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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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He never glanced in our direction, and we, those who knew him, watched аждым movement with close attention.

However, even if he углдел through his dark glasses that our slender body is noticeably differ from civilians guys, mostly loose, sleek, рапущенных, you did a very correctly and wisely, to show this. After all, to do with us now he was not able, and raised the cry, Tolo would put themselves in a ridiculous situation. He couldn't even scare sufficiently any of us, not to catch or get to come to him guilty, and I understood it quite well to refrain from expressing their indignation at such a mass violation of his order.

His boat and swam past us in ten meters down the river, and we pretended not to notice each other: on the one hand, the old General, and on the other we, old cadets almost too young and green officers standing on the threshold of a new, unknown for the us army life.

Major General Бибко disappeared behind крутам bend of the river to the right, for a green wall of a cane and a weeping willow загораживающей from our view sandy land spit, and we have already decided that intsendent exhausted, when, a minute later, and from there to laugh стреглав our guys screaming on the run: "Nix! There Бибко!"

Most of our rushed immediately to their heels, but few people, first recognized General, and remained standing on the slope невыокого shore. Panic swept from the others due to the sudden appearance on this укроно beach the most terrible person in school, never took us всоих swirl, took away in the twinkling of an eye the rest, and we have long watched as the Chairman of the state examination Commission, piers to "spit"is floating on the river in an odd way: on one side and with one hand and the second, неучаствующая in the movement, was submerged in the water like плавнику fish.

General and bathed, not paying any attention to us, if not he угожал us with cruel punishment. We stood and looked at him, realizing that he would now not be able to do with us, and all the same Ivanov told us that "spit" — the favorite place of recreation for the General, and every summer, when he comes to the school to take the state examinations, he relaxes affluent here on the boat with the rescue station.

Andrew I believed because he grew up in this school, so his fate.

-Well you have said about this? — asked I he.

How did I know that he will come here? "he asked in reply. -Yes, and what ососбенного happened? People came покпаться. He MS one is eating. I can even now come to him and say Hello! Want to?

"No, no!

Ivanov really could come to the General Бибко and shake hands with him. And it wouldn't hurt. We knew it: Бибко knew Ivanov and his father died many years ago, of the old artillery officer, преподававшего at the Department of fire.

Still a bit watching General, we understand that the Chairman of the state landed to this shore for a long time and to leave in the near future is not going. Swim with the General impudence none had, and we decided to leave for good-здорову, not tempting fate.

Chapter 20.

Heavy evening, and I wandered through the barracks, not knowing what to do. Usually in such days, if not had the opportunity or desire to go to the city, I visited my buddies on the other barracks, in other batteries and even on other courses. But today, in this воскоесный evening couldn't see anyone who missed because they were all outside uchilishchnyh walls.

Cinema, which was demonstrated in an uncomfortable училищном club with жесткиви wooden chairs, located on the same level so that half of the screen was not seen by ahead of the sitting, with the stuffy air and bad sound, tired of long ago with its grey, dull, faded repertoire mainly on the revolutionary and military themes. And here went only as a last resort, and even then, to have a laugh with a wicked irony or even sarcasm over дурственной and бездушеой staging these anybody unnecessary films. Special love in this sense were movies about the war, where the role of German tanks could easily see our relatives Soviet BMP, or their tower was badly and angularly сколоченны of plywood and напялены over кругленьких, squat towers of modern tanks.

It was unusual to see how many people have accumulated in the evening of the Sunday afternoon in our hostel. I don't remember since we moved here from the barracks, where lived the first three courses. Some rooms were empty, but others are full. There painted the "bullet" in preference, ease off jokes, срезаться in seka, the prison game is very popular among the students, Yes, listen to music, who is a rock, and who simplistic pop.

I wandered from one campaign to another and couldn't find a place.

Whist I played bad, Yes I would not take, because the game was on the money, as everyone knew, what my rabid debts. With such preferred, do not mess: lose I already ниего could not, and everyone hoped to win. In Sekou not take play for the same reason. I did not liked this game. She had a certain, constant circle of admirers, and Novikov here at first thorough around. Where listened to rock, going forever silent campaign, задумиво and intently listening to something from the "hard" or "heavy", isn't popular, but почитамых these меланхоличныи and угрюмными devotees "rock and roll aint noise pollution". Conversations here arose only when needed flip a cassette or ask someone in the audience cigarette. And the most part sat, listening to the modulation электрогитарного Reva, silently smoked, Yes only occasionally went phrases about time already sounding "cool places" in the compositions.

I loved to listen to rock, but not in such a situation. From pop music" I'm sick at my stomach and into the room where наяривли her sugary electronic rhythms, I did not even bother to look.

Thus overcoming all rooms not finding an appropriate campaign I returned to my room Charter wander through the Dorm, and I felt terribly, awfully want to sleep and barely прлег on the bed and immediately fell asleep soundly, not finding the strength even to undress or remove tucked the blanket.

I woke up in the night, and even was afraid, because someone woke me up standing over me and touching me on the knee. I sat up, rubbed his eyes, and then, accustomed to ссутулившемуся me, learned in the light of the street lamps barely добивающем here, on the fourth floor of a building with distant "appendicitis", Grishko Охромова.

From such surprise I spoke loudly, but he abortandl mwas, putting a finger to his lips.

-TSS-with-SS! he hissed, letting you understand me not to moan, and then gestures showed so I followed him.

In the corridor anyone on duty was not. Night table дневального was empty, and, probably, no one noticed ward Охромова to the barracks. We passed with him in the washbasin.

-Cool-now! — extended his hand to me Grisha.

-Hello, — I replied, shrugging her. -Get?

-Yes, something like that...

-And I come to thee in the Department once you order was not. Where the hell you been?

-I, or what? — Grisha grinned. "Oh, were you doin'.


-Yes, it's not important! — отмахнулс it from me, as nuisance. -I came, to discuss with you plan our further action and to start its implementation. Did you get my note?

-Yes, today.

"How do you liked my girlfriend? Liked?

"Oh, nothing much, " I lied for some reason.

-Well, — said Grisha, looking at me with a sly squint. -OK let's to the case. With her, it seems I have everything.

-All? I asked, feeling nervous.

I was extremely interesting that they happened, and did my buddy victory over this woman's heart. But ask directly, without hints, as is often done it before, without any sincere trepidation, I decided not to. Something prevented me to do so at this time. Yes I was almost convinced that the response of the other will most likely incomplete and evasive. I deeply doubt that relations with such a girl, in all manners of which could have been guessed not before it simple, peasant, and blue, thin and tender, blood, it may emerge as something clearly and simply, as it always happened that my friend is still with the other girls. It was something that would bring horror or impress servile worship. And this time Охромов impaled not on what he was used to dealing with. Some eerie and vague presentiment visited me in this moment, but then the soul is poured out within letting me do the talking.

"There! All!

-That went as in the sea ships?

-Yes almost that so, — voice Охромова filled with some obscure, subtle sadness. -I'm not at that age, so I think to give knit himself on his hands and feet. But I, again again say that he came not to cry you shoulder. Us still need money for them to do. You've already заманали your creditors? I know of. So, you want to offer a plan. Now I'm ready carefully thee to hear. Now nothing else I already not distracting.

I understand he hints.

Although I still couldn't myself after: clothing during the withdrawal did not give rest to my organism and only suffocating me, but I still found the strength again, as much detail as possible, tell him coined by my plan.

Охромов heard it thought two or three minutes bit his lip and simultaneously gnawing on the index the finger that, as I noted long ago meant выказывало he hard, almost impossible to work his mind, and then spoke:

-Is risky, but the idea of good. Well, was not was — do as you suggest.

We decided that the time to lose no longer allowed, and all plans should be the same tomorrow. Grisha promised to contact their "friends"and if they peck and agree to meet, then it will immediately tell. In any case, I had tomorrow regardless of the circumstances, to prepare everything that depended on me.

Then Охромов said goodbye and ran away, even not said where, and I was left alone again. Now I found the strength to undress, because otherwise would sleep until morning.

The next day I entirely spent in search of a suitable waste paper, which would be able to replace a valuable archival volumes and records. Something I found in the storerooms of our uchilishchnoj libraries, where there is a huge amount of crap no one wants. By the grace of imaginative librarians, обрадованной the fact that the library is going to throw at least немногомусора, I dragged the stairs and the back door a few heavy and massive stacks of books, old magazines, some notebooks and left it there until the evening, when it need. The back door of the library overlooking the rear yards from the main building, locked the door from time to time, and most often was opened. This same door enjoyed working school, carpenters, painters, those who worked in the printing house. They had the keys away from those doors, but never used them.

Even a few pounds notebooks, written in his scribblings of my predecessors, I requested the head of the secret section of the school, from the library this branch. They were useless, Yes also lost her once Neto значившую секретност, as confessed to me the chief of protection, but a heavy heart he gave them to me.

When I did what was necessary at first, then thought, what education is to give all these piles of paper a kind of old manuscripts, which demanded from us the bandits.

First of all, I decided to ground covers of notebooks, books and magazines to the point that they would have to sleep in the dust, but hand, mastered only a small part due to the incredible consuming. Realizing that it бесмысленная, and, most importantly, that does a waste of time and effort I put all the books and the books so worn, the ones that I could do to on the top in each of the stacks. Bandaging the resulting columns rough бичевкой, I examined the results of their work and find that everything is pretty cute, and, more importantly plausible done. Besides, those тетади and magazines that I got from the library, spent twenty years at least in the bullet and oblivion, but because their пожелтевшии pages and covers very like the архивыне paper, stored in a backwater and необорудованном for specially store.

In General, I decided, that all is already ready, it remains only to wait to give myself to know Охромов. And he was not long in coming.

Not an hour had passed after dinner, and in the early evening July sky still glowed in the West, changing from Golden to червонному, the setting sun, слепя its red rays in our room, when the door swung open, and the room with a joyful screaming burst Охромов. He greeted all who was there, warmly embraced, if not seen anybody here, at least six months. Last it came to me, hugged me, shook my hand and said that awful on me much. I would only wonder to what extent he is an artist. Probably all around except me, without a second thought believed in the sincerity of his behavior.

Returning to the conversation, that always occur after such a long absence, Охромов, at the end of Konov, again appealed to me, suggesting, as if by chance, go outside, sit in the Smoking room. Under this pretext, we left the room, walked along the corridor to the barracks and went down the stairs.

At the entrance to the entrance to the quarters stood still a few people about something animatedly chatting. We walked away, Охромов took out his cigarette and first offered me, and then lit a cigarette against the habit itself. Cigarette I refused and, removing tobacco smoke, immediately drowned magnificent fragrance of warm air, has been given to drink aroma of hundreds of roses that grew in all bed and flower gardens, broken in school, asked him:

-When you smoke started? I never noticed before.

But Охромов did not answer, and I guessed that he lit a likely from a terrible waves, which is now experienced. He stood and смалил cigarette, thoughtfully about three minutes looking somewhere to the side, and then spoke:

Means, so I called him yesterday, and they said that when we will be ready to transfer securities, we should give them know about it. They will pay us the promised money, however, warned that we will compensate for the wire, which arose in the case of fault...

-Well, this seems to present rudeness! — I protested. -What is the penalty we have to pay?! Yes, they absolutely insolent! No, they seem to live on the moon and not know what was happening in the city last week.

-Walk through the Bazaar, it is cheaper to find! — smiled Охромов.

't understand.

-And what is there to understand? Orders music the one who pays. Who needs more than them, this paper? Else you can offer such a deal? Anyone and they understand that perfectly. And if that, and be quiet in two holes.

"What?" — I leaned forward. -Kidding me?!

-No, of which I was over you scoff? They me on the phone said. I-what? Than'm different from you?

-Well, — I said, -and how much it will cost us this проволоча their language?

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