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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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Whatever you say, and part of the skins I was always smart.

While I was busy so painful and mean any concern for the salvation of their skins, we passed by some narrow, long tail of the corridor, where they appeared when the old man opened one of the doors in the corridor. He still something told me, at times looking back on my pensive face and taking my detachment for attention to his story, something talked and talked. Actually I totally did not hear. We were thirty meters, I thought. On the walls of the narrow corridor dotting the door, not so big and solemn, like those that praised the old man, but rather tatty, though hastily made. No facing, no any decoration in General. these are usually in the utility rooms, free opinion of visitors. Yes and ceilings, and the corridor walls were covered with gravel with cement and looked more like the arches of the underground passage or some catacombs.

-Whose house this? — finally I dared to ask. -Whom does it belong?

The old man stopped for a moment, as though taken aback by what I started to say. Then somehow deeply, as if sighed again and walked forward.

-Whose house it is, you say? — she heard his gruff voice. -In different times he belonged to different people and organizations. It has built in the last century, a very rich man, a famous sugar-manufacture Morozov. All sugar plants of our city — it was all his doing. The owner is long gone, and they work and another hundred years will work. Morozov-this town a lot less than required. He his son a cadet corps отгрохал. Do not want it not in Moscow, not in the then St. Petersburg to take the cadets school. Morozov himself from the common people millionaires out of place after the abolition of serfdom, and, of course, any titles had. Here тятенька opium on Russian orders, which, if not you belong to a noble family, and all the paths are closed for you upstairs, and decided his wealth for the son of the way up the punch. He built in for our son and his buddies in a cadet corps for their money, but that's not all. To son-it was granted a title of nobility, the layout of the building in which this military institution housed, of pure gold, he sent to the king's Palace, St. Petersburg. Here. Say that after the lowest noble title was sort of the Morozovs granted Авгутейшим by the decree of the Emperor.

Then the revolution was, something with Морозовыми happened, as with all who were thought to be rich, not abroad went, not red at their expense let — sad, in General, history. And the house was transferred to the new owners.

Some time here regional Committee of the party was located. It even before the war was. During the war the building was chosen by the Germans themselves. In this house they and the Gestapo was, and is the headquarters, the building something big, and even the secret basements for torture were placed. When the front rolled back, then bet the commander of the front theirs was.

When the Germans were expelled, his loves under their apartments mестное Department IYB, as before, the KGB was called, and they were here until Лавреньтия Beria — the Kingdom of his soul, " the old man crossed himself three times, rolling his eyes under the forehead, on that light will not be sent. Well, then.. then this house many owners something has changed, as men of drug out, forgive me, Lord, for blasphemy.

Was here and the city library, then a house of political education nobody knows for whom did, and then even in the Palace of political education was renamed, just at the end of the reign of Leonid Brezhnev was. After his death again a house of political education of the call, and then for some unknown reason, in another building he moved. Perhaps, in a more modern building decided to go, only I do not understand ччем this was bad. Because новше — not necessarily mean better...

After thirty meters along the gallery, ответвившейся from the main corridor, we have two minutes stood before a door at its end нопиминавшем dystopian deadlock dungeon, but the old man continued to talk, наслаждаяь her speech and as if not noticing that we already seems to have come.

-Then the times were, I must say, vague and seditious. Want to understand himself Chet leg would be broke. Now the call is Vague at times. Then it was called democracy, glasnost, perestroika something. Michal Sergeitch, then only began to reign, Yes with a fool, young to understand, pulled the reins, gave the people of Yes will power. And the people our ages and ages are dark and wild was. It is like wild bear from the cell to release. What he'll do? So did our people is such that, so far as rushed straightening, can do nothing. Everything went awry. Now go around twenty years the procedure will have to bring the country after ambulatories.

There were so what only Mraz born not повылазила from the dark corners, like cockroaches when the light pay off, climb on the table for the bread to carry. And they. And all power and authority. People озги promises powder. And they only want one: power over this most people. And as it got, so just smile down with my teeth showing! In which parasites were. The left and the right, and almost эссеры with the cadets Yes cadets immediately appeared. And where on earth come from only? Seventy years with that stuff Yes contagion fought, вытравливали it and only let as you do! It is like a Burr, right in the growth and went into force.

Now. In the turmoil of these times there is just a lots of owners and institutions has changed at first almost all decently. House политдискуссии, then политклуб was. Here and centre стачкомов was working, you see, were striking. They own, the Soviet authorities did not like. Yes. and rallied here and speech pushed. And crowds of people gathered.

But it still was nothing. Endure such — they still moved. And then, then what was happening! Bourgeois even appeared — where it's at! Here одиин such and bought the house hook, line and sinker, restaurant opened here, and a little later, when the reins have further weakened, so here and gambling house was, however, semi-legal: in the big hall of the restaurant and in the rooms, corridor you saw tables for gamblers, roulette, even all different stuff. And in the back room — so there's generally hard Bab flogged, for the money, of course, and a lot. This is the most secret part of the institution was. All about him in the city knew, but still pretended that nothing know — so this буржую-кооператору damn helped all together themselves with money tear. However, the city is not he the only one like this, and institutions such missing. But, come on you, the single was not closed. All the people from time to time suffered. It is then such прохиндеям nuts started to wrap tighter, and then: who in consumption allowed, like in good old times, who have sent to jail to life raspberries could be. All without remainder. One broom. True, might is not right. There were people among them friendly, good, but better and them in there, what all this infection оставллять on the freedom to walk around and people to rot.

However, I must say that as they came from, how it should be, flourished restaurant long, and владелцы his eyes grew rich. Pockets of them by leaps and bounds were swollen. Yes, times were действиетнльо vague. Simple hunky was difficult to live, and now is, however, not easier. The bourgeoisie remove then taken away, but the prices are lower forgot to get.

Some then grew rich, and the other completely обнищали. Rich-then who? Cooperators there are different, we still ньюпманами called it from the words of the new нэпман, English. Моложежь invented, and all and was picked up. People always all signs of поподхватывает. So, if without сокращенки, "new непман" you have to say, everybody said "ньюпманы". Maybe you've heard of a band that was недобитая after the revolution capitalists? At school, I suppose, taught? Then our first leader, Vladimir Ilyich, too оплошке will every crowd gave, and hoped they revolutionized people's pulled forward, so they also almost drowned. And ньюпманов, it's Michael Sergeevich made.

And I think that finish them had back in the twenties. But Vladimir something Ilyich deal with them no time left for the eternal опочивание, the Kingdom of his soul, " the old man he prayed again, rolling her eyes. Is already Joseph Vissarionovich, valiant knight revolution said all those suckers on the evil and fear: "We NEP is not needed! We NEP build socialism!" then and drove them all this evil and contra недобитую which people live prevented, and steel headed by the great Stalin to build socialism, and almost built, but it turned out that буржуйское rabble not all taken out, and it Tishka became a popular cause harm. Oh, how many of them, pests, before the war-exposed — nightmare one and only! Were their camp to rot! Only them in one place eradicate, as they come out in another. There seared with a hot iron выжгут, and they are already in the third time. Spies German damn! So before the war with them, pests, and fought! Too much trouble they've done exactly the Nazi invaders sniffing. Therefore, the war is so hard and long. So would the Germans in times roll!

But, nothing Germans so we gave a light, be healthy. They Clement Voroshilov with Marshal Zhukov showed where a penguin!

My son when Жукове served. Oh! Discipline was iron. It is then the army is unfolded, littered its democracy fing, разболтали дуркой any, have corrupted. Especially in times of chaos, a lot of firewood have. Still probably suffer the Democrats засратые!

Yeah, and here is how Mikhail Sergeevich declared this the democracy by force of the law, so any Mraz again, like mushrooms after the rain, as grebes смаые vile climbed. So got that and not to withhold anything, to just arrived to the Supreme Council, to the press. And then what the interpretation was not told why not just write then. All of the dirt, Yes shit poured! And Stalin, and Lenin, not to mention the other. So what about Stalin in the former times were afraid to speak evil, and for the full tub of dirt was turned off, and no one, rabid dogs! Still, how many time passed, his name cannot wash! But the wisest man was, who I believe is second after Lenin in mind and greatness. Yes there Stalin?! These dogs hungry before reached that Lenin raised their hands, and then Michael, mountain-ruler, чередушко came. Not even remembered, dogs ungrateful, that he gave them freedom.

Yes, that was done, what was happening! So let's all, as in America, as in Japan. So Russia little and not tore to pieces, yeah with guts just not sold. And there still is, and Islamic Asians недовольствоваться steel, Yes Transcaucasia all передралось between themselves. I'm talking about the Baltic Germans did not speak. Those, in General, their freedom wanted. In General, such further hate you...

The old man spoke, spoke, spoke, and was unable to stop, and I listened and listened, and оторвться from this could not, as not forced myself.

I was strange, because his deliberate набожност does not clash with the love of Stalin, Lenin and other of our leaders. Incomprehensibly in his speech lived next to each other какзалось would be incompatible concepts. It seemed to me that in a fit of anger, ' he can link, if needed, more the opposite thing.

Only now I noticed that we're sitting unknown how much time in a not very big, but tastefully furnished room at the table, where the old man put his kerosene, and next to the already lit another, with a vast and beautiful shade of white frosted glass, painted vivid and bright colors, with фарфоровы housing as a Nude пышнотелой virgin, полузакрывшей eyes. The virgin were the Golden hair, the look of blue eyes was устрелен dreamily up, and in her hand was a harp that she apparently played. Lapa was very beautiful, you can even say that gorgeous, and probably worth the take not the last place among things ккого some of the famous Museum. Things similar to it can be seen only in the Hermitage or him of such a Museum, in which, unfortunately, I never was.

Golden virgin hair fell loose waterfall to her feet and spread inside there, and forms the basis for a stand lamp, in the Golden lake. Not light, but a real work of art.

The furnishings of the room, its interior, were also quite nice. The whole room was great furnished and well furnished. One of the walls have a huge, her whole width of the carpet depicting bright, сочщыми paints the scene forest hunting. It is made with such живописнымискусством that one could take the picture, if not антастической length of the pile, and a rare and long, its swaying made to revive зверй, dogs and riders with pipes and antique hunting rifles, настигающих game on galloping at full speed riding. And then the carpet was like a strange toy, not the huge screen TV. It was almost alive and warm.

Under the carpet, stood a wide sofa, upholstered in green velvet. Its carved seems mahogany back in a few places to keep yourself plump pillows are made of the same material, stitched on the center of each large cloth buttons-buttons and it seemed too convex. On the sides of the sofa had a big round arms-бочата very elegant form.

Large pillow in the corner of the sofa in a satin pillowcase, embroidered with bright flowers, dented, which, apparently, from the head of an old man, so had to rest, so called Manila and lie down, and not just lie down, and the flop with a running start to sink into her, burying his face in her soft Pooh, feeling the hands, fingers, palms касаютс pleasant surface Atlas that I almost succumbed to this temptation.

In the corner of the room there was a Cannonball stand by gracefully curved legs, born of an unknown master, probably more than a hundred years ago. It was possible to assume the elegant historic its forms, the fine carving on the edge of the lid, the massive cast handles of brass. Near the pedestal stood a few deep and comfortable seats, оббитых the same green velvet, probably, from one with a sofa headset.

All the furniture in the room was a natural trees, and therefore was notable elusive обоянием and beauty, which are not available modern furniture, made of pressed wood chips. From it came like a living breathing. And even bookcase, who was a good half a конаты, large and massive, thanks to this, Yes even the splendid carving and decoration, looked easy and pleasant.

The whole room was breathing the scent and warmth so enveloping and fascinating. Soothing, forcing to forget all the cares and anxieties, remaining somewhere in another world, behind the walls of this room, that the thought is that it should go, inside it was getting cold and lonely.

Two kerosene lamps enough to fill the room dim, but pleasant, warm, soft light. Moreover, from lamps with frosted glass cover and the body of the virgin was amazing pink мураж something resembling a haze around the shade, or as if I was short-sighted and looked at the lamp, and the shape of its eroded least in my eyes. I do not know and cannot say, as the Creator of this светильникаа managed to achieve this effect.

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