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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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Easy twilight, сгущавшийся in the corners of the room, made the atmosphere more comfortable and relaxing mood of peace and quiet bliss, the feeling of heat and completeness, of peace, will never go out here, not to leave this small, cozy world. And I thought, how well here might be to age the little gray man.

As I gazed at the room, the old man knowingly kept silent, giving me the opportunity to see everything as можноподробнее, and, noticing that the inspection is over, spoke again.

Salese his voice in this room, in her warm, cosy atmosphere seemed so domestic and acquaintances that I came suddenly into his head good thought that it would be good now to climb barefoot felted Slippers, wrap himself in a long dressing gown and sit in a rocking-chair by the fireplace, which is necessary to notice, was not in the room to покуривя cigar long-long chat with the old man about many things, about nothing in particular, just as time went on and continued infinitely, swaying in his seat and back and forth and Smoking, savoring large and thick cigar. Don't know if and get rid of this maggot, if I don't immediately sobered persistent need go to one place, not retreating for a minute, sometimes growing, and now, just before a critical state. I and almost forget about her during a fascinating and extravagant chatter old man and remembered just now, when cornered again.

The old man tried to talk to me again, but I didn't pay any attention to his words.

-I needed to get out, " I said him and saw the look of surprise on his face. The old man was taken aback, and then I spoke to him again. -I needed to get out! I want to go out!

Finally after this until he came, and he took the hand of "the bat" said getting up:

'Well, if you need, I'll go with you. But I still wanted to know why the middle of the night you tried to enter this building, you had to. Keep in mind, there is nothing to take, and it, I assure you, not a place for easy money. Now too many of them, who are looking for, like, doing nothing, extracted a lot of money. However, ' the old man waved his hand, — such was enough at all times. And ours is no exception. Go. I'll go with you.

And, although it seemed to me that he trusted me, the old man took his shotgun. And we went out, winding through the long, convoluted corridors. He walked me out. As I requested, but only now, all the time walking behind, as if конвоируя me. I turned, but the back of my cooled all the way from the blind sight mortem, взирающей at me with empty eye-sockets two steel barrels a loaded weapon, and all the time we went, besides the desire to immediately sit down and blend right in here somewhere bunch, because the bear forces already there, I had a feeling подконвойной fever, when the whole body shudders shallow nervous trembling as if in a strong and long-lasting fever. It is necessary to add, that feeling теплаи comfort, the moment we left the room the old man crossed its threshold, stepped into the dark corridor, left me vanished, then, as the warmth of the hearth, улетучивющееся slowly but steadily in the cold, жгущем cheeks, откусывающем nose and выворачивающем ears inside out ruthless during the dank mites, barely escaping to get in there. Inside of me all warm and left only from the cold and darkness. I walked ahead, stepping on his own long, vague shadow from kerosene lamp behind they guessed the direction of further movement only on the commands of the old man: "Go right! Stop! Now the left! Right, right, right..."

Strange, but I'm shivering from internal cold, stumbling in the darkness, he could hardly see anything when the light in the back, thinking about that, behold, now the old man returns to his cozy room, затерявшуюся in the darkness of the huge cold домины fall on the big soft sofa, оббитый green velvet, sink головй in a huge, warm feather pillow and will lie and luxuriate in the midst of this all a nice and quiet charms, admiring the bright colors of the carpet depicting a hunting scene, occasionally blowing on his incredible length of the pile, to get lazy figure it move, until its not склонет fatigue, and he asleep sweet and peaceful one in his little magnificent cupboard somewhere in the belly of a huge and dark building, such unfit for habitation.

Already after the great echoing bottomless hall, I tried to remind the old man, not straight, and hints, with a backyard, that I've been in this house, only in him, not in the main building, and in the mysterious annexe, прилепленной to him from the side, and that I am aware of some of its secrets. But it seems that he failed to understand anything, for the never remembered me and only paused, lost in gloomy thought that shape and without the dead, the dead silence of the house.

He never spoke to me up to the exit, though I tried to call him on разгово and resembled, resembled, resembled him about the events of the recent past, calling from the memory separate episodes, believing that it is for these fragmentary phrases will understand what I'm talking about, or at least that I'm not here for the first time, if he does not become a memory. But from his mouth not прозвуало a word, even when he covered for Noah door.

Again I was on the street and now, barely шмыгнуть in the front garden, that was laid out on both sides of the entrance, take off your pants, not choosing a place to sit with a magnitude in the щекочущуюся grass and , despite all the inconveniences, experience a fabulous pleasure from облегчающегося after the forced-suffering bowel.

The first three minutes and I was not even able to think about something but Kaak departing from their point of need and this bliss, when, finally, she received satisfaction. But then, a little recovered, became соображат, where the same may be Охромов. It was strange that he hasn't met me at the exit and even called me. Can be frightened and run away?

However, he could I not notice this, because I disappeared so quickly.

Chapter 15.

About three minutes I sat in utter silence, undisturbed even комариным squeak and trills of cicadas, sometimes as this summer, объявляющихся in these regions. Then somewhere far away there was a sound like a deep, hissing, with присвистом, as of a patient with pneumonia sigh. He was long and long and looked like a snort giant asleep somewhere on the otherm the edge of the city for a peaceful night.

This was the sound is so implausible that I lent it absolutely no внимния and thought that I fancy. My thoughts were busy with something completely different. I thought, where could запропаститься Охромов, where his demons are.

Don't know what I would do in his place.

On the one hand, being in such a situation one, anyone could стрсить and run away, примчаться in school, залечьв bed, and tomorrow morning as casually come to my room and ask so casually, where it disappeared from my roommates room. But such an option could arrange except that some нытика and therefore automatically moved away, because Охромов could be anyone, but not to the extent coward.

Second option was closer to the truth, because I would probably did it this way, if my comrade taken under the gun: Охромов likely I tried to help out and went to find a loophole in the building. And, if so, I'll have to go looking for him around the building.

Most likely, and this is almost exactly what Охромов did: went in search around the building through the open window you forget to close it. However, as far as I was aware, from the side where there was an Annex, the wall was blank, and there Grisha able to detect a door leading to a secret store, which is now, at night, was opened. Driven by the desire to help me, he угубился inside the building, and God forbid get him where I nearly fell during their adventures.

I stood up, tore off a few leaves with росшей nearby чахленькой birches, but then he saw how this is silly, because leaves her little slippery, and it's not the best подтирка, we can say that in General, not the best one. Then, stepping in lowered trousers, and how they could be possible, I walked in circles a few meters палисаднику, until finally, fortunately, have not found a piece of newspaper, a large, however badly soiled with mud, in adhering lumps. Had before use, обтрушивать her thin yellowed, rough from time to time and weather extremes.

Somehow having coped with a toilet, I pulled on pants and it was quite went looking for Охромова how am suddenly he came to meet me where we parted, not forcing myself to look long.

I am glad to this быстроиу its appearance, however, had noticed that his face was not frightened, but pale and his eyes shone lights непотухшего in them fear, but and worked up into him in the share of curiosity. He looked like a madman came almost close and рассмативл me Nemo and long from head to toe, as if he were seeing for the first time, and expected to find in my image something that could testify to the fact, that happened to me.

I already quite confused his long silence and I had to shake him, when he suddenly he spoke and asked finally, as if nothing had happened:

"What are you so long?! I already procedure simply waiting for you! Where you've you been?!

-Where?! Are you crazy? Never seen something, that old me under the foresight led him into the house?

-And how do you let go, why the police never called?

I don't know, now and отпутил.

-And that, said nothing, even?

-No, why, we're pretty cute interview.

I briefly told Grisha that happened in the building and he in turn совю admitted to me that when the old man suddenly jumped out, then great refrained from reporting him his gun and with me hid behind a column, but then decided to attack the old man, take his gun and associate, and for a long time choosing a moment to jump, but never dared to do it. And then Гришand long sat on the steps and thought about the vicissitudes of fate, about women, it is not the way, and other nonsense.

-What you thought about women? — поинтересовлся I.

"Yes, indeed, different nonsense... But in General... actually, I would like оазаться in bed with her friend, was going to even go call her and tell them how miss her. And then do it, if not you. You know, I damn wanted to go to the this girlfriend home just horror as. She has such a хорошеньая apartment, all so cute, cozy, and she had nothing, not the last. Star of average size, so to speak, and, perhaps, even bigger, maybe I did not дооцениваю.

"Who is this friend? I do not Анжелка? — поинтереовался I.

Talk about women always distract attention and раслабляют psyche, and we do now was necessary as air, because both survived chut does not stress.

-No, you that don't know. I recently met, after we parted. That Анжелка? A doll. It may be, Baba, and anything cute, but it lacks something. Unfinished she's some. Кугуткой from it smacks, in General, from Анжелки. And it's all lady, you know? Yes-mA-a. I don't know how it turned out I had to meet her as heck helped. She so repelling Svyda that and not come even. And, most importantly, not a word scares, no, from her something comes that shiver. Surprise and respect for some. Imagine Yashka, respect, u-VA-same-no-E. You know how I feel about the women. And there you are — words can't say. And she's funny. Laughing, I would about another said "stupid", but it can't. Maybe this is what love is. You see, mind you I get that all women are the same, that it is the same as all of them, drug out, the mind-it is understand but the heart wants to believe, Yes wants, that all sounds of the mind in its desire to drown. I still can't move away. She had me right enchanted, at first sight. And, most importantly, I first spotted her, and she even then I was like eye took.

-Well, the first time with a woman without me met, and she'll immediately приворожила, I said as a joke, although something inside me just stuck.

-Yeah, not make, please. And not for the first time at all. I have a lot of friends and ZDEwithBT there is a, back home, whom you had never heard of. But this is my first time I meet.

-What's so special about it? I asked mechanically, already considered changing his, what should we do next, maybe even specifically to посорее finish this unpleasant for me to talk because the story of Grisha about a girl interested and thrilled me, and I was uncomfortable. I wanted to see it yourself and appreciate what she is.

Do not know, " smiled dreamily Охромов, and this smile struck a chord, -but I trudge and млею at the sight of her. When she is around, I can't find the desired, afraid of something to say. I broads just talk, and the boy amused. By the way, don't call her a woman, okay?

-Well. But that, she's in bed putting forth?

-Yes in that case-no. I don't get upset at her for it, but the most important and strange that, and don't want to. I somehow different, that special love. Even to hint to her that dare not. I know that I could have, could have, and don't want I feel that after this, immediately something is lost, something is gone. I'm like a flower, I admire, why am I this flower will trample? After that it's all for me, perhaps, others will. And if this is called love, it immediately disappears. I'm nothing like this had ever experienced.

She didn't like it, probably as I before it mnus do and almost blushing. Really like. Just as well. Staring at me with big eyes, laughing. And, you know, nothing special about it, no, not very beautiful, if you look, but the charm of a Royal. The ten enough. I don't even describe what takes place in my heart, in my soul when she is near. Is done so well that I ккой-prolonged power наливаюсь, which separates me from it, sinful, and I fly, fly, fly in, and it seems that ascend to the clouds and fly away to where usually people themselves do not fly...

-Yes, very interesting, but what do you етаешь, how would become of her in bed?

-As I undressed imagine and can't imagine. I have never раздетую and not seen. Even the house she was, when the ancestors was empty, and touch not dare, представлешь?


-Although she hovered near me, like a butterfly, like a moth, laughed, laughed. Just stretch out your hand, and she's yours. And no, as if behind a glass wall... and now sat and dreamed of what would have happened if I could not resist. Evil would probably work out. I would his hand to her reached out, picked it up, she would suddenly ceased to laugh... And then... No, it probably would have got it all... Oh, I don't know, but my thoughts don't come out as I caressed her, coated kisses her body as surprised her with his tenderness, his caresses, the fact that she felt would have experienced... Maybe somebody someday surprised?.. Oh, well, I'm tired of these thoughts. But you just think of how great it is lying in bed with a woman that you like...

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