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Armageddon Of The Lucifer

31.08.2018 — 31.08.2018
Mother Earth underwent terrible invasion. The terrible Empire of stelzan brought down the overwhelming power on a fragile blue sphere, and heavy chains of slavery, appear, forever held down all mankind. But the guerrilla movement without watching total terror, is not going to lay down arms. Lev Eraskander, and a small group of persons developing in themselves paranormal abilities became new hope of resistance. The challenge of space tyranny is thrown down. The way to a victory is difficult and long. Film!
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Chapter 16

The mighty fleet star —

Mira Vselennoy terribly you win!

And everything that was free in space,

You only a brute force trample!

The corridor was narrowed, extended, air gave heavy ozone more and stronger. The humanoid type suddenly disappeared, having dissolved in air. Ahead there was a deadlock, to it and the translucent subject in a camouflage suit jumped. Eraskander whispered:

— There are two things on "With" from which it is impossible to disappear: conscience and death! However, the last unlike the first can be fooled long!

The young man hesitated not for long. The riddle probably was that the deadlock closed an entrance to some confidential hiding place or a shelter. Perhaps, the key opening doors was aimed at biocurrents of a brain or at least at physical parameters of the individual then the sense was not to try to get into an underground citadel. To creep there, so to be lit that it is very dangerous and fraught to risk the life excessively. The lion understood it, but could not and did not want to stop halfway. Especially, unless his life not eternal dancing over an abyss?

Be not afraid of force — it is possible to become stronger than strong, be not afraid of mind — it is possible to outwit also the cleverest, but be afraid of cowardice — as it does not allow to use the biggest force and mind!

The surface was slippery, without cracks and buttons, the heavy-duty metal closed by a force field. Eraskander wanted to recede, but you never can tell, his chief had a small powerful supersensitive device. And Lev took it with himself too. It was the latest espionage device which could listen even via filters. The young man made attempt to be connected, pressed more densely, tried to grope more thinly a wall, but all unsuccessfully. Protection against listening was the most powerful, and the hall which it covered was located somewhere in hundred meters from this place. The fact of installation in itself of the most powerful protection indicated extreme importance of in what were engaged in the underground room. When you are still so young, it excites insuperable curiosity. In the head quite logical thought flashed. It is improbable that only one individual will enter this entrance. It is necessary to wait for the others. The lion measurement sideways rested naked, brawny as at a slope a back in smooth, a little glossy wall and carefully listened...

Soon, really, hardly audible soft steps were heard. Someone protiskatsya accurately along a narrow corridor. Eraskander realized that he can just face this subject. It was possible just to thrust, of course, the charge from the blaster, but now is better to pass the opponent. Let it at first will open pass. It is not excluded that from a beam shot the alarm system will work. Having jumped up, dexterous as the pro acrobat the boy hanged, resting hands and legs against a wall of a narrow corridor. The black figure externally was human, in a fancy mask with four horns. Probably, it is stelzanovets. So Lev thought. The black subject began to do the difficult movements by the right hand, then added passes of left. The wall was moved apart like an elevator door. Even a moment — and the opponent would nyrgnut in an aperture, but Lev managed to be ahead of him. A jump from above and a direct shot an elbow on the opponent's helmet. From a shock a helmet flew, having bared the head of the enemy. The boy expected to see something opposite, but nevertheless a human face of the soldier of Purple constellation. But instead fosforichesky eyes of a reptile sparkled. Three eyes ominously shone in the twilight of a corridor. The predatory mouth revealed, having bared large canines. The long neck was suddenly extended, and the animal jumped like a carnivorous gorilla. Eraskander evaded and struck a counter kick in a jaw. The tempered shin punched well — several teeth took off from a huge mouth of conditionally reasonable reptile. Nevertheless, the hybrid of a snake and primacy continued attack. The lion easily reflected attempts of a creature to thrust widely from hands and legs, but passed the burning slap the tail covered with metal needles. On brawny as the put boards of a breast acted blood drops. In reply Eraskander sharply thrust several times fists on a muzzle having carried out a prompt boxing series. Though the mobile neck also managed to soften blows, nevertheless, the animal reeled. The young man remembered council of the Sensei:" Battling against a cobra, do so: with one hand the deceptive movement distracting a snake, and strike the second lightning blow in eyes". So he also made, feeling as air to become more dense around, and the ring in ears accrues. Fingers as if buried in the burning pieces of coal. Eyes disgusting as if escaped from the Tartar of a reptile were heated. Then they literally burst a fiery cracker, and the ruthless tail stebanut on edges again. The reptile began to squeal as herd of pigs. Fountains of ink-blue blood flew from the punched eye-sockets. One more exact prick a hand finished the last eye of the exotic monster. The burned fingers hurt, but did not lose mobility. In due time the young man learned to pull out from a fire the shining pieces of coal, here the truth substance more hotly, but experience is. A furious kick from a turn, then the cutting movement in a jump — and the head of the opponent became soft. Eraskander, having just seized a neck, began to turn the head of an inogalaktichesky reptile. Vertebras crackled. By inhuman effort, straining all muscles of hands, backs, the press the guy tore off the terrifying head from a body. Veins were blown up from tension, on a body sweat flew down, hands shivered. This fight with an unprecedented monster strongly exhausted the boy. It was worth taking not small work breath and to search the monster. As the tail could be poisonous, it was necessary to stick to itself an anti-pillbox. From the broken-off artery of a monster continued to whip a blood streamlet, extending a kerosene smell. Hands and partially a face were soiled with sticky substance. In spite of the fact that it was very opposite, followed to examine a prostrate reptile. Behind a belt at the enemy the weapon (it was luchemt with the strengthened cascade and something modified on the principle of a volsheblaster) and the whole arsenal of little-known devices froze up. From all this the bright seven-color card was especially allocated. Its colors constantly changed, and on a cybernetic surface stars moved. It is possible that the card served as a peculiar admission. The lion was a clever guy and understood that in such look nobody will let him there where this stinker went. It was necessary though it was improbable pakostno, to pull out a scaly body from an armored suit, and to put on a disgusting black mask the head. The armored suit was too big, and the mask dangled on the head as if an empty pan. Eraskander understood that he has the most foolish look, but after all counted that here all got used to different types of intelligent life and to strangenesses in their dresses and behavior.

When Lev entered a corridor, that was automatically closed. Despite problems with harmony of an armored suit and former wounds, the young man tried to stand up straight and to go surely. The entrance had a strong protection. It were huge fighters in black camouflage cybernetic overalls. They leashed similar to dragons with poisonous thorns and unscrewed as if the ramrod long needles of eight-legged creatures. One of security guards in a mask made a sign, in reply Lev stretched the poured card. The security guard put it in the scanner. The pause unexpectedly dragged on, roofing felts the combination of light signals was too difficult that time for interpretation was required, roofing felts, thus, tried to create visibility of psychological pressure. The young man about himself noted: "Protection that is loyal only to a golden calf, the same wastefulness as a goat in a kitchen garden full greens!" . The admission was returned back by a negligent throw, and a silent sign it was offered to follow further.

— Here here, please! — squeaked some blenbsp; styashchy type, the changing form uncertain continually. Judging by a speech tonality, it was the serving robot.

— Safety is observed, can sit down, — the multi-droid (a cybernetic organism with constantly changing structure) specified on big cherry color a chair.

There was the whole concourse of various types of space fauna. The room at the same time did not differ in special grandiosity though in advance prepared beds to be unlike at each other by the sizes, and had "Perhaps, it is plot or some thieves' intergalactic meeting", — Lev thought. The feeling of some nervousness was, but not so that the young gladiator behaved unnaturally. On the contrary Lev Eraskander bellowed to the serving robot:

— A glass of honey and caterpillar beer with gadyushny syrup!

The winged squid with almost instantly turned out a glass with emerald and foaming liquid. Generally to the young man did not want to pour in himself in this swill, bryaknut counting that so absurd order the car taking orders literally will not be able to execute. But chertos two! Here the excellent service calculated on different types inomiryan including syrup from a viper was visible... The lion cautiously was lop-sided on a glass, but fortunately for the young man the next performance began and, it is possible having pretended that attentively you listen, to put poisonous swill on the rack attached to a chair. However, why having exactly made visibility, here and really was what attentively to listen to. The boy even rounded from surprise of an eye: "there now there can be it, dug out a door and got to such place that Buratino with a gold key with envy to hang!".

The speaker in a mask, most likely, was the chairman of secret intergalactic veche. Its deep voice rattled as the Trumpet of Jericho.

— It is given the floor to the representative of the great republican empire of sinkh, Great Gold Constellation!

On a tribune, having suddenly jumped out as the devil of their battery, there was an insect in the uniform which is plentifully covered with trinkets, and seeming too spacious and baggy for so sickly body.

The young man noted in memory: arthropods of a sinkha created the huge space, colonial empire by means of gains and bribery. In this part of a galactic supercongestion, they are the main competitors of stelzan in fight for universal domination.

— Brothers! My gentle winged and wingless brothers! I wanted to tell you long ago... — began to cheep by a wafer-thin voice and to swing pads reminding a hybrid of a mosquito and ant (and still it is more from the annoying bloodsucker) sinkh. — we were in hostile relationship with our brothers on reason long ago and long. It is a mistake. Long ago it is time to realize our integrity as uniform community of reasonable races and nations. It is time to rally and to together solve our common problems. All of us are disturbed by our general enemies — artful zorg. Empire of sinkh almost same mighty and big, as empire of stelzan. Therefore we have to, having united, to break the general enemies — these three-hollow metalworkers who shrouded all Universe with a sticky web of total supervision. We need to solve in due time arisen problems. . — Honorable sinkh interrupted the vigorous gesticulation, sustained a pause, breaking an applause, clatter, svist, smacking by lips and even a vypuskaniye of a flame and fountainlets (at each race the ways to express approval). — The problems which are negatively influencing the conclusion of the union between us in totalitarian and authoritative management of the neighboring empire. There is no parliament, there is no senate. Absolute, hereditary monarchy with applied consultative and supervisory authority the hyper computer which is loudly called Council of wisdom. And other great and important people of the empire are stripped actually of power also adoptions of global decisions. Some kind of screw, from the driving mechanism in the person of Nadimperator. We have no despotism, since the most ancient times, in any case, from the moment of the invention of gunpowder, there was always a republic, and elections of the best of the best sinkh. And unless this business that all issues are resolved by one stelzan and an enormous heap of metal — a set of superchips and photon radiators.

This time, stelzana especially zealously applauded. Their temperamental females even jumped up from delight:

— Long live republic! The republic is and there is an effective form of government!

— It is time to dump fetters of slavery and to begin to operate methods of the civilized state! — the most violent representatives of Purple constellation shouted. And one of women as a sign of full freedom dumped from herself clothes, join it also other space feminists. It was abruptly, Lev felt in himself strong excitement at the sight of naked, athletic, and very much at the same time sexual bodies of females of Purple Constellation.

— Today we are on the threshold of a new era of friendship, hope and prosperity. We will reach the most distant star of space!

Peep terminated, and externally sickly figure flew away.

The following massive black person, apparently, belonged to a stelzan. Though maybe not to it, so the person is not visible. By the way women in ecstasy of freedom had open breasts except the nipples drawn by a thin precious thread, in the same way and hips with one beads from small illuminated kamenyev. And golenky nozhenk with glossy nogotochka, even danced on prickly as if the applicator to a floor. Almost everything on frank demonstration; except faces the covered mobile, each thirty seconds changing expressions, liquid crystal masks. The voice of the following speaker, was basisty as at the main singing ancient church choir:

— Yes, it is time to change structure of the power. At us it is full of allies in the empire and beyond its limits. Despite all repressions and provocations, total shadowing and informing, we managed to collect powerful opposition to ruling regime. The emperor has to carry out our will, will of the richest members and most worthy oligarchs of the great empire. Otherwise he is not an emperor, and the usurper! In the Ministry of love and the truth, as well as the intelligence agencies competing with them there are our supporters therefore we can destroy the emperor. This time plot will work well because on our party control of the central repressive and investigative office. There is a support and in other military security agencies. The opponent will be laid over like wild Vimur. — Rough expressions of delight of living beings of all versions, one blazed fire so strongly, threatening to burn others that the robot monitoring protection right there included the plamegasyashchy radiation because of which blew softly cold, and even instantly settled hoarfrost in the diameter of a tennis court. The speaker hurried to calm excessive optimists, his tone became more silent also much more insinuating. — But the Department of protection of a throne and personal guard of the emperor is too well completed. The head of protection of a throne is the enemy Averition. We do not know its position, but it is very cunning (not for nothing it is called Seth Velimara) and from an imperial family. If we want to destroy the enemy, we need the help of unsurpassed fighters of sinkh and other empires and races.

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