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Armageddon Of The Lucifer

31.08.2018 — 31.08.2018
Mother Earth underwent terrible invasion. The terrible Empire of stelzan brought down the overwhelming power on a fragile blue sphere, and heavy chains of slavery, appear, forever held down all mankind. But the guerrilla movement without watching total terror, is not going to lay down arms. Lev Eraskander, and a small group of persons developing in themselves paranormal abilities became new hope of resistance. The challenge of space tyranny is thrown down. The way to a victory is difficult and long. Film!
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At first it caused laughter, and further turned into similarity of torture, even eyes at the boy began to water. But at last, they appeared in the top compartment where usual white walls of prison sector were replaced by bonishchensky luxury. Beautifully everything as in the Hermitage, and too there are a lot of mirrors. The young stelzanka threw off from itself Tigrov and began to correct itself a hairdress and to build in a mug mirror. Vladimir when falling hurt a knee a little and the left foot combed by a sharp nail wildly itched. Nevertheless, he suddenly felt in himself sincere forces to stand up straight and to raise above the head. — It is necessary and he will show firmness of the member of the Young Guard on fascist interrogation. Will prove and that the boy of the twenty first century do not concede to the peers from the twentieth! The senior supervisor angrily pushed, in a back and right there held it that the young captive did not depart forward, a marigold stuck skin, blood acted. Vladimir, unsteadily standing on feet, tried to laugh the matter off:

— A rope on a neck too reliable support, and without any conventions!

The supervisor seized Tigrov by a chin, and raised on an outstretched arm, having easily torn off from a floor. Squeezed a jaw pincers, and twisted a neck, the head was ready to come off, and legs helplessly dangled. Vladimir convulsively grabbed a stelzanka brush, tried to unclench fingers. That burst out laughing:

— Human cub... Silly young frog...

The young workmate whispered:

— Will be enough, the investigator already was tired of waiting.

The senior wardress carefully put the boy on legs and ordered:

— For me and not a sound! Nothing so shortens life as a long tongue!

Soon it was entered into an office. Den doors thick of gilded metal, decorated with the running escapes, only instead of flower buds stuck out flowed round with rapaciously sticking out barrels of a tower of tanks. Vladimir mechanically crossed: "what at them tastes".

The office did not remind itself a medieval torment casemate at all. Several richly ornamented vases with the flowers, couple of pictures executed by rich colors, in style of Renaissance, rather calming with viands of an imperial feast and hardly covered girls servants. Obviously handwork though dabs are almost not visible — masters. And still the huge chair decorated as a throne of the Persian shah. On it very polite intelligent man in a dressing gown, snow-white with gold asterisks, sat. It was cute, tall and broad-shouldered as however, and all stelzana. He spoke, perhaps, even too correct Russian, precisely as in the dictionary putting accents, and grinding the terminations that best of all gave in it the foreigner or more precisely than an inomiryanin.

After standard questions more detailed inquiries followed. To the head, hands and to legs connected sensors. The latest events so shook Tigrov that he hid nothing. Especially, when the uncle in a dressing gown politely warned that for each lie the cyborg will give the electrocategory, safe for life, but very painful.

The investigator after several honest answers, seemingly, seriously was surprised. His eyes were rounded:

— Well, you also drive a kozyavochka vacuum. To move on one thousand years ahead moreover to escape, from waves of annihilation radiation, nobody can!

Vladimir lowered a leg and rubbed the sole which is still itching from a tickling soft as the carpet swelled. It is lost answered:

— Probably yes... But here it turned out, can in space there are some special, earlier not open measurements which allow to slip under certain conditions through temporary barriers.

The investigator did not begin to argue or that for a stelzan it would be far more natural to swear or will start beating the defenseless boy. Instead, he made graceful gesture and the vase standing at the left hands and legs suddenly grew, and the beautiful bush bristled up curve needles and sparks. Peep was heard:

— You will order to torture the prisoner the grand executioner?

The investigator instead of the answer, got up, went to Tigrov, having raised the boy for a chin:

— Tell the truth from where you or learn earlier unprecedented pain...

Vladimir, strongly sweating and faltering for fear, murmured:

— I swear to you, already told everything...

The investigator here silently burst out laughing, released to the boy. Shortly ordered:

— In its loner luxury! It is polite to address!

Interrogation unexpectedly quickly and without corporal tortures ended, and the boy was taken away, two former supervisors. They were this time not so rough and put the young prisoner in a special capsule mudflows on the parties. Also drove along corridors as if machines in an attraction... Only far quicker that you will make out nothing, flashes, and the body rigidly presses into an easy chair...

Vladimir was not in time, properly to be frightened, they stopped near a door with shining as the electronic dial to number which at once was replaced when to it the supervisor turned the cute and furious person, and the wide entrance was instantly dug out. Tigers however, experienced surprise not therefore to an occasion and because, did not feel a shake-up because of so sharp stop.

Females supervisors extended the boy and, holding the prisoner under a lokotka, entered into a chamber...

Loner luxury and really was as decent gostiny number; couple of big rooms and a bathroom, with a reservoir like a splash pool pool. Carpets, pictures and even an aquarium with such fantastic small fishes behind transparent armor hang... beauty. And really hotel, only beds without linen, probably at stelzan it was considered as superfluous. The senior supervisor strictly said:

— Spoil nothing the juvenile convict... Here to you not the resort, and so encouragement behind loyalty. Graviovizor we to you will not allow to include. In that chamber where you on it, only educational lessons and our propaganda materials go. Therefore have just a rest here, there will be for you an occupation soon.

Stelzanki were removed, and Tigers on edge wide, similar on hanging on anything inflatable, with the image of sailing ships, the bed mattress carefully sat down. Reflected...

In fantastic works of in its situation usually or runs or it is come to the rescue by strong allies. As speak, the grand piano jumps out of bushes... The mind, of course, to escape would be more abruptly, but it is necessary to be couple orders cleverer and stronger than jailers. And here the space empire, against which "Star wars" as children's scenery...

However, get Tigers and to medieval prison, and then not the fact that it would be succeeded to be chosen, despite all knowledge of the electronic twentieth century. The boy leaned back on a back, the bed was soft, warm, and it is possible to take a nap for hour or so...

Arrival of the servant with a tray of "prison" food woke the boy. The slave was a fluffy-haired blonde, dark and chocolate skin color in decorated with the sparkling bikini pieces of glass. Very figuristy, polite, as if before it not the prisoner, but the sultan. And the servant was accompanied by two robots. They were small the size as cranes, but krylata and with the whole dozen of trunks of everyone.

Vladimir was expressed:

— The equipment compensates absence of intelligence, only at presence of reason which directs a funeral of the ignoramus!

The slave it is surprised threw up eyebrows, dense, violet from henna, Tigers happy with the had effect paid tribute to food. Fed him here quite not badly. Except for pineapples and bananas, other fruit, bizzare shapes, were absolutely not familiar to it, but, nevertheless, very tasty. And very original to taste, even meat was not familiar that for the person during an occupation era luxury.

The slave, having kneeled meanwhile, greased the little boy's legs with fragrant cream and kissed them on three times everyone. Vladimir strongly was confused and reddened. Other girl entered a chamber and began to wash pink water to leg knees to the young prisoner. Then already the robot gave the order:

— Conduct it to the pool. Wash it to gloss, let will be beautiful. The governor will have with him conversation.

Face at slaves shuddered, they hardly kept from smiling.

And here news so news, the governor wants personally with him, the prisoner Tigrov to have a talk.

Washing several multi-colored liquids was short, the boy's girls did not even concern, and used boxes, similar to a school case. Vladimir felt fear, before the future conversation with the monster which is autocratically ruling the whole planet.

Then processing by the radiation clearing interiors, and the boy felt emptiness and stupid hunger in a stomach again. Then it was given ceremonial clothes, and moved to "kinglet" of planetary scale.

Vladimir never for all the life, even in fantastic blockbusters, saw such magnificent and huge palaces. The tourist complex shook by the luxury and the sizes. Everything was very beautiful, various and effective. Stelzana loved luxury. They liked to build, create (especially hands of the won people!), as however and to destroy. They wanted to surpass all races in the Universe not only in military force, but also in culture.

Though it sometimes at them it was expressed very wildly, and it is extremely vile!

"When the subdued people of the Universe will contemplate our cities, they have to be shocked by greatness and beauty of these monuments. Against our power the pettiness of others will be visible stronger". Approximately one of the first emperors of Stelzanat so spoke.

The central palace was reconstructed and sparkled a marvelous multi-color aura. Enormous flowers were moved with petals and leaves, exhaling the strongest aroma. Some of petals of representatives of genetically modified flora were strict geometrical forms or the broken lines, on others shone drawings which as in transfers changed depending on a corner under which you look at them. Giant manual butterflies soared, they moved in a certain order, creating unique as if the ornament flowing the dazzling motley river. In a throne-room the marshal-governor sat. Externally — a typical gorilla, a black face, as at the Black. It is ordinary a cannibal mug with a flattened nose. To tell directly, the freak, especially against classically correct figures and physiognomies of other stelzan. Fire in eyes did not promise anything good.

— Be not afraid, tsyplenochek! I do not bite. Bring it closer!

Fagiram spoke expressly gently, but eyes burned with unhealthy interest.

Vladimir brought. Fagiram moved down from a throne, it was even above the usual standard and weighed not less than two hundred kilograms:

— The newcomer from the past. It is necessary what interesting copy! To the boy, probably, hot why you so wrapped up him?

Security guards wanted to break the official suit which is specially put on for a meeting with the governor. Vladimir evaded:

— It is not necessary! I am!

Marshall governor languished and even slobbered six shivering, as at a flabby bulldog of chins:

— What pretty monkey, everything does voluntarily. Pour to it a vilikura. Let's drink for pure man's love.

The security guard politely brought a decanter with blue liquid and two graceful shot glasses turned from natural natural diamond. Four bare-legged servants from among natives began to execute difficult dance under music. Under their strong, coffee color legs as in a ring flame uvulas flashed, hardly touching rozovenky maiden pyatochek. Well, directly zolotovolosy Indians from Kam-Cutra's temple. And from blue liquid bore acetone and something else more disgusting.

In Tigrov's head fighting pipes suddenly began to sound, and on veins the hot lava of hatred and how many it is possible to suffer began to flow! Hardly the tray was near, Vladimir grabbed a decanter and started to the pervert in the head. Fagiram managed to strike away sudden blow, but, having distracted, passed the strongest poke a leg in a groin. The blow was exact, besides, before visit to the governor Tigrov could not find suitable children's boots therefore put on it a soldier's metal camouflage for Stelzanat's mini-soldiers that added to blow of hardness and power. The sock of fighting footwear of mini-soldiers (children of stelzan, from conception in the incubators which are registered in a system, but still as the school students and kindergartners having comprehensive training before inclusion in regular military units) is arranged in such a way that fast contact, the destroying effect repeatedly increases. The shock surface is as if shot what to punch also reinforced concrete. The governor fell, having fainted from painful shock. Protection opened fire with blasters. As Tigrov managed to avoid a deadly beam of light, he also does not remember. Somehow as if a trance, evaded, having swept on a mirror floor. And here cut the servant who brought a vilikura on part. Of course, the boy who encroached on life, undoubtedly would be killed (can Vladimir rescued, from immediate annihilation, only desire peculiar to stelzana not to do death of the opponent too easy), but there was not probable...

Several guerrillas could filter into extremely protected palace. At first they wormed way among numerous workers, then passed in the main den of invaders as their helpers. Fagiram himself facilitated a task of saboteurs, having turned off internal supervision over the palace. Why to excess witnesses to observe the governor's perversions. Guerrillas well-aimed shots laid bodyguards, then tried to kill the main torturer of the planet Earth. However this time good luck from them turned away. Even in an unconsciousness Fagiram managed to press the button of the emergency evacuation, and the robot rescuer, having picked up power capture the become soft body, left to the flourish through an underground corridor. Guerrillas were doomed. Therefore when gas hissing was heard, the Trinity of avengers at the same time, without arranging, lifted a thermodetonator.

Vladimir jumped up to them.

— You want to die?

— It is better to die with a sword adequately, than to live as the cattle driven by a lash to a stall — was distributed the amicable answer of fighters.

— Yes, it was told by our President.

— And we not Russians, and sitayets with the Zulu. Though in this case with Russians are uniform. Let's meet in the new best world!.

Hyper plasma flash tore off words of patriots. From within the palace was defenseless. Force fields protected it only from external influences, and the thief Fagiram tired out part of the security equipment and cybernetics in the black market. A half of a grandiose construction collapsed down, having killed many stelzan and even more those who worked for them. It were the most significant losses of stelzan for all history of occupation of the planet. Big losses were, probably, only from the similar act made by the acting president marshal Polikanov.

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