street and had already had some success in dealing with women. These children quickly understood that the laws of the streets are alive and the walls of the school.

"Hippopotamus", the "Jigsaw" and Stepan were lovers of good drink. Sometimes in the case was even a cheap Cologne. Риквизируемый of cabinets of "colleagues" it is this passion and decided the fate of the two of them, but, moreover, nearly announced at the monastery.

As I have already mentioned, the comrades of the troops were in school, did not quite to the purposes for which it was designed. The service they were to himself, not knowing stops. Six months or more, they rested on the part of commanders. Service, remember this as a bad dream. Besides, after the deductions they were sent for the remaining period of service is not somewhere in Transbaikalia or the far East, and in блжайшие areas of the European part of the country. They lived according to the principle: "a Soldier sleeping — service of the question."

The commanders did not wonder how much harm incur these crooks in the few months of their stay in the battery, what растлевающее action produced this кагорта the young heads and souls. Many, meanwhile, were indignant about themselves, their situation, kept silent, seeing as they are spoken to the officers, watching indulgence. There was the impression that the others were not почсвящены in military secrets, knowledge of which gave the right to таконе communication.

Yes, former soldiers loved покуковать over the glass. But most of the other persevered in this Sergeant Лобзов. For the three months spent in school he vindicated by his own calculations in plumage battery about sixty times: him shot for the poor performance of services, and in the evening, the same day he took in the outfit again.

Thus, the sphere of influence of shared themselves. At night Лобзов freely оббирал tables in the battery when the circumstances demanded Il in his organism. Яшковец ruled in the basement shook the store-room, hospitably opening its doors for night visitors. And "Hippo" for the location of the spirit and desire to accede to one thing to another, frequented the companies and participant of all drinking-bouts.

By the end of October the first course of the fate of separated three cronies. It happened on the eve the October holidays. Our battery then заступала in order to be saved. Stepan with Лобзовым went to the training center, on duty at the canteen, and "Hippo" remained in the dress in school, whether in the патрелу, or somewhere else. Perhaps it would suffer the fate of these two adventurers if he was with them.

It was a Saturday, and possibly deciding to drink on the occasion of the output, Stepan with the "Jigsaw" went to a nearby village, the houses which were located in five hundred metres, for a small Apple garden, отделявшим ramshackle шлакоблочный fence training centre of the village.

Should заетить that centre was one long one-storey red brick barracks, a small two-story dining room, administrative building with barracks for utilities platoon officer of the hotel, the food storage, караулкой and кочегаркой. In some distance from it all was a Park with war machines and auto technology, and even further, closer to the овражистому the forest farm of the College: cow, pig farms, sheep, horse stables, summer corrals, and even its own училищная slaughterhouse, as well as garages for такторов, mowing machines and harvesters. Last was the pride of our зампотылу, Colonel Молчалина, looked like a real gentleman, secret master wealthy local land occupied училищным ground. It is for his cattle, all of August mowed hay, and for his pigs every day of machine brought from the College huge barrel waste of cadets ' dining room. All utility room allegedly existed for the needs of the school for cadets of the table. But the fed in school pretty mediocre, and that was just a bike to cover the dark dealings.

Practice on Saturday at the training center was usually moved out there OU hastened to return to the output into the city — all, and commanders, and the cadets like to rest in a familiar environment of urban civilization. So it was empty and deserted. Feed was no one and works in table no. At heart, and so was alone, and then there's Saturday, a day off. Here Stepa and "Jigsaw" and decided to have fun, to dispel the dirty mood at heart, went to the village, took cheap барматухи, because the vodka didn't have enough money stocked немудренной snack, returned to the dining room, turned the corner at the tables, was invited for a campaign a few people and started drones.

At this time in the dining room returned warrant officer on duty at the canteen, and found this merry feast. He himself somewhere шаталсяцелых two hours to do all the same there was nothing, but decided to check how the case in the dining room, and almost fainted, when he saw what was going on there, until its gone.

Furious anger, rage, he ran up to brazenly распивавшим винище kitchen work, заматерился, banged on the table, tried to take away невменяемую campaign and banged on the floor two yet распитые bottle "ink". "Ah, you, you thieving little snake, — leapt Stepan, свирепея — I got you now gonna Kil ' ya!"

A former corporal rushed at the ensign, he ran off screaming on the go, that will find him Council. Яшковец tried to catch him, to fulfill his promise, but his legs and listened very bad, the duty on the dining room disappeared very quickly.

Mourn a little, Стпена and "Jigsaw" went knock about the training center, looked at the guard, where were our children, among whom were friends, complained there on the "bad прапорюгу", asked him for money, and when they refused, began to tear each other shoulder straps, buttonholes, cursing strong words army and, in particular, their fellow students, who are "squeezed sidekick on выпивон". Be at the guard house their pacify afraid, because the chief of the guard stood замкомвзвода of young, and they went a whoring further. His feet carried them back to the village for the "booze".

They barely escaped Zack fence, as a guard appeared officer on duty of the training center, and ordered to catch two drunken brawlers (he did not know that they were here). several free from a changing of the guard immediately embarked on the search for and quickly caught up with friends, followed them some distance, not рашаясь come closer. And accompanied them to the village.

On the road to the village Stepan and "Jigsaw" then hugged each other, quarreled, not agreeing, and then fiercely fought on the belts", посеча each other face of the sharp edges of the plaques. Then suddenly bloody Яшковец rushed to hug Лобзова and ask his forgiveness. They both wept drunken tears, and again walked, arm in arm, and again quarreled.

In the village Степанзаторговался with any man for his watch, offering to buy them for two gold pieces. The clock was good, I must say, and sin would not give them the money. But man, a scoundrel, and took, and I fooled them the most boorish way. He took the watch, saying that the money at his home, and he now will went in at the gate and disappeared. "Jigsaw" and Stepan standing by the fence waiting for the money for another twenty minutes. Then Яшковца came, apparently, that they have been around the finger. "Падла!" "he shouted, howled like a wounded wolf, and rushed into the yard. The house was tightly затворен. Stepan оббежал his нгесколько times, knocking at the window and door, but nobody answered. Then he сковырнул one ставенку, broke the window glass and climbed and climbed inside. Standing by a fence near the guard ten minutes to several heard from there came a strange sound: the sound of broken glass, grinding metal, shock, splashing, mats. Suddenly the front door with a plaintive cry flew out of their frames, and appeared on the threshold Stepan, not seeing anything before the rage.. huge fists were bloody and вылезшие of orbits eyes wildly spinning around like a bull in a bullfight. "Where is he?!" — screamed terribly Яшковец, so that heard him, probably, the whole village. "Where is he?!" — spreaded around the echo of his roaring drunk. "Where is he?!" where he was sorry for crying, the watch was his squeaked лобзов, looking over the shoulder of giants. But the man and vanished. He hadn't even entered the house, where she lived a lonely old woman, and went orchards and was gone.

It is unknown what would be next, but arrived just in time : by this time, the duty of the training center ordered the guard to grab drunkards, and, tying with ropes, throw in a body of the car. The guard Willy-nilly had to obey. The same officer had several who took nowhere third, immediately rushed to twist the arms of his friends.

As neither cursed Яшковец, as neither threatened to kill all who are in him and his "brother" tries to touch them tied up and taken to the training center. However, it was with great difficulty, because Stepan was very healthy and even drunk, hardly standing on his feet, scatter the attackers as pushinok. Barely have lowered it to the ground, as he rushed up to see the ensign, classified бутиылки, and as his hands were tied behind his back, was остеревенело kicking his legs in the ass and anywhere. Warrant officer galloped as a grasshopper, shouting, "hold him, Hold!" яшковец on behind him and leaning hard throat Kill you, you bastard!"

Again assaulted, have cut leg, threw him on the asphalt and pounced on top of the heap. He fell right into a puddle cold autumn water, and one that covered the ground on which the action unfolded, and cried out for help: "Jigsaw! Where are you?! Jigsaw, save me!"

Sergeant Лобзов, lying without memory in the truck after hearing calls a friend for help, waking from sleep, got up somehow and with a cry: "they beat us!" — jumped down from the truck, so badly, that he has slipped and broke his arm, грохнувшись supine on the ground, tied his hands behind.

Scourers immediately sent to school, put in the guardhouse, and in the evening, when it was replaced the outfit reached us sketchy, and then more and more detailed stories about what happened. Such a "Grand шухера" not happened then not once during my study at the College.

About a week after that come the school paper from the court. Old woman, which have committed a drunken pogrom filed a lawsuit. Here all the school's upset. Our battery several times seated at various meetings to publicly condemned the rowdy behavior of these two прохиндеев. They were, repented, as expected, in совершшенном, promised that any more will not be. But so just get away there was heavy: the story ended in jail. The court was approaching, and not pass them to jail, if not the commander and the division commander, have taken everything to settle the case amicably. Thank God, that settled the matter, that the Granny reimbursed for the damage inflicted, and it will not be in the claims. She agreed, and asked for three and a half thousand roubles. Bargain: given how many called, only to court before the case reached. Parents transfers sent from home, as learned in what is the history of their sons come in.

Before trial that did not come, so here's the chief of the school immediately after the end of the parse signed the order about expulsion of cadets Яшковец and Лобзова from the College.

Went they in forces as losers and winners on the night, on the eve of departure, and gathered together all their pals in the most recent at the bottom shook the store-room and made a chic wires, as it should be, with away and with songs. There, except for a soldier's brethren gathered and close our ranks. First drank vodka, and when it stopped, climbed into the battery, got all the Cologne on тумбочкам and drank it slightly diluting lemonade. "Jigsaw" глушил Cologne, diluting, and not snacking, so soon passed out. His limp телоподняли up, threw it on the bed, and went догуливать. Never seen it for myself, but they say that on the morning of his bed sheets were пропитанызеленым then.

Stepan too quickly "уготовался", but нпе out, as his friend and went upstairs учинять farewell disassembly all "чмарям and гнидам".

In the barracks that night was quiet. Everything seemed to have gone extinct, but the silence of this was deceiving. The entire battery, with bated breath , listened to the steps Stepan. I too then woke up from this unusual, dead silence, among which were heard some strange хлюпающие sounds, and, realizing what's the matter, hiding and lay as quiet as a mouse.

Stepan, as if cast, walked between the rows of our bunk beds and sought out, bending low to everyone, those who wanted a goodbye, kick, or at least say who he is. When he лупцевал another person, he hadn't even пикал and did not resist, and молчя endured beatings. Only one he pardoned, though intended to strike, because he was his countryman, and just reading him morality left alone. And only one of them dared to give him a rebuff. With him Stepan fought long. They were lying, rolling in the aisle between the beds in two steps away from me and I saw this horrible fight in detail. Stepan lugging his enemy at the gates of linen, and the леталл along the corridor, clutching at the bedside tables and headboards. The forces were clearly not equal, but Stepan let go of the Challenger, saying that the fellow that was not afraid to fight him, but he only snapped back, not thinking about gratitude for the compliment. This man I respect so far, only never told him about it.

Special sins I have before Stepan was not, but still, when he began to scour next to me, I became a scary little did he might have not liked in my behavior. Besides, there was one incident that occurred during the course of a young soldier. I then had to get to the bottom каптерку for most ordinary thing for rake. People at the entrance gathered a crowd, and Stepan whipped all away. Something possessed me then squeeze through flying away to the threshold of his alms-house, where we clashed.

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