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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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-Well, you! Easy! — brushed me Grisha. -No, so, of course, not want. You can and it's much easier without any ceremonies, without orchestras and relatives give me a diploma from the school in the office of "genes", and about the state Commission is they themselves that something simpler come up with, I will find some way out.

Anyway, this is a lot of hassle, and who needs it, say? — not that I agreed. -In this the case, you most likely in the second year of leave. You want some of this?

-I want, I want! What are you going on the same?! The record, is that it draws?! So change the time we have. I can, and I don't know what I want. I only know a cadet me to be like. An officer is much worse.

-How do you know?

-Feel. I have good intuition.

-Something I never noticed before.

This to me is not always visible. In some cases, only manifests itself.

-Well — met I have to surrender in this senseless dispute on the topic эфимерную and distant from the present day, "But our case? We are with you, they had not done anything! And what do we have? Some debts! Something must be done, in need of money, money, you know?

-Well, and what do you suggest? It's something we, in fact, просрали himself't you know skeptically grinned Охромов.

-Anything else is not просрали, " I objected. -I have an excellent plan. I very recently, just this afternoon invented. Therefore throw fool around, let's _unreleased_ to the end of what had been started.

-Well, and what is the plan? "asked Greg.

I already was going to devote Охромова in their considerations about our company but did not.

-Nix!!! — there was a loud scream behind our backs.

Chapter 16.

We turned and saw that the lane from the street, run a few cadets. In carrying machines. Perhaps it was our guard. They fled, in General, not very quickly, but don't fall behind he fled ahead of them an officer with a gun in his hand, evidently, the commander of the guard. He seemed shy of his funny animated (so it was unusual to see the rushing at full speed senior Lieutenant, who considered for humiliation at least slightly speed up the walk, and then: you better run), Wherefore look even funnier. Seeing it, I recognized him комнадира platoon from the second year.

The guards headed by the chief of the guard ran to the crowd, standing at a pay phone, which astonished at such a surprise. Остановившис and skipping forward cadets, senior Lieutenant shouted, for something raising his hand with a gun: "Estimate, surround, no one out of the circle!" He panting and couldn't отдышатся. The guards rushed to the crowd standing.

First, hearing the cry of "Nix!", and then seeing the guard I also taken aback with surprise and tried to figure out what is happening.

I could not got a hunch that all this is, probably, the beaten and the chief of the patrol. More vego, however, hit me that the guard, the same cadets, as we, the new guy's against us and most of those standing by, waiting for their turn to call home, the same самовольщики and lovers stroll to the phone behind the fence of the school, judging by their faces, were set quite strongly and it was like going to really fulfill their commander's order. Such cadets rare: Raven the Raven eye should not eat. This could not be a third year, because we knew what the guys there: they all came here on foot and not would run under any pretext or threat. This could be the course, but also not in all batteries, well, maybe with sin попалам in the first year, although there were steep, poorly managed "students". But the second was in this respect a high гнилостью", whether трусили, whether выслуживалиссь, whether so correct... Hot and there were guys свойские, but very little.

Yes Raven Raven eyes not pick out. But it seems that today this sign or rule, failed to materialise, it did not trigger...

Охромов strongly pulled my sleeve, so that I almost fell to the ground. I came to my senses. He already scampering. Not long thinking, I sprinted after him to the fence of the school. Only now I felt my heart beating wildly, and as needles beats blood in whiskey.

I quickly caught up with Grisha, and we almost simultaneously jumped the fence, in one moment latched on to him, defensive, and were перемахнули for withpасительной wall. Now we were in school, and nobody would be able to p that we were just beyond.

And the events behind the fence, apparently, unfolded cool.

A little later, the us over the fence the avalanche was knocked down, one and grapes fell cadets, some of those who stood at the phone booth. The rest are not lucky likely they already besieged, like wolves, surrounded by a chain guard.

Stay at the fence was not quite clever: I managed to get rid of the trouble, you have to make it to the end. And so we hurried back to the hostel, to the corner of which from our landing was not more than a hundred feet. In anticipation of his and prudence we are not disappointed, because, we barely had time to move away from the fence, to him this side подбежало several officers led by комендатом and a dozen patrol. Those that dragged the ensign, was not among them. The commandant and those who were with him, immediately задежали a few people, remaining at the fence, глядевших that поисходит on the street, behind the fence, in the courtyard of a five-story building, sitting astride it, and gathered already climb back, whether to help, whether because there's all over.

Seeing such a case, we Gregory hurried to hide in the doorway of his barracks.

On the evening verification we were missing a few people. It turned out that they were taken to the commandant's office, and the responsible officer went there to investigate. Only about an hour of the night he brought the detainees to the barracks, and angry, and angry that later have to leave, with a cross of suffering and resentment face came out of the barracks, even without checking before leaving, everything is in place.

In this ноь, павда, the location of the battery no one left. City subdued and extinct, meet almost all their lights, became сразукаким something uncomfortable and ужим, paralyzed and bemused yesterday's nightmare, not waiting for today our night донжуанов and adventure lovers. Now he was not up to them. There, in which gained its streets solid darkness, reigned sorrow, pain and suffering. There spouting this ноью tears of despair, and heard the cries of pain, there died of the people suffering in the terrible spasms and convulsions in overcrowded poisoned hospitals, where the lack of doctors, because many of them became жертвми catastrophe. For the city, to all those who lived in it has come now to another, not the best period of life. For a long time, nearly a week in the life could not return it to normal.

Several days passed. During this time, the passions around the catastrophe first alight, but then died down, and then completely disappeared, fell back as the water from the beach, after the rush of the waves. They swept past the walls of our school, almost without hitting this Slough, and we had to settle for Thea grains, which came to us by those who called the city of parents and friends, wives and girlfriends, who, naturally they were alive and healthy, and not lying in hospitals.

Immediately after the accident, the dismissal of the city categorically denied even those who had stayed there a father, a mother or a wife with a child. And we understand only the things that are coming to us through the reinforced concrete intake filters.

Several people of cases found among the cadets. They are carefully checked for simulation malaise, отсеив good half, and the rest put someone in our училищном infirmary, and who and in city hospitals.

There were a few people and with our senior year. Among them are misplaced and Grisha. Somehow he managed to pass all of the tests and even among the very few go to the city hospital. In General, he promised it,and he succeeded. How could he not know even I. The only thing he mnaboutth shared so it is said, "I'll lay with her one hospital, and, if lucky, and in one branch." all this again made me think about the supernatural пронырливости my friend.

Since then, he disappeared in the civilm medical institution it was no more don't hear. Yes it was and неудивитльно: students usually do not worry themselves to send news about yourself to your friends and relatives, if only there's no particular need, or not accumulated enough urgent requests. I could only guess as to what is happening Gregory and as he has fun with his chips, but it's hard to imagine how it is possible, when many people a lot of sorrow.

I have already said, it is usually cadets loved прихвстнуть his love adventures and victories over the naive hearts of the weaker sex. Often all it was great exaggerated fantasies hungry, unbridled sexual imagination, often do not have even a real soil. However, those who truly different in this, thrived in love and was incorrigible ladies ' man, somehow, against all odds, preferred to keep quiet. And, the worse and more serious were their adventures, the more difficult it was to pull out of them, the word, the more like they modest Pai-boys эдаких bells, innocent angels. They were buffet quiet and invisible on ohne daily boasting горлапанов-пустобрехов that seemed неискушенными in love великовозрастными boys-virgins. And only the closest of friends, such that, usually, not talking to the right and to the left that knew only they have been devoted in some part of their adventure, because often without their help was not needed.

The following кагорте treated and we Охромовым. Even we ourselves, though, and treated each other as best friends and, moreover, with anyone else for some reason could not come nigh, even we knew each other only what were linked inextricably: only common acquaintances girls from our small campaign for развлеений unauthorized people nor with that, or they didn't sign. That same concerned our relations стооне, nor I in his, Mr. Grisha in his special friend дрга not dedicated and occasionally, as with another familiar brewing irrevocable gap, said, told each other it as a funny story. And then I could not understand how he told me about his new girlfriend. Probably fell in love to such an extent that gone insane, and that little blow off steam emotions, shared with me their experiences.

However, it concerned not only love Affairs and ties. So it was with us and all our adventures like this, the last of which, learn about it нши commanders, our "gene", they would have his hair stood on end. We also knew each other only what we did together though and tried it, but still. 've walked same Охромов secret from me in underground house of cards, playing cards, started doubtful acquaintances. Now I was sure that it was not only the fact that I was dedicated and what not participated.

Deep down I forgive Охромову this "betrayal," because I told Grisha barely half of what I was for these four years. Yes and friendship because a relative thing, I often came to the conclusion that friendship is the only way to weak person simpler to arrange to itself a life, but also to bind itself in many obligations, and the ties that strong people, as a rule, avoid having friends or keep them very far away. ultimately, a person exists in the world all alone with your бреным body and soul, and everything else, as long as it was kept, comes and goes, remaining only in memory.

Yes, Охромов also knew very little about me.

A classic example is the case of "motorists".

Maybe then met with Grisha after a few years, I'll tell him about it than I am sure I will bring him in considerable awe.

Yes, it is true. However, my role in it was very modest and small: I only got the keys to the подельщиков, which were students of the fourth course, the address to which had to find a machine to steal it from there and bring in укзанное place: in several places in the city were явочны garages, where they found their last shelter уворованные machine. Here they are usually dismantled for spare parts and very rarely sold entirely.

In the "club of the motorists" I was several months, not knowing that the machine that I make and перегоняю, stolen. I said that the car left it there for our students, cadets, and they Bureau of kind services, can help you get back in the garage. In the end I realized that совршаю обыкновеныый car theft, and slowly slipped off from the campaign, for I don't want to be imprisoned. Besides, paid me there сщие pennies and I have, practically, the most basic and strictly наказываемую work. Of course, "pennies" it was by the standards of the share that they had делашт from such trafficking, but for cadet money they were fine, so, despite the fact that my mother did not indulge me remittances, I have not used anything to deny and even saved some money on сберкннижке it for a long time then felt my амбиии. From state-cadets received funny, purely symbolic окладики, so to say, ice cream.

In those вреена remember Охромов firmly set on my "tail". Обыно once a week I drove him to the bar with the campaign girlfriends, and particularly large holidays allowed even such a luxury as the restaurant, not to mention the fact that he went only by taxi and never бралсдачу taxi drivers, leaving it to the "tea" (the guys from taxi companies cool't love our brother for this change and rarely, rarely stopped when he "voted" man in uniform or in the form of a cadet).

Poto, when I left my "motor" of attachment, then ran aground, but Grisha появилис money, but we never talked to each other about the sources of our revenues.

However, after this automotive Scam, I have not had such истоника funds, coordinate could cover my притезания. It was the most, perhaps the largest and longest operation in which I had участовать. Almost all of the rest of the time I, shamefully was contained for the most part Grisha, and I heckled debts your fellow students. Live the same means, our offer to me a "good" state, I forgot, and this money I only wanted to one day go by taxi or drink fifty grams of cognac at the bar.

In the end, when I got tired of sitting on the tail of another, he, too, knew nothing, I decided to use quite common among cadets way of existence, about which I once told a friend with the fourth year, in those early days when I was young, green freshman year of College.

This method was that it was necessary to find some of the divorced or widow woman, нуждавшуюся in the men's presence, care and caress, and играт with her in Roanne until it ends at once will not bother. The main thing from the start date her understand that she should not build any far-reaching plans that, in the end, she will be alone again, may you enjoy the present and looks into the future.

The man that told me this himself lived a large part of study such спообом and уверл me, that does not regret about such method сществования that the majority lives and have never refused to do this. Then I listened to it with conviction, though not told him about it, but then my opinions have changed significantly, and when I felt extremely tight to live, that destiny itself pushed me into the arms of such an adventure, which strongly smell корыстю and which weighed no less than begging.

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