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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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I must say that no matter how cynical was like,let's say, a love, but most of the women-singles willingly went to this непродолжителный Union. Who knows why. Some of them, those who are not accustomed to a constancy of their attachments, and organized such relations. But there were those that somewhere in the depths of the soul kept their little hope that maybe the young man gets used to get attached to them and will remain a little longer than promised, don't go out of their life so once and forever that it melts the heart of female affection, and, if not remain, it will at least occasionally, to drive, fly somewhere in the wilds of his lonely military life. Chances were equal to zero, because, as the evil they were too well-educated males, really scare off young people excessive their loving, reminiscent скоере maternal care, not the behavior of a woman, for which we must fight, further emphasized the difference in age, made her a huge and terrible as cleft of the abyss, on the other side of which is dangerous, and not a loan, in General, the jump...

Since that time, as happened in that conversation, much water has flowed under the bridge, I already was and forgot напроь about it, and even the facts of life ослуживцев, sometimes seeping up to my ears — and such ties, as I said, not advertised — 't remind me of him.

Visiting occasionally restaurants, I learned to distinguish between women who came there, completely alone and not waiting for anybody at the meeting. They, no matter how they are dressed, and to nor have stood them on the table, was a sad, wandering through the hall opinion, sometimes delaying appraisingly men. But they cannot be confused with prostitutes, too шарившими глазаи the hall. First did it secretly, immediately отварачивясь, frightened, turning pale and blushing, as soon as noticed that the object of their attention as suddenly looked at them. Протитутки, on the contrary, continued to blatantly stare and behaved quite defiant.

And once, when we walked for Grishkin restaurant bill on a holiday, I noticed that one such person, the whole evening sitting all alone staring at me furtively, and when I send in her direction counter-look here very quickly and, at the same time, somehow keeping her eyes to the side, only slightly, as if looking somewhere behind my back, or just dipping their little lower to the floor, as if being in meditation.

To say that the appearance she was very pretty, and not the times that night tried to get hooked men, but every time she asked them to leave her alone, and for some reason they выполнли her request, although we usually taken such requests as a single woman to be rude and ignore.

Something told me that if I try to go for her стлик, it is not indignant, but, on the contrary, even overjoyed. Don't know what led me to this step, but I got up from the table where he was sitting in the campaign Охромова and our girlfriends, apologized, saying that he saw a friend and I want to talk to her according to some business matters, and walked over to her table.

Woman, and she was a woman, beautiful, some thirty years before that furtively watched my actions as soon as I got up immediately lowered her eyes to theinоему table as if she watched me at all. She never lifted them, when I went over and sat напотив her in a deep armchair with vysochennoy back, if no one appeared at her table. It was as if I was an elf ethereal, which is difficult, if not impossible, to notice.

So we sat for some time. She looked in front of him on devices serving as if peering at filed her dish and poured into a glass of liquor before it all to eat and drink, but her hands were under the table, and she obviously was not going. And I kept looking at her and thinking to himself confusedly, why do I, a fool at all here hooked.

Scene of silence clearly was tightened and became awkward. I have already cursed himself and was as puzzled by our friends, and the Охромыч about such "business talk". They all believed in me. In essence, however, it is so to me was a business deal. I complain to полуение pension for the use of his love for services, I was selling his youth, his charm, his attractive, beautiful even the appearance of those who are interested and could, in my opinion, for it all to pay.

Yes, the customer was pretty darn good! I understood it only when she finally dared to raise his cute face and eyes and show me their bottomless cherry berries. Then I was confounded and he realized that "liked" in her ears. From afar she was not as beautiful as near. Maybe that's why its so unquestioningly obey men. Her beauty was worthy of the царственности. Men are afraid subconsciously such women, the feeling behind them some kind of demon power, that is better not mess with. Few dare to grasp such a dazzling production and the majority disappear, die in her enchantments arranged like the nets or traps. Those who manage to escape from these snares, carry the rest of his life heavy stone of destiny. It's a fatal beauty, and only abnormal and suicide are able to rush to it like moths to the light. I saw her through the darkness, twilight of the hall, but when seen near, I realized that he was in the maelstrom that would swallow me forever.

Yes, it is the proximity of death, I feel that ммент, when the woman looked up at me with her cherry eye, together with an attack of admiration and surprise, though not thinking about death. I felt the cold breath of the oblique old woman with a headscarf on the skull, остудившее me back from the darkness of eternity. She has not prevented even thick back of my chair. And they looked at me doublet, one thoughtfully, in my face, and the second triumphantly, in my back.

Maelstrom that spun me, bore whirlpool, and I long to dwell in his rough waters before heading to the bottom. I felt as together with очаровнием it breathes herself death, felt but couldn't understand why. More than a half of year nрожил I in a feverish delirium her cherry eye, and although they got the wealth of money and развлеениях, about which so much has dreamed. But could not escape from its shackles of the web of her charms, her раскаляющих me like a fire iron, hot, hugs, from her sucking my juices womb and пющих my blood mouth. I like a lunatic, he remembered nothing, cut it, though привороженный, at every hour of day and night wanted her body, devil's delight, and my flesh was constantly fighting, as the heroes of legends so I couldn't even together with their friends to go wash in the bath, because they would then засмеяли me to death.

More полугола continued this voluptuous hell. I did not remember and will ne nothing nor one spoke and talked nobody wrote letters, not read, and even thought of nothing but her. And it was hard, malleable and sweet. It was hell, which поглощад me more and more. Neither teachers, neither commanders nor my friends could not understand that with me поисходит. I заупстил study until the very last degree, it was always thoughtful and not talk could quit school and go to her at any vreya days, and, as if the devil was guarding me, because it every time left me with hands, and I didn't remember quite how she was in bed, he came back to the уилище, where she lived and how I ever found and defined the road to her house. The stray campaign, which came across my path, always evaded me party and not touch even when I climbed through them ahead, as if testing the fate. Everything was like a dream and I had no mo disassemble, where reality and what I dream. Brad перепутался with life, den with the night, life is soo death, all entwined for me in a ball, and I didn't even know what I want, think about it and led a life worthy of somnambulists.

Yes I was so himself Walker. Six months after that meeting in the restaurant after that fateful evening, I was like a squeezed lemon, my cheeks flowed feverish glow, the skin was thin and transparent, some kind of a devil power forced to move my sound body, and his eyes were bright glow of the flame приесподней, and when I look in the mirror, I saw in them, bottomless, black eyes reflection of my maid, who seemed to be bought not only my body, youth, beauty, and record my soul.

On this fateful connection! It was exactly messenger of Satan, she was fascinating, привораживающим the devil incarnate. I чувствлвл, embracing her, that it's flowing ethereal flame, giving and taking away the heat from my body. "Maybe Death itself has opened to me in his arms?" I thought in a rare moment of enlightenment of the mind, but all my ideas very quickly ended, barely again faced a voice of lust.

I lived six months not удитвляясь the fact that my raft is in an abnormal state constantly взвинченная. I вякий time under any pretext avoided мытьс in the bath, fearing that my friends will laugh at my great rebellious member. And it would be....

So for my happiness happened.

Don't remember why, or case, and perhaps Providence, спасшее me from the shackles of hell, but I failed once avoid a visit to the sauna.

For a long time I hesitated in the locker room, while the comrades seem a bit odd to me. Then I had to undress, and they immediately started me to mock.

-Посотрите, look at him fuck worth it! "I heard you, like a dream, if indeed in a dream, I exclamations. "Hey, guys! Yakovlev blue! Yakovlev гомосек, he bolt in bath gets up! Yakovlev, are you secretly men in the city in задниу пердолишь?! Ha-ha-ha!!! See what his healthy member! And it stands and falls, tetanus attacked! Ha-ha-ha!!!

Suddenly I was incredibly ashamed for your fool, so ashamed, Kaak we've never had in life. I was ashamed and that's naked, and I таакой big, huge, nasty неизвстно what about the member, and that all my friends look at me and laugh at me. Bullet I jumped out of the bath and started running, naked, with a protruding member through the entire school. Running, shame, and I can't stop it. I feel that overcomes me a great, overwhelming shame, but together withthe and joy some shines through the purification of the soul from the darkness of fatal of charms.

More I am the woman, never seen, and soon, surprisingly quickly, everyone has forgotten that incident and those nightmares six months, when were happening to me devils forgotten even faster than me. I was very pleased that all ended. And then because 't try I then such a shame, burn for me are probably already in hell. A little bit me then live on earth remained! Feel grouping the fatal passion me in the grave. Who me she probably decided to take into submission. Thank you for such a shame happened.

Росле that experience, I gave a vow: divorced, and even more so with вдовыми women not mess for any price. There is in them something of a curse. So, scary them live. Scary. This I also said. That widow. Little would have been a widow for the second time. Gave me no good nor her money, no entertainment, it received. Worse bitter radish seemed to me. And then how I don't distress you, as not needed in currencies, but is already thinking about dared not — terribly — about this method of their production.

Grisha охромов knew nothing about my connection. No one in school and throughout all the earth, probably, not know about it. To was genuine link with the underworld, and for foreign mortals it is always invisible. He just told me then, when it all ended with: "you Know, you're strangely behaving lately! Campaigns with me e appear, maids all I already распросами about you beat that I reference Bureau. Let, don, наверствывай up for lost time!" And over these six months he came close to me, never.

Now he is caught up in the passion. To me this was unusual, but what is most interesting is the fact that something pricked in my soul when I learned that he wants because of his feelings to make the madness in hospital in the midst of the final exams, especially government. A normal person to do so would not SOG. Love — love, but why so complicate your life? Something evil seemed to me in Grishina passion, in his enthusiasm, переплеснувшейся over the edge of common sense. A worm alarm and hazard stirred in me, however, fell silent.

Охромов if in the depths of the sea disappeared somewhere in the chambers of city hospital, disappeared in the chaos created by the disaster, and time, that he chose for his love Hobbies, was not very, if not to say very, not suitable. Also very strange.

And his deeds in promoting relations were n so bad as you might guess.

Few days passed, and it was don't hear. As if he had fallen through the earth. Of course, what the hell he will remember me when he is all right.

"A friend in trouble!" — they say, but, alas, and reminisce about friends forhастую, when caseshis a trouble.

Chapter 17.

A few days idleness order fed up with. And not only because banned all sorts of dismissal and going into the city, but also because, every day I become more and more force , almost physically felt the anguish of their arrears, overdue debts. I felt views their creditors, their душащее was silence, and it became impossible away all endure. But to do all I could, until AboutKhromov прохлаждался in больние and amused himself there with his girlfriend.

"How can you, симулянт cursed, making love in the ббольнице, full of sorrow and dying people, full of suffering and pain?!" — indignantly I was thinking about a friend and my thoughts became more violent, what this asshole completely forgot and thinking about it, in which me and pulled and gave me hope of success, I could not leave.

Not only the fear of not paying debts — it goes without saying, but the notoriety of unethical, dishonest, a threat which has hung over me clearly, forced me feverishly, stress seek a way out of the situation. Now lenders have already wasn't tired, as before, but their мрчные , unfriendly glances. And then simply appeal to me, as to an empty place, were многозначительнее, louder and heavier than any words. Nowhere, in any other area of my relationships with people I have not had such an acute sense of dignity, honor, in relation to its own debts. I was ready to sink into the earth, burn with shame when passing by me in a hostile silence like the people I owed money. Can a lifeь my friend Охромову it was and still, but for me it was just unbearable. Yes, and well he was lying there in the hospital, when you throw me suspicious glances and called for the eyes, as they wanted.

Yes, whatever you say, and the thing that I suggested Охромов, needs to be brought to the end, especially because it took a new turn after arising from me the idea that I told Grisha, and he recognized the large share of legitimate in my new proposal, but noted the increased risk of a new enterprise. We agreed that, as soon as he "recover" and return from the hospital, and if possible before, we'll deal with the matter without delay.

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