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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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-As already tomorrow? — escaped me uneasy surprise. And he knows nothing? I continued already insincere, to mask the unforeseen impulse. -You have not even looked at it?

-No, he 't know and not just I, in the voice of the girl was growing discontent about my excessive curiosity and suspicious of concern for the relationship between them, "but I told him the other, and this will be enough for comfort — she furrowed her brow and looked away, pretending to be something interested. It seemed to me that she did this, not to cry, and barely withhold giving from слез.потом it suddenly, unexpectedly for me sharply, abruptly somehow turned to me and firmly looking into my eyes with a challenge in her voice as she is to me, and I came to her from Охромова asked. -Yes, and who is he to me, so I said good-bye? Nobody!

Here onnand again blushed and looked her gaze to the ground. I realized that too deeply climbed in vain in the wilds of foreign relations and caused the most pain, which is not intended.

-Okay, I'll go, I am sorrye me, I must hurry. I'm late, " said the girl, поврнулась and strode quickly and decisively away from me.

'Good-bye! "I called out after her.

She turned as if in surprise, then сконфузилась a little embarrassed and gently, faintly smiled and answered:

"Good-bye, — waving somehow uncertain, but a friendly hand to me, then turned and went.

-Sorry, ts so quickly going, " I said quite quietly, very quietly, to himself.

I was very pleased that we have parted with her friends. And somewhere in my heart I промелкнуло of a feeling weak, but sweet, delightful and tender, that we will encounter it absolutely.

The girl disappeared in the passing of the CPR. I stepped behind her and still for a long time looking after her, she goes to the trolleybus stop. When nandthe end, she just disappeared from my eyes, I I remembered the envelope she gave me from Охромова.

First of, than open, I again played with it with his hand, a carefully examined outside and not finding anything remarkable, ripped, took out a folded leaf and read:

"Man! Sorry for the long silence. Were the case. I know that the time is short, and you need to act. Soon vypisyvaыs'. If possible, organise anything on our case before, I'll notify you. For me no fear alive. Pay attention to that which will give you hi and this letter: it is the same, about which I told you.

Well, everything. Come on, yet.

Grisha O."

I folded the letter and put it in his inside pocket of his tunic.

"It's great to bake! "I thought, looking at the sky. -It would not hurt to go for a swim!"

Time was getting ready for dinner. Was воскреенье. And the fourth course always, until recently, on Sunday went to dismissal without any restrictions. And now, the dismissals were covered. Not only to us but to the whole school. However, except for us anyone in school and not left: third year left on training in the army. First, the future the second month was engaged in хозяйственныи works at the training centre, situated half a dozen kilometers from the city. The second course "долбился" in dresses, changing itself and not вылазя of караулки, dining room and patrols. Only the fourth course and was "free" to go to the city. But this freedom is not felt.

Елыми days we continued to sit in a stuffy, hot classes, when the window was a beautiful, July, generously sun, Manila, called to himself the warm water of the river. While we continued to prepare for state examinations. And this is despite all those bumps that fell on our heads! In place of the state Commission, I would have regretted cadets for the agony they suffered, and would liberate all the casualty rate from further pass these unfortunate exams. Because some of the stress, even his head ceased to cook how to science. While the Commission continued to mocked mercilessly over бедныи graduates.

Before the incident in the city of slaughter, each platoon passed the state examination, released in town until the morning regardless of what day of the week. It was, of course, not much to the generosity of our superiors, because насколко we knew in many other schools last, graduation year of mandatory enjoyed the right of free exit to the city, but теперьмы were deprived and this поледней joy.

However, I was not going to lose heart. Not in the first былл overcome difficulties and find a way out, look for loopholes. This Sunday was объяленно command of the school as a day of rest, as if in благодарностьили mercy for what we participated in the suppression of the demonstrators and beat us. Additionally, many have not returned from the hospital, and училищные doctors only планиовали start their transportation-sanitary part of the school that they were PR school and could sdavat exams, so to speak, without leaving your bed. But patients were many enough, so infirmary school was unable to place all: it was not designed for such a large number of seats.

In General, exams-you have to pass in fact there was none, so those who have recovered, объяили weekends this Sunday. However, in the city no one went. Partly благоволию our commanders, partly by chance обсоятельств we spent time in idleness.

To do in school, do something was определенноневозможно, so most preferred quietly leak into the river. Did it alone and in groups of two and three, and then цлыи crowds making their way in the various ways, who knew what, and only the laziest, Yes cowardly, Yes even those who are not quite попревился and not that run — walk normally could not remain sitting in a hostel: who read книши who listen to the tape recorder, and some just sleep.

The river is fed and football fans, which are normally assembled a tight group and dressed in shorts and t-shirts, напялившикроссовки, raced to the stadium to the nearest school, but now,захвтив MNA debate, went together with осталными, because the stadium go too banned.

Separate "renegades", the most desperate guys headed into the city, the nearest shops where sold wine and vodka, buying this "swill" for the coming evening feast, which usually слуались presents beta house on Saturday and Sunday, and less often for a special occasion on weekdays.

All dispersed, despite warnings and prohibitions, and the hostel of the fourth course was emptied.

Did not stay in school and I: dressed in a tracksuit, a popular and versatile clothing our cadets, and overcome the remaining else in the body weakness and malaise in theaddition etctheshM I started to inviting their голубими waters of the river.

As I jumped over the fence of the school in the area of warehouses near the sawmill, where the entire convenient and hidden from the eyes of the place, and was in the shady cool of the forest, growing on a slope, cool outgoing far down from уичлища both felt a burst of energy and freshness, that filled me inside. Going down the овражистым steep slopes of the hill on which the last century local сахаропромышленник built this cadets school for the web-son, who was not accepted for military studies in St. Petersburg, I after a few minutes found himself in a rather wild, provincial areas ссути already and not a city, but something close to the suburbs. Hence, with припойменной lowlands of the Psel, this small Ukrainian rivers were still visible at home, standing at the top of the hill, away behind высоими, poplars. But there it was rare to meet someone from citizens, and those were vacationers, hurrying across the secluded beaches or traveling for hay on the already narrow-minded meadows Biking man who held in his courtyard in private homes кродиков, pigs and other animals.

Down here on the river, no longer felt the pressure of the city that was tested on ентральном the beach. Around wildly раскнулась already wild, Nike not well-groomed, is Yes and no specific уходепервозданная nature has generously scattered here and there by stretching along the river lowland shrub thickets, groves and whole прилески trees, подстуающие seats to the water cute, quiet and calm the narrow plain of the river.

Промавшись through broad green fields, overgrown with green, started to dry already on a hot summer grass, knee-high, and sometimes and on a belt, I ten minutes already ran up to the place that between us was called "slash" and where preferred to spend their времяте who didn't like the noise and rush of the big city beach, but quite contented silence and безлюдьем of this picturesque corner. Now here Alo was designated on the fact that all the cadets bathed nowhere more so than on this "spit".

I ran to the river and was ready to dance with переполнявшей me the joy of meeting with nature, heady and одуряющей from feeling any wild freedom, which felt here.

I вспомилось while here and so, together, we raced with Охромовым on "студягу"as called by a Central urban beach is a popular place for our summer vacation. Yes! When was this?! A long time ago! And it seems that it is just recently, like yesterday, we радовлись with him his own audacity and it extracted freedom, and the unusual adventure that was waiting every time ahead of us. I was very sorry that Grisha not now, otherwise we would have necessarily give "Студягу" and today, no matter what. Not even because not did not like to bathe it in this quiet place, but because we have always sought with Охромовым to isolate themselves in their adventures from the other, close your мирот outsiders and foreign presence. And if all other избали would естом своегоотдыха the Central city beach, we would, probably, купалис either "to" or even "PM"or to "spit". Still, despite all the trouble and strife, discord and conflicts that emerged between us, I loved it somewhere in the depths of his soul, probably as a brother. There is no one closer neither he, nor I have — so it seemed.

I alreadydfled to "spit" — песчанной shoals on the sharp bend of the river, отгородившейся of extensive meadows roshchitsej weeping willow, overgrown on the sides of the thickets of reeds. This cosy little world was hidden from strangers ' eyes, except us, cadets, Yes children from the urban periphery today there was no one there.

Swimming in the "spit" was already in full swing. On the opposite steep Bank of a few people ran and jumped into the water, diving, playing tag. Others took pictures with them in a fun campaign amid the wonderful scenery. Still others stood on the shore, already swim and, Smoking, and about something enthusiastically talked. Here were kicking the ball, a dip in the cool of the river and washing away the sweat, football fans. Urban children frolicked here, without joining the us in the games, its камашкой.

I joined with the universal веелью, and soon awake young zeal made to forget all thoughts and concerns.

Bathing lasted quite a long time, and time passed already by the wide-ranging, when we noticed a man in a rowboat, гребущего visas downstream, coming to us from above located bend of the river. Oars provocatively flew high above the water, raced on it, breaking the mirror of the water drops, слетающими with their blades, and almost silently, мастерки, gently вхдили back, disappearing in the thickness of the river.

Among the cadets raced sly: somebody boat. She was with water station of our school, located a kilometre above the течениюна Board proudly inscribed "Rescue".

Sitting in the boat was back. From afar, it was impossible to recognize it, but those who continued to swim, suspicious.

Itself disorganized bathing cadets in the river was a flagrant violation of military discipline, and with the arrival of the state examination Commission of Moscow it took even more steep turnover: its Chairman, major General Бибко ordered strictly prohibit output of cadets on the river, prevent unauthorized bathing. GeneralRичал before the formation of the graduates at общеучилищном building cadets that he personally will investigate each case of such самовольства, and the one who will be caught in itm, will be punished the most strictm thus, up to expulsion from school, even with the state exam.

Divination our about who sits with his back to us in a rescue boat with water station of the school stopped quickly and sharply.

-Here is floating major General Бибко said standing next to me in невозмутимом tranquility Andrei Ivanov, a guy from my platoon, possessing a very deep, almost philosophical sense of humor.

I have got accustomed that was sitting in the boat, and despite the fact that he was in black opaque sunglasses, tightly adjacent to whetherCthe, and in only one of a broad,black swimming trunks-shorts, on top of which stood a bulky loose belly, and in the form of generals see I have not ever, I still learned the Chairman of the state экзаменнационной fee.

Meanwhile, major General sailed already quite near us, on the narrow fairway in this place, no more than twenty metres in diameter, river. Many, Yes, almost no one, and did not recognize him. In this form it is not much different from the majority of uchilishchnyh warrant officers. And all probably thinking that this is some College officer, дежурящий water station on the school decided to have fun from the service boating on the river. And only I and a few men who were near Ivanov when he said it understood who passes by. Understood, but who from оторопи, and who from дофинизма, арившего in his mind at that moment, did nothing. And continued to stand and observe passing a few metres past the us General.

Yes, this толстяке in black glasses with labour can be considered of Grozny General who shouted, ruined before the line and to appear higher and стойнее than was actually rose continually and socks сввоих little doll legs.

Trimmed under "Bobrik" head on thick, fleshy neck, tightly on her sitting, валунообразной form, необхватное torso are little resembled the low, giant man in the General's shoulder straps, which has for more than Crescent was a terror and fear came on all cadets, комудовелось time to be in school. One only his surname, the mere mention of it led many in awe.

Do not say in a calm voice Ivanov its фмилии, I would never recognized it полуголом man on the rescue boat, General-major Бибко, now, perhaps, I would not have him nose to nose, and even then, if he took off his opaque glasses.

Surprisingly those who learned the Chairman of the state Commission he swam past us calmly, not paying any attention to us and not knowing or pretending that he found us cadets, although it is quite simply determine looking at our relatively thin, muscular, sinewy body, контрастировавшие with city guys, and our short hairstyles.

We were standing on a steep, but невыссоком shore from which he sailed on a boat in ten metres. Sitting face-to-aft, he leash occasionally turned forward, looking over his shoulder, where floats his утлое boat. He looked so simplistic, beach-rescue and completely not General.

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