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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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Police officers right was stunned by my answer. See, nobody had not spoke to him with such a daunting and разоружающей his rudeness simplicity of the truth. He paused in silence changed me helmet and shield, personally making sure their health, and another five minutes after that I have not heard back from the machine, it disturbances and curses.

In ten minutes after all this is crammede prior to the failure of our bodies as if dRовами, powerful "Urals" bore to the city cent on the Avenue in the column headed by the police, "Canary", брызнающей eyes the rare passers-by dazzling colors their "bubbles".

Foreman invited некскольких officers take to himself in the booth, as designated in the cabs of trucks all is not enough, and they are now like criminals or hooligans, looked at the streets of the city through the barred thick metal bars of the window. So, probably, travelled daily chosen on the urban streets of alcoholics and kids.

Soon the column machines stopped not far from the square in front of the regional Committee on the next street. Hence our battery, forcing lead equipment in readiness and to put it on yourself, led directly to the square.

In the distance, as soon as we have inferred from the corner the last house the street seemed huge, motley the crowd, even more impressive than it seemed to me that I saw a few hours before.

We walked to the empty podium, that is either already lost, or has not yet found its speakers, and rose up, like the Roman фалангам, pushing ahead себявысокие плексиглассовые shields. We did all this surprisingly clearly and beautifully, by liked even though us before this whole week муштровали, as is customary in the military, trained, trained to such movement.

Our officers stood behind our box Smoking and began about something chatting as if everything happened for them in the usual thing and it didn't care. Officers also offered them helmets, but they refused, apparently to keep the distance between himself and us, following the sense of his own dignity that they ought to show a little earlier and before the other type.

The officers approached some people in mufti, the energetic gestures, three minutes they explained. After this there was rebuilt in another way: " there are long lines have put all our батареюсо panels, rear stood just coming tenth battery, which, as defined, should be in reserve.

Now composed in such a manner living fence отгородил building of the regional Committee of the cottage facing a windswept on the square of national sea almost the entire length. We became буферо, which was to befall the anger of the crowd when she did not like something like in the future (which, apparently, went on.

Our appearance was immediately noticed people that we hardly have appeared on near approaches to the square. This выразилоь in has struck across the crowd rumble of indignation and discontent. It was evident, as people came to life, head begin to — to flip over weight, noise, before напоинавший rustle of leaves in the wind, outgrew now in the market of noise, rising over the area. And among the words долетавших to us from the General многоголосицы, not even one word of approval or of joy.

While we built and rebuilt in front of the empty platform, a nation on площаи worried stirred, in the thick of it began to be some переещения, and when our "Falanga" was extended bristling fence khaki along the front edge of the square, from the crowd forward, just as before the battle on the ancient рууси before shelves militias forward put forward knights and warriors, came a few men, quite precisely arranged from different places, as if they were waiting for such a turn of events in advance, and came to the ranks closely, requesting to their проустили to the podium.

After минтной delay on рапоряжению all the same man in civilian clothes, ranks broke apart, releasing them a narrow passage.

After that corridor, the delegation, so, apparently I had to understand, rose to the podium and asked the собравшимс below. Microphones installed there, for some reason did not work, and because of my place was not heard absolutely not a single word of what they said.

On the line we reported that representatives of the municipal public, and they claim потест authorities against the appearance of the city on the square of the cadets of the military school, because people have the right to hold rallies and rally until recently was peaceful.

After standing after her application for a moment at the top, as if something or someone waiting, and waiting, delegates of the people came down and went back to the square, but not gone, not scattered in the crowd, and stood on the пятачкеперед our ощетинившимися lines, which left for them coming close to our рядм the masses. One of them, a bald man, an intellectual of mind started passionately talk to the gathered around him man, waving a hand with crumpled in her cap, almost like Lenin in the movies.

At this time on the podium went up several civilians and a police Colonel with a bullhorn in his hand. Once on top, the last put it to his lips, and over the square echoed the trembling voice, slightly drowned, but do not cut off the rumble of discontent and indignation:

"Comrades, citizens! Please go away! Cadets military school profit for our call. They are designed only to ensure order. Attention! I repeat! Please leave. Go five minutes square should be empty. in потивном case we will have to use force!

Most of them stood on the square, especially those who were in the back, not heard скзанного Lieutenant Colonel of militia. But they started to ask, what do they say on the podium, and the front began to share heard back. Gradually all the people knew what they wanted the representatives of law enforcement and the more enthusiastic. Most of all, perhaps, he resent the word "force", said Lieutenant Colonel, for immediately after the first series swept a burst of indignation.

Ascended to the podium remained there except for our commander дивиона that descended down, gathered all commanders of batteries, and gave them orders, took the formation temporizing position.

On our ranks crept excited rumors that we're going on the crowd. All this great message was worried, because никтои not to fight with citizens unknown why, Yes, and in spite of our ammunition and equipment hung behind weapon, however. Without a cartridge, we are not able, at least in quantity, to resist the crowd. We had several tens of times less than the assembled before us the people and that there think our commanders, was poor, because, if заваршк, the angry crowd would have to pound us into dust in a matter of minutes.

We were beautiful and terrible to look at, but only tinsel, separating off the representatives of power from the people, assembled at the square, and if so was the tinsel we would оставатьс, as much as was possible. Use us as a real force, it would be very unwise and to rashness голупо, but those in whose power was us распоржатся, were not sober mind and too overestimate the possibilities of untrained to such a craft крсантов. Or, perhaps, they thought that people in the area will not have any active resistance only because before them cadets? Yes they spit on us хотелои!..

People on the podium talking among themselves, glancing at the clock and as if not noticing what's happening on the square, or trying to show it.

Sun, meanwhile, is already beginning to fall into the horizon, but the heat was unbearable, and loaded ammunition, we were weakened by the heat. I felt, toAK I зачесалась head under the helmet, and then opposing streams, kapla by drop under the hair, neck, and rolled pot.

НесмотрI the requirement of the police rank, people on площди and did not think to leave. In the first minutes after the statement noise in the crowd quickly verse, but then the first individual cries, and then all the growing friendly Babel violated this неверну, minute silence.

Don't know how much time passed, but, apparently, the five minutes are up, because Colonel of militia, having removed pre-its cap and wipe the handkerchief лысеющую his head again raised the megaphone to his mouth and again started to talk to the people on the square. But this time there was not even hear a single sound, wafting out of his horn: roar of the crowd, as if on cue menacing growing, drowned out everything else.

Lieutenant Colonel said something standing right NEX to him a man in civilian clothes, but he did not hear, then he shouted in his ear, apparently, repeating what he said, and this, realizing, finally. Nodded back to him, as a sign of consent. A policeman came down from the podium, came to our division commander and also the ear explaining something to him, began to wave his hand in the side of the square.

The commander came to us and trying to shout roar of the crowd shouted:

-So! Дивизи-o-d! Attention! Forward!!! Forward!!!

Hearing this barely непутевую command ranks of cadets, lifting up from the earth, their high transparent shields, at first hesitantly and unevenly, and then more confidently and quickly went forward rapidly approaching to толпящимся before normand the demonstrators.

That everyone of us thought in those moments before the bout? It is very even could it happen that in a minute someone's going to be a fight with a friend or relative, unstoppable in the heat of the massacre and pulled limply теением circumstances.

-Friendly, friendly, guys! — heard somewhere behind the voice of the commander of a battalion. -Closer to each other! Let's not push the boards! Beat them back! Don't let the senses!

Two inраждебные mass, two lines, one thin and almost smooth, and the other wavy, indicating the only edge клокочущей, mass produced an array of indignant, rapidly came together, United, merged into one, and started стокновение, immediately accepted fierce.

Cracked плексиглассовые boards, there were numerous, hail сыплющиеся blows sticks and fists them. The demonstrators then started to tear us boards, растаскиват us in hand, breaking the unity плексиглассового fence, shove in the breach poles, stakes, прутя valves, throw in even нерешивших: fight or not cadets stones.

Here the choice was nothing I had to save himself, as far as possible from наседающей public, using issued by the equipment, otherwise vouch for his life was no longer possible.

Any minute, every second, every moment промедлеия, reflection and doubts and the need their actions and deeds were fraught with the consequences пеальными for замешкавшегося in this fight, the more so that the crowd was aggressively infused with very beginning and was not going to joke with us.

They beat us ильно, wanting to, if not kill, then dump the blame on the spot — so that's for sure.

Each of the speakers probably had time to regret in these first, decisive minutes of the bout, so nobody has taught us how we should treat our armor, 't worked out the system of management of our ranks and our actions, which would considerably extend our less successful defense, which became неша attack on protesters, so heavy, solid, flat line boards lasted only the first few minutes of the battle. And although many of our themselves fought well and skillfully, but, in General, we invariably failed eyes подминаемые распоясавшейся crowd.

First s pushed the demonstrators, pushing these shields, to keep which had been struggling because of the grasped their hands, as soon as it was possible, пыталис pluck them or, at least, to overturn holding it together with him on the ground. We did not know how to apply their long batons to remain invulnerable, and on the other side shields thrashed, broken up, smashed everything you could this do the heavy монтировками, hammers, шкворнями, valves, rods and sticks. On top of the billboards on our heads flew bottles and stones, from which only had time to Dodge the former behind us ranks, had no shields.

All that is happening around, it was like a bad dream. In a matter of minutes in several places our first ranks formed holes, in which, like water, breaking through the broken ship, surged the crowd. Another few minutes, and the first rank was cut off from the system and, breaking up into small pieces and melt like snow lumps in hot water, losing shields and batons, disappeared, as it didn't happen.

I was in the second row. In some places turned out a lot with shields, and those who do not fit gave the order to rise in the second row. On each side of me, too, were armed with shields, and rear already shields was not, so we were the last containment ограждаюющей cadets from hail of blows and каней плексиглассовой shell.

Immediately after cut off the first line and swept its ranks, the whole force of blow of furious weight fell on us.

I felt my shield shakes letters, though in a fever. Then someone grabbed his hands over the edge, strongly pulled the and immediately pushed back to probably knock me down. The impact was so strong and sharp, that my hand barely could stand the second such strike. Through the transparent mass плексигласса I saw a furious face, terrible in its дикомоскале, высветившем two gold fixes, glittering in the mouth. It seemed to me that the person on the other стоону shield Scalia devilish smile, such a sadistic smile, striving his victim, or bloodthirsty Ogre, to get their prey. He grabbed the shield to snatch it from me or just knock me to the ground.

"Lord, where did such terrible people come from?" — flashed through my head.

I thought I already eternity stand here and look through поексигласс my defense at this man, overshadowed by an evil idea, I look and can't do with him, and he can't get to me, and so we stand with them in endless flight of eternity, not approaching either physically or mentally, and not leave, anyplace, if two sculptures.

In fact, the status is not continued fractions of a second. The cases I simply lost неожиданностиперед the face of sudden danger, and fear, born in my soul with incredible speed and быстроттой, drenched my members and will, like ice river, stretched running inside of me time in tens times.

I was unable to move, though my hands and continued to dead хватой keep handle shield and batons.

Spiteful muzzle has been distorted гримассой effort and pulled shield that there are forces in the second time. I got on a roll forward, this flight also lasted so long, it was as if I hovered in the air for several minutes, not flew two to three meters.

I don't even try to resist although the changes гримассы my opponent continued mOEM consciousness very, very long time, and for me it's not rushed to shield themselves for a long and gently pulled him like a caution. In one moment I felt my feet slipped from the ground and soared over it, as I flew over it like a weightless, exactly ethereal Ghost, and while I again was on his feet, but in front of their ranks in two to three metres. It is also осталис already some chips dispersed powerful pressure of a hostile force.

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