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This Is How It Goes

19.02.2021 — 19.02.2021
A re-imagination of Season 3. Баффи и Фэйт должны столкнуться с демонами, вампирами, бывшими парнями, и Мэром мечтающим о мировом господстве, пытаясь понять друг друга. Кто сказал что жизнь истребительницы в средней школе легкая?
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Faith grinned. "Really should." Her grin faded as she looked uncertain again, eyes moving uncomfortably. "Uh, thanks, Angel. Not so good at sayin' that, but ... feel like I should."

He nodded. "I'll be here, Faith."

She smiled at him again, a genuine smile that made her face smooth and young, and then stepped back and walked out of his mansion. Angel sat back down on the couch, looking thoughtful. He shook his head, smiling a little, and picked up his book again.

Chapter 23: Pretty Words

Author's Notes:

Buffy glanced up hopefully as the library doors swung open again. She found herself grinning uncontrollably when Faith sauntered in, swaggering hips, cocky smirk and leather pants. The group raised their eyes briefly, Willow giving Faith a small smile, and then bent their heads back down to pore over pages. Buffy felt that small but expanding bubble of anxiety pop when the other Slayer sat down next to her, grabbed at some random book, pulled it towards her, and promptly began using it as a pillow.

Buffy moved her hand inconspicuously and placed it on the small of Faith's back, rubbing softly, and felt a satisfied vibration under her palm.

"Did you get what you needed?" Buffy asked quietly, trying not to disturb the rest of the group's research.

Faith turned her head and gave her a lopsided smile, even more lopsided considering it was sideways against the book.

"Yeah," Faith answered, just as quietly.

"You're gonna have to tell me about these secret missions one day," Buffy said, moving her hand slightly lower, fingertips brushing against Faith's ass.

"Move that hand around to the front and I'll tell you anything, princess," Faith whispered, smirking indecently.

Buffy rolled her eyes and removed her hand, ignoring the adorable pouting expression that developed on Faith's face. She bent her eyes over the book again, trying to take in the arcane and utterly useless references to how a troll kidney could be used in an Armenian conjuring spell. They hadn't found anything about the box currently residing in one of Giles' various hiding places, and the entire group was beginning to get frustrated and restless. Buffy kept reading, vaguely noticing that she wasn't absorbing a single word, and became aware that Faith was staring intently at her from her sideways vantage point, eyes holding an unidentifiable emotion.

She raised her eyes to meet the other Slayers' and gave her a quizzical look. Faith gave her a small, genuine, un-cocky smile that made Buffy turn into a puddle of sentimental mush, sat straight up and leaned over to brush her lips softly against Buffy's cheek. She drew back and Buffy looked at her, confused at that very uncharacteristic display of affection.

"I love you," Faith said quietly, smiling.


Buffy stared at her and felt her mind actually slowing down, trying to process the words she had just heard. What? Was she hallucinating? Did Faith actually just say that? Her body seemed to understand what had just transpired much faster, as she felt something fierce and searing course through her.

"Thought you should know," Faith added softly, the ghost of a smile playing around her lips.

Buffy realized she had been staring blankly and silently at Faith for a solid ten seconds. The other Slayer was gazing at her with deep, bright, uncertain eyes, and all she could think of was how agonizingly beautiful she looked right now. Buffy tried to open her mouth to respond.

"The Watcher's Council has sent an envoy to assess the situation."

What? That's not what she wanted to say.

"They will be here in the next several days," Wesley continued, having stepped out of Giles' office.


All heads turned to Wesley, including Faith's. Buffy was left in a stunned daze.

"To 'assess the situation'," Faith repeated skeptically. She, in contrast to Buffy's distinct lack of conscious thought, seemed to have fully recovered and was looking at Wesley with a raised eyebrow. "What pretty words, Wes," she said, throwing him a twisted grin.

"That is their job, Faith," Wesley said firmly.

"If by 'situation' you mean me. And if by 'assess' you mean cart off to delinquent superhero juvie," Faith responded sardonically.

"Faith," Giles said, standing up. "Even if the Council finds that you were reckless in the fight, they most likely won't be doing any, uh, carting."

"Maybe they should," Faith mumbled softly, looking away.

"Besides, the superhero juvenile detention center isn't supposed to be ready for another four years," Giles said, looking thoughtful.

Buffy was quietly having a minor stroke, the words "I love you" echoing in a bizarre marching procession in her head over and over again. She had always thought she would be the first one to say that, many months from now when she had enough courage and was significantly intoxicated, or about to die, or inebriated and about to die, but ... what? What had just happened? And she hadn't had a chance to say anything back! Why did her brain and vocal chords shut down at such inopportune times?

She suddenly snapped back to reality, registering what Faith had just muttered and frowned, putting her hand on Faith's shoulder and feeling tense muscles.

"Don't say things like that," Buffy said quietly. "Didn't we already go through this? You said you wanted to leave, I beat the crap out of you. Ring any very large, heavy bells?"

Faith smirked weakly. "Don't think I'm gonna be forgetting that little interaction any time soon."

Buffy leaned in closer, cupping Faith's face with her hand, lightly touching the bruises, and held her anxious gaze. "Faith. We're not letting anyone, including you and your misguided dumbass intentions, take you away. So stop."

"Yes, ma'am," Faith said seriously, eyes glittering.

"Good. Now that we've put a stop to that nonsense," Buffy shut the book in front of her with a loud, echoing bang, "we should put a stop to this nonsensical research cause we're not finding anything."

"Why aren't we just taking a mallet to that sucker?" Xander asked, slumping forward and looking exhausted. "Why are we researching something that's gonna be itty bitty pieces soon?"

"Because taking a mallet to it might cause our organs to liquefy, Xander," Giles said austerely. "We know nothing about this box. Not what's inside of it, not how to destroy it, not why the Mayor wants it." He turned to Wesley. "I don't suppose the Council had any helpful ideas?"

"Actually, they did," Wesley said, allowing himself a smug smile. Buffy decided that kicking him in the face would probably be too melodramatic. She settled for exchanging an exasperated look with Faith.

"They believe it might be the Box of Philostene, a 16th century artifact containing the -"

"Bones and mummified organs of Philostene's pet ferret," Giles interrupted, taking his glasses off and rubbing the bridge of his nose in a weary, frustrated gesture. "Yes, of course, that's terribly unhelpful. The Box of Philostene is a foot-long coffin buried somewhere in Mongolia."

Wesley opened his mouth. And shut it again. "Oh. Indeed," he said quietly.

"What about the markings around the box?" Willow asked, rubbing her eyes and leaning forward on her elbows. "Wouldn't they be able to tell us something?"

"They would, if they weren't in a dialect of some obscure, ancient language," Giles responded. He rose up from his chair, walked over to the bookshelf, pulled out a large, black tome, and began flipping through it. "No, I believe discovering information about this object is going to be accomplished the old-fashioned way."

"Stumbling on it?" Buffy asked morosely.

"Basically," Giles said distantly, still looking at the pages. Buffy groaned and dropped her head down on the book in front of her. Faith leaned back in the chair, put her feet up, and began thoroughly examining her nails.

"Giles?" Willow asked, straightening up and suddenly seeming more alert. "Why couldn't we just use a general spell? Like an all-purpose destruction spell?"

Giles looked up thoughtfully, his brow furrowing. "Well, yes, I suppose we could. I — I was hesitant to suggest magic, because of how unstable the field around the box may be." He strode over to the bookshelf again. "But ... something like ... ah, ostendo communis."

"The revealing incantation?" Willow asked eagerly.

"Yes," Giles responded distractedly. He blinked and suddenly looked up sharply at Willow. "How did you know what spell I was referring to?"

"Oh, uh, well ... I took a, uh, Latin class?" Willow suggested hopefully.

He shot her a stern, disapproving look and snorted. "I'm fairly certain Principal Snyder will adopt 14 small children before a class on Latin is offered here. I suppose I'll have to get a lock for those books, away from curious eyes." Willow looked slightly ashamed. Giles walked over to the table, set down a slim volume. "Right. We'll need several ingredients. Xander?"

"I live to run errands," Xander said resignedly, standing up.

"The magic shop on the corner of Main and 2nd." Giles pulled a pen out of his front pocket, began rapidly scribbling on a piece of paper. He ripped it off and handed it to Xander. "Quickly, please."

Xander saluted and walked briskly out the door.

"Yes, very good," Wesley said loudly, obviously trying to regain some control over the situation. "Well done, group."

Everyone shot him a dirty look and he shrunk slightly.

Giles strode over to his office, walked out with his jacket and keys. "Buffy, Willow, Faith, keep researching. Any information would still be helpful." He put on his jacket hastily and inelegantly. "I have to go retrieve the box."

"Right," Buffy called after his retreating form, giving him a thumbs-up. "We're on it. Don't even worry your British little head."

Giles walked out, leaving the three girls and Wesley looking at each other awkwardly. Faith dropped her boots from the table, stood up, and started stretching. Buffy tried not to stare at the expanding strip of toned stomach as her shirt rode up.

"Pepperoni cool with everyone?" Faith asked, and Buffy's eyes snapped up to her face again. Faith was smirking at her, obviously aware of where she had been focusing. Buffy flushed.

"Yeah," Willow said, returning her attention to the book. "Oh, and mushrooms," she called distantly.

"I suppose I should ..." Wesley began uncomfortably, coughing and gesturing at the pile of books on the table. He sat down and pulled one of the volumes towards him.

Faith snorted and walked into Giles' office where the phone was. Buffy, shooting a glance to make sure the researchers were properly engrossed, stood up and followed her.

"Is there a problem, officer?" Faith asked, smirking and glancing up as Buffy entered the office.

Buffy walked over to her, stopping just inches away. Faith's smirk faded as they gazed at each other. Buffy looked at the other Slayer intently, searching for some ineffable emotion, some sign of uncertainty or insincerity. There were several moments of pure, intense silence.

Buffy abruptly leaned in and kissed her fiercely, cupping her face in her hands. Mouths were pressed together so tightly it felt as if they had actually molded into each other, tongues sliding against each other in a slick, furious dance. Faith moaned and clutched at her hips, pulling their bodies together, arms wrapping around waists and chests.

Buffy pulled away finally, resting her forehead against Faith's, feeling both of their chests heaving. Her heart was pounding wildly.

"I love you too," she whispered. Faith let out a strangled whimper, her breath hitching. "Next time give a girl some warning before you throw stuff like that out. Or the chance to say it back."

Faith laughed weakly, inhaling in a shaky breath. She tilted her head and kissed Buffy again, more slowly and thoroughly this time.

"Oh," a voice squeaked. Buffy and Faith pulled apart, seeing Willow blushing and standing in the doorway. "I — I'm sorry. I just, uh, wanted to see if it was too late to add green peppers."

Buffy's head was spinning pleasantly as she tried to organize her thoughts, and possibly remember who she was.

"Nah, Red. Haven't called yet," Faith answered, in a voice made husky with previous activities. Buffy shivered a little at it.

"Okay. Good," Willow said, her voice slightly less squeaky. She was beaming at them with unrestrained happiness, clasping her hands together. "Gotta have those green peppers, you know? Vegetable goodness. Very important to the nutritional balance of the pizza."

Buffy smiled at her. "Very."

"I'll just, uh ..." Willow began, gesturing behind her. She spun around and walked out, still smiling widely.

"This is becoming a habit," Buffy said, looking at Faith again and frowning.

"What? Being caught with my tongue down your throat?"

"Yeah. Maybe we should walk around with an umbrella, and one of those portable 'Do Not Disturb' signs. To minimize exposure, you know," Buffy said thoughtfully.

"Or we could just quit mackin' in school libraries," Faith said, smirking.

"Screw that. Sounds wicked boring."

~ — ~ — ~

"Theia, grant me vision. Show me the truth of the object. Ostendo communis," Willow chanted, her eyes closed, her expression contorted in concentration.

She was sitting cross-legged in the middle of a large circle in the library, her face softly illuminated by the candles bordering it. The box was in front of her, an ominous, dark object that flickered with the lights surrounding it.

Everyone else was watching silently and anxiously. Faith and Buffy were the closest to the circle. Giles was pacing back and forth slowly, gripping a book with white knuckles and staring intently at the forms in the center.

Willow finished the incantation, her eyes still tightly shut. Buffy could see her eyelids trembling, beads of sweat gathering on her brow, arms shaking. She had a deep, twisting feeling in the pit of her stomach, an unpleasant prickling on the back of her neck. The magic in the room was almost tangible, rising like sinuous heat.

There were several moments of pure, tension-filled silence after Willow's ringing voice tapered off. Buffy flicked her eyes around the room anxiously, searching for some sign the spell worked.

There was suddenly a bright flash of light from the circle. Buffy heard a sound, or maybe a lack of sound, as if energy and light and noise were being sucked into the box. Everything felt as if it were rushing past her, being drawn into the center, rippling into a vacuum. And then a shuddering, resounding thump as it was released, as it exploded outwards. She felt the wave of energy hit her and almost staggered, her hair flying back.

Buffy could see, squinting and through a dim haze, a shaft of bright light hit Faith in the stomach as the energy from the box burst through. She saw the other Slayer be propelled off her feet, thrown into the wall next to Giles' office, and slide down limply, face-down on the floor. She didn't move.

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