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07.07.2021 — 07.07.2021
Когда Баффи брошена в таинственный портал еще более таинственным демоном она оказывается перебрасываемой из одной реальности в другую. Истребительница должна найти свое измерению по дороге столкнувшись со своими чувствами к Фэйт.
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She had been here.

Looking up at the window, the day had already begun to fade, and the sky was shifting. Charcoal-grey clouds were sliding in place of once blue skies, and you could hear the thunder slowly progressing toward town.

I rolled, sitting upright in bed and looked around the room for any signs that Faith had been here with me. There wasn't a single thing. Frustrated, I grabbed the nearest thing and tossed it across the room, not caring if it would break. What the hell was going on here? I quickly jumped out of bed, grabbing for my jacket and shoes. Well, I wasn't about to wait around for answers.

Three steps out of the convent's dormitory and I pulled my jacket's zipper up to the middle of my chest to shield me from the night. If I'd know it would be this cold out, I would have went for layers. Sure, Cleveland wasn't the warmest place either, but there was a chill in the air here that settled deep into your bones. Maybe I'm overacting, or maybe I just missing good ol' sunny California right now. Regardless, I shoved my hands into my jacket pockets and went onward down the pathway. If I remembered correctly, this outdoor corridor should take me straight to the hospital entrance. I swear this place was initially built as a maze. Each room had five other rooms connecting to it, and each one of those had five more. Someone obviously had a sick sense of humor.

To my right there were large spaces in the walls filled with equally large statues of what I imagined to be saints. These things had to be at least three feet taller than me. I stared up, looking into those stoic faces. Why couldn't they ever make these things look even remotely happy? It'd at least lessen the `I feel like I'm in a horror movie' feeling. I shuddered, from the cold, or those eyes, I wasn't sure.

There was the sound of soft shuffling of cloth; it was barely even audible, even to me. Pressing myself into the shadows, I quickly turned to watch three nuns with their heads bowed in silence make their way down the corridor past me. I kept watching in case they attempted to regard me, but they didn't, they just ignored me. Not that I'd minded. The fewer encounters I had in this place, the better. When they had passed through the dormitory doors, I pulled myself from hiding and continued toward the hospital.

To my left, there were spacious arched openings that looked down toward the convent's garden on the first floor. I'll admit, even for an eerie place, this was quickly becoming my favorite area. The dark grey skies paired with the range of deeply saturated greens and the light beige-grey of this place was just beautiful. Faith would love it.

As I neared the huge double-doors, I tried to get a peek inside. Apparently, the windows were strategically placed to only allow light in or something. If you weren't at least six feet tall, there was no way you'd see anything in or out. I sighed in frustration, grumbling to myself. Why is everything so large in this place? Are they trying to give me a Napoleon complex or something? If so, it's working.

With a bit of effort, I pressed one of the large wooden doors open and glanced inside. My jaw immediately dropped. This place was HUGE. It was like I stepped into a foyer of a renowned theatre or something. Wow, two big words in one sentence. I told you I was on top of my game today.

I'd take the time to appreciate the details, but there was just too much, and I was on a mission.

Still reeling a bit from the vastness of this place, I walked up to what I assumed to be some sort of receptionist's desk.

Leaning, I looked over at the busy woman behind the counter. "Excuse me?"

Her hand immediately went out, silently hushing me.

I just stared at her for a second, the thoughts in my head even pausing. Well, that was rude. Since I was in a good mood today, I was letting it slide this time. She should consider herself lucky.

A few more seconds passed, and I decided to press on, "I'm just looking for my friend," I swallowed, "her name is Faith. Faith Lehane. We were both in an acci..."

"She's not here. Nobody by that name ever even came in. I'm sorry." The woman didn't even look up from the computer in front of her.

I scoffed, "Okay, well could you check to make sure or something? Because I'm pretty sure she'd be he..."

"Trust me. Photographic memory and I deal with the patient paperwork." She finally looked up, the cool blue hue of the computer screen radiating across her aged face. She paused, suddenly off in thought, "and you're Buffy, right?"

I could only nod. That was oddly impressive, even if she was a bitch.

"Well, Buffy, your friend, Faith, isn't here." Before I could get a word out she interrupted me, "and yes, I'm positive."

I raised an eyebrow before mumbling to myself, "photographic memory, and psychic. Who'd have thought?" I thanked her before I left the desk. I made my way out the hospital and away from the cathedral completely. I had to get out of there.

I chose one of the streets that looked the least desolate and started walking. Ok, so no record of Faith at the hospital. That didn't tell me whether or not she was here though. Maybe she was taken to a different hospital, or a trauma center? Maybe she just took off for a bit? Or maybe I'm just losing my mind. My head was reeling with all the possibilities.

I was going through the different scenarios when I passed by a small local diner. I didn't even think twice about it until my stomach let out a loud growl in protest to my neglect. Food would be good right now. I hadn't eaten since that bowl of what I think was oatmeal this morning. I know I have no room to talk, but these nuns could not cook. There was no debating that.

I climbed up the small concrete stairs to the electric-blue lit diner, pressing myself past a group of what I assumed to be college students. I kept quiet, hoping I wouldn't be noticed. I didn't feel much like conversing right now, and I let out an inward groan when I saw I'd caught the attention of one of the guys in the group.

"Hey," he fully turned his attention toward me, "you new around here?"

I regarded him, letting some of my annoyance slip in my tone, "yep, just visiting."

He gave me a lopsided grin as if he was proud of himself for hooking me further into the conversation. Little did he know, in this moment I couldn't help but think about how Faith would flash me those grins. Her signature dimples readily making an appearance when she'd get coy with me. Everything about Faith was just effortlessly sexy. She was a natural tease that exuded charm, confidence, and sensuality, and people flocked to her because of it, because they wanted to immerse themselves in this blaze of Faith. I needed it, all of it. I needed her. Slowly, over the years, I've come to realize that she is my other half, and now that I've known Faith, I couldn't live without her. We are the Chosen Two.

Lost in my thoughts, I'd completely forgotten about the grinning frat boy standing in front of me.

He ran his fingers through his sandy blonde hair, which, by the way, was totally styled in a manner that screamed 90s. He obviously didn't get the memo that high school was over.

"So," he leaned against the rail, "why the visit to Middleton, Illinois? You got family or something?"

Illinois? I'm like, one state away from home! Right, so he wasn't being a complete ass, but I didn't have time for this. I tried my best to reply nicely, but my answers retained their irritated edge, "I'm visiting a friend."

"You know, what? I can see you're busy, I'm sorry." He offered a genuine smile this time, "however, if you're feeling up to it there's a huge party going down just outside of town tomorrow night. You shouldn't miss it."

I lied, "nah, I think I'll pass, I've been having car trouble anyway."

One of the bleach-blonde females of the group decided to pitch in, "probably for the better. That place totally freaks me out. I swear it's, like, haunted or something."

An image of the dead driver immediately flashed in my mind, and I shuddered. She looked so dead, yet so alive, almost like she was a ghost.

The bottle-blonde continued, "plus, the people there are just a bunch of weird, leather-head goths and ravers." She recollected in disgust, "and the music, you can't even dance to it. It's just a waste of a night if you ask me."

Honestly, I'm not caught up on Faith, but I couldn't help but smile to myself as I wondered if she'd still think that if she'd seen her in action. Oh yes, my sister-slayer could dance to anything and make it look good. One of the many things I secretly admired and envied about her. Speaking of which, this party was starting to sound like a possible event for this slayer to attend. If Faith was here, she could potentially be going. Either that or she'd assume that that would be the first place I'd look for her. It was settled then. Ladies and Gentlemen, Buffy Summers has a party to attend.

Looking down the street I nodded to myself a few times, affirming my decision. I wasn't about to let the frat boy know that though. "You know what, I'll consider it. Sounds like it could be potentially interesting." Smiling, I flicked a glance his way before turning, "thanks."

As I entered the diner I could hear him try to shout before the door swung shut, "no problem! I'll see you there!"

Pausing, I shot a glance around the diner before sighing to myself, "says you, anyway." I looked down at my stomach, giving it a solid pat, "but as for now, I've got a date with some grub."

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Slipping my pj bottoms on, I let myself fall onto the bed of my new room, reveling in how delicious that California burger was. Avocado and bacon never tasted so good. You know you're homesick when you order something you usually wouldn't only because it's named after the state you're from. I could practically taste the Cali sunshine.

Speaking of sunshine, I rolled over to look at the clock.

Tue. 12:36am

I guess I should try to get some sleep. There was a full day awaiting me tomorrow, and I needed all the beauty sleep I could get.

Switching the lamp off, I turned to my side, watching the clock through the dark.

Tue. 12:37am

I exhaled, feeling the bout of insomnia slowly manifest itself in the back of my head. The blue glow of the clock illuminated little, so my selection of inanimate objects to stare at was limited to one.

The thunder and lightning began to pick up again, and with each flash of lighting, the entire room radiated in a cool hue.

Tue. 12:49am

I furrowed my brow. There was no way twelve minutes just passed in, like, twelve seconds!

The second bolt cracked from the sky, and as the room lit up this time, I noticed something from the corner of my eye, something standing at the foot of my bed. I stilled myself, not wanting to move, not wanting to provoke whatever it was even though I knew it already knew I was here. Fear had swelled throughout my chest, and I tried desperately to choke it back down as I waited for the third bolt.

The moment it struck, I saw her, and I quickly reached for the light switch as the dread filled my throat. Snapping it on, I turned to find the woman from the accident staring down at me.

My voice came out assertive and controlled despite the panic screaming inside. "What do you want?"

The woman tilted her head as she regarded me, "It's not what I want, it's what I'm willing to wait for," she slowly ran the very tips of her fingers over the side of her dark cropped hair, "and what you're willing to forfeit. Decide, or it shall be decided for you."

"Get the hell out of my room. Now!"

She appeared to nearly smile, but her face faltered as she continued to stare. As she began to speak, she lingered on every word, her speech eerily placid, "leave no black plume as a token of that lie thy soul hath spoken! Leave my loneliness unbroken! — quit the bust above my door! Take thy beak from out my heart, and take thy form from off my door!' Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.'"

She turned then, head first, and her body followed. As she crept toward the door, my eyes fell on the large tattooed bird outstretched on her pale back.

As she faced away, her spine-chilling voice broke through the room once more, "And his eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming, and the lamp-light o'er him streaming throws his shadow on the floor; And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor shall be lifted — nevermore!"

Blue eyes rolled to watch me before she disappeared through the door, "a choice."

I remained still for a moment, then quickly glanced at the clock

Wed. 12:49am

I could only stare in disbelief. It was official; I was losing my mind...

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I had to redress myself with yesterday's clothes in the shower room since I couldn't just walk throughout a nunnery in my towel and birthday suit. Towel-drying my hair, I walked into my room and to the bed.

Tonight was the party, and I had to focus on clothes even though the only thing I really want right now is a nap. I couldn't sleep at all last night, if that's what you could even call it, for obvious reasons. Slowly, I fell to my back, my eyes sweeping across the ceiling. So, `leather-heads' hmm? I sat up, leaning back on my elbows. We'll have to go dark tonight then. I wouldn't want to stand out too much. I looked at my reflection in the mirror hanging across the room. It was bad enough that I'd be going with blonde hair and not black or some crazy neon color.

Hopping to my feet, I headed to the pile of clothes I'd collected from my beloved donation room. Now that I actually think about it, I'm pretty sure the attire was contributed by a mixture of prostitutes, drag queens, and hillbillies. And somehow, by the grace of God, the clothing managed to find itself in a nunnery. I'm just making a point. Thankfully, there was that rather cute black halter with a silver zipper down the front that I just had to pick up. Definitely something I'd wear back in Cleveland. That's assuming I even make it back.

I peeled my white tank off and tossed it, the towel from my hair shortly following to the sage green bedding. Standing, I quickly appreciated the black undergarment and the way it contrasted with my tan skin. Yes, Mom always said that you should never wear a black bra with a white top, but I was in a hurry. I stood, watching myself in the mirror as I briefly readjusted the snug lace trimming around my chest. Plus, Faith does it all the time, which pretty much justifies it. I grabbed for the halter, and quickly slipped it over me. The material must have been something like Lycra and polyester, because this was hugging my chest perfectly. Deciding I couldn't have bra straps with a halter, my hands went to my back and unhinged the clasps. Before I could even say it, I was braless, and apparently a little cold. Well, maybe more than a `little.'

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