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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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Here all the classes on a flight went from one to the other disputes, conversations and verbal sparring, травилиссь jokes. This veno choppy, бубнящий, гогочащий, ржущий like young stallions, Roy, was a counterbalance to сердитому, scowled замкомвзводу, lonely, like an eagle from the top of the lambs in the valley, взирающему on them from behind the Desk chair.

On гелерке forever discussing something about something argued and sometimes almost fought and gloomy замкомвзвод, stress watching творившееся in his presence mess from time to time, when almost unbearable to watch and endure окрикивал, одергивал the most vociferous and взбалмошных. Those, though snapped, but осаживались for some time, was calm, but not for a long time, and then all повторялоссь again.

It was to be released, and every day гарлапаны grew louder and bolder, more and more often hinted sergeants, who continued to continue to tighten the screws, close massacre.

The day was drawing to an end. PRошел balance of self-study, one end of which is particularly impatient started to sprawl who where under any pretext or just the brazen claiming that go there. I we were in no hurry, and this time I досидел surprisingly himself until the end, after listening to the last jokes and laughed heartily.

In the evening, after dinner, I asked Maxim Savchenko sports suit, then, to pass the time, read the manuscript to the evening roll-call and, having waited when take responsible officer. Got dressed and went in коммнату to Охромову.

His neighbors looked at me, ka on a real idiot, which Chakan already not brews nothing."

Охромов was dressed, the blanket on top, just in case, blanket and wrapped in him with their feet. When he saw me he asked anxious and excited raising her eyebrows:

"Well, that went?

He went away.

-Go, — he threw off the shoulders blanket, got out of bed, and walked out of the bathroom in the corridor, heading to the exit from the barracks.

The location was already usual hype. We are not alone waiting for care officer. Alone and in groups, переодевшиссь in sports suits, and fled and went to the exit seekers приклюений, which could not остановитьни strict foreclosure, no threat or arrangements, and that, заруившись eternal "maybe"pearl ahead without looking at the brazen as tanks. Just hired man of about twenty wishing to make nightly. But казалоь, AWOL is the whole battery, and from this friendly movement Neto had such a feeling of inability to stop the lead in the reverse motion of the night procession. Prodigious. That you can't stop leaving as water. Trickling between his fingers, compressed in a handful, despite all the attempts to squeeze them closer and hold her.

-Are waiting for us already, in a mysterious whisper said Охромов when we started toward the door. -now you'll see something himself, as delivered solid business.

This was because a few of the dozens of kilograms of waste paper? I asked with a sarcastic tone. However, bullying in my voice напоминалоотаяние doomed, which was unable to prevent his rock.

-Well, it's not our problem, — he stopped Grisha felt in my voice notes sarcasm. -We all do their job: to download whatever they tell you, and the money to get. Everything is simple and clear, and the rest — that's their concern.

I wondered who this "they", and whose life shouldь care of the rest. But I asked a different question, trying to figure out interest to me only, bypassing understanding. That Grisha not say anything, отвертится answer, if earnestь question straight.

-Listen, — I asked, -can you tell me, where this waste paper will загружат?

-I will not tell precisely. I only know that in any't the derelict Museum, not the archive. They promised then to say.

-Who is "they", if not a secret?

-Secret said Охромов and fell silent, realizing, apparently, that I in any моментмогу withdraw because of its secrecy.

I also understood this and wanted to say that I will not participate in the case but decided to keep silent, thinking, behaving, as a capricious and whimsical quiet. At the end of Konov, all secret becomes obvious, and does it really matter when it happens, chut earlier or slightly later.

We have already reached the exit, talking so in semitone each other as suddenly upon us сразмаху flew disarmed the barracks with лестниы Аркашка Soms under quite understandable nickname "Kgs". He looked quite frightened.

"Back! Ago! he yelled, wide with terror, and eye strain. His mouth greedily grabbed the air after a quick run the stairs and on his neck large налилась was swollen mew, pulsating artery.

View of Soma was too serious to воспинять his behavior as a joke, but because instantly worked tempered cadets reaction, and yet not even realizing what it is, what is what all who was going to leave, rushed helter to their rooms.

Appeared incredible noise and clatter several dozen pairs of legs on the wooden гулкому the floor, it seemed, was heard on the first floor of the building, and the staircase. Someone ran to one side, but then decided that we should ежать to another. Someone on someone насколчил, came across, someone someone knocked. Picture this bustle, not me one forced explode into an idiotic laugh, completely pointless, irrelevant, but even more assertive, angry, and contagious.

So, cackling and ran all the rooms, and in ten seconds, though, that took us almost unawares, in the hallway there is not душии, and only of the doorways of hideous few heads the most curious to find out what happened, and then from anyone but themselves and immediately.

A pRоизошло just simply a fact that in the barracks returned Executive officer. Apparently specially lingered at the door of the barracks to see what will happen in the battery after his departure. Whether it is the initiative was, or he received on the disposal of the battalion commander, but this периодическиделалось before, only very rarely.

And now responsible lingered at the bottom and as soon as it was the first самовольщик, tried to catch him, and when he escaped, ran after him.

As soon as responsible crossed the threshold of the barracks, curious heads of openings immediately disappeared. In the rooms feverishly dressed, сдергивали tracksuits and sneakers, hid "crime" under the beds, cabinets and cases, dived into bed with головвой wrapped in a blanket and pretended to sleep for a long time already.

And responsible, having called to himself the duty battery, went around the room with him, сситая people there, trying to find clues and evidence of attempts night sbega, the IEO not finding it, proto poked his nose in the fact that he had not checked dressed outfit, has not made from замкомвзводов correct it refills. The duty had followed him from Kubrick in attendance, guiltily lowered his head and mole listening to all the claims, and about SEB is probably due to a higher power, that it all turned out like that, not very bad, and we can even say that at all well and good.

I'm not fall behind others. Had to go to bed, get under the blanket and wait. Here he looked in and the room we were in. Examining it and making sure everything was in place, he dreams reprimanded duty for the mess we were in bed, and then went out and closed the door.

Fifteen minutes passed, and I lay in the dark, listening to the sounds in the hallway and trying them determine had left an officer or not. a few minutes from there even heard some rumbling, but then stopped, and it wasn't clear whether he left the barracks at all, whether оошел on duty in the far end of the corridor.

Another few minutes before, losing patience and nothing heard I вглянул in the corridor. To my surprise and disappointment the officer still walked there from room to room. And then the приоткрывающиеся one after another, as my now, the creaking the door did not give him to calm down and go home.

In the end, creaking doors stopped, but началоь strengthened шастание down the corridor to the toilet. And everyone who was passing by the Chancellery considered it his duty to look in his прищуреннойв hypocrisy from the light, but completely against the expectations of not sleeping face, eat more help convince your battery is not asleep, and just waiting for his departure. So he sat in the barracks still an hour until finally stopped and all the walking, and most самовольщиков not stand such a test starve, just уснуло, and the rest just realized that night adventures are not осталоь нивремени, neither the strength nor the mood.

Not stand such a test and пригевшись in bed, fell asleep and I, sweet, serene, as righteous. The next morning when прощвучала the get up!, I opened my eyes, cannot understand why I'm a sports suit, one of the first that I saw it standing over a Охромова.

"You fell asleep yesterday? he asked reproachfully.

Only after this question I realized what was the matter, and why dressed.

-Why, it just happened. I waited and waited until the responsible gone, I fell asleep. That I, stone in your mind?

Охромов roll cracked his mouth.

-Yes, — he said, — I will now accelerate. To the fullest. Us yesterday waited. And they're simple and do not like when they fail.

-And who likes it, tell me? I asked, getting out of blankets. -What yesterday, too, goes, закимарил?

-Yes, — confessed Охромов.

We agreed to postpone its plans for the second time, I prayed to myself, God, the devil and all other celestial and underground silts, which only knew that another time never came.

On the same day we passed the state examination, tactics, which, as predicted, I was unconditional three without any equivocation, although my knowledge in the science and my preparation for the exam left much to be desired.

The obtained on the exam questions I mumbled something unintelligible and rambling, unexpectedly for myself, being covered with a purple lesions сстыда, when the old, grey-haired Colonel, member of the state examination Commission, stood up and came to me, отитал Myung loudly, as a boy, saying that a heavy heart, puts me three, and so would поставилкол if everything depended on him, and drove away away from the class. And although the exam once again convinced the men in her weakness and deprivation of examiners to decide though a little trifling questions отриательно, I decided to anything to teach for the next items to not look quite round fool and answer anything.

Somewhere in глубиине soul I was annoyed and hurt that many of my товрищи seemingly me nothing луччше, pass examinations successfully me though and sat yesterday together with Noah and chatted about what is handy, but not preparing for the exam. When they had time to learn and chat — was for me great mystery. Unexpectedly for me I after passing the exam окаазался among the latter. Ahead of me even our most numskull of the slow-witted, who thought people underdeveloped and заторможенными, "brakes", simply speaking.

In the evening I saw Grisha first time after the examination date: immediately after the exam us go on leave, and Охромов here somewhere lost. Now face he had a great beaten. Under eye adorned the great синячина, which he vainly tried to disguise powdered or granulated sugar. Upper lip he had broken down and started to swell.

-On the street had some ослоебы, " he explained all of interest to his friends, as I said in his ear. -Fee for the work!

He later told me that I would need to re-take a trip in the near future. "Otherwise I Khan!" sadly sighed Охромов.

He seems to go unscathed, because he гримасам was догадатьс that smote him not only on the face, and that he's terribly painful to move and to move. With one hand he constantly held back in the spot where the kidney.

-They said that waiting for us on the machine under the fence of the school for two nights. In twelve of the rain, and they were wet because of us, like dogs. Now they on each machine will not come, but, God forbid, I do promise. I'll be sorry. That's it!

I also spent the whole day after the examination of the dismissal. Poti half it took me to try to penetrate the left me house загадоного old man. But all my attempts were in vain. Door, moreover, it has been carefully envelope, not rip никакомуусилию not moved one iota even when I tried to pry her scrap валявшимся in the high grass nearby, in the midst of an abandoned garden. In vain were my attempts to find a subtle electronic device, locking the door or some photocell of his schemes, bred out. But, if the sensor is and was, well camouflaged.

I didn't lose more time, because are long passed, and suddenly decided to go visit one of his old friends, what обыно sleeping in bed all who no hitting, no особоо not расситываясь, and which is popularly known as "блядьми, and in the literature — the women of easy virtue, which, p.about my suspicion, were all, without exception, women, only these unfortunates e could or would not hide it.

I was not mistaken in the ожидниях, as expected, spent a very good time and met me out there without any rebuking them and reproach, in spite of quite a long absence. She even asked me why I was so long прихоил, and if I didn't know who she Taka, probably, even he would have believed in what she was waiting for me and loves, and just thought of it and without me enough visitors, and it's all the same with whom to be, it would be nice.

The rest of the day was good, and I вернулс in school weary abundant bed, happy and relieved, разрядилс morally and physically.

In the afternoon, leaving the mysterious, still mysterious building, I did not fail to pass around that, the other, to which it was next, and found him in an abandoned, poor condition. Only dark spot on Warbler facade you might guess, there once was a sign, обознаавшая some institution. The front door ббыла tightly closed glass engrained with dust, and through them we could not пробитьс inside the sunlight, nor seen from the street, what was going on inside. Although it is clear that house окончателльно leave, abides in a state of total disrepair and it is unknown why is generally worth it takes place. In any case, it was clear that repairs this трехтажного giant, not заннимались at least five years or more.

The front door eorder the building went on quite lively, spacious street, примыкавшую to a noisy area, withhитавшейсI district centre of the city, where nearly always had a lot of people, beautiful beat the jets of the fountain, in the shady alleys never пустовли numerous benches. And it was remarkable that in such a place, являвшем the face of the city, which contributed about it by visitors and tourists, it is such wild, unmanaged, useless historical ruins, quite портившие a General impression of the local panorama of the city. After all, everyone-it was visible, that the building floor of an old building, probably the last century, high Windows, niches прорезывали thick walls built, as were able to build only early in the century; the pillars at the main entrance through the fervor of oblivion shone even marble or доррогими with granite; the bedsides of them were decorated with some фиграми, frozen in a kind of action, now полуразбитыми and require serious restoration, at the top, under the roof, also were poorly preserved bas-reliefs, identified only жалкии with their leftovers, ruined by rain and unforgiving winds and frost with попустителльства indifferent citizens. Nick didn't care for what is lost and dying is good. But the building is bring him in divine form, could not spoil the overall picture of the city centre, but also considerably to decorate it. Now it remains deserved isn sigh пеали and respect for his neglected and forgotten old age of those who had seen it in првозданной glory and splendor.

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