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Armageddon Of The Lucifer

31.08.2018 — 31.08.2018
Mother Earth underwent terrible invasion. The terrible Empire of stelzan brought down the overwhelming power on a fragile blue sphere, and heavy chains of slavery, appear, forever held down all mankind. But the guerrilla movement without watching total terror, is not going to lay down arms. Lev Eraskander, and a small group of persons developing in themselves paranormal abilities became new hope of resistance. The challenge of space tyranny is thrown down. The way to a victory is difficult and long. Film!
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The colonel was Russian on a nationality and perfectly knew history of the planet. Stelzan under control had trillions of the worlds, their technological superiority did senseless and self-destructive any revolt. If there was though the slightest chance of a victory, then Rodionov, without reflecting, would begin to be at war for independence and freedom of the planet. But the mosquito cannot punch armor of the tank, and it, having gritted teeth, submitted to hated invaders. So, at least, he though can make something for the people.

Stelzana decided to restore the Kremlin. Without knowing as this citadel before space invasion looked, the governor set absolutely absurd parameters of the built construction. As Moscow was the city number 1, it is better to build up anew this legendary symbol. After space blow in Moscow there is no whole building left, and underground constructions were crumpled by a blast wave, similar to the twelve points earthquake. Proceeding from strongly exaggerated legends, the Kremlin was built almost in it is tenfold the increased option.

Originally Fagiram Sham wanted to construct towers size about the Himalayas at all, and advisers hardly managed to dissuade him, referring to the fact that they just will not manage to cope to arrival of the dangerous guest. Took part in construction, both workers, and numerous equipment. People were driven in multimillion quantities. For all there were not enough barracks. The majority spent the night under the open sky. The benefit, climate allowed to sleep on a grass, and around fences from stable hyper plasma beams.

On a meeting air flaneurs flew. They were jammed by recruits. Because of the shift of the Sun and changes in climate, skin of veropeyets darkened. People of Earth became much more dark than stelzan, having become black or that is more rare dark brown. The part of hastily taken recruits walked a system (they since the childhood were able), but here only many of them were in poor shape. Newly-baked fighters, for the first time in life put on boots and regimentals. And here yesterday's teenagers are shown, try to play from themselves cool guys, arrogantly covering with stupid foul language on simple toilers. Still they now a sole of race of misters, and other people only the most insignificant garbage to which in a padla to concern. They shake automatically, reproducing offensive gestures. "It is necessary to give them correct dressing down!" — the head of special troops thought.

— Mister corporal, allow to address!

Igor turned the head on a familiar voice.

— And, it you, my brother! Long ago did not see you... You as a fox, covered up all tracks, escaping from us!.

— And you, a pathetic dog police officer, after all did not track down a wolf hole! — The cheerful answer followed.

Brothers strong embraced. Then slowly both as were in a police uniform, went on smooth as the polished mirror, the basalt road. The four of sentry animals — rhinoceroses in armor with paws of a cheetah, and instead of a mouth a network of shaggy feelers, ran on the right side from marching colons, this time women's native division. Girls were in short skirts with the magnificent busts which are hardly covered with similarity of a tunic. Barefoot nozhenk marched almost synchronously, socks were extended. Girls looked very much even attractively, mainly fluffy-haired blondes, with regular features, almost ideal proportions of figures (result of the genetic cleanings which are carried out by the occupational authorities!) . Them, not knowing footwear of a nozhenka, were graceful and no droplets are deformed by a bosokhozhdeniye, and special ointment pushed away dust, leaving patches of girls pink, fine-molded, smoothing and forcing to sparkle as corals the coarsened surface of a female sole. Only skin for several tens generations under the stars which are continuously giving beams gained color of ebonite that at natural, with Aryan or Slavic features of blondes looked unnaturally, is even a little frightening. Igor, without tearing off a look from harmonous maiden legs, it is hardly heard so that could catch only their trained ears, the product of selection of occupational native special troops said:

— I have no time for tendernesses, my brother! To us, and this hearing reliable, goes the general inspector from council of justice. Legendary Misinformation imer Konoradson. You heard about it?

Ivan "Destroyed", so called the brother — "Destroyed" — a sobriquet, also quietly answered;

— Ah, here it that! Such noise and din means therefore here. And what you can tell about all this?

— Now the Phage pretends to be kind, but this is a terrible animal, the butting plasma louse who exterminated hundreds of millions our compatriots. As soon as inspection passes, it will begin to kill with the trebled force. It should be stopped, and you have to help us!

The head of special troops "Alpha stelz" gloomy shook the head. Igor's voice was full of pain:

— We have a good saying. You well prolomat a wall, but what you will do in the next chamber? All of them are identical, we for them only hairless monkeys and no more than that. In this fight it is possible to count only on himself!

— Then you dump a hated form and go with us to the woods! — Loudly, for a moment having forgotten care, Ivan whispered.

— And why to wage with them theatrical war? Your automatic machines unless plow... Against blasters, lasers, luchemet, mazer, fighting robots? Yes same all the same that to a hyper-mastodon grain! Even hydrogen bombs which you do not have, — harmless crackers against their force fields. — The elite colonel, made a helpless gesture.

— The main force — spirit and people! Matter can be strong, but original omnipotence only the spirit has! — Pathosly, having stuck out a broad chest, Ivan said.

The animal with the tail reminding the fan decorated with the most beautiful precious kamenye, but with a trunk of a tiger was peacefully grazed, devouring an orange grass. Its mouth was without teeth, but very successfully devoured genetically modified flora. At the same time this animal threw out round balls from the belly. And kids slaves selected them, accurately slazhivy in transparent bags.

Igor Rodionov with grief delivered the whole speech:

— It is beautifully told, but it only words which strongly rend the air! And what people? There was such Kerch Kerr — the king of special troops, and Ivan Kozlowski — the head of mercenaries. They tried to wage guerrilla war, using the trained troops. Green berets... Maroon berets... Stelzana beat them as partridges, even in hand-to-hand fight. Soldiers of Purple constellation surpassed members of spetsnaz. Reaction, speed, equipment, force, dimensions... Each of them laid one hundred local "Rimbaud". The general Mokili Velr killed them barehanded, at once both leaders of guerrilla war. As he told them: "I give chance! Be protected!" and as if derisively handed them in hands steel axes! Each your step is known in advance, even camouflage dressing gowns were sold to you from its direct permission that war was interesting. It for them — simple entertainment.

Ivan Rodionov in reply strong clenched fists, even bones became white, in a voice of the Russian guerrilla the constrained rage sounded with great difficulty:

— There is nothing to remind of our powerlessness once again. You help to sweep away at least Fagiram Sham better. Then we will look at a situation, we will bring together supporters. You have to help us, "stelz" is Alpha the best special department of Ronald Daklinton.

Igor felt the strongest confusion. Even it was a shame to it to look to the brother in eyes. Something Rodionov reminded himself this herbivorous tiger with a tail of a glamourous peacock. Here and he throws out flat cakes from honey milk which are selected by monsters invaders. But on the other hand it is necessary to justify itself somehow:

— And what we will be able really to make? Ron is a drop and the swine. It will put to stelzana of any who will offer though some option of worthy resistance. All collaborationist top under a cap. We are even afraid to think of them badly. It, literally. They can read our mind by means of devices and do it secretly. When they include them, there is only a metal smack in a mouth. We so strongly risk. If I fall under suspicion, then check will ruin us, and all data will squeeze out as if juice from a lemon.

Ivan knowingly nodded, on a face of the large young man the shadow, but it seems that being younger walked, he was not undeceived in opportunities of mankind to resist to invaders. For example gentle water is capable to grind off diamond, and the person....

— It is necessary to use the slightest chance. Yes, and into the account of corpses. They rip skin off people, and do figurines, souvenirs, plates and other rubbish of bones... there is the whole underground business. Unless it is possible from reasonable beings to do gloves, jackets, bags and other. From human fat cook soap, process fresh meat into a protein, canned food, add to multilayered pies, sell to other races. It is terrible, even hair and nails go to processing. The person sort on elementary particles, profiting by any body. You unless did not know that these reptiles created the whole plant where make secret experiments with people. What they create — it is secret. But the third Reich, in comparison with their affairs and scales of process, just little rascal in comparison with the skilled executioner. And this business is put on a large stream. From it has profit even treasury and the central authorities of the empire. . — Vladimir made a pause, got the candy which is strongly smelling of mint from a pocket and threw it into a mouth. Then continued. — I believe that zorg to them for it will so concretely and strongly heave that they will not get off with one governor. Misinformation Konno's imer... Yes lines with its surname... It has to obtain the evidence and when speaks with natives there have to be angry revelations, and not just gallant exclamations about prosperity under an empire stranglehold. Billions of people with us. All seksota work because of fear or occupational dollars. Stelzana not such and abrupt! They became too choosy, underestimate us, consider worse than stupid animals. But we are people! And we can hit them back, they cannot provide all situations. We will be able to destroy them the sudden courses and in blows.

Igor vigorously shook in reply to-headed:

— Truly, they too not gods! But I under beams will not get! Everything that I will be able, I will try to make. You are formally included into group of municipal police. And we very long stir. What will you tell them how you will explain our conversation?

Ivan, that is quite explainable, became puzzled here:

— That is how? We just began!

Igor quietly and an ironical smile explained:

— By means of one know-how I chopped off tails. The matter is that in the presence of total shadowing only the head of special troops can find a way to escape. Let Ermines will contact me. I to it will help to deliver a compromising evidence on the Phage. But I warn, let does not trust the environment, there the most at least two moles who everything report on invaders. Even its location is known long ago, it is not killed because he is an ideal whipping boy. Write off all surpluses and unplanned expenses for it.

Ivan in sharp blow of the boot casting on the sun, dumped prickly the word a cactus a snail and answered with not absolutely pertinent cheerfulness:

— On it the account everything is not so simple! I do not know where disappears Ermines. Nobody knows, and saw its exact location, but it constantly in touch and some even think whether the spirit directs them. You will ensure local safety, protection, and also translators? — With hope the underground worker said.

Igor in this case was not quite sure, in a face damp wind because of what it was possible to think that blue eyes of a giant member of spetsnaz water blew:

— Translators under the round-the-clock supervision, they isolated from all, without exception, people of Earth. But in any system there will be a hole. I hope that such skilled inspector will manage to break off artificially weaved web. He agrees, Vanyusha?

The fighter of the invisible front, a firm voice, the true revolutionary answered:

— I trust the aunt, the brother. Therefore for the sake of our mother of Earth we will try to win through joint efforts against the opponent. If we die, our children will continue fight. Hope springs eternal, the person who does not have hope is dead initially!

Both brothers shook hands each other and, having saluted, left.

Towards to Ivan-destroyed one more column from fresh the called teenagers printed a step. Saluting mechanically young men that is quite explainable, without coming off, looked at strong, harmonous maiden legs, the Amazons in parallel walking. Near a column the flaneur with the officer of Purple constellation flew by. The flaneur in a form was as an eagle, with the wings twisted back, and three trunks instead of a beak. Stelzan from it is transparent cabins threatened with a ten-barreled luchemet. And from above cars, the hologram, creatures like a dragon soared, but so at the same time disgusting and awful who when turned the are terrible the heads of the girl and the boy involuntarily screamed. To the false officer of local police Ivan the respect to him the gesture strongly similar to a nazi greeting was necessary to testify together with the others. Workers saluted a little in a different way, having crossed before themselves hands and having strong clenched fists (it was the sign of readiness to work to the last quantum of energy).

Chapter 14

As it is lonely in darkness —

To stars cold to flicker!

And why on Earth

The truths cannot be found?

It seems, our world died,

As if the way ended...

But do not grieve, the brother Dzhigit!

In the sky it is impossible to drown...

After Lev pressed the red button, the elevator slowed down and, having driven off to the right, stopped. The opposite voice in language of stelzan strainedly began to squeak: "The system of self-destruction is included". And Lev heard as the countdown began:

— Ten... Nine... Eight...

Eraskander perfectly understood that it means therefore, having picked up as the potato bag, the workmate's body, the owner who more precisely grew hateful and tried to get out of the elevator. Jammed a door under the law of meanness, but the stress gave to the young man additional forces. It, with all boyish rage having put pressure, moved apart stubborn doors, having deformed strong matter, having nearly pulled out it from metal fastenings.

The terrible effort caused spasms in muscles, the broad chest rose from tension. The young man, struggling with treacherous exhaustion, jumped forward, dragging a useless makeweight on a shoulder.

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