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Armageddon Of The Lucifer

31.08.2018 — 31.08.2018
Mother Earth underwent terrible invasion. The terrible Empire of stelzan brought down the overwhelming power on a fragile blue sphere, and heavy chains of slavery, appear, forever held down all mankind. But the guerrilla movement without watching total terror, is not going to lay down arms. Lev Eraskander, and a small group of persons developing in themselves paranormal abilities became new hope of resistance. The challenge of space tyranny is thrown down. The way to a victory is difficult and long. Film!
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Though there is a little opportunity to dispose of time at discretion is happiness! That's it therefore a type of the harmless laughing children, many of which, joyfully playing, even flew up in air, did a somersault, turned a spinning top issuing kaleidoscopical holograms, gave to the magic city a wonderful idyllic look.

Tigrov wanted to approach them and to ask couple of questions, but he was afraid. Was afraid that peace, fine as elves, boys and girls in the sparkling suits can be not such peaceful as it seems at first sight. Especially as for people it is usually not peculiar; even girls played obviously war games. However, it seems that not technogenic battles were developed fantastic and like an anime-fentazi, but. Separate holographic projections were the big and so bright, plausibly reproducing details. That it seemed and really suddenly from where in air there are fantastic locks, fortresses and houses, and then and vanish.

The boy dumbfounded by what was seen all went and went, continuing to consider the city. What tremendous trees and flowers, giant in tens and hundreds of meters, with fountains and the flying animals hang on crystal balconies, being poured on the sun by multifantastic scale. On petals of flowers arise constantly changing various, moving pictures, most often single combats various inomiryan, or fights in retrostyle.

"Perhaps, it is force fields! — The boy thought, rubbing whisky, the brain was ready to boil from abundance of impressions. — Here several stars, such play of light and paints it is non-reproducible on our planet! What strange forms are taken at them by creations of reason!"

Here one of spherical buildings hung on seven legs edged by leaflets, framed with jewels, painted everyone under color of a flag of stelzan. Other construction was executed in the form of a seven-final star and slowly rotated round its pivot-center. Other structures reminded New Year trees, cakes with the fiery torches and rough multi-color falls, huge streams going to a stratosphere. Some giant fountains in the form of various inogalaktichesky monsters in jewels threw up the melted metal and exotic gases illuminated by laser beams.

In first floors of magnificent buildings it was full of colourful entrances and exits with the names highlighted on screens. And that is strange, all names absolutely clear, restaurants, shops, entertainment centers of all levels and types, various services. It reminded repeatedly increased and is incomparable more magnificent Central presidential prospectus of Moscow. Tigers was then still absolutely small, remembered vaguely and now, literally, devoured with eyes dazzling imperial magnificence. Of course, a lot of things had no analogs on the earth here. Well, what human designer will arrange the head spikes, domes and pools with colourful beings and indescribably terrible monsters down. Even it is terrible to watch, apparently, that everything just about will fail on the head.

One of girls elves flew by over it, having slightly touched with a brilliant shoe. Vladimir slightly swayed, it already got a bit tired, passed several miles on foot.

— You, probably, did not eat long ago, the star soldier, — a silver hand bell rang out the little girl angel.

Moving paths if here also were, then them, obviously, disconnected. Probably, in an ultramegapolisa of the far future excessively cared for physical shape. The surface became rougher and naked a foot began to burn and scratch. Vladimir, really, was very hungry, on feelings it as if not the first day hungry, except for that...

But who can know, what is the time he carried out in an otklyuchka...

On the street it is full of the colourful calling automatic machines: "It is time to be supported!".

Vladimir solves:

— A man can die but once, and with an empty belly not life!

Once you approached the automatic machine, at once there was a three-dimensional projection of the beautiful seven-color girl with wings. In language which seemed to Russians the marvelous nymph said:

— What is wanted by the little, but courageous subjugator of the Universe?

— To eat! — Honestly said Tigers in blue eyes of the boy hungry gloss was read.

— Set of hundred fifteen million products at your service. — Prochirikal the fantastic fairy, having added the size to wings.

— Then Kremlin ice cream, lemonade, juice, cake and chocolate. — The pleased madcap began to babble.

— And what types? Concretize the order! — Girls became two and they were unnaturally largely shown.

— All the same, if only it was tasty. — It is lost murmured Tigers, having helplessly made a helpless gesture.

— Most tasty? According to the most mass standard? — Probably the cybernetic servants more than once had to push together with the clients who are not understanding what they want.

— Yes! — With relief blurt out Vladimir.

— Raise hands, you look directly. Or get your personal indenfikatsionny card, mini-soldiers. — Chorus holographic nymphets said.

The boy raised both hands. Soft yellow light blinked, probably, it was scanned.

— In a card file your personality does not appear, you have no personal military card therefore you cannot be served. — Girls peeped and were right there painted in the crimson color, crossed hands in prohibitive gesture of stelzan.

Vladimir hasty departed from the automatic machine, baked heels in a literal sense. Here, seemingly, technetronic identification communism. Tigers sat down on an elaborate boudoir, zastyv having strongly stooped and having propped up a chin palms. Reflected... The future was drawn in the most gloomy tones. It absolutely alone in other galaxy, in an environment inomiryan, creatures that it is worse than the most predatory, wild fly into a rage. And some saving idea cannot come to mind in any way. Also that was better for Oliver Twist in London, though the same people as well as the homeless fugitive there. And here where it will go? Can most expecting to be given on favor in prison? There though will feed, let and it here humiliating, through a hose.

— Why you became gloomy, a photon? What I see, lick lips. You seem you want to drive printseps-plasmas in a stomach?

The unfamiliar boy in the sparkling clothes stretched, smiling, a hand. As it properly! The person a stelzanenka round children's, not so angry, to it in advertizing on healthy nutrition to be removed, only presses a palm too strongly. The forehead is high, a fair hair, widely placed blue eyes. However, a suntanned sinewy hand, as if from steel, capable to break a bone. Vladimir hardly constrained itself, without having given a sign that to him it is very painful, the hand is squeezed as if in a torment vice.

— Yes, I want to eat!

— You, it is visible, from the remote colonies, you strongly singed and a look at you peeled, strange. — Said from sympathy shares in a voice young stelzan.

Vladimir threw rasteryannnbsp; Fortunately, stelzana managed to include the paralyzing field. Eroros gave the first the order at the same time to close also space a power board. It was the pragmatic step if the big slaughter near the planet Earth begins, then from all Solar system there will be no stable nuclear kernel left. And even if he will also run away, the emperor can execute for it, and so fanatic way that it is better for to knock out brains at once.

y a look on. The clothes and in places already began to smolder, and skin having reddened oblazit. Roofing felts from local the radiation, or overdue reaction to explosion. Tigers were felt by an ice chill in a stomach and by the trembled voice said.

— Guessed, I was in thermocharge epicenter.

— I with speed limit will take food, then will tell. — The boy ran as if in high-speed cinematography, without concerning boots of skillfully dressed covering of the prospectus.

Why Vladimir felt trust to this cub of stelzan, it is difficult to explain. Perhaps young years and a stress affected. Having returned the new friend threw to him several pink, to torments of appetizingly smelling buds. Volod'ka began to tell nothing without concealing, boiled, there was a wish to unburden the heart.

Malchik-stelzan listened attentively. It was growth as Tigers, and years to it, probably, there was even less. During conversation on his beautiful face the pure smile played all the time. The truth teeth at the child of race warriors at the same time already very large, is more white than snow, from them beams of several stars were reflected by spots of sunlight. The food taken in the automatic machine was excessively tasty, it overexcited receptors and instead of saturation kindled appetite.

When having uttered Vladimir, became silent, young stelzan judiciously said:

— Yes, it is similar to a miracle, but here to you not to survive. You will be quickly found especially as every day there takes place computer check of all persons. Couple of days ago, absolutely nearby, there was such "plazmorubka", starprobe vehicles were torn, as at superfireworks. Even from a surface it was visible how the torn to pieces ships decked the sky. It is good that main "chadilnik" came for the line.

Rebenok-stelzan pointed Vimura to the central star.

— Now at us everything became much more strict, the total test mode. And earlier control was serious. For certain, even this automatic machine, as well as others, is connected with Department of love and justice.

— So at you the secret police is called? — Vladimir was twisted in a smile, the concept love at the nation against which fascists kindergarten little rascals how ridiculously sounded.

— Yes so, their several departments, and everything speak about love. — The boy cramped together eyebrows and the look became more strict. — As if mockery at common sense. Even my father, the economic general of the fourth rank, is rather afraid of these departments. Give, leave quicker. I will spend you.

— Late! Here you also got, smart guys! — Prorokotali as roar of pack of hyenas of a voice.

Several armor figures as if ghosts materialized in air.

— On knees and hands up!

Tigers, was, moved, and right there received a charge a paralyzer. The consciousness was disconnected.

* * *

He regained consciousness only in the investigator's office. Questions appeared standard, not too detailed though without excess threats the detective spoke permanently tender tone, but on a body of interrogated there were sensors, similar to scorpions. If the boy tried to tell lies, the painful charge, and much more painful, than ordinary current joined. Stinging in the nervous terminations "scorpions", at the same time gave truthfulness percent by means of the hologram.

Despite terrible impression of the cells of a body tearing to parts (loud shouts the power, extinguishing sound waves field suppressed) to Vladimir nevertheless it became curious how truthfulness is drawn interest and unless there can be in general different shares of lie and the truth. Though why is also not present? There is a human concept; the sacred lie and a half-truth are worse than any lie.

After interrogation it was locked in a hermetic chamber with cybernetic control. At the head of a special department of Department of love and the truth Twisted Bokra there was no ardent desire to penetrate or investigate an entertaining phenomenon of movement. Promotion for it does not shine moreover look will send to business trip to such hole as mother Earth. There were serious reasons to believe that it is better to get rid of the undesirable witness. How? To kill, and to sort a corpse on the spare part. To sell skin and bones in the "black" market as human, and here into the account of internals — a problem. They are identical, but at stelzan all parts of a body are improved by means of bioengineering. No, these bodies will fully not work unless to find idiots, but in this case metal does not cost processing. Besides at stelzan and so all grows, because of a hyperactivity of stem cells. The assistant suggested idea:

— Why to us to miss profit, excess kulamana will not prevent. There is one type that long ago wanted to buy from us a stelzanenka.

— Who? — Bureaucrat squinted a chin aside, the voice decreased to snake whisper. — Perhaps Giles?

— Yes, it! — The maiden let out a sparkle from under the nails which are made up by radioactive isotopes.

Stelzan contemptuously spitted out, having turned the scanner bracelet aside:

— Disgusting mix of a bug and primacy.

— But it is so rich that bought honourable nationality of Purple constellation. — The assistant thinly giggled. — Even our hot females, to it in a bed jump.

— Well, but taking into account risk, we will jack up the price in a repeated size. — Bureaucrat having made many considerable pause, added. — If agrees, it will be only the beginning.

— Blackmail? Of course, we will make quantum records. — Stelzanka let out from a ring tiny, it is less than poppy kernel a front sight, that made the silent eight in air, having peeped: "all systems of scanning, record and wiretap, are ready to functioning.

— I guess why it is necessary to it. It is possible fairly "to inflate muscles" on this business. — The official threw into a mouth candy with nonsense impurity.

Here so quickly the destiny of the human child was also decided.

* * *

Really, despite amorous progress at a stelzanok the hairy bimanous bug with a monkey ugly face Giles made repellent impression. Even the magnificent uniform seemed ridiculously tense on a disgusting shaggy effigy. When Vladimir in a packing envelope brought in the remote country house, the boy, literally, was shaken for fear. The Giles looked with quiet interest. He felt that the child is afraid and afraid of it violence. The sticky opposite voice buzzed over an ear.

— You, I see, shiver, small stelzan. Don't be afraid! I will reserve your largest fear in the end. Damned bastard of ublyudochny race of aggressors! You have to be responsible for all the sins and for sins of your relatives exhaling plasma of death.

Tigers shuddered.

— But I not stelzan, and forehead...

The roar which is stuffing up ears tore off the phrase.

— You, stelzan, false rat bastard! I was warned that you a macaque like to get owners and with mentality of a problem at you. Everything, you mine, and I on you will recoup for the destroyed relatives. For a start you will feel what to be a slave, then we will increase your sufferings. Bring him and put on a collar.

Tigrov was taken away, and then sent to imitation of a slave barrack. There, under the scorching sun beams, forced to break and move on a stretcher or carts stones, at the same time polosuya painful categories. It is visible, the Giles did not differ in big imagination or was too keen on business, but on bigger, than to force to carry out heavy almost senseless, for such high technogenic level work, there was not enough imagination. Though it was rather painful, to wave 12 hours a pick or to thrash on stones a sledge hammer at such heat.

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