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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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I popытался count how much I now must in General, but could not. Memory like a отшибло. Nao be looking for the little red notebook, lost somewhere in my nightstand among notebooks and things. I already stood up, was to pursue his search for, something to distract, but felt clearly that there is no longer any force, and collapsed back onto the bed.

In no way wanted me to my previous debts to attribute these hundred сеьдесять nine rubles, take them into account. I thought about this unfair guessed understood, felt that I coarsely tricked... had to prove their case. But how?

The first thing you have to look referred to command a battalion order, go to the military part of the school, to ask, to read, to understand correctly me applied factor of ten. I казаллось, I shall not pay such a large sum for accidental loss bayonet-knife.

But the search for and study of the request, you should have much time. And the day when the departments of management of the school, we also have classes, it's hard to leave, especially me, and, especially, after all that has happened, and in the evening when I have free time was, Stroyev has already been closed.

But well, make time to take the order it was still possible. But then prove that you're right, that you have been treated unfairly, this time might not be enough. Yes, and it is unknown if I could prove their case or not, but time has already been lost. And now we must act was sure. Otherwise the consequences threatened the life sad and unpredictable, but in any case, ниего good I do not сулящими. Generally, it was amazing as it took me the money has not yet seen the last of me, and while not very concerned, because it was nearing release, and, apparently, I was undeniable bankrupt.

In the evening, before the retreat, I still found the strength get up and go wash. In the corridor I met Охромов. He with злорадной joy and solemnity smiling, without any hesitation in all mouth commercials гонористо asked: "Well, semi-chill?!"

His insolent, unduly appeal led me into the feeling. Somewhere even took power angry and I thought, "Now you get to was very pleased. The mwas an accident and he зубоскалит, сволоht. Now, as'm hurting in your face!"

But врезать I he does not hit and just kept silent.

Seeing that the call fails, Охромов diminished the rudeness voice by asking the already friendly:

You don't здороваешься?

I was distasteful to him speak, all the more reason for any issues, but I spoke, смалодушничал, probably.

-I do not want to speak with you.


-I do not know, do not want — all...

Strangely, we are with you such корешами were...

"Hey, how much you fool прикидыватся how much can be with you to talk about it? What is past is past. And, besides, I did not know much about you.

-What is it you did not know? — the tone of voice Охромова again began with a sarcastic. -That playing a game of cards? So, trust me, it's the little things in life, of which no normal person would do such a tragedy, what you played. I only tried to earn money. No one is not prohibited. Гулали we're together, sharing all the pleasures of life. Knowledgehit, you friend, comrade and brother.

-If you were the friend, not grinning when I have the misfortune, not злорадствовал would, as you have just done.

"I don't злорадствую, — started to make excuses Grishka, — where do you see, hI злорадсствую? I just remembered one the phrase that you said a few days ago.

-What such a phrase? I asked, and my voice sounded notes of hostility that Охромов caught and began to behave even more guilty.

Do you not remember that? he said almost whined. -But I you said, " You'll be coming back to me!"

-Well, and what's so funny you found this phrase?

"Nothing. Just funny that you really me you'll come back. Even if not today, then the other day. You yourself подойдеш to me and refuse to participate in the proposed me because you need money, you unaffordable debts that you are not able to pay otherwise. And now a bayonet this added there. Also a tidy sum.

-It might be you stole my bayonet? — I did with anger ridiculous assumption.

-Can, and I quietly replied Охромов.

I took a step forward. In me all заклокотало from anger, however, somewhere in the depths of the furious consciousness throb слбенька, almost crushed the spreading wave of emotion, but a sober thought that he is'm probably playing and, jollying, continues to make fun of my misfortune.

Seeing that I have absolutely no no mood to joke with him, Охромов tried to besiege me, попятившис слегк ago.

-Yes you calm down! Can I, can — and not I, who knows. This is covered in obscurity. And hardly anyone докопается here to the essence and truth, " he said, making a back step by step. -Calm down!

But I was not planning as раздразненная dog, which catches the man without a reason and only because he sees that two-legged afraid of her.

-You know, it is quite possible that you did not I stayed, -you don't need me to come back and this is a good bait your hook size.

-Конено agreed Охромов, but you know... would it be better to speak... to do this, one must be a man of far-sighted and far-sighted. Yes, and besides, when you took off the dress, I was already in the classroom. You understand? I just couldn't do it.

Retreating, Охромов уперс the wall. Further retreat was nowhere to go.

-I do not know, " I continued, my thought. "Maybe you are a visionary, you may be dodgy. If you thought of playing cards with some бандюгами, why don't you make such an innocent villainy. Oh, подумаеш, bayonet-knife stolen, right? It's no problem, so time to spit.

I came close to him.

-Well, okay, okay you! Let's resolve the issue amicably.

"How's that? — I was surprised that Охромов went back on their word and, and, so quickly.

"You probably want to I participated in your business? I asked, for the sake of taunts.

"Exactly, " replied Охромов with artless joy in his voice, what to expect from him was the least.

"Yes-other, of course, you could think of. Well, I think.

"Think, think — on the face of Охромова delineated unconcealed joy. -I know that you still agree: nowhere to run. I'm no offense to say. Simply is the truth of life, and we should blame ourselves. Loan to close her eyes? Know how говорт: in silks, as in debt. That is, on the contrary, in debt — as in silks. Confused a bit.

-Do you think that I and nowhere to go? I asked him.

-Yes, sure. Agree, don't dawdle. It costs money.

"I have to think, " I replied, by agreeing to himself that he is right.

"You think faster — advised me Охомов, " so how long have missed because of you. And you still выделываешься.

-Listen, — I again began to get excited, I TEBI or you, who you there, wait not made and will not make. Could without me a long time to do everything. What am I to you stumbling block?

I wanted to already turn around and leave, but Охромов stopped me.

"Wait, "he said, taking my arm (it was insolent habit: to take just that my sleeve), -I'd like better. If the money themselves are floating in the hands, why not share them with your best friend, with whom always drinking together, walked, and debts together have amassed? That's why I and Howe, o he participated in this matter, too, you know? It is quite a trifling. Did I myself would agree on some adventure, do you think?

I don't know, may be agreed, " I replied, -and in order not to be bored, to no one in соучае what the cabbage soup лаптем slurp, and decided to join me.

-What? Yes what are you saying?! Think its stalk...

-Not stalk, first, as the head, and, secondly, I thought..."

-Okay, let's head. In this terrible ниего no. but I you said that you want to download only one thing to do: a few tens of pounds useless waste paper.

-Yes, you said that already...

-Well, so, agree? — обрадовалс again, Gregory.

There was a pause. I was silent, not knowing the answer. At heart I was wrong. Not even that word was rotten at heart. Really like cats скреблись. But I am tired of his infinite and annoying harassment, from all this whirl of events. My strength was no longer tolerate it. It seemed to me, that if I I agree, all my misadventures time runs out, disappear all the misfortune that struck me relentless avalanche in, казалос would most joyful and easy period, which only happens in the life of a cadet. Besides a faint hope to finally get some money and do away with all the troubles at once, and debts in Isla also pushed me to agree, as she was, there was illusory, and эфимерна.

-Well, — I said, — I agree.

-And that's good! — shined Охромов, ' good! Now we'll go up the mountain.

-Well, and when I you need me? I asked indifferently tired сникшим voice.

-When I will get, and will be all set, I'll find myself. Wait, it will be shortly.

Now I turned around and went to sleep, enjoying humiliating sense of calm man who just behind дониматели, decided to finally leave the guy alone. My wits despite полудрему, in which he was, all the same pulsed bad idea, though I'd just made a big stupidity. A NeySNOh, but somehow bad, it made me sick to me suddenly.

Chapter 13.

Охромов really was not long in coming. After a few days, when we had to take place the next state exam he came up to me and whispered:

-Prepare for today!

-When? I asked, in surprise, not its understanding very well what you are talking about.

In the evening, after lights out.

-After bedtime? I think I quite enough of those Zaletov, who already were, don't you think? How do you imagine this? Tonight we go and tomorrow I'm back on the carpet beside the battalion commander? Yes it is me then already precisely the powder will erase! You know, Grishka, I have enough and that I had twice before him stood. Yes I don't соневаюсь that, if you get now, what shall he do with me something terrible. Do you disagree with me?

-The silly, then you can do?

"You stupid! I bet on rug-the battalion commander not had the happiness to stand, listen to what he tells you...

-Yes there was already a you don't think you are our one hero such is found.

"I'd like to look at you, what you are pale, had then.

-Nothing, you see survived. And terrible ниего not happened. But, reason by itself: the money you have is so much that is more than enough to pay all your debts, pay off at once from all troubles, Yes, there will be. And so from your troubles I'll help you kill.

Охромов moved the spirit, and not two, I have to say a word, подолжил:

-Try to evening to prepare a sports suit. Only боолее less respectable take someone else. Take at Savchenko. He's good, and he will, I think, today is not going to. In the evening, once gone responsible, change your clothes in спортивку and me in the room. I'll have to wait for, you know?

'I understand, ' said I, and the thought frightened"Can refuse, before it's too late still?"

"Well, come on! — tapped me on the shoulder Охромов, and we parted.

Meanwhile there was a preparation of the next "state" — государственноу exam, all of which we were to pass, that came from Moscow fee as many as six. The Commission was in school for nearly a week. Сдаа state exams has already started, the ice started moving. However, few of the students freaked out, except that those who doubt was "red" diploma.

Among the cadets persistently rumored, the Commission generously given that in itself is already foreshadowed passing exams without special difficulties or no to those who did not seek to have the above three. Three've a poor graduate-student not "squeezed" to none. And more so, if хоошо watered. It will be enough only for the exam to come, motorcoach to sit in Sydney, fool roll and three has already automatically in your pocket. What more do you need such a прощелыге, like me, from it the state Commission?

Конено, rumors, rumors. It would be hard to demonstrate, but refute практиески impossible. Yes unless it was a sensation some? This was repeated from year to year and передавалос from generation to generation of cadets of the mystery of the Deposit of the most important exams.

In classes of preparations to госсам" cadets kept with difficulty. Взводных was not. They also established a Roman holiday. Everything depended on замкомвзвода and commanders of branches that can occupy his position, but could also stand up and to the side of ряядовых cadets. At the lessons aryl relaxed atmosphere, even if the "castle" was in a bad mood, and he anybody anywhere was not allowed to leave.

On the front tables were a few people really intensively preparing for the upcoming exam. Among them was a student. Making the last jerks to the gold medal. Hope all battery — as it was called the commanders — sat ears, his head in his hands and gone with her head in her notes and books. With him a few "хорошистов" were also involved in and prepared for their replies Cribs and "bombs", the so-called ordinary tetradic sheets on which the ordinary поерком готовилс, was recorded response to a software issue, and after. On эзамене, such лиссток bomb подсовывался, as you've just written. They also занималис, in addition to writing Cribs, tried to загресстив their brains QC much information. They still had time to get something. Snatch, remember hastily to tomorrow, not really thinking, throw out what is left in your head in a hurry today заглоченного. Such "studies", not even cramming, and unimaginable marathon throughout the course of study discipline, a decent speed to be listed in the Guinness book of records, filled brains only tenuous, one-day knowledge on the subject, which was destined to oblivion on сследующий day after the exam. Head again освобождалассь, опусстошалась to take the following авральную avalanche swallowed a gulp, but not the learned and not learned books, textbooks, lecture notes and textbooks.

In the middle of class engaged with each other stupid троеники-unsophisticated web browsers guys honest, hardworking nature, but absolutely do not know how how should remember and think deprived of God on the part of intelligence. Many of them know was, Troika them so поствят for all courses, but among them were such that they would receive a grade for their knowledge, and maybe even get four instead of three. Perhaps, they were harder all, but the truth, and this was of very little. In all examinations they are still "floated" with the same success.

The lush, picturesque part of the platoon, the whole "colour" was going on гелерке. Here there were people who did not want and don't need to be taught, because they knew that the three of them always put on exams, because государствона their training угробило a lot of money and not going отпусать now with service Twoness and parasites, and, on the contrary, всяески wanted to serve. People setting here, to know beforehand that they will all okay, because even a finger did not want to move for the sake of increasing their knowledge, considering this sincerely, бестолковкой.

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