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Armageddon Of The Lucifer

31.08.2018 — 31.08.2018
Mother Earth underwent terrible invasion. The terrible Empire of stelzan brought down the overwhelming power on a fragile blue sphere, and heavy chains of slavery, appear, forever held down all mankind. But the guerrilla movement without watching total terror, is not going to lay down arms. Lev Eraskander, and a small group of persons developing in themselves paranormal abilities became new hope of resistance. The challenge of space tyranny is thrown down. The way to a victory is difficult and long. Film!
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At the time of jog pakhnut cold of vacuum, and sharply squeezed breath. Fortunately, to Lev not to get used to an extreme and the mountain environment. Though without respirator it and torture, nevertheless was succeeded to jump in a belly of a kosmolayner, besides not to fall in such bulky suit. The biped gadyushnik became silent. Without any arguments all took seat in aerodynamic chairs. On a kosmoling and in stelzanovsky translation words were heard:

— Before flying away dress special space suits and pass identification of the personality. You are waited by your owners!

The being pronouncing these words brushed away to a stelzan very little. Most likely, it was the bubble or a tonkonogy sharopodobny spider. On a being there was a transparent slightly darkened space suit. The voice is gnusnovaty, similar to a scratch of a rusty door. Figures of other beings, at all not the handsome, also were not human. It were creations of humanoid type who could be mixed with people only in the conditions of turmoil. The only thing the general is horned helmets and ink coloring raincoats.

The lion overheard that these clothes of so-called hunters-bandits, a kind of space mafia. One odd person who quickly touched pads and turned a spinning top was distinguished from them. Slightly shook a starprobe vehicle, the howling jet roar was heard.

— All to lay down on a covering! We go to the emergency hyper jump! — the small animal screeched.

Acceleration quickly grew and though antigrav almost neutralized everything, feelings were not from among pleasant. Overcoming resistance of the increased gravity, Lev rushed to the hatch. Its movement reminded flutter of a fly in glue. In an external wall the screened image flashed meanwhile.

Tens of starprobe vehicles of various designs conducted desultory fire each other. Numerous garlands of stars flashed multi-colored fireworks, the cascade of laser beams made unique impression. There was the real space fight. The most powerful rockets flashed. Several starprobe vehicles already scattered on pieces, having got under killing charges. Apparently, those fighting ships that attack a uniform system and work in coordination, and there are starprobe vehicles of Purple constellation.

At this time the case of the ship shuddered from the explosion which happened a row. The starprobe vehicle obviously tried to leave firing sector, to escape from a ring of warring groups. Sharply overloads grew. The ship maneuvered, accelerating to that maximum what could only be reached.

Both groups conducting battle represented the whole army. Fights went practically on all perimeter of this star system. The randomness in actions of the coalition forces resisting to stelzana paid attention to itself. Opponents were not built, at them, obviously, there was no uniform command. Apparently, here obviously without understanding gravity of battle with Stelzanat's army, squadrons, different in types, were flown. Ill-matched civilizations were concentrated for purely tactical targets. They struck rather with a quantity, than fighting skill.

Here, for example two outdated cruisers and the transport remade under a battleship faced foreheads, having twirled in a plasma tornado. Similar on a barracuda, only far more terribly starprobe vehicles battle ships of stelzan carried out cutting. They very skillfully cast, milling inogalaktichesky forcemeat. The ratio of losses was just catastrophic for not humanoids (thirty to one in favor of stelzan). However, in number to the inomirena had significant superiority. Numerous variegated squadrons just blew the mind. It was possible to think that universal war began. Emerald necklaces of constellations lit up with ruby flashes of annihilation and termokvarkovy rockets. Having divided into three groups, starprobe vehicles of Purple constellation skillfully pressed the mixed armada of enemy submarines. The young gladiator unexpectedly an apportionment fight entirely and colourfully though for the others the jumping holograms from survey scanners gave extremely vague picture. It seemed to the boy that he opens for himself new measurements, and the brain turned also into the giant receiver of information.

The ship by which Eraskander departed had no the slightest desire to enter fight. It was necessary only to watch fantastically fine show. Some of not humanoid starprobe vehicles were unusual designs and used the non-standard weapon. Separate volleys from luchemet curled triangles, sinusoids, spirals, the eights, etc., touching the starprobe vehicles. Acrobatic pirouettes of the ships seemed inconceivable. At collision splinters scattered on millions of kilometers.

— Line to technology of destruction. For the first time I see it! — The lion watched a cannonade and through three-dimensional holograms, and still the panoramic review of the opened window of perception of space. It was visible how the mines showing tiny are scattered, fight was entered by the anti-destroyers using networks from stable hyper plasma capable to burn as armor so a force field. New equipment of stelzan, when hyper plasma (the sixth, seventh condition of matter, including more than three dimensions, from a particle moving repeatedly higher than the velocity of light.), it is added with still tiny (more significant amount did not learn to generate yet) printseps-plasmas.

This supermatter (printseps — the first is translated, taking priority) has limited reason and capable to distinguish the personal and others' ships.

Nevertheless, the result of battle is still not clear, having so overcome a strip of gravitational ravines, and plasma holes all new starprobe vehicles of sinkh jumped out. The piracy ship, despite desperate attempts of pilots, could not gain speed in any way and to leave in safe sector of space. There was an essential risk to get under the blow of enormous force spraying matter on quarks.

Mercenaries were scattered on a surface of the lower floor, clinging to a rough surface. Pulled them here and there, antigrav only partly extinguished inertia.

— We perish! Ultrapulsarny annihilation! — Having forgotten about advantage, they which until recently were such free tramps of space cried out.

Sinkhov gathered the whole armada, appear, that the bowl of scales just about will shake in their party. The lion even with irony whispered:

— I was never bitten by insects, but people with hearts of crocodiles, an instinct of a piranha painfully wounded! It is possible to shed without effort crocodile tears, to howl a wolf, to crack soroky, but courage of a lion can be cultivated only laborious work!

From the right flank two blue-violet acute-angled pyramids of starprobe vehicles of fleet of Purple heart appeared, so called perfect household troops of Purple constellation. They literally broke off the shapeless mass of spaceships of not humanoid opponent. One of Guards leaders let out the charge which struck in the hyper nuclear range. The blow and flash burned and scattered many tens of thousands of starprobe vehicles of other worlds, having sprayed in different points of space. Even giant leaders of sinkh close the size to the Moon with billions of soldiers, mainly fighting robots, were swept away as garbage by the hyper plasma broom, having instantly incinerated. As instantly everything changed, the death danced a hopak between stars. It is visible the latest termopreonnovy charge detonated either especially powerful termokvarkovy or even. Light waves and the ultramovements of superlight particles rubanut on the starprobe vehicle case. The weak protective field rescued only from immediate evaporation. Lighting instantly went out, and twirled a starprobe vehicle in a furious singular tuft. The space contracted a hard spring and hit Lev on brains. Then the failure as if in a terrible collapse with hyper gravitation followed...

For a moment in the head which is breaking up from a terrible overload vision flashed... The cold piercing to bones, snow, reddish from a soot, metal smack in a mouth and the blood which is flowing down from an ear. Hands are behind strong tied, and the wire is thrown a thin neck.

It and some more the twisted pioneers walk escorted by on hill top. On each side tall Hitlerites in greenish-gray overcoats, in the distance the gallows, and which as if the torch flutters blood-red with a white circle and a web in the middle a nazi banner. Among two girls conducted on execution of teenagers. Not less boys are beaten, gentle faces poraspukhat from a beating, dresses on backs are unstitched and became impregnated blood from rigid floggings with lashes. The lion himself also feels as painfully scraping his hackneyed back and strong burning of naked soles from frosty snowdrifts aches. All pioneers despite strong cold, (even Hitlerites muffle up in woolen scarfs and legs in blankets tied), it is made are barefoot, reserve beautiful traces, on the silvery porosha which covered the crystal and ice, frozen together crust. Also conduct them already several kilometers, fingers of legs turned blue from cold, and teeth beat off a drumbeat. Gallows are closer and closer, dogs cannibals are hysterically got. The people some driven to gallows wrinkled, ugly and pathetic hysterical scream and are christened.

Here they already climb scaffold steps, going barefoot zadubevshy from that ice legs, Lev unexpectedly felt as the coarsened soles blissful heat. Here the neck which became lean because of the last hungry days fastened a tie from a barbed wire on it. The sharp ends stuck into skin, the executioner growth for two meters pulled a loop up, sharp pain and suffocation...

Vision up to the end is not interrupted, it is visible as slowly Hitlerites smother hardly covered with a tatter, but with bright red ties of companions... And in too times of part you perceive also the reality surrounding you.

The cutting peep was heard. Enormous force tore off bodies from a floor and from everything to scope cut in a ceiling. Despite the dimmed consciousness, Eraskander managed to be grouped and amortize blow instinctively. Other of group fell down on a floor as peas on iron. Squeal filled space. Then again breakthroughs here and there, from a ceiling to a floor and followed back. Bodies of polytypic individuals as pebbles in the rattle shaken by the angry peanut jumped to and fro. Threw a starprobe vehicle here and there, in a submarine the partition broke. The suffocating smell of sulphurous gas and chlorine brought Lev round. Vision of execution of times of the Great Patriotic War finally disappeared. It was so terrible! Never to forget how the girls squeezed in a loop pulled small, the fine-molded legs which turned blue and swelled from a frost, but also the show in emergency red-orange light also reminded a dreadful dream. All room was splashed with multi-colored blood of the numerous mercenaries taken from all intergalactic congestion.

— All to put on boyekostyuma of open fight! — slightly weakened computer autopilot voice rang out.

Perhaps, the emergency scheme worked. Interesting idea, but as they plan to get into boyekostyuma in such leapfrog. When the ceiling and a floor are constantly interchanged the position... Dim light, the darkness interrupted by sparks from collisions... And a floor slippery and smelly from sticky blood...

Dodging, Eraskander managed to be pushed in the hatch of an emergency exit, having lost at the same time a mask. Air was unexpectedly condensed, and then at all became dense as water. The lion could not sigh, each movement demands titanic efforts, already on an automatic pilot, it was succeeded "to saddle" buttons. He yet never dressed a heavy army boyekostyum, but his fingers worked in the autonomous mode, feeling space consciousness. During the next moment his body clothed in a fighting space suit with a full arsenal of the ultramodern weapon. The young man stood in motionless situation. Unprecedented feelings new hitherto filled each particle of a body. It was feeling of force, not similar to anything, great and incomprehensible.

Meanwhile, one more blow followed...

The black space broke up the bright crown category of dazzling lightnings. The most powerful explosion flooded all background of feelings and emotions, having extinguished consciousness...

Chapter 18

War villains threaten again,

Apparently, to teases is itching to!

The enemy wants you to test for durability,

But will not achieve the objective!

Starprobe vehicle with the informal name "Life Star" (such simple name to it was given by oppressed beings of the Universe) detained again, and then under the pretext of privacy turned in some other collateral star sector at all.

The senior senator, meanwhile, attentively considered the map of the globe shown in the three-dimensional range with an opportunity to automatically increase sites of the planet. Drawing of continents significantly changed because of "okulturivaniye" the officials of Purple Constellation planning assimilation, having got turbinal facilitating circulation of the oceanic currents having especially practical use.

— When these beings were independent and free, they created a cultural unique landscape. Long enough they developed independently, out of other planets and civilizations, having generated the original culture unusual and unique.

The deep voice of a great zorg was quiet as a sea wave in clear day. Winged small fishes with gold fins were very slowly turned over it, at the same time seeking to reproduce similarity of a six-sided water-lily in flight.

Yuliny imer Cyd, the assistant to the General inspector, having thrown a nutritious plitochka to the house zverka taken in flight, spoke in a bass:

— And what in it unusual? I know many other original and stranger civilizations. Hundred thousand more cycles back, I remember, there was a noise because of kovalin, ftorodyshashchy beings, a pier broke records on rates of scientific and technical development, all will be enslaved soon and overtaken. — Enormous zhidkometallichesky creation made three top extremities "sun" And what? They exterminated themselves, destroyed life on the planet.

The plitochka thrown down unexpectedly was divided into many tens of parts in the form of hybrids of steering-wheels and hares, a chimpanzee and lemons, little squirrels and bananas, such here colourful edible toys. A sylph tonenko peeped and started singing, other small animals picked up:

— As good to lie down on a grass and to knead something tasty. To arrange in a bath to repark and to call females of young people! To eat zdobnenky cheese cakes, and to play a bayan! Ah chocolate and honey of toys! You handed over the answer to five five!

From boots of the Senior zorg wafer-thin handles were stretched, in by miracle there was a balalaika, nine-string in the form of a heptahedral asterisk, and senator said:

123 ... 2930313233 ... 606162
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