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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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The phone booths that were located in the "front", the main checkpoint school stood pandemonium, which we did not expect found here. These three telephones now subjected to daily "weasel" hundreds of hands. Their disks spinning certain elaborate way, because otherwise the room would not gain, in their coin acceptors shoved, pushed down, шпыряли tricky appliances that replaced the coin, they knocked huge fists, because sometimes, at the most inopportune moment was lost connection. And this творилос here daily. So what can you say now, when there was now pandemonium.

Huge, man two hundred, the crowd запрудила a small Piglet before the phone будкаи, and to him it was impossible not to pass through, but even battle. She was standing, talking, Smoking and created an incredible noise. Up post was cigarette smoke, гедение stood like a bee swarm. Before our eyes, we just come up, someone tried to break the queue to the phone, пробираяс through this buzzing swarm through active work fists, and already reached my goal, but the phone booth there was outrage surrounding the so impudent and shameless behavior, and after a few seconds at the booth of a scuffle ensued, which after some time itself grew into a fight, has engulfed the first of several people, and then almost half standing.

With the roar of the crowd approval rushed from the fighters, forming around them tight circle, inside of which a dozen or two people beat each other's face and enthusiastically cheered and dared Jamie fighting. After a while accoutred joined a few people from among the supporters and sympathizers, then another and another. And a fight began to threaten the very fact that soon all standing around will become its members, so slowly those sober heads that still began to break up, dragged down by the fighters, one by one to remove them from the circle. Ring is itself narrow and closed again. The fight is over, and the crowd buzzed again, lit up as if nothing had happened.

-Go from here. Here not достоишься and until tomorrow morning, " said Охромов.

-What shall we do? To call something right.

-Come see what's going on in the "appendicitis"he offered, and we went out through the gate and walked along the fence of a quiet street, which was bending school and went far into the depths of the quarter, ending with a high steep slope in the direction of the Psel, abruptly leaving down to the river floodplain. "Appendicitis" it called for she ended the impasse, a small Park or garden in front of the fence tiny factories, distinguished by the fact that at least once a week out of the shop and lab released into the atmosphere a mixture of hydrogen sulfide and even some obscure smells, for a few hours which made breathing in the air't pleasant.

To the phone booth it was necessary to pass three hundred meters along the fence, and then past the lonely here around private houses to the far end, but we turned back, because noticed patrol coming towards us. Not that we боялис, simply have not wanted once again to fly from inflated the elephant and ascribed us AWOL when we were ten meters from the fence of the school.

Had to get to her territory училища.мы skirted several buildings казаррм, our dining room and came to the same fence on the inside.

Barely he sailed his and once in the courtyard of a large house, cozy lost in a sea of wild greens the surrounding gardens, divided around two-storey houses of the old buildings, each of which was not more than a dozen apartments (such houses were the majority of the этьой street) we saw about twenty cadets stood waiting for their turn to make a call from a single phone booth here. Next, those who called, customized all sorts of ways, shouts and надоеданием, threats and appeals to conscience, whining under his ear, and as soon as you can. If the called who ponaglee answered that it is their turn waited too very long and will call as much as he thinks fit. Who has been more modest in the booth did not stay long. In General, the atmosphere here was tense, ready is about to explode. All were inflated, and here, too, smell of a fight.

Go back no sense, but here we are not threatened, that we quickly call. With hardly found in the crush of the latter, we took him turn and moved to a low палисаднику, where there was a majority of members present to hear what they say and chat with friends who were here.

Talk span around the same: all excited случаившаяся accident. Here we heard various versions of causes and consequences and in General, what happened there. One was more wild and improbable is another, and only the two of us together, as they saw with their own eyes, modestly silent and listened, only occasionally pointedly exchanging glances.

However, the consequences of what happened, we, too, knew nothing, and therefore've heard about this with любопытсвом. Someone said that it all went well and there is nothing terrible, that all happened no more dangerous than regular urban smog, other frightened by the huge numbers of victims, said that all the city hospitals are overcrowded poisoned and dying, and that there are cases of a lethal outcome.

On the other side of the street stood a patrol, which did nothing and just watching from the scene showed that officer, head of the patrol, tried to force patrol to do something, but they refused to perform his пиказы, turned away, pretending not to hear, and he shouted at them and threatened them as he could. Apparently, he demanded that they somehow dispersed a crowd of cadets at the phone booth, although he knew how to do it. It was the patrol, which we had to go back ten minutes before.

Warrant officer long разбитрался with their patrol, pipped them military tickets to intimidate men and гауптвахтой, but it did not help. And then realizing that all the threats to it are in vain, he crossed the street and headed to толпившимся of the phone booth and cadets. Turning to the extreme of them, he began тебовать to cadets returned to the territory of the school. But nobody paid any attention to him, all just went away to the center of the crowd or on the opposite edge. Thus, the crowd started to move in our direction, closer to the fence of the school, теснимая bothersome head of the patrol. I don't know how would be next, but its trouble warrant officer contacted huge детиной and somehow tightly clung to him. He simply turned to him Sinaia, but the chief of the patrol, offended with such attitudes, grabbed his arm, thrust his arm into the pocket of his hands and, with difficulty expanding to himself, asked for the military card.

-I will never again give you a military ticket! "replied the Maypole, angrily looking down on a puny ensign and conscious superiority and moral and physical. The chief of patrul there was no real support, and behind him there was a whole crowd of friends-cadets. "Who are you, in General, to you I gave military ticket?! Release hand!

-I am the chief of the patrol, comrade cadet, and I demand from you to me obeyed and gave their military card, stubbornly and persistently repeated to him ensign, but it sounded quite convincing, and, in General, the situation was not in his favor. Maypole explicitly to mock him. But he either did not understand or did not want to recognize this and stubbornly held the hand of a cadet elbow, clutching his "Hebe" death grip bulldog.

It was felt that now for something that is not allowed by the Charter, but very often happens in life: cadet typed face the chief of the patrol.

Maypole fumed more and more. He's not just talking and shouting right in the face of the warrant. At first it sounded quite correctly and politely:

-Уберитеруку, please, comrade Sergeant, no need мнея is a hands — said the Maypole and tried to easy motion pull your elbow. It was obvious that he tries to avoid any collisions.

-Do not remove! "replied the officer, immediately, MCP sensing a sign of respect, much emboldened. "Come on military ticket!

-Can I still with you in the commandant's office to pass? ingratiating manner-with a sarcastic tone asked Maypole, when he finally got tired of the endless repetition of the dialogue of the two phrases.

-Let's go to the commandant's office, — bleary and has agreed to head of the patrol, explicitly not feeling the whole курьезности and trick question.

-Get your hands off, прапорюга! suddenly, releasing the aircraft had accumulated ярост, cried Maypole right in the face началльнику patrol. His face was red, then became densely bluish if from suffocation. "Do you hear, warrant officer, I'm going to speak!

In a voice husky simultaneously hear the desperation and the threat merged into a terrible one.

-Do not remove! still stubbornly replied warrant officer and put forward person, if specially substituting it for a strike, which had not long to wait.

Maypole swung and hit warrant officer briefly and ruthlessly hard in the face so that he as much head back came off. Then we saw how soared, airborne legs warrant officer, and he spun on his heel, drawn unbridled force распоясавшегося детины. He spun around her, grabbed him by the lapel of a tunic, easily, accurately so lightly dragged away from the earth. From the outside it looked as if we were present at the competitions hammers, and another one was going to throw his hammer with such a fury, as if wanted beat all world records.

The body of the ensign, like deprived of life, sluggish and weak-willed, as sausage, knocked at rotation of a few find themselves close to the cadets, and they scattered in different directions.

Warrant officer described in the air a few laps, and whether by accident or on the idea of крутившего it flew straight into a crowd of cadets, knocked to the ground, a few more people. The crowd rushed from the place of its fall with noise and whistles. Even touched the ground warrant officer забарахтал in the air by the feet and hands, and then they had a surprisingly quickly stood up from the ground and ran again in the direction of the offender. But he almost the head of the patrol approached him sharply and abruptly swung кулачищем and besieged the attacker blow underneath her chin. Warrant officer like a charging bull, несшийся on break, I missed this shot and again flew a few yards.

Rising, and this time, though not so fast as in the first, stood, swaying and shaking her head, as if after a heavy intoxication, and only then went forward to the enemy.

From the outside it resembled a battle cock with a bull: too forces were unequal. And it мордобитие would have continued is still unknown how much, if after the third or fourth round of the warrant officer collapsed to the ground, right. As had stood there like a post without props. Then it was immediately approached the patrol, нагнулись over it, tap on the cheek, then lifted her slightly came to himself head of the unfaithful подкшивющиеся legs and dragged him away, probably to the commandant, exchanged with someone of them stood two other phrases. And so they departed, putting on the shoulders of his hands and supporting his waist.

I must say that at that time, when there was a fight, and all those present enthusiastically watched it — and what we have people like to watch the fights? — Охромов not waste his time, and, шепнув in my ear, "I'm coming!" — rushed to the phone booth through откатывающуюся crowd, and when payphone were only two fighters, hard already тараторил in a tube, with smiles and compressing lips and his eyebrows and watching with one eye on everything.

When the fight ended, he still three minutes and spoke quite quietly, because after kurtosis not immediately come to their senses, and the next could not find. When the one who was now call queue is found, the cadets softly at first, then louder and stronger began to Express their dissatisfaction, incensed by Гришкиным rudeness.

First закрила once, then those who understood something, затемэти separate евыкрикиразрослись suddenly in a continuous noise, similar to the noise of the birds at the bird bazaars. And then I realized I still had инута, the other, and the crowd tear Охромова to pieces , excited only чтослучившимся приендентом. In fact, she had a legal right, because Grisha really blatantly got in the queue. And in our country queues joke do not like to nowhere, especially when everyone needs to make an urgent call.

Охромов first did not respond to perturbations of the crowd and smiling from ear to ear and immediately frowned enthusiastically chatted on the phone, taking in the booth вальяжную pose, but then I became restless погладывать the surrounding telephone booth disgruntled toурсантов. Smile altogether vanished from his face. He had tried to fight back, take over, impudence, but it did not. Just a little bit in the booth climbed hands, seeking stronger уцепить Охромыча for clothes, and get out, if it's something breaking the нахале.

Grisha hastily took leave, and would have to voluntarily leave the booth, giving unfair busy people, but it was too late провлять goodwill. At this very moment cadet-fellow, the one that killed a warrant officer, pushed aside the толпившихся crept off to Grisha, widely opened задребезжавшую glass door, and then, taking my friend for breast and picked him up and put him out of the booth. Realizing now its exclusive right to take his place, he looked out at standing around the booth of a crowd of cadets and, encountering no quarter disturbances and objections to such acquisition, climbed inside, barely fit into the booth.

The cadets were silent themselves the question "Who is next?" was resolved and wishing to challenge a decision not found. Several dozen nostrils sopeli now in уиротворении and silence. Токль it is wheezing, and even then, as a fellow gaining ноер, shuffling погнутым disk on the chassis of the machine, and was now heard.

-Go, — said Охромов, coming closer.

-Go, — I agreed. -Well, call?



-Bad. Her mother already hospitalized. The ambulance drove away. Wonder at all, as there was someone who else in the Ambulance work and other people to the hospital to carry. Yes, and she, too bad: not feeling well, having a persistent headache, stomach twists. Maybe she's in the hospital put.

-Well, and the others? The others like? Relatives of her still in town?

Cheering. Who is better, who is worse — Охромов thought about something completely abstract extraneous. His gaze wandered outside of time and space around. -Lie down with her in the hospital, " he said suddenly, after some thought.

-You can't do it: soon release.

-So what?

-And the fact that in the hospital you now nobody will put, don't you see? Yes if you now put her in hospital, so you are not easy госсы, and this means that you will need or drop off in the second year, in the fourth year, or create specifically for your экзаминации a new state, not simple, and state — understand? — Commission. Who needs it: with you bother? Yes you rather сгноят here in College than give now, during госсов, go to the hospital. You better give to die than not pass госсы, don't you understand? Can specially for you and the release of even arrange for you. Personally with you to carry all of the graduation ceremony, the orchestra there, родиители, relatives, flowers, congratulations, thy hand shake: how Grigory Охромов released. Razdaysya dirt — shit floats! Yes?

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