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07.07.2021 — 07.07.2021
Когда Баффи брошена в таинственный портал еще более таинственным демоном она оказывается перебрасываемой из одной реальности в другую. Истребительница должна найти свое измерению по дороге столкнувшись со своими чувствами к Фэйт.
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Grinning, I shook my hair out, letting it fall naturally. Sun-kissed waves cascaded just slightly down over my shoulders. Again, pride hit me and I couldn't help but muse out loud, "pretty good for working with next to nothing. Now," I glanced around the room, "where'd my boots go?" Sure they were a little damaged, but there was no way I'd ever wear work boots to a club. Ever.

As I slipped on my beloved footwear, there was a brief rap at the door. The hinges squealed as the door slowly opened and Sister Liana walked in.

"Oh. OH! Buffy, what on earth are you wearing?" Liana just looked at me, eyes wide in what looked like terror.

Giving her a quick pout, I glanced down at my outfit as I answered her, "polyester, why? What's wrong with it?" I feigned a look of hurt at her.

"Well, I..." she looked away, struggling for words, "I mean, there's nothing wrong with it, but isn't it just a tad too..." She motioned at her own chest with her hands. At least I'm assuming it was her chest. You really can't tell with these gowns.



Laughing, I turned toward the bed. "Well, I'm going to wear a jacket with it of course. Wouldn't want to get sick." A sudden thought crossed my mind, "you wouldn't happen to have a secret stash of fashionable jackets lying around or something would you?"

Liana let out a light chuckle, "I don't want to disappoint you too much, but no, I'm afraid not."

"Bummer," I deadpanned.

Turning back toward the sole jacket lying on the bed, I picked it up, careful not to disturb the knife situated in the inner pocket, and slipped one arm through and then the other. I'd made a brief stop at the local home and garden store to pick up some artillery at a five-finger discount. Hey, a crime for the good of the community-possibly the world-isn't really a crime. I'm just doing my job. I shouldn't have to pay. Same thing goes with clothing. Am I the only one that thinks it's ridiculous that the council doesn't reimburse me for clothing and/or accessory damage? I'll have to have Giles get on that pronto.

There was a brief hesitation before she spoke again, "Buffy, there's something I wanted to speak with you about."

My stomach dropped and I nearly froze in my tracks, but I did my best not to show she'd made me uncomfortable as I faced her. "Hit me, I'm all ears." Did she know who I was? Did she know what I was? You don't go to Hell for lying to nuns, do you? Because I know I'm going to Heaven as of right now, and there's no way in...well, Hell, I'm screwing that up.

As her rose-colored lips curved into a sincere smile, those honey eyes gently regarded me, "I just wanted to tell you to be careful." Her gaze observed my attire for a second time, "I know you're looking for your friend and going to that club tonight, and I highly advise against it," she let out a sigh, "but you will do what you will, and if you seek answers, then you must go. Just be wary, Buffy. Many have been going missing within these passing days." Sister Liana rose, smoothing her gown like she always did, "just be careful."

I exhaled, watching her petite frame pass through the monster of a doorway. I could only blink as the last thought ran through my head. I wonder what she looks like without that outfit.

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Mocking the frat boy in my head, I crossed my arms. Oh, it's a couple of blocks away, blah blah blah. What a liar. Quick lesson Zach Morris, a couple is two. A couple of blocks equal two blocks. I've walked at least four now, going on five. I pulled my jacket tighter around me as I neared the corner. Now I could begin to hear the music, which was a relief all in itself. I turned around the corner, brushing a leaf from my thigh before I glanced up, "thank Go...oh this is so bad news." There, standing at least seven stories high was the battered and bruised `club.' It just looked like a shell of what I imagined it used to look like.

Okay, so how come everyone just somehow failed to mention that I was going to be partying it up in an abandoned church? And what is up with Middleton and churches! I patted the jacket pocket to make sure my weapon was still on board with me. Well, where there's an abandoned church, there are vampires...among other things.

"Hey! You made it!"

I rolled my eyes. And by other things, I obviously meant annoying frat boys.

I made my way toward him as he waved me over, and when I got to the group, I noticed the blonde wasn't with them. Smart girl, oddly enough.

Being that I wasn't raised without manners, I gave the now quiet group a brief smile then focused on my previous informant, "Hey, figured I'd come. Might as well, right?"

In a moment's time, the group was back to its original roar and I had to lean in to hear him, "glad you decided to join us. Sorry for the informal meeting earlier." He stuck his hand out to introduce himself, "I'm Zach."

Inside I was screaming with laughter, but I only offered him a polite smile and squeezed his hand in return, "I'm Buffy."

Zach let out a low whistle as he shook his hand out, "anyone ever tell you you've got quite the grip for a girl?"

"All the time," I stated matter-of-factly. I think he took it as sarcasm, because he just laughed. Silly boy. If he only knew that most of his childhood monsters were eventually eradicated by me, he wouldn't be laughing.

I stared down at my boots, now covered in an array of yellow and rust orange leaves. I swear, this place was the epitome of Fall. The town was covered with dead leaves, continuously overcast, and perpetually windy. I kid you not. This was like the land of eternal wind. Think I'm lying? Ask my hair.

Nodding toward the ancient-looking church, I asked Zach, "so, we going in or what?"

He laughed, like I was joking with him. Once he saw I wasn't, he stopped. I thought it was rather humorous to be honest.

Still staring at me, he pressed on, "you're serious? We don't really go into the club, we just kind of meander about outside. You know, enjoy the music from the `safe zone.' They probably wouldn't let us in anyway."

I wrinkled my nose, "really? Well, that kinda defeats the purpose of going to a `club', doesn't it?" I stood on my toes, trying to get a better view of the monster of a building looming over the crowd of people. What I saw caused me to freeze instantly.

Those eyes! It was her, the woman from the wreck. The one from my room.

I pushed someone out of the way, and quickly began making my way toward her. Off in the distance, I could hear Zach's voice above the boisterous crowd, "heh, looks like she found her friend."

I could have only been twenty feet away or so before she slowly turned her head toward me. Her icy blue eyes looked so haunted, so tormented, and yet, so wise. As much as she gave off the evil vibe, there was something else to her. She stood, somber, parts of her cropped dark hair falling over her eyes. There was that tattoo between her right shoulder blade and spine of what looked like a large black bird. A raven.

We stood there, staring at one another until the brunette standing next to her playfully slid a hand over the tattoo, up the nape of her neck and through her hair.

The blue-eyed woman then turned her attention toward the other, sliding her own hand down and underneath the back of the brunette's black leather skirt. She pulled the leather-clad woman into her, whispering something in her ear. I obviously couldn't hear, and I'm pretty confident I wouldn't want to, but whatever it was caused the two to press even more tightly against one another. The brunette let out a flirtatious giggle, and as she turned to bite the tattooed woman's earlobe, I caught a glimpse of her.

My heart raced. I'd know that profile anywhere.

As I finally managed to pull air into my lungs, I called out for her. "Faith!"

Those blue eyes regarded me again, this time with uncertainty, and it wasn't even a moment before Faith was being pulled toward the club's entrance by the woman.

"Faith! Wait!"

I ran after her, but as I neared the area they were just standing in, two walls of muscle popped out of nowhere. Colliding with the men, I felt the air rush out of my lungs in an audible grunt. I looked up to see one face masked and the other riled and, yet, strangely amused. Right, so these must be the loyal henchmen?

I tried pushing my way through them, but they wouldn't have it. The biker-looking one of the two warned me, "we've got orders from Raven, lady."

My eyebrows shot up, the link finally connecting. Huh, of course her name was Raven. What else would it be?

Frustrated, I stepped back, "Okay. We can do this the easy way," I started pulling up the sleeves of my jacket, "or, we can do it the hard way. Which will it be boys?"

The masked man seemed to tilt his head with delight as he watched me, his voice coming out partially muffled and a bit sadistic, "Oh, I'm gonna get you, baby."

Shifting the weight from my right leg, I settled on the left. I smiled up at the two, mainly the maniac with the mask, "You know, you really shouldn't call me that." Without warning, I pressed back onto my left leg and, lifting my right, transferred my power and weight forward into a solid front kick. As I connected with the masked creep's chest, he was sent flying for a good fifteen feet before landing with a heavy thud.

I grinned, feeling that familiar rush coarse through my body. Oh, I so needed this.

Before the other could react, I rushed forward, throwing a flurry of combos into his face, chest, and abdomen. To my disappointment, he went down with little effort.

I whined, "you've gotta be kidding me, I was just getting started!"

Shaking my head, I walked over the groaning two-some as the crowd that quickly gathered looked on. Marching toward the club's entrance, I brushed my hands together as I sighed to myself, "let's get this party started then."

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Recommended Listening: "Neurology" — Heartwire

The hallway was lit by a series of deep blue lights along the stone walls. Making my way through, I could already hear the music tunneling down toward me. The dark bass came in thick distorted waves, reverberating throughout my entire body, and the fast, steady drum beat coursed in solid breaks right through me. If my adrenaline wasn't going already, it was now.

As I neared what I assumed to be the bouncers, I pulled my jacket off. I mentally kicked myself in the ass as I realized there was no way I could expect to get in with a seven-inch blade on me. I guess as long as I had my fists, I'd be fine. I tossed it aside before anyone saw what I was doing and continued on toward the string of people waiting to get in.

When I reached the front of the line, I followed suit, holding my hand out so the man wielding the stamp could mark me. I watched as he dipped the instrument in melted red wax then quickly pressed it onto the back of my hand. It threatened to burn for a moment, then the heat quickly dissipated. Staring at the raised symbol on the back of my hand, I continued down the remaining corridor. Before I turned down the next hall, something large caught my eye. I glanced up to see what it was and to my amusement, there were large bold and crimson red letters sprawled across the stone.

Abandon All Hope, Ye Who Enter Here

Unimpressed, I scoffed, "it's like Halloween all over again."

I turned the corner and was met with a sea of half-naked, leather-clad bodies, gyrating, grinding, rubbing, pounding, you name it. The interior was completely destroyed save a few stairways and walls. There were broken columns and pillars jutting toward the ceiling. Pits of fire were lined throughout the vast room, the blazing flames casting shadows across the mass of people.

I laughed to myself when even amongst all of that, all the chaos, it only took me a few moments to pick out Faith. The way she moves, the energy she exudes, it was all so hard to miss. I watched as she ground her hips with the music, one arm bent over her head and the other sliding through the dark chocolate waves of her hair. She moved from one nameless person to the next, leaving a trail of hunger in her wake. Her features were set with intensity as she lost herself in the music, in the darkness that poured through the room. It never failed. Every time I watched her dance, I couldn't help but watch in anything but awe.

The question is, what the hell is she doing here, and why is she with the crazy?

I watched as a wicked smile formed on Faith's face as she caught sight of someone. She moved with the music toward her target. Spinning, gyrating, and never missing a beat as she pushed her way closer to Raven. As I continued to stare, I felt a slight twinge of jealousy flicker in me, but now was not the time for that.

Raven grabbed her, pulling her toward a descending stairway.

My eyes narrowed, "oh, where are you going?" Instinctively, I followed, cautiously making my way down the same stone steps.

As if it wasn't hard enough to see in this place, there was little to no lighting down these next corridors. Every fiber of my being screamed at me to walk away, to leave this place, but I couldn't follow my gut this time. My heart told me to keep going. This girl, Faith or not, needed my help. I could feel it.

I pressed on, listening for any signs of movement, any signs of life. As I looked around I realized this underground area was completely desolate and probably with good reason, too. Occasionally, I'd pass a closed door or two, but most were wide open or the door was missing entirely. There was one door in particular that grabbed my attention though. It was closed, like others, but there was something written across it. Most of the writing on the doors was scrawled nonsense, but this was different. The letters were inscribed with care and precision. Like a dedication, or a...headstone.

But we loved with a love that was more than love-

I and my Annabel Lee;

With a love that the winged seraphs of heaven

Coveted her and me...

And neither the angels in heaven above,

Nor the demons down under the sea,

Can ever dissever my soul from the soul

Of the beautiful Annabel Lee.

I brought my jaw back up with an audible click as I recalled Raven standing in my bedroom, reciting something similar. As I almost lost myself in thought again, I heard a muffled whimper coming from behind the door, and that was all it took. Without a second thought, my knee connected with the door and sent it flying open and off the hinges. As my eyes adjusted to the large candlelit room, I saw Faith chained down to an altar located near the back. I hurried over, and when she saw me, her eyes lit up with hope.

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