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Armageddon Of The Lucifer

31.08.2018 — 31.08.2018
Mother Earth underwent terrible invasion. The terrible Empire of stelzan brought down the overwhelming power on a fragile blue sphere, and heavy chains of slavery, appear, forever held down all mankind. But the guerrilla movement without watching total terror, is not going to lay down arms. Lev Eraskander, and a small group of persons developing in themselves paranormal abilities became new hope of resistance. The challenge of space tyranny is thrown down. The way to a victory is difficult and long. Film!
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The prime minister Lysomordov knew that Medvedev and Polikanov are afraid of brothers on reason, and to please him went to bat in all holuysky speed, at the same time strenuously puffing at each word:

— These wood lice, disgusting slugs flied here on purpose — to enslave Russia. We will destroy them, we will dispel on atoms. They, even externally, such nasty hairy mollusks that from them directly feels sick. Such freaks are not worthy to exist...

Unexpectedly the speech of really real freak was interrupted...

On all TV screens the image of the beautiful woman appeared. Her ideally correct person was lit up by a pearl smile, eyes shone kindness and advantage. It differed from terrestrial female models only in a three-colored iris of the eye of eyes and is dazzling the shining multi-color hairdress. By a soft silver voice the star siren told:

— I am glad to welcome you, our kind brothers on reason, inhabitants of the planet Earth. I hope that contact between us will inure to benefit to both races. And now we ask for permission to land on your precious planet.

Cybernetic devices translated everything in the automatic mode. The U.S. President right there agreed, having slightly bowed and having raised the cylinder:

— Yes, land at us. We will be very glad to you. America the free country, and you will be met by sincere triumph!

Medvedev, having friendly smiled, shook the head. Having extremely softened the juicy bass, the leader of the country said:

— We, in principle, not against, but you, star pioneers, arrived from far depths of Space. Perhaps the environment of our planet is poisonous for you or there is theoretical opportunity already to us from your worthy race to catch fatal viruses?

Imposing Lira loudly burst out laughing, the small hairpin of her strange hair, in the form of two with the dispersing edges of lightnings burningly sparkled:

— Be not afraid, the person. We already checked everything, your earth is quite suitable for us. We will divide group of fighting starprobe vehicles and we will land in the territory of two strongest powers of the planet. Prepare grand welcome!

* * *

On the Moon two fighting stations of the USA and Russia were located. On each of them — on thirty thermonuclear rockets and fifty employees. It seems there is not a lot of, but four hundred fifty megaton charges established on rockets of the latest generation reminded the gun which froze up at a temple with cocked.

Having blocked any communication with planetary command, Gengir contacted. By a steel voice mighty, shiroplechy stelzan said:

— Soldiers of the planet Earth, in order to avoid the useless victims of you, lay down arms and give codes, otherwise, for the sake of your benefit, in glory of our reason, we will apply violence.

— We will not obey to alien dictatorship! — amicably commanders generals Labutin and Rockefeller several minutes ago looking at each other as Lenin at the bourgeoisie answered.

The wolf carnivorously sparkled the murderer's eyes, began to give vote metal even stronger:

— You do not make laugh me, monkeys, your equipment is primitive. Progress is as hail granules, the speed is higher, the it is more than destructions, and only wind of prudence is capable to drive away the hatred clouds bearing annihilation!

The general turned on the quantum generators destabilizing operation of all cybernetic and electric units. The fighters disguised in invisible to eyes and the most perfect radar a covering landed practically all team "Laser Beam".

Fighters flew as if pack of the wild bees mutants, almost invisible, but from it even more terrible. Having overtaken the purpose, they stuck the sticking-out trunks of radiators into fat armor. Threateningly growling, (feeling as if in the lunar desert devilish spirits wakened), fighters of intergalactic special troops, having cut luchemetam a covering of fighting stations, promptly got inside. Several small besekipazhny tanks, a flat akuloobrazny form took part in attack. They silently slid over a sandy surface, having bristled up in dozen of short trunks. Such cars easily could pass epicenter of nuclear explosion and fly on short interstellar distances. From a wide barrel there was an ultragravitational wave bending space and causing panic horror in beings of a proteinaceous vital form. Gengir rigidly ordered:

— To Vakkumirovat sterilely (without shedding of blood)!

Stelzanam was succeeded with the help of large-format paralyzers to disconnect without loss practically all defenders of both lunar bases. Only one armetikansky general as if evaporated though gamma scanners illuminated all station. Gromila-stelzan grinned.

— It seems that the irradiated chimpanzee in shoulder straps left in giperpolzok. Scan a surface.

In five miles from base found the thrown moon rover, and in mile — desperately running away general of armetikansky army. Gengir wanted to show the daring and it is easy as if the kite of a chicken overtook Jan Rockefeller. That the general understood with whom he deals, the star Wolf switched off a cybercamouflage — on a silvery lunar surface the terrible contour of the furious giant appeared. Rockefeller in despair to a limit squeezed a doggie of an experimental luchemet, even reduced a brush from terrible tension. However its human laser automatic machine was, is too weak and could not even scratch a landing armored suit of the newcomer. The giant easily beat out the weapon and, having broken out hands, neutralized desperately fluttering armetikanets. The big mouth grinned in a poisonous smile, the varnished teeth of a stelzan got a cyanotic shade:

— Badly you run, an animal. With such data to you, the fainthearted slave not to earn on a lokhanka with a protein.

Choking with mix of fear and gnnbsp; Hermes grinned, on his eagle person the predatory smile stiffened:

&ева, the general murmured:

— Early you rejoice, the star demon. Your starprobe vehicle will scatter right now on photons and when God Jesus comes, space demons will overthrow all of you in Gehenna of tortures!

— Sick nonsense of a backward primacy. Your rockets are paralyzed! — Gengir it is poisonous grinned.

— I ordered to strike blow still before you, the Satan, delivered the ultimatum. — Rockefeller unsuccessfully tried to unclench death grip of the giant.

General-stelzan having shown to fingers a circle, having given a whistle:

— You? You drive vacuum! Without sanction of the government? I do not trust. You are chernodyrka as foam — are very fainthearted.

— I as soon as saw on a belly of your ship of a seven-domed dragon, understood at once that you are servants of a devil, and took all responsibility. — The general nervously clanked with a jaw, he could not hold the shiver.

— The geek irradiated!

In powerful blow of a fist Gengir carried helmet bulletproof glass with a star-spangled emblem. The face of the general turned blue, eyes fell out of orbits. The vacuum immediately exhausted vital forces and soul. For the first time in terrestrial history of people it was killed with an alien monster. The giant furiously threw up abuse streams:

— He died too easily! A feeble-minded tailless monkey, with a vacuum brain, with a collapse instead of heart! Yes will carry it on photons, and then will collect, and again will spray on the Universe! To torture the others with application of nanotechnologies, let die slowly, beg about death as to the deliverer, nobody will dare to raise against us the extremity!.

* * *

The message on unsuccessful armetikansky attack from lunar base only pleased Velimara. Her smile became even wider (natives are undeveloped weaklings). The voice sounded is sure as at the born sovereign:

— People of Earth! Before we land, you have to hand over all nuclear weapons and is total to disarm. Do not want voluntarily, we will demilitarize you violently as it was already made on the Moon. So give us the weapon, lop-eared and fat primacies!

Medvedev it is a little rather heavy raised a thick fist:

— No, only through my fico.

The lira continued to smile, but her smile reminded a panther grin now:

— Why you, a corpse, against our landing?

For many years stays in power the president lost sense of humour. He too got used to backscratching, delightful arias of the press therefore he literally roared:

— I will show you a corpse! You that forgot about the nuclear weapon!? It is our Earth. You, the star fury, and your souteneurs clean up from here!

One of generals sharply interfered, fighting (looking like Betman's tool from the space comic book) a radiator, submitting to mental team, automatically arose in his right hand. In a voice of a stelzan the genuine offense sounded:

— We did not exploit her sexually, and just gave each other pleasure, and to send us is fraught with hyper considerable consequences. Not one trillion such as you, microorganisms we already split on quarks!

The marshal Polikanov, thin with aquiline nose, exploded, words poured down the cascade:

— I said to you that it is a criminal gang! Star parasites whom it is necessary to burn out immediately the nuclear weapon. You see, these greenhorns threaten to sweep us on quarks. They already attacked us on the Moon. At them still milk on lips did not dry. I urge to attack them the Hawk-70 rockets!

High and heavy as a bear, the president put a hand on a shoulder strap immoderately of the raged assistant, it with big effort of will managed to give to the voice tranquility:

— I am a president still so far and it is my prerogative — to use the nuclear weapon or not. The power of the Supreme Commander I promise to forgive newcomers who got excited owing to the youth.

— And here you are mistaken, the person. Appearances are deceptive, we on life cycles are much more senior than you, the sucker! — The lira coquettishly winked and, without changing tone, continued — to conduct With you negotiations is useless. We will let out across Moscow a charge of the minimum power that you understood whom you contacted. And what to your rockets crackers, you can try once again.

Samka-stelzan moved as a cobra under music of the fakir a waist and laughed ice as a ringing of icicles, laughter, and head hair reddened, the emotional indicator worked. Miracles of inogalaktichesky cosmetics: paint changes color depending on mood. And the mood demanded blood from a star tigress.

If Medvedev started begging and apologizing, then, maybe, he also managed to soften ice heart of space Kali, but pride above mind. Though all the same, the goddess of the evil of Cali does not know pity. Perhaps, it is better to die with it is proud of the raised head, than to bite the dust and to be all the same the killed ruthless opponent.

Aloud Medvedev told:

— Let's talk properly. We are ready to compromises.

— Svinyachy primacy! I do not cancel the decisions! The last seconds of your world expired blue Vinipukh! — The last curse of Velimare was prompted by the computer in the form of a bracelet. It stylishly looked on strong sinewy, but at the same time to a graceful hand of the space amazon.

The president literally roared, giving the order on nuclear attack. It is clearly visible on all monitors and screens: thermonuclear rockets a dense swarm fly to mighty intergalactic starprobe vehicles. They are thousands. They leave long fiery tails, additional containers give dispersal to the third cosmic speed!. Will be enough for any armada. It seemed, they can sweep away all obstacles in the way. Flew up, the terrible show — seems, even from the throwing-up jet streams, the vacuum flares. Rushed predatory pack to the fighting ships of the opponent. What disappointment... The part of rockets is brought down by gravio-lasers, the part got stuck in a force field.

And here the reciprocal shot is not even visible to a radar — ultraboundary more promptly than the flight of a photon which is let out stars speed!

Medvedev did not manage to learn about attack. Sometimes ignorance last act of mercy of God.

Hyper plasma Gehenna absorbed the Supreme Commander of the strongest army of the planet Earth. Millions of people evaporated, having addressed in plasma before could realize the happened accident.

The huge brown fungus rose by height more than 500 kilometers, and a blast wave, having flown several times about the globe, beat out all glasses even in the territory of the USA. From concussion giant waves of a tsunami rose. More than hundred-meter water shaft covered all continents, heating tens of thousands of vessels. Power lines were put out of action, the cities plunged into the darkness only here and there interrupted by fiery spots of the fires.

From now on on the planet Earth came a new era. Hour of the Dragon set in.

. Chapter 3

The world is broken by the rage embodiment,

Also the sky plunged into a gloom!

Hell of an underworld came to people that

The Armageddon triumphed.

The terrible blow has opposite effect.

Instead of capitulation people of Earth rallied in a uniform generous impulse; to fight back star enslavers. Even the USA which is originally staying in sweet illusions declared total war with alien intervention.

In response to a flagman starprobe vehicle the decision to crush, break resistance of the rebellious planet was made. Lira Velimara rapaciously sparkled, the luminescent, blinding eyes grin.

— These pathetic primacies will be seated on trees, in cages from prickly plastic again. We will suppress and we will erase all rat holes of terrestrial bugs from this pathetic block of a stone.

— Yes will be so! Pity is weakness! — officers confirmed with chorus.

The goddess of death threw out a palm up:

— Kvazarno! Annihilation tornado!

* * *

Meanwhile in the USA it was succeeded to restore telecommunications partially. The president of still great power (after Russia) Michael Curie read the address to the nation. However, his released look, was turned to the sky, but not a leaflet of paper. The person of armekitansky grew thin, on the failed cheeks the unhealthy flush burned. Nevertheless, in a voice enthusiasm was felt:

— We, people of the planet Earth, too long were at enmity among themselves, killed, deceived, harmed each other. But here hour when the mankind has to forget the conflicts came and rally in a whole in sacred fight with the Universes the evil. Forces of hell wakened, time predicted in the Apocalypse about the fiery tuft overthrown by a Satan from the sky came. And this heavy time, time of severe court and cruel test already came. The almighty Lord will help us to stand in difficult hour, he will support us in aspiration to crush the death legions sent by a devil to the guilty earth!.

The image was interrupted by plasma flash...

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