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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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Took place already a whole week but from Охромова was neither ears, nor spirit. Whether he wanted to or not exhaust find ways to tell me about yourself, send at least a short message about how to go he's doing. I also could not reach him, because, first, did not know which hospital he lies, but, secondly, even if knew, I could not escape from the school, потоу that all the cadets have established such tight control that for the fence of the school and the nose was impossible to stick, not thatwould somewhere to go. At night now in every barracks remained responsible офитцер, evil, as the dog, left by the master of the bad weather on the street guard house, from what he could not break from the service even at night. Every two hours he walked from room to room and counted cadets, touching each leg, to ensure that under a blanket is not overcoat or something another substitute, but a living person. To top it all broke down all phones not only the three who were in school, but in all the adjacent district. Their specially cut off, whether completely доканали cadets its неласковым treatment but that they did not work, completely cut off school from the outside world, and no one could сказат that the same is happening for its concrete fences. All the inputs and outputs of the school were blocked triple reinforced patrols, which were appointed by the soldiers of the division, but there's more to the officers and warrant officers than the poor souls.

I heard that a few desperate brave men, mostly local, tried to break into the city through the cordon, but all their attempts failed, and they without exception, all were on indefinitely brig school. The fourth course surprisingly dealt prudently, and among самовольщиков anyone caught was not. The fourth course like ceased risk: the nose was already edition left a few days, and none of the graduates did not want trouble.

Officers these days were never silent, and not less рачны, if they all have the time had some great misfortune. And even especially close to them could not вытнуть no one a word about what was going on in town, on каакие would tricks not started up.

One would think that everything that happens once свзано since the past tragedy, but how? There was no answer.

IUwaiting for the, in desperation, I decided to break in the city and visit больниу, in which, as expected, is Охромов. I long opted for the moment, until at last my patience came limit. And then, saying to myself: "If the mountain will not come to Magomed, then Muhammad will go to the mountain!" threw myself into the breach.

I did this deliberately in the middle of the day. Night excluded brand: control by officers was so hard, htabout no chance did not help me at night. From daylight to a single window, in which you can get by there was lunch time. No matter how strictly controlled us, our officers but they had their human weaknesses, and, relying on some other, наальники patrols команиров, and those on patrols, all SAI without knowing it, happily went home for lunch. They, too, wanted to be with their wives and children, and cursed service, especially now, not leave another time.

I thought it was that, if I don't нарвусь of an abnormal head of the patrol and I'm lucky in a way, especially when leaving and returning to school, then in store for me is half free hours: lunch officers were leaving in an hour, and returned to the three. During this time, it was possible to pass to the farthest end of the city and to go back, if not to be detained anywhere, even on the trolley or bus. Me the same, if Охромов it was in that hospital, in which assumed I had to get much closer.

Problem, that directly interfere with the implementation of planned, was that I had to agree with his squad, and that with замкомвзводом. We had to assure them, make them believe that I can make it invisible, and if "heal", that'll take all the blame on yourself.

My squad was a guy хитроватый and savvy. He never took responsibility for such cases, and always consulted on such matters, solving issues with замкомвзводом. The same, the person himself the simple and open, but defends its simplicity mock severity and excessive severity, usually was against this, but, if agreed, he warned that he hasn will not let go, and if someone is caught, then let him take it all on himself and otherwise, were implicated someone it, he never let go. Su understood this well, and tried not to let them down.

Уламывать this time had to "lock" the very long. Very much afraid that I get caught somewhere, especially in such, as he felt неблагопричяятное for such cases the time. He finally agreed, but warned that if I would not be at three o'clock, he will report about my absence комнадиру platoon, and to then I пенял himself. In between times he remembered me two times within just recently I fell in unauthorized absence, and that I was going to go AWOL with a noble purpose: to visit a friend softened his decision. And he would not let me go any.

Despite or even because I was самовольщик with experience, almost anyone else, I know it is hard, in this case you just won't let go, and all the fellow platoon me and took me to the door of the class angry, frustrated views. I often many of them left here now, in broad daylight in the city, only just left school a platoon leader, and because I, unlike night adventures, where all were equal before fate and luck, in the day of my unauthorised absences trusted more than many of the other. Some people, this may have been a shame on me for a long time many had a big tooth, which threatened to get out once I sideways. I enjoyed this privilege, because never got a day to anybody in the city or near school and was late for уговоренному time, it found credible and cunning увертку, in which no one except me, as it turned out, was not involved. Not once seen my Junior commanders that I try not to involve in such происшесствия their person. I boldly took the blame on himself, and all of the anger came down only on my head. But леге't stand it, what you never let go.

So it was agreed, in the afternoon I had to go in town to visit Охромова, and did it. I left, when the time was hour of the day after midday — it was the most favorable time to avoid patrols: heads of patrols by that time, gathered for a report to the commandant's office, went from town to the school, where the Central checkpoint was commandant's office. I was going to town, in the opposite direction, so вероятност meet with someone from them in a trolley was equal almost to zero, and from the stop near the school escape for me was quite simple, as for any cadet, more or less knowledgeable surroundings.

By three o'clock, when I returned, as usual, in school, patrols dispersed men to meet in a town with only a dangerous place when you return, as and when leaving, however, was прилегающе to school space, where it increased the probability of encounters with the local patrol or someone hurrying after lunch on the service of officers.

Yes, I вспомил trolleybus. Funny to say, but to release from the College I дожился before, that he could not afford the luxury of болльшей than public transport, which, thank God, the cadets went free. How hard it was to admit, I was a bankrupt.

I successfully passed the zone of cordon, entirely обложенную around the school, in which I have been known holes.

Before the five minutes it took me to bypass the long corridors of the chair on which he was engaged in our platoon, go down, cross the territory of the College, the shortest way to the fence, премахнуть it, making sure that I hadn't been waiting for, and then, looking around, went to a stop.

Within minutes I was driving to the city center.

The driver announced that the trolley bus only goes to the city centre and Central market. I do not like as go I must have been quite different direction. I поинтереовался him what was the reason, but he only looked in my direction as in some special way, gloatingly, I показалос, and silently closed the door to his cubicle. In essence, me, his behavior is not surprised, because the military in the city always treated contemptuously, if увствовали, the superiority are not on their side. But as a man I felt sorry that I had to treat: I personally do harm to this driver did not.

It was annoying, because transplant had to spend a minimum of ten, and пятнадцат minutes. This was very much if we proceed from the time that I had.

Already at the entrance to the city centre I noticed ahead on a course of movement the multitudes, запрудившую all Central pedestrian street. That happened there are perfectly visible through the windshield of the trolleybus. The driver stared again at me, somehow evil grin. When we drove up close and stood at the intersection on a red light, it became clear that its a huge procession going across the street, стекаясь from all sides, towards обкому party. Over its головаи in several places could be clearly distinguished scarlet spots coffins.

This spectacle is alarmed me interested at the same time. Like to see what's happening on the square in front of the building of the regional Committee, прозваном people in the Pentagon, to whirl in this populous crowd, listen to what they say, what people want. I guessed that all this has something to do with the recent catastrophe, and, more precisely, with the victims of the tragedy, and this interest of mine is even worse. Immediately I regretted that I military form, not гражджанка, because the inhabitants of the city and without TRG couldn't stand the military, considering we parasites, обжирающими country and the local population, in particular. And now, therefore, in an excited crowd could happen incident more serious than just swearing and insults in my address. Mad with grief people wouldn't understand what I albeit in the form, but the same people as they are, and I'm wondering the same problem as them.

While I hesitated between the desire to see what was happening, ограниченносью вреени, the need to meet Охромовым and prudence, striking, from place to stay away, trolleybus, turned left and went around the curve, уходщей cool visas street leading to the square near the Bazaar.

Запруженные people of streets disappeared from sight, and my feelings, awakened by the unusual sight, calmer, quieted down. Prudence prevailed and I decided not to deviate from the planned my route.

The road had to spend unforgivable a lot of time, and the conversation with Grisha I remained for about ten minutes from the force, otherwise I would not have managed to get back in school.

In the city there was something unimaginable. All shaft went to the Central square, transport went extremely bad, and I had serious concerns: would I come back.

I must say that in the hospital I was allowed with great reluctance, Yes and it's probably only because I introduced myself sent here the commander of the battery to test the cadets to the place of treatment.

Me forced to wear a white Bathrobe, begrimed, however, to such an extent as if it worked stokers, and explained that without the robe to go to the Department of it.

Asking first got the nurse, in a ward is the cadet, Охромов, I was delighted that he was really here, and I don't have to go somewhere else, in another hospital. I walked in the indicated chamber, but Grisha is not proved. Roommates, several men from thirty to forty years, and two-three younger — playing dominoes on shifted to the nightstand metal beds — something inaudible and unfriendly answered repeated me several times question not paying at first no attention to me. I little understood and бурчания, but ask hesitated, seeing that my friend here is not at a premium. One thing was clear that Охромов somewhere walks. Maybe he had his подржки, and, perhaps, rushed into the city. In any case do here was nothing I couldn't wait, pотому then every minute was to Seth, to seek, too, so Kaa knew neither the name nor the name of its girls, nor where she lies, nor her street address, no phone.

Asking where it to forge, I pulled from rolling on it newspaper piece of paper and left in his nightstand a note to knew that I was with him, and once contacted me. After that I went out of the CTDetion, gave Bathrobe duty nurse, and said goodbyetремглав rushed to троллейбtheсной stop. But hurry my proved futile, kato in the next half an hour or one of the trolley-bus, next to the city centre, was not. At the stop has already accumulated about fifty people, but urban transport like ceased to exist.

Angry, beseeching God, clenching his fists of fury angered to a level close to hysteria, I looked at my watch and saw the arrow with fantastic speed, jumping by the minute, as if on the steps, отскакали five, ten, twenty, thirty minutes. I felt like hope leaves me with each оттикавшей second, imagine what trouble waiting for was now, when I get back.

Finally, in the distance seemed trolleybus. I обрадовлся, but radostь this was with a large admixture of heart troubles. All the swear words and expressions, which only came to my mind, sent to the address barely позущей machine and its good for nothing the driver.

People at the bus stop revived, столпилис, clung to the roadway. The crowd crawling to the edge of the pavement. Rear, trying to squeeze forward, поднажали on впередистоящих, and the first under this pressure were on the pavement. He heard their disgruntled voices, but the crowd, no matter what continued and continued sliding off the curb, like milk poured from the edge of the table to the floor.

All this continued until pokand to stop gritting overloaded springs, rolling, swaying from side to side like a ship on the waves, wheezing гудя electric motor, not подрулил crowded bus. The people in it was so much that folding like an accordion doors cannot be revealed themselves, without the help of a few men of the number of waiting, схватившихся for sash with such a frenzy, as if they were ready to tear to shreds all lining horned колымаги. From discovered, finally, with a terrible shriek and creaking doors out, fell immediately few people. They began to quarrel, отряхивать, look around your clothes, bags and briefcases, badly injured in a stampede, but standing on the bus stop is immediately swept them away, not letting herself, with insults and shouts rushing to раскрывшимся door, pushing each other's elbows, trying to be the first to take the tiny piece of free space at the entrance to the first steps, under a bunch of overhanging the people all the forces trying to keep each other from falling out of the salon bursting шевелящейся inside, breathable, hustle squeezed. Packed in an iron box, like a sprat in the Bank sauce, пышащей жаом, потеющей and тушащейся in own juice human mass. They eagerly swallowing the air from the street getting oxygen to the next stop.

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