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Leodan the Son of Lion Chapters 1-7

07.01.2020 — 07.01.2020
Авторский перевод первой книги серии о Касте и Леодане
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— "Hidden governor? The juvenile daughter of the king Raymond governs Sabia now. About what governor is spoken?"

-" Hlodd's prophecy, the eighth in the thirteenth Table devoted to the future calls this hidden governor as the Son of Lion."

-" I do not remember this prophecy in the thirteenth Table."

-" Perhaps, you have just forgotten it."

— "Indeed, — Ashran rubbed a finger the fleshy nose. — You very well explained everything to me. And now let's talk about the main thing. What will I get if I help you?"

-" The things that you want — a Shofet throne, beautiful Kuati and Sheran's support. When The Gifts of Abyss show their wonderful force, you will receive both immortality and the power over creations of the Shady Side. You will become one of magicians of the Cup, master Ashran. We do not forget our friends. And for now accept this ring, — Kiris removed a ring with wonderful bluish diamond from a finger and stretched it to the Supreme priest. — It is a gift from my lady, the queen Margiana. She asked to give you it in honor and friendship. Do not worry, the ring is not enchanted. Only usual ornament which is worthy you as it seems to me."

— "It is awesome! — Ashran accepted a ring; even to him, the person, inexperienced in gemstones, it was clear that the stone in a ring has the great price. — I am very grateful to the queen. Convey my thanks for a wonderful gift to Her Majesty."

— "The queen Margiana hopes for you. She wants very much that the longtime senseless hostility between our states will be finally ended. A new era approaches, and gate in it will be opened by us, magicians of Darnat and Sheran. Conquest of Sabia is the first step on the way to implementation of our plans. We have the mutual enemy and mutual goals. It is necessary to seize the moment and to forget about the past. "

— "You are able to convince people, master Kiris. — Ashran gave ceremonious bow to Sheranite. — I leave you, full of hopes."

— "Please wait, there is more to come. As I understand, your young Shofet wishes war against Sabia. However the Sabians are excellent seamen, and their capital of Gale is strongly fortified. Blood of brave Darnat legionaries will be spilling in this fight like water by land and by sea."

— "Why do you tell this, master Kiris?"

— "I want to tell that you should not underestimate your enemy. Of course, Darnat possesses numerous and victorious army and the excellent fleet, but it seems to be not enough. The Sabians can oppose you raider sea war; their fleet much less than yours, but they have high-speed vessels and brave seamen. Therefore I want to help you. You need weapon which will quickly and effectively destroy sea power of Sabia and will facilitate capture of Gale fortress."

— "Do you mean special fighting magic?"

-" Not absolutely in that sense which you put in the words, dear friend. The fighting magic is a powerful thing, but it has a big shortcoming. It is very long and very expensive to train the good fighting magician, without saying that not everyone can become him, and any idiot can kill him, having successfully sent an arrow cost of two copper coins to the magician. You need a lot of time to prepare enough magicians fighters for war against Sabia. There is easier, faster and cheaper way — it is simple to accept others knowledge and to use them for a victory over the common enemy.'

— "And what knowledge do you mean?"

— "Have a look, " — Kiris took the small glass bottle filled with the red phosphorescing liquid from his purse and threw it into a fireplace. The bright flash blinded Ashran: the orange smokeless flame burnt in a fireplace, such strong that Ashran immediately moved back away from fire — it was impossible to take out its heat even in five steps from a fireplace.

— "There is more to come, — Kiris told, smiling: his dry face in reflected crimson lights of a storming flame seemed to be the face of the infernal demon. — Try to splash water from a jug on a flame— it will inflame even more brightly."

— "What is it, for the sake of Shat-Tsebu?"

— "Pyrokollodium. To make it is as easy as shelling pears, and the bucket of a pyrokollodium will cost to your treasury cheaper, than a leather bib of the archer. But if you fill with a fiery potion a small jug and shoot from a catapult to the Sabian ship, the enemy vessel will turn into floating hell in a moment. It is impossible to extinguish burning pyrokollodium ... it is almost impossible. This potion will force to Sabia to the knees.'"

-'"Great gods! — Ashran made the gesture averting evil spirits, transferred amazed look from the dying-away flame on Kiris. — But war requires a lot of your potion. Will you make it for us?"

— "What for? I will give you a compounding. Using it, your magicians will be able to make enough pyrokollodium to turn all Sabian fleet into a heap of floating brands. It is absolutely optional to you to say that you received the recipe of a potion from me — you can tell that you have found it in ancient books. Your young lord will believe you, I can not doubt."

-"It is truly great day for Darnat! Shofet will be happy."

— "Consider it as a contribution of my country to a general victory."

— "I am shocked. And where is recipe?"

-"Here it is, — Kiris gave to the Supreme priest a varnish tube with a scroll. — Read it, and you will understand that you won`t to find weapon cheaper and better anywhere. "

-"Today I will bring together magicians and order to begin works on production of pyrokollodium."

— "Good luck to you, master Ashran. Please keep me informed of your undertakings."

— "Farewell, master Kiris."

— "See you!"

Magicians exchanged with ceremonious bows, and lord Ashran left the room — his face just shone for joy. The Sheran magician remained in an office after departure of the Supreme priest— having sat down in a chair, he patiently waited until the silent servant that brought the guest before the conversation returned. At last, the servant came. Kiris immediately got up at his emergence.

— "Faugh! — The servant broke the scarf impregnated with tar covering the face, pulled together the rough sackcloth gloves too soaked in tar from hands. — I am nearly choked."

-"Even the dress of the Silent could not spoil Your Majesty. I will order to give hot water and you could wash."

— "I will be in time, — the queen Margiana graciously offered to the magician a hand for a kiss. — Good work, Kiris. It seems that the magician will manage to convince the boy, and war will begin."

-" I do not doubt it, Your Majesty."

— "And we will receive what we want?"

— "For sure. I will make everything to get into Sabianum's vaults after falling of Gale. The new ally will not refuse to me in such small courtesy."

— "I heard your conversation with Ashran, and it was very interesting to me. Tell me about three Gifts, Kiris, — the Queen dumped a rough chlamys, remained in the dark woolen tunic intercepted on a slender waist by gold-embroidered corbel. Kiris involuntarily admired Sheran's ruler: Margiana even in this simple dress was fresh and madly beautiful. — You did not tell this barbarian the truth, did you?"

— "Certainly, Your Majesty. Magicians of Cup would never forgive me such garrulity."

-" And what force do the Gifts really have?"

— "Three Gifts are three levels of domination over ancient forces of Shoo. The Word of Abyss specifies the place where the entrance to the secret city of Shoo is located — the sleeping army of Veel-Zabar, the last tsar of Empire of the Immortals, is based there. The Crown of Abyss will make carrying it the commander-in-chief of troops of the Shady Side. The Flame of Abyss will give the owner strength at the same time of two Parties of life. Among all three gifts the Flame is the most powerful."

-"And do you know where they are, these Gifts?"

— "After the brilliant victory of your troops over orcs at Meru we caught The Word of Abyss at last. It is a source of our secret knowledge. Our power will be based on possession of the Word. As for The Crown of Abyss, indirect signs indicate that it is hidden somewhere in Sabianum's vaults."

— "Aha, and so that the war with Sabia is necessary! — The queen burst out laughing with ringing maiden laughter. — But explain me, Kiris why is it impossible just to steal the crown from Gale? Are the allies so necessary for us?"

— "It is possible to steal, my queen. The magitians of the Cup were even going to charge it to our agents in Gale. But then the grand master Hraor nevertheless convinced magicians of need of war. Sabia is our enemy, and Darnat is our enemy too. What can be better for us, than war between our enemies? They are waited by sufferings and ruin, and we will get all fruits of a victory."

-"And where there The Flame of Abyss is?"

— "It is known by nobody. Only possession of the first two Gifts can lead to the main treasure — The Flame."

— "Madly interesting! However allow to notice to you, Kiris, that you are very precipitate. You should not have trusted the barbarian a secret of a fiery potion."

— "Your Majesty, this secret will become known to all sooner or later. The structure of a potion is so simple that once the beginning alchemist will create it accidentally, and the Cup magicians know about it. For the sake of our victory over Sabia and mastering The Flame of Abyss it is possible to offer such insignificant magic secret. Let's look now as Ashran will dispose of my gift. I hope, he will use it correctly."

— "Yes, it is a pity that Sheran has no fleet. What`s now, Kiris?"

-"Now we can come back home, in Ere-Dalor if only Your Majesty does not need to be delayed in Darnat."

— "Me? I swear by the Shadows Father! I will be glad to see this city turned into a pile of ashes and fragments. Now I feel sick there. I miss Sheran more than ever. You worked well, Kiris. I will think how to reward you for it."

— "I am only a servant of Your Majesty."

— "The good servant, I would tell. Let your Silents prepare for departure. "

— "I also wanted to suggest you to leave Darnat, Your Majesty. Just before a meeting with Ashran I received a news from Ere-Dalor. The master of fight Rakhus reports that a part of mercenaries employed by our recruiters in the Wild cities, agreed to accept the elixir, and your guard of the Fearless was replenished with one hundred more soldiers. You should be presented at their first creation."

— "Wise note, Kiris. Then we will hurry up, and let Darnat will fail to demons! I hope, once we will do with this city as it deserves."

-"It will happen soon, Your Majesty."

— "I hope, — blood-thirsty gloss appeared in lilac eyes of Margiana. — Nothing will stop us, Kiris?"

— "Anything, Your Majesty. We will find all three Gifts. And you will return this imperfect world by Shoo times. You will connect Flesh and the Shadow and become the immortal ruler of all Universe."

— "Sounds seductive. I do not delay you any more. Gather to the road!"


Casta raised her head. This evening she drank much more than normal, and now felt not only intoxication, but also strong unusual fatigue. That damned dog Shabak told the truth — she becomes limp. Earlier she could drink the whole nights moreover and put to bed two or three men and felt like the real amazon, but not a powerless old jade in the morning. And now ...

Casta looked around — "The Gold Cup" was full of people though time of the second guards just came. At a rack the company of seamen and port loaders, and at a distant wall, in brightly lit part of the huge hall, at hexagonal tables gathered, players in "black and white" — their exclamations and knock of counters about a table-top gathered it was carried on all tavern. It seemed to be all as usual. "The gold cup" was famous on all Sacred city for the kitchen and the game — the owner of tavern, Urshad-the-Squabbler, had bought the patent from Office of God allowing him to keep game tables in his tavern. Someone was attracted in Urshad`s tavern by refined imported wines and foods of Darnat cuisine, such as "Shumbura" — dense soup made of different sorts of fish and shrimps with a lemon and mint, or "Twins" — pork chops, fried on grill, in eggs, vinegar, pepper sauce and a saffron, — but most of guests nevertheless came to try the luck in the game. From evening to the morning players from all Darnat gathered in tavern, and it was possible to meet the most different people here — both officers of the Sacred Legion and dealers, fishy persons with the running eyes and junior priests, rich idlers and sailors from the harbor and freedmen. Since the beginning of evening many frequenters of circus already approached Casta — to express admiration of her beauty and military skill, to make a declaration of love, invite her to their houses. However several times the Caste tried to catch baleful sidelong glances of people unknown to her on herself: likely, there were those who lost money today in circus because of art of the first warrior of Darnat. But today in the Urshad`s place circus fighters for were not visible some reason though usually Casta surely met someone from her brothers in arms here, and it was strange.

— "Hey, more wine!" — she shouted with a hoarse voice.

Waitress brought a small jug with pink Sabian nectar, accepted money at Casta. The waitress was pretty, big-eyed and slightly fat, and there was a fear in her eyes. It was unclear to her how Casta can drink undiluted wine alone surrounded by men. Casta understood, made terrible eyes. The waitress started back from her and tried to get lost in crowd.

Someone put a hand on her shoulder.

— "I knew that I would find you here", — Derak told.

— "So what?" — Casta transferred a look from the waitress to old lanist. Derak sat down opposite to her, called up the waitress and demanded some wine. The girl, once again having scaredly looked at Casta, hurried for wine.

— "Trying to get drunk? — Derak inspected the line of empty small jugs on a table before Casta. — Good occupation. Sometimes wine helps to forget about troubles. Though the beautiful girl should not drink alone moreover such strong wine."

— "Why did you come?"

— "I came to drink. I hope, you are not against my idea?"

— "I say yes! — Casta poured some wine in a cup to herself and to lanist, drank, wiped her lips. — At Urshad`s wine is excellent. Drunk wine, I swear by eternal beauty of Beris! Drink, old man. It's my treat."

— "Abnun was in rage when you left circus, — Derak told. — I thought, he would burst from rage as the overripe watermelon. You should see his face! It became violet as Gelata plum, and the eyes just climbed from orbits. Hardly the heart attack happened with him. You strongly angered him, daughter. He told that you would not be allowed to aprroach Circus from that day".

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