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Armageddon Of The Lucifer

31.08.2018 — 31.08.2018
Mother Earth underwent terrible invasion. The terrible Empire of stelzan brought down the overwhelming power on a fragile blue sphere, and heavy chains of slavery, appear, forever held down all mankind. But the guerrilla movement without watching total terror, is not going to lay down arms. Lev Eraskander, and a small group of persons developing in themselves paranormal abilities became new hope of resistance. The challenge of space tyranny is thrown down. The way to a victory is difficult and long. Film!
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— Do not state alogisms. Give the order on surrender of weapons better and welcome winners! — Hardly constraining snickers, the marshal-governor declared.

— It is impossible to welcome. Officers will not understand. At most, honourable capitulation. In view of... — The ultramarshal darted a glance at the monitor and gave a whistle. — Yes them here the whole millions, are even a lot of million fighting starprobe vehicles of all colors!

— All right, let capitulate and will allow our guests to land on planets. It will suit us! — Fagiram it is lazy yawned.

— Is! I will give the order! — Eroros on a sekundochka began to hesitate.

— "Foton" molecule! — As if the governor-pithecanthropus shouted at the sleepy boy slave.

* * *

Having ground a greeting, Orlik was developed and began to output the order. In principle, it was possible to give team and gesture via the scanner, but the system of passwords and blocking so often changed that was recognized as economically more expedient to use an ancient way of information transfer. Besides, the option of a severe wound when the order has to be given different parts of a body or a sound is possible, and it is even better a telepathic impulse.

— I knew that you are a clever guy!

The idiotic smile warped an ink face of the uncle Faga. By the standards of stelzan the governor was the real freak and human too — a gorilla and that fotogenichny. And golosochek it is worse hissing of a gadyushnik in the bog.

— I knew that we will understand each other. Now squadrons will enter your sector.

— Better in a dragon mouth! — Murmured Eroros.

* * *

After a while in space of Solar system there were numerous groups of alien starprobe vehicles. The squadron of the ships of Purple constellation respectfully parted before incalculable inogalaktichesky armadas.

And here "guests of honor" of various colourings go down on the earth. As there is too much starprobe vehicles, the vast majority of them just hang in space, and that who knows will bring down the planet from an orbit. And to Earth the small part of universal fauna by the lightest ships and landing capsules is landed. Some monsters jump directly from an orbit. Hyper monsters in the individual boyekostyuma which are specially adapted for battles in an outer space land. Here it is full of various beings: arthropods, meduzoobrazny, kowtowing, worm-shaped, metal, silicon, calcic, fluorine. Even radioactive types on the basis of uranium, Pluto, radium and many other elements. The variety of forms struck. However, beings from radioactive elements were, so to speak, conditionally reasonable. However all these live organisms were capable to battle.

nbsp; Here diskoleta, are rich on classification too, and move differently rushing sideways, turning in air a spinning top. In air also launchers of tiny rockets soar... By sight they as trays in the form of fish, and from a back, continually jump out, and then needles of rockets hide.

They were met by numerous native police and the natives-trudoviki driven in groups. All the same, there were not enough clothes on all many hundreds one million therefore the vast majority of natives were still starkers, is frequent also without loincloths, than people of Earth resembled the real savages.

Alien creations landed in the different, in advance planned Earth points. Therefore billions of people could see them. The show indeed was tremendous. Especially, if to consider that many people of Earth even of stelzan alive did not see. Those people, that received honor to contemplate dnbsp; the rugy worlds, it is possible to count on fingers. The multi-colored creations covered with feathers, scales, thorns, needles, hooks, edges, slime, armors, naked skin, armor, fiery plasma and other exotic nasty thing. The part of aliens was in hermetic space suits, others were covered by the weapon so densely that their it was not visible behind these heaps of shooter games of imaginable and inconceivable designs. Most of people, especially children, expressed rough delight, having fun, laughing and dancing. It is necessary to notice what children and teenagers on Earth was even more, than adult individuals. A consequence of high birth rate and the genetic viruses which are mowing clean the senior generation. Old men it is cleverer than youth, but work worse. It is not rational to have such slaves. By means of the operated biological weapon the genotype practically of all mankind is changed thus, the dependent population ceased to grow old, and even beards on faces became the unusual occurrence an abnormal deviation (such as before occupation six fingers or Siamese twins were them!). But people did not receive long life, the more to you years, the of course knowledge with experience increases... And the clever slave it is bad. Still Romans spoke — dullness closer to humility, quick-wittedness to villainy!

So adult individuals died in an interval sixty-seventy years, without pain in a dream. And it of course luck. To some people from among local servants could as encouragement and prolong insignificant terrestrial existence. But there were technologies which did death of natives extremely painful, punishing thus for excessive obstinacy and the help to guerrillas!

Alien creations about something were muttered among themselves. Others did reciprocal gestures of a greeting. The huge number of natives people was driven to the Central kosmoport where they had to welcome "guests of honor" amicably.

Several newcomers were allocated in separate group. Judging by regalia, it were leaders of intergalactic crowd. They had something in common among themselves, about something pakostno chirping.

The ultramarshal Eroros, without having kept, spitted out as all this is disgusting.

The state councilor with the girlfriends arose as if the devil from a snuffbox. As if flying away on a starprobe vehicle was some intricate performance, and actually they also did not leave Earth.

However, Orlik quite reasonably judged that doubles could leave it especially as maidens for some reason were late and caught up with the dignitary on graviotsikla though were grazed together with the chief. There could be also other option, using disorder of planetary protection to return on the invisible prospecting module. And still a set of various ways to cheat him.

Anyway the notable grandee and the marshal-governor left to welcome dear visitors.

On a covering of a kosmoport in advance prepared magnificent carpets and their quantity in jewels even were outspread it was added. Hundreds of thousands of barefoot smuglenky children with multi-colored tags in hands were built in squares. Lifting serially these or those flags, they showed greeting inscriptions. This action, certainly, was rehearsed in advance.

In language of stelzan it was possible to read the following inscriptions: "Welcome to us!", "We belong to you!", "Own us, oh, the greatest!", "Glory to the emperor — the master of all Universe!"

One of galactic commanders was so huge that with nine phalanxes in suckers an extremity easily grabbed with the by a belt and lifted the adviser, welcoming it in such peculiar way. The squeezed adviser, having shouted by an inhuman voice, it began to otbrykivatsya.

Among bodyguards, from among stelzan, there was a movement, luchemeta flashed. Fagiram gesture stopped protection.

— Quietly, a situation under control!

The giant twice exceeding the size of a large elephant accurately put to the place of the dignitary. That began to cackle and, stammering for fear, provereshchat:

— I welcome you, my valorous allies and magnificent friends. Let's pass in our throne-room.

Approving grunting and croak was heard. Then the procession of variegated types moved forward after the traitor governor.

The ultramarshal Eroros looked at the stamping show with hardly hidden anger. The herd of pseudo-reasonable beings so became enraged printed a step that managed to tear strong semi-wire cloth of a carpet. And these parasites had to salute?

* * *

The reserve throne-room (old did not restore yet) was huge.

However all new and new commanders of starprobe vehicles entered it. Their considerable quantity brushed away dimensions and ugly faces to dinosaurs. Though were also such that resembled the sizes a small cat, and also a set of hybrid forms which and the remote analogy among terrestrial beings you will not find.

The hall was filled to a limit. Star fighters faced with each other, squealing and being scratched. Somehow, with great difficulty, it was succeeded to restore some similarity of an order.

The first the floor was taken by Fagiram. From outside could seem that he suddenly became leader Galaktiki.

The speech in general was obfuscatory and banal. The essence was reduced to need to wage sacred war up to destruction and overthrow of the hated mode of stelzan. This nation of space parasites, star ghouls, death grip seized arteries of intelligent galactic life. Demagogical statements caused rough shouts, squeal, a roar of numerous public. The majority of them did not even understand what it there is a speech about, but cried out and stamped just for the company.

Then to a tribune there was a nasekomovidny representative of sinkh. Pulling undeveloped wings, sinkh tried to peep in the microphone, blocking the hubbub lifted by reason fellows. Several monsters were furiously torn to a tribune, seeking to take the floor the first. Soldiers from sinkh tried to hold them, but were trampled by multiton hulks. Attempt to pull together "mosquito" from a tribune was unsuccessful. Protection included a force field, having rejected mastodons. Hulks flew away with big acceleration, having scattered and posbivav other conditionally reasonable subjects. The crush began, light blades of near fight flashed, luchemeta bristled up. It seemed that the slaughter just about will begin.

The thunderous voice strengthened by loud-speakers blocked cacophonous hubbub. In several galactic languages with different sound waves the voice began to call for tranquility.

— Not time to arrange turmoil when we gathered in the general universal campaign between brothers. Keep forces for decisive war. Let's pledge the word to the commander of sinkh, the representative of Gold constellation. It has the biggest squadron of the fighting ships. Then others will act.

Hubbub slightly calmed down. There came relative silence. Monsters about something were whispered. Their whisper was similar to a glass scratch when it is torn up by a dog paw.

Sinkh began something to itch in the microphone, he worried from what the thin voice of an insect seemed even more oppositely. Later other strekozoidny subjects began to act. In general polemic was developed apropos — whether to attack the center of the Galaxy or at once, without wasting time, to go to empire heart. Someone began to insist on a robbery and destructions of planets that they will meet on the way. Especially space pirates were zealous. They annoyingly shouted in thousands of throats, demanding the share. The situation began to get out of hand again. Especially as millions of variegated vital forms gathered in one hall. From them nobody differed in mildness. Someone from commanders surely would begin to shoot, there were enough frenzied. Then already slaughter could sweep like a mountain collapse. One of trouble-makers pressed was the blaster button, but the laser beam sent by the computer it instantly evaporated. Several luchemet struck in reply. Then from above rubanut a paralyzer, having filled up couple of hundreds of monsters. Strangely enough, this application of violence slightly calmed crowd.

— As all of us implement in advance coordinated plan, so far to plunder, and we will not kill, — the ataman of sinkh who again came to a tribune declared.

— This territory voluntarily accepted us. We have to follow rules.

In reply wild howls and a roar of incalculable number of throats were again distributed.

— Rules are rules! Many of you signed similar declarations. Be civilized beings, but not concourse of microorganisms.

— Enough! — Fagiram bellowed and krutanut over the head, the poured background reflecting beams an umbrella. — To give all we will not speak. Otherwise it is necessary to scratch languages for months. One hundred the largest commanders for three standard minutes will act. Then all on rest!

Noise of a protest amplified, having reached a hurricane. From above again rubanut paralyzers. The part of a menagerie was filled up dead, but the others lifted a bigger bedlam...

Chapter 21

It is difficult for us to decide on the choice...

But it is necessary to solve all the same!

It is possible to be let on meanness,

And to these the honor to sell!

Troops and intelligence agencies of Purple constellation managed to destroy almost all guerrilla groups. Former times when with guerrillas played "tag", passed. Now they were squeezed out everywhere.

The famous commander Sergey Susanin (him still called a black panther) from the remains of fighting group managed to disappear from persecutors nevertheless. The place where he with companions went in hiding, was chosen very cunning. It was the central warehouse of wood. Here accumulated the woods on many billions of cubic meters. Too much on Earth it was cut down these valuable and constantly reproduced raw materials to busy the escalating population. In woodcutters billions of people were written down. The woods grew very quickly. The new genetically improved breeds and climate allowed to extract wood in accelerated tempo. Though the warehouse was well protected from blows from outer side and diversions, guerrillas managed to filter together with numerous production and woodcutters. As in this huge cache already many years there were no acts of terrorism, to nobody and to mind came it to scan. Therefore guerrillas also sat in wood holes as bugs bark beetles, without daring to put out also a nose. However, the room was so huge that in it really it was possible to get lost and wander most to a doomsday. Some trees had edible bark that, at least, guaranteed rescue from starvation. But fighters were threatened by death with boredom and inaction. Fortunately, watch was taken up coherent, closely connected with a resistance movement again, by Marat Rodionov. It was one of brothers of the head of Alfa-stelz group. And that is pleasant, it brought a joyful message. They should turn new operation.

— We had a unique opportunity to introduce the person in ranks of army of Purple constellation. — Svetlenky with easy a ryzhenky shade unevenly of hair, the sinewy teenager Marat mechanically so strongly lowered a voice that the chief of guerrillas had to bring closer an ear to his thin lips almost closely. — One of young representatives of occupational army will come for the purpose of studying of breeds of the trees growing on our planet here. Scientific interest if it is possible to be expressed so. And so, it should be changed accurately. The girl who instead of her will take up is very similar. It already came to you on the fulfilled channel. Only replace to the divchena clothes.

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