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07.07.2021 — 07.07.2021
Когда Баффи брошена в таинственный портал еще более таинственным демоном она оказывается перебрасываемой из одной реальности в другую. Истребительница должна найти свое измерению по дороге столкнувшись со своими чувствами к Фэйт.
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The blonde wasn't sure if it was because of the other woman's desperation and her need to help or if it was because this woman was Faith's likeness, but there was an intensity between them she had never experienced before. Deep down she had always known there was something between her and Faith that made them closer than just friends. Perhaps it could be put down to the fact that they were both Slayers. She had to remind herself again that the woman currently unbuttoning her blouse was in fact not Faith, but that didn't stop the course of arousal that ran through her at the sound of the other woman's husky groan as their now bare skin made contact.

Her head was telling her to stop, but her heart was pounding in her chest and making her hands move to the other woman's pants. She wasn't the type of person to fall through a portal and sleep with the first person she saw but as her eyes drank in the sight of the now completely naked woman in front of her she knew she wouldn't be able to stop. Granted she had never actually seen Faith naked, but the brunette Slayer always wore clothes that hugged her body and left little to the imagination. She could feel Megan's hands trembling slightly as they popped the button of her jeans and groaned when the brunette slid them slowly off her hips. They were a flurry of arousal and desperation, hands moving across naked flesh and tongues battling for dominance. Buffy wasn't sure why she was letting this continue, she knew the other woman was ill, knew that she was using her to cling to this reality, but something felt so right, their bodies fit so well together, that she couldn't bring herself to make it stop.

They moved as one, their hands exploring each other, their pleasure-filled groans echoing off the walls of the small motel room. Each was lost in their own lust-filled haze and Buffy threw her head back, her eyes closing as the other woman's tongue moved down her chest. She gripped the other woman, pulling her closer and running her hands down the woman's taut stomach. Her hands glided over the smooth skin where, her head tried to reminder her, a long raised scar should be. She pulled back then, her eyes travelling down the naked body in front of her to where her hand rested.

"You're not her," the blonde whispered, eyes trained on the smooth unmarked skin of the other woman's stomach. This woman was not a Slayer, she had not worked for the evil Mayor of Sunnydale, and Buffy hadn't driven a knife through her stomach to cure her poisoned vampire boyfriend.

"Please," the woman lying underneath pleaded, pulling Buffy from her thoughts, "Please, I need to feel, I-I need to know this is real."

That was the last thing either of them said, both giving in to their desires and when Buffy awoke several hours later she felt satisfied in a way she hadn't in a very long time. She knew sleeping with Megan whilst imagining it was Faith wasn't exactly the healthiest thing she could've done and it had brought feelings she hadn't really been aware of to the surface. As soon as she figured this portal business out she was definitely going to have to talk to the other Slayer and try and feel out how she was feeling. Perhaps approaching Faith out of the blue wasn't going to be the wisest thing to do, but she couldn't just let these feelings simmer under the surface and not act on them.

She knew the brunette Slayer was not the sort of woman to do relationships and she could possibly be signing herself up for heartbreak but in that moment she didn't really care. This was something that had been building ever since she had first laid eyes on the younger girl back in the alley behind the Bronze. She had never acknowledged these feelings but in the back of her mind she had always sort of known that they were there. Whether it was the knowledge that Faith was a `get some get gone' kind of girl or that she had been afraid to accept that she was having feelings for another girl she wasn't sure but she had never been able to hang onto a guy and she was sure now that this was the reason why.

The bed moved as Megan stirred next to her and her eyes met the deep brown of the other woman.

"Hey," she said hesitantly.

"Hey, how you feeling?" Buffy asked.

"Better," Megan smiled, "Thanks for uh, well you know."

"That's okay, uh, I don't usually do this sort of thing but i-it was nice, helped me figure some stuff out," Buffy said.

"Me neither and me too," Megan said sitting up and pulling the sheet to her chest, "I don't think that the Priest is the one we're after but I do think whoever it is has a connection with the church. If I can find a list of staff or volunteers, find a connection there I think I could close this."

"Like a yearbook or something? Don't you have to be a member of the church to get one of those?" Buffy asked getting off the bed and throwing on her clothes, surprisingly herself with not being embarrassed by her nakedness in front of the other woman.

"I'm sure the Priest would have one in his office, I'm sure I remember seeing some in there," Megan said sounding more controlled and confident which each word she spoke, "I just don't know how he's going to react to seeing me again. I was kind of, well crazy, when I was there last."

"A little breaking and entering is in order then," Buffy smirked. "Sadly this would not be my first time."

"You forget you're talking to a cop," Megan smiled.

"You can't arrest me though, right? Because all the places I've broken into are a big pile of rubble now. Not that I blew them up or anything. I would never do anything like that; the whole town sort of disappeared into a big pile of dust so bye-bye evidence," Buffy rambled.

"Relax," Megan chuckled. "If I arrested you I would have to arrest myself for breaking into the church and that would bring around more badness than good."

"Good because I don't know if I could survive in the Big House. A reliable source told me they make you watch Glitter in there and everyone knows Mariah should've just stuck to what she was good at," the blonde said.

Neither felt the need to address what had happened between them, both knowing that they needed it for different reasons, but that it would never go further than it had. Megan told her more about the case as they dressed and Buffy could tell how much the other woman was driven by the need to put the killer away. She could relate, knowing the passion she felt for her slaying when she felt a personal connection. For Megan, she knew it was personal because her disease had only shown itself from the stress of not being able to solve it, and knew she could never truly begin to heal herself if this killer was never caught.

"You sure you wanna help me?" Megan asked.

"As long as you take me to a phone that will actually connect me to Cleveland," Buffy frowned putting the phone down after trying to call home again.

"You're from Cleveland?" Megan asked putting on her shoes.

"Not originally but it's where I'm working at the moment," Buffy said putting on her own shoes. Even if they weren't her versions of her friends, maybe they still lived in Cleveland. Maybe they still beat up evil. And if that was true, she needed their help to get her back to her own reality.

"What do you do?" Megan asked.

"Uh, I teach self defence classes," Buffy said.

"Guess you'll come in handy then, huh, if things get physical, uh the fighting kind," Megan blushed.

"Don't know how I'd feel about kicking a Priest's ass, especially in the presence of the Big Guy upstairs, but if he protests to us breaking into his office I may just have to go self-defence gal on his ass," Buffy said.

"Hopefully we can get in and out without him even knowing we were there," Megan said, opening the door.

"Maybe I should distract him and you can slip in. He doesn't know who I am so that could work well for us," Buffy said as the two headed off down the street.

"What will you say to distract him?" Megan asked.

"I'm sure if I described what we just did, he would have something to say about it," Buffy smirked.

"He's pretty old; don't know how he would handle that sort of information," Megan laughed.

"Hey, if it keeps him distracted I'm all for a heart attack," Buffy said.

They chatted easily amongst themselves as they walked down the streets of Rochester. Finally they stopped outside a church, its large doors and overhead hanging stone features giving off a foreboding feeling. Megan grabbed her arm and spun the blonde to face her as Buffy reached for the door handle.

"I-I just wanted to say thanks again for helping me," Megan said. "Not many people are willing to help out once they find out that I'm sick, so thanks for believing me."

"It's okay, I know what it's like to have a gut feeling and most often than not they're usually right, so I think you definitely have something here," Buffy replied squeezing the other girl's arm. "Okay let's go so I can get my distracting on."

"There's another entrance around the back so I'll go in that way," Megan said.

"Good luck," Buffy told her. "Don't get smited."

"I'll do my best," Megan smirked. "Besides with what you're about to tell him I think if anyone is going to get smited, it will be you."

"Don't remind me," Buffy said. "Okay, well cue embarrassment," she said giving Megan one more encouraging smile before pushing open the heavy doors that echoed off the stone walls of the church.

The blonde Slayer jumped when the wooden doors closed heavily behind her and she cursed herself for feeling so jumpy. She wasn't the one who was going to get busted for breaking and entering; her job was just to distract and she was pretty good at that. The church looked abandoned, and the flickering of candles that lined the walls gave it an eerie glow.

"Hello," Buffy called. "Priest guy, I have some professing of my sins to do."

Getting no response, she walked further into the building, hoping that the Priest wouldn't be waiting in his office. She figured she should probably check that out, kicking herself that the two of them hadn't even considered that possibility before going in. At least if he was in there she could lure him out and give Megan the chance to get in and grab the book. Heading towards where she assumed his office would be located, she was so focused on her destination she stumbled over the wooden pew that protruded out into the walkway.

Throwing her hands forward to break her fall, the blonde Slayer's eyes widened as her fall slowed as if in slow motion and the formerly solid ground opened up into a familiar pulsing green portal. As she felt her body pulled into the bright green light, she hoped Megan would be able to figure the case out on her own and that she would be able to fight off the pulls of her disease even after the mystery woman who promised to help her suddenly disappeared.

She only hoped that she would somehow find her way home with this portal jump.

"This is seriously getting old."

Chapter 9: Rockstar

Author: Bobbi

Rated: NC-17

Buffy hurtled through the portal, most things a blur, as she sped through the swirling lights and wind. She could see nothing clearly, but then suddenly a dark mass came into view, heading right for her. She did her best to assume a fighting stance, but since her movements were not her own, she wasn't exactly successful.

The figure turned out to be a man and as she got closer to him he began to look familiar. He slammed into her, hip to hip, and as the blonde hurtled off, the Slayer could scarcely believe her own eyes.

"Scott Bakula?"

Then there was no time to ponder any of the details as the pinpoint of light spread out into what seemed to be an exit. She was hoping to land softly, but that hope was dashed when she emerged with her arms flailing as she tried to prevent herself from falling. She crashed hard into a clump of bushes that were all bushy and leafy.

There was music blasting nearby and Buffy sat up carefully, peering over and through the sticks and the leaves to see Faith smiling and dancing as she Milli Vanilli-ed her way through some rock song while a bunch of people gathered around and filmed it.

"...with the latest dictionary and today's who's who..."

She was moving all Faith-like, dimples flashing as she danced, pouted, and generally sexed it up while the music continued to play.

"...They'll get you anything with that evil smile..."


Some guy, Buffy assumed he was the director, halted the proceedings as he went over and spoke to Faith. She nodded and sat down alongside the pool, leaning back on her hands.

"Perfect. Action!"

"...'Cause we all just-a wanna be big rock stars, and live in hilltop houses, driving fifteen cars. The girls come easy and the drugs come cheap..."

Buffy couldn't believe what she was seeing. Faith looked so beautiful and sexy...not that she didn't always, but this was different. She appeared to be more self-assured and mature...She looked happy.

"...they'll get you anything with that evil smile. Everybody's got a drug dealer on speed dial..."

The change of position didn't stop Faith from smiling, pouting, and generally sexing it up until the director again yelled out:

"Cut! I think we've got it. Nice job, Eliza."

"Thanks. You guys were slammin' too."

She hopped to her feet all easy and relaxed as she went around thanking everyone personally — laughing, offering and accepting hugs, cracking jokes, signing autographs, and making it crystal clear just how well-liked she was by this group of people.

"..., but I am glad it's done. I can't wait to see who's in the final cut."

The director came over to her, shaking her hand and then hugging her close.

"Thanks for doing this on such short notice. Chad adores you and refused the concept if you weren't going to be in it."

"Better me than some Crackhead Sally. It was fun, tell him thanks for thinking of me."

"You're a class act, Dushku. Pack it up fast people, we need to head over to Nugent's while we've still got daylight!"

In a matter of minutes the crew had dispersed and Buffy was standing up shakily. Faith had already headed into the house and Buffy looked around confused. She felt...weird, and as she tried to figure it out, Faith came back out in a barely-there bikini.

Buffy had never seen anything so stunningly beautiful and her clothes suddenly felt too tight, especially in the crotch area of her pants.


Buffy looked down to see that she was sporting an enormous erection.

"Okay, a definite 'Ow' followed by a panicked: 'Huh'?"

Her hand lowered to grab the totally out of place bulge between her legs. That was of course the worst possible moment that Faith could finally take notice of her, so of course that was exactly when she did.

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