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Worm's Lemons

24.05.2016 — 20.09.2016
Yeah, it's Lemons, lot of Lemons! You were warned! Спасибо Арийскому Гомофобу за ссылку. 20.09.2016
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She shrugged.

"Well she hasn't. The feathered bitch is setting up capes. No one has any idea why, but if two capes start having embarrassing accidents like we did over the last month, and believe me I hate it just as much as you, that means she intends for them to end up together."

Hebert's face was scrunched up into a grimace of disgust.

"Fuck that!"

Sophia felt a grin ghost over her features.

"For once I agree. But unfortunately we haven't really got any choice in the matter. The accidents will keep happening until we at least try. On the other hand I hear matched capes are luckier, somehow."

Hebert shuddered at that.

"So let me get this straight. You are a cape." Sophia nodded "The Simurgh has global range and is messing with capes so they end up in relationships." another nod "And she's decided we, of all people, would make an entertaining couple?"

Sophia grit her teeth and nodded again. Taylor regarded her despisingly.

"Which one?"

It took her a second to realize she had asked for her cape identity.

"Shadow Stalker."

Hebert gaped incredulously. Then her face twisted into a grimace of pure hatred.

"You know, instead of wrestling with the existential horror that is knowing the Simurgh was always just fucking with us and could have driven the whole world crazy from orbit on a whim and now wants to use me as a doll to play 'unlikely coupes', I'll just assume this is another one of your fucked up mind games. You bullied me for two years. You nearly killed me. I wouldn't date a person like you if he treated me like a goddess. Fuck You. And get out of my way."

This time the glare was intimidating.

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