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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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A little late, I stood in line, making his way back the wall and втиснувшись between other. Nobody paid attention to it, since four years is a violation of discipline, adhering to men, as polyps and набившее already tired of my commanders, order they were tired, and they do not wish for this to communicate with me.

-Dress! Attention! — sounded team duty battery. -Follow the CE-re-Dinah!

On duty reported to the first platoon commander and the battalion commander of the battery is built as if it were one, and not all офиеры together for another three minutes ago ran on конатам and expelled from them cadets. But so much was and will be, apparently, our army order of behavior.

-Lines-in! — shouted the commander, hardly they informed him. -To the output of the Sha-d March! Built at the bottom of the column three.

Battery застучала boots on the staircase, going down. In mine the entrance to the shouting voice, the smell of tobacco smoke. On the way down I tried to find out what such happened, that we are raised under the gun, but nobody plain could say, and the reason of our required for alarm and left me a mystery.

Officers little late at the top, but for this time the cadets had time to walk around the entire parade ground in front of the building of the hostel. Went to обсаженному bushes палисаднику, прилегли even on the lawn, they fenced, discussing some of his works, chatting on all sorts of теы, травя stories and jokes and telling all sorts of nonsense. In the air above us together swirled clouds of tobacco smoke, gray clouds подымавшегося a five-meter and рассеивающиеся there air flows.

From the second entrance "hostel" выходдили two batteries of our course, too loaded down, loaded weapon. In a few minutes, all the space in front of the building was filled with a crowd Thueрокурсников khaki, бесхорменной and chaotic, but after a minute, as soon as came out one by one взводные and комбаты and there were teams: "Eighth battery... Ninth battery... Tenth battery... in line взводных columns get in line!", — all this seeming неправляемой and беформенной mass began to move, and after a while our entire the division was already in the one fight, and my commander law and the commander of the first account of batteries reported released after all from the entrance, a commander of the division:

-Comrade Colonel! Division on your orders built. Persons illegally missing, no! Commander eighth battery, senior Lieutenant Лshoemakerн.

-Well, — said instead of a command "at ease!" he's not even listening habit a little the end of the report. Rubbing his hands and looking at somewhere to the side, if something рассматривя there he suddenly as was his wont, quickly threw the opinion of their black, with a small косинкой, what happens to all the black-eyed, and is especially visible in the photographs for documents eye and said:

"Hey, guys! — so he began to speak to us at the end of the third course, save the serious irony, not allowing a single фамилярности. Familiarity with the systems allow and loved but God forbid was someone to hear from him eye to eye references in his lips it sounded exactly "You fool!" or something like that. "Hey, guys! 'he repeated already quieter and again rubbed his habit, like умывая, hand in hand. Then he paused, revealing so, as if I had forgotten how to speak to mouth it was a habit in the manner of treatment to ranks and, again circling своимислегка косоватыми eyes operation: whether he is listening, " said further. -There — he shook his arm, pointing your finger somewhere in the direction of the city centre, the — somebody out there doesn't know what he makes, is not aware of what happens! We were asked to keep the situation under control! Сейас we're at the first checkpoint, we sit in the car and follow directions to city centre. Therefore, there комбаты listen carefully eighth battery puts a barrier and delays the crowd of troublemakers, which will probably try to break into the regional Committee of the ninth arrives at the disposal of the chief of гормилиции, the tenth is kept in reserve and takes the place of... At the place of show — where! At the checkpoint now, commanders of batteries, get units helmets, truncheons, eighth battery additionally get shields. All of this will be the foreman of the police, that there is near a police UAZ... What have questions?.. What are the issues? No?! Well, then go ahead, guys, forward! So, eighth battery, left shoulder forward step m-AUX-arches!

Squadron leader turned his back to us, knowing that the next command will комбаты, and spoke with his political and we, one battery for another marched to the checkpoint. There were already waiting for us, as said Колониец, the so-called commander of the squadron, several covered брезетовым tent "Urals", near which gathered a bunch, just stood there and smoked drivers-ensigns. There was also "Canary" yellow UAZ with blue stripe on the Board, with оббитым iron and barred Windows van. On the roof "Canaries" boasted a few blue and red flashing". Near the car stood thick, красномордый, mustachioed police officers with small, watery, fish eyes. Noticing, he eagerly rubbed his hands, opened the rear door of the van and waved beckoned our officers to himself.

The police cadet's always been hostile attitude, because not only the troops of the Ministry of defense, interior Ministry troops, but also between the branches of the army friction and confrontation were quite common. And they ate mutual hostility and even hatred. Reciprocity this was jealous constant, and whenever the case tried to annoy each other, though, in fact, if you think about it, then we would have to stick together and try at least, allied feelings for each other, because perform the same task: protect the state, only they are inside, and we attack from the outside. But in the life of the Union as such and does not smell, and between coats behaviour was in every way a cold breeze enmity, when hidden, and when and выливающейся in blatant contempt.

The students of our school, in any case, to милиии were special quarrel. Hostility had our real sense: wherever and for whatever reason have not occurred clashes between us and the civilian population, the police interfered with the consequences for completely unfair diverging. If отделние delivered from the scene "the jacket", i.e. civil, he was regarded as a separate хулиганствуюим element. If there окказывался cadet, said in Moscow that students were beaten again "our boys". The same who had plotted and instigated the fight, there was no question, and then and just talked, that, behold, they say, release them from behind the fence and civilization, and they behave here, Kaak should nna know how. Of course, when talking about this gossip, could accuse evil tongues urban gossip, but we are always accused of the police, who either did not understand the destructive consequences of their actions, or operated in the evil us, tuning against us local urban population.

Our course on the share has fallen history, which, in General, did the police our worst enemy.

It happened on the second course. Then in a dormitory of one of the city's institutions hurt two of our guys. They came to "chat" with two representatives of women's half of the tenants of a hostel, drink some tea and something stronger, I guess. After some time, when the "tea" they didn exhaust, now we have more room two guys from a neighboring room. Well, our's, of course, called them under a drunken hand "portions" and the something else, and those offended, and gone, but not for long: later on they met hapless offenders when leaving the hostel, so as not to confuse the dam, which is not a matter of каалось, and накостыляли them carefully. The ran in the school and raised its battery, but to the rescue, послышав about the incident reached the other two batteries of our division. When the students came to the dormitory, there встрачал police patrol. The road was blocked by several police UAZ vehicles.

Then I was among the last who ran on a "showdown". In fact, I later learned about what is happening and dropped back from the main mass of ten minutes, and when began to overtake his,he saw that our battery, one after another system, as charged to run back to school, and back after them come the police "Canaries", слепя and своимим headlights following, as would fit, or конвоируя columns.

The policemen didn't let us then to find a relationship with "jackets". Maybe it's for the best, but that's what they were accompanied by the national Assembly on their machines to the school, cool hurt our pride, and we disliked them after that incident, more than ever, and even the address of the "jackets", отмутузивших then our two Lovelace, swear word remembered much less than the "damned cops".

I remember, after the incident in the city was a terrible scandal. Talked about that students again terrorize urban youth. Flew it is good to all: from the General to the last Sergeant, though it was evening, and none of the officers in the barracks was not. However, softening обстоятеьством was that all without a fight.

The main outcome of the case was that was blamed cadets. Accused may be right, but we had to find the object of hatred. They, of course, was the police. Well, who we can blame our failure? So were we, if the do not enemies, not friends with the police for sure. Any of us посчиталбы below dignity отдат honor officer милиии, and if such and met, they didn't give them credit in response and looked, frankly, as the half-witted. I can say it boldly, because some times appeared in such situations, when he was still young and наинвным a freshman. Yes, it established a long and well, and he could not change his example is a severe теение morals.

Here are our relationship with the police. And look here, Sergeant of militia gesture, familiarly, as carelessly as boys, beckoned our officers to himself, and away they went, they went to him, my dears, at least had возутиться his impudence. Like a Sergeant-major of militia was for them the decree and наальник.

This поводумеж passed the noise of surprise and discontent, but he quickly calmed down, because what really protect officers and resent everything that is happening, they ate themselves they do not understand that they are treated disrespectfully, or смалодушничали before this fat bastard.

What is happening with us and why all this was happening, and remained a mystery, but I was not myself, because I've already seen what this disgruntled elements: the Central square of the city gathered, probably, almost half of all residents, and throw us, необуенных techniques basic protection from stones and sticks, which may полелят our ranks, and not that the methods of attack and suppression of demonstrators, especially not спроив our consent, as among the protesters are sure to be someone's brothers, fathers, friends, relatives, was at least unfair, and I — deeply dishonest.

The air smelled blood. Maybe for my comrades who saw the crowd in the square, all drawn in lighter colours, but I almost physically felt her incomparable and спутываемый smell.

Prepared something terrible. I saw in what excitation of the people were on the square. Our appearance is unlikely to stilled their ardor. Rather, to the contrary, an even greater rage took hold of them, when they saw that the authority to which they are going to present a fair score, неерена загородится from them army uniform.

Yes, can бытб, it was necessary not for me to decide, I'm just a pawn for the preservation of peace and order on the square, but here and tell me we were, the cadets of the military school, designed to defend the country and, therefore, people from external enemies, and not to go against this people, in the interests of a guilty before him and опасающейся reckoning authorities. To do this, if anything, there were internal troops of the interior Ministry. Let he engaged. Not in the city parts CENTURIES is no excuse for such unscrupulous action. Apparently, someone would like to pit us with the citizens, as a cat with a dog, to our hands to do the dirty deed, but by leaving a clean and dry from the dirty water. And then let them hate our brother, bigger and stronger than before, the main thing that their кагорту. Whoever was the scapegoat — the main thing, that not the power.

Perhaps, though I have great doubts that the case started so shrewd and cunning people, the people specially wanted to set against the whole of the Army in the face of our school. Say, here, remember, when dashing Godin, for it will not take up the police, no, and not even the internal troops, the matter will then Army. Army chief bulwark of the regime. What then to the Army is the relationship? Otherwise, how bad, not name. Although, why would Shine your card? However, on the other hand, it is difficult to believe, who benefits and who does not undermine the relationship with Aitmatov his protector, Tom, for whom the whole game is played in the dark.

Officers approached the officers and exchanged a few phrases with a shrug of everyone before him with the hand, but in their place I would spit in red, plump face, to my further жиизнь once and for all eliminated the habit ever attract to itself (himself army officer finger in any situation in which the EA or went. Then the commanders have begun to call your batteries повзводно to the "Canary", and cadets полуали from foreman in advance agreed equipment, to see that in their hands was a rather unusual.

Policeman famously gave it, not forgetting to consider the rubber truncheons, bright red plastic helmets and плексиглассовые shields. Here, too — who took that fall under the arm, and who carefully watched their ammunition to the rubber at the club was not old and потрекавшейся, helmet was not проломлена, and the shield was no schisms, отломов, cracks and ridiculous fastening systems which only camouflage, I do not know from what наальника, fastened together its fragments.

I too did not hurry to depart отмашины, and carefully looked around I received a stick. A helmet and shield. Then, to the great indignation and dissatisfaction foreman-policeman asked заиенить me the shield, because he was in a small crack, as automotive glass after the accident, and then and helmet, which in the area of the crown was an impressive failure. He long bargained with me, saying that all this is nonsense, and do not pay attention to it. He even tried to read me one on a topic that I was too picky, but in the way in life have tight, but I присек his ranting, reasonably aware that this shield and under this helmet hide from the stones and the shock is not he, and I, and so, somehow himself will see to it that they are not scattered,if that, in the first minute, and if the opportunity and the negatives to stand next to me on the wall, then let him and here it takes almost collapsed shield and the holey helmet.

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