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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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Old man seemed to be still remembered something, because clouded his eyes again become firm and steadfast. I must say that взглд old man holds more expressiveness and feelings, more eloquence than the sight of a young man, probably because the vital energy and strength, will and desire over the years move into organs of perception are also moving and eyes, and they as a mirror and sunshine human, all reflect.

But his eyes seemed to clear, and is become a prickly and hard, though оценивющим me and the old man said:

"You probably want to talk to me? Well, let's go.

He turned and headed for the front door without noticing, and can be, and pretended not to have noticed that I am not alone and with such certainty that I will follow, and not наброшусь him from behind with a knife or a rock that I instinctively and immediately moved to follow him.

Going for an old man, I turned around saw that Охромов bypassed the column with the other hand and, apparently, poised at the old man out. It would be a wrong step, for the old man certainly could have shot from a gun, and if not him, you would surely to a sharp sound of the shot scare us and put to flight and get someone's attention, to be called the police. Few people can not sleep in nearby homes at this time. Most likely, if Охромову still jump in a moment, we would have had to retreat with more or less serious consequences, but something, whether indecision, or prudence, at the last moment, when it is still possible to do, hold him from the jump. He had already ducked contracted as spring, to immediately go and fly forward, but stopped in the decisive moment, and in the next second it was too late. And, realizing this, Охромов slowly straightened myself up, got up, straightened, and then hid behind a column, but the old man did not turn back.

Already at the front door he said over my shoulder, absolutely not caring and not worrying to hear it someone else besides me or not:

-The tracks I've determined that you're not alone here. Whoever he was, but he did well refrained from attacking. This would be unwise. The more that I heard his every breath and caught his every thought, as he walked to the door. Let him not think that, if I am back to him, then I see nothing and hear. I say that he did very right that we don't become me to rush from the back. Otherwise I would not have envied him. Not always the old man is a easy prey for the young, especially an old man as I am, such несмышленного young man as he is.

"Unfortunately, " he continued, отпирая door, I don't want to let him inside the building. To him there was nothing to do. Besides I don't like people who hide when their friends are risk and danger. I could shoot you! Or he doubts that my gun loaded? In vain! Tell your friend so he was waiting for you here, and what will you come back soon.

I followed his advice and said in темнту addressing Охромову:

-Grisha, wait for me here, I'll be back soon, "if I come back!" — adding about yourself mentally and entered following the old man in the door.

Reed English castle chattered for me, locked the door and separating me from the outside world, cut off the escape route. The dusty glass doors remained peacefully slumbering city, the sleepy silence of the night, Grisha Охромов, who could somehow help me there, and we were plunged into darkness, the overclocking just a light bat for almost two meters in a circle, alone with the old man, which is known what was going to do now with me and all.

Found such the aching feeling, that always comes after feeling giving up and doom when you остаешся alone with some danger I immediately hated to go to the toilet "generally", as they say, but I overcame him at the time and went to the old man, feeling the incredible torments and seizures, but for all that time, that was inside the building and not dared to ask the old man, where is the restroom and go into it, although the need pushed me sometimes so hard that want to climb on the wall, and успокаивandstayed only occasionally, but then begins again with such force that, it seemed even a little bit, and I get in your pants.

I followed the old man down the corridor, and it reminded me, as I wandered the old man with керосинкой so when he came into the house for the first time. But it was not terrible, because thoughts whenever returned to испытыываемой acute needs, мешавшей focus and think about something else. And as soon as she tried to "упрыгать" somewhere to the side, as every time returned to the same burning issue, which had nowhere to allow.

We pretty walked down the echoing silence, after a short коридорчиком, as it seemed to me, наскололько was booming echo, we found ourselves in a large room. Echo our shuffling, our steps resounded far into the darkness and void and returned repeatedly broken and weak. How on this it was possible to judge, our route lay through pretty large room, most likely, hall with a high ceiling, which amplified the effect of reflections of a sound resembling an echo in the mountains. We crossed it, and number of steps I figured that its length is about fifty meters, not less. It was probably the fact, as if the two ant crossed the room apartments in consideration of its size.

In the hall, when I saw that lamp highlighted the old man from the darkness of the walls next corridor I looked back, hoping to see what makes my buddy, but the doors were drowned in the darkness of the building. Again, I was alone with unknown to me, man. "Well, it's lucky for me with all these stories," — I thought.

On the walls of the corridor, we entered it was several of double doors, big, beautiful, обделанных carved ornament, if in any нибдь the old Palace. The dim light of a lantern barely picked out the darkness of these sculptures are covered by the massive, expensive velvet curtains, badly battered eaten something where moth, abandoned, but still preserved the remains of his was grandeur. They were gathered in folds and attached to the door jambs satin, shimmering in the light of the lamp ribbons tied on the big bows. Kept their heavy carved tapestries of some expensive breeds of a tree, whether out of the red, whether from the bog oak is to see in this light, it was impossible.

The old man turned to me and, apparently noticed my astonishment. I really was surprised that building inside his whole interior, preserved ten times better than the outside, because looking at his ragged walls, the whole exterior and imagine that it would be impossible that inside something could be preserved except scraped parquet and обсыпающейся plaster. And there was still a lot of things, and even lived a man as old as the home base.

Is that like? — asked the old man, taking over my mind the curtains. -Aboutnor indeed were good, and now nothing, especially if like them a bit repaired. They are as old as with everything in this house. Done it all here at the priest Stalin. Since then nothing has changed. I then was a young kid. Magnificent building was. Look here, except now these doors you have ever see? Is it somewhere now doing? And the ceilings! If you saw ceilings! — the old man turned his gaze upwards, put up his hand with a lamp, but the light does not reached the ceiling, and, dropping her eyes and hands, he only sighed and went to one of the doors, dreams speaking on the road. -Ceiling here, I must say, especial shaped moldings, but not simple, but thin, holding a thin, what happened was made for first-class China in the old days. Nicely done, a real work of art. Its introduction would have, but soon this house for scrap to be allowed, and with it the beauty of all disappear. Yes about such a ceiling not to tell need it to look, to show to all at once it became clear, because some words. Better to see once than hear a hundred times, and you and a hundred times't hear. Yes, earlier could and building and to do so, that the expensive show was, and now? Ugh, Castile! Like Rui from ass began to grow, and in головешке brains chicken, and even those not, and instead of blood, that hot should be, so — broth of those drain the urine welded. Neither do look at! The further you go, the worse.

Before something now, in the old, самодержские times, at all for ages built as if they were going to live a thousand years. Yes and beautifully Kaak everything was smartly. Two identical houses do not find, not that in the city the Tsar's Empire.

Round cornices лепленные figures were, ангелята roof propped up, cupids, there are all sorts flitted ibid. For every house is expensive show. And what now? Boxes gray they pointed, and all one to one — the same, as twins. Not knowing person and get lost in them not sinful case will be. All scamp scamp. I still beauty of a no, and found it. True, born — already халтурили dying, apparently, the careless work, I will. For whom is all this stuff in modelling, why? Really pleased by it the age of your live on earth? It is unclear to me. As Korobkov match натыкали circle. Oh well at least people are well жтлось, God be with her, with ентой architecture, her mother Nekhai. Doesn't that people live well, tell mne?

He turned and looked at me up expectantly, as if I had replied to him that I think of it, but I just kept silent.

I must say that the sight of the old man became quite friendly. His voice was soft, the grouchy even the fact that he anguished and жалобился me, said he treats me not hostile, and most likely, on the contrary, friendly. Gun in his hand and it was the Grozny species, as a few minutes ago, when it depended on my chest. He talked with me if not with night burglars, who tried to enter his abode and caught behind a black thing "lukewarm" and, at least as with the friend, which is not feared.

His calmness gradually was passed to me, but I had not dared to talk to him and answer his questions, fearing that the old man has come to his senses, and the tone of his conversation will be completely different, the official.

From the very beginning, from the moment we walked into the building, I зудила thought that the old man took me as a hostage to my companion or companions, he did not know how many of us had not disappeared, until he calls the police. With me he could calmly, not fearing to speak, to find out what we were trying to open the door and get inside, and the rest would still not been able to penetrate the building, even if they really wanted to: заомк, as he had already ascertained, they open would not be able to, and to break the glass door was useless, because on the other, the inner side they were reinforced bars. I saw it when only went inside. She was of a thin steel rod, almost wire, but all the same grating. Made, apparently, she was soundly, and that her crush, it was pretty mess.

The police did not want to meet. In addition, that the train was a huge scandal and such a spanking, of which I have and видыать were not, it would be fatal and other unpredictable, but it is clear that the evil consequences. The city will necessarily gossip that the cadets involved night robbery, that's still two caught, and start all troubles and нсчастья, all crimes and злодеяни, творящиеся in the city, to cut the military school. Even informally, but gossip angrier any any official opinion. In the city and without dislike cadets and, in General, military, and here such. 't want a month before the release of our stay in school was under question, Yes it is still unknown, not we would be behind bars.

I only imagined us first will lead to the Department, put him in the КэПэЗэшку, and then, knowing who we are, have informed in the school. Arrives our General начпо, someone else out of control, well and of course the smaller fry, our commander, battalion commander, platoon leader, probably, will be called — imagined, and I was scared. Bring us in school, bring before the troops, "gene", the chief of the school, says: "Here, comrades cadets, criminals, two of the scoundrel, wearing military uniforms, to be involved at night shady robbery. They are studying in the school were violators of military discipline, but we, the command of the school, their immediate commanders nursed them, as with small children, forgive them, for that is necessary to expel three neck of the walls of our school in the hope that they'll be all right, come to its senses, finally, will behave properly, become good cadets... But, as you may see, not only didn't get it that much to them to forgive their regret that they at least out of gratitude should behave as best you can. They pulled on the night feats, the theft. This to a meanness you must get down to man, given to a military school, which homeland, country, our nation, the Soviet provide everything you need for a normal life, but they are few, and have another go at night, the same people, their Homeland, Rob!

I wouldn't be surprised if I find out that these two, I cannot call them our comrades, I do not dare, when will go a consequence on them, and it will go, because I will intercede with the military Prosecutor's office on initiation on this fact criminal case, it becomes clear that these two were not only engaged in night hacking and looting, and killing people. I am very even admit this. They sunk to handle! Instead of quietly to finish school, left very little after all, they are engaged in robbery! And these are people who after a month should be, were to become officers! Shame! Shame on them and our school, in the walls of his retreat such scum!"

This whole picture stood in my mind, as soon as the thought that the old man took me hostage flashed in my head, and chilling the blood.

"God, why am I not behaved well, the reason I came to this? Well, that prevented me to be the same as promoting all? What? Would live quietly, like the others, no one would you alone. The best life when you no one touches, and you also did not touch. If to start all over! I would never, probably, would not began to communicate with all sorts of adventurers, with такмим as Охромов, in particular!" "I mused to himself, and was even such a moment of despair, when I almost threw himself on his knees at the feet of the old man and yelled, "Dad, release us, please, we won't!" but something told меняот this. I was still not so cowardly, to do things like that.

However, as we dig into the building, my fears all over смягчались, and when the old man spoke to me about the good old days, I had even confidence that the old man is configured peacefully, despite his gun, and seems to call the police will not. It стариковское grumbling almost has not left, I have no doubt its goodwill. In addition, just in case, I have reserved one powerful trump card. If suddenly case and would take a bad turn, and call миллиции would almost obvious, I tried to recall to the old man, that I had been there once, in another room, and saw something that could be interesting not only the police but also by the more serious. I would have had nothing to lose, and I would покзал secret repositories questionable literature. Let would then understand, regarding what caused them. Maybe it was and is not fair on my part, but we Охромовым would have remained in the shadows. And if the court held, I would play it with a statement that made ноную sortie specifically to expose enemy of the people, укрывателя hostile literature, and would thus of the accused would turn into a hero.

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