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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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First, we wanted to go with Gena into the boiler room, but the door it was closed and we knock e dared. Then we went around her around, went on хоздворик, where he was a pipe, and settled on it. I must say that the frost has already been decent, and my legs, arms, face procedures froze. Now, sitting at exhaling heat pipe, I almost immediately started to fall asleep, разомлев like the заваленке the furnace.

The entrance to the courtyard was through жлезную the gate, and he represented a kind of тпичок two sides of the buildings fenced — boiler and hand плотничьих workshops, with the far end — high fence, when желаниии, you can climb again once within the моегопоста. On хоздворике were sketched кчи all kinds of stuff: junk, the rests of any metal constructions, sawdust and a pileup of logs and boards of all sizes. Here in disarray rolled coils of wire, Bay which spread, confused and lost all form, and a lot of not clear why the imported coal, and true dump empty, rusting barrels, in short, this collection всемозможного material, partially ожидющего its application, as part already, because of the heartless attitude and mismanagement, превратившегос in the real garbage, and remove the laziness was not something that result in beneficial state.

Just in case we agreed with Gena, how we act, if someone suddenly appears with a check our service earlier than we expected. In this case we'll omit them on the territory of my post, and when they turned the corner of the boiler house, I'll go after them and stop shouting, which are supposed to stop all those who appeared on the territory of the post. And Genk in the meantime, while I'll distract came to himself, перепрыгнетчерез fence, отгораживающий courtyard behind and flee to his post: he-he stuck behind my. Of course, I would ask where I was, that they were IMO me, and I will answer that I could hear the sounds from сттороны хоздворика and, although he is not part of the territory of the post, and can be, and is, I went there to check what's going on there. Scold me for it will be, I suppose, but not as much as for that, if we suddenly found RATM on the "tube".

Everything was great coined and, probably, not by us first. Our plan was difficult to find fault, and it would seem that the mosquito nose is not undermine, so we were pretty relaxed and calm, the more that come-then nobody should have been.

Of course, some, perhaps most, of the share of risk and was in our undertaking, but we thought it would cooked only relegated similarity with the adventure from him very far. Yes and we are not alone way to behave. Almost everything as we know, every time they do, if not, then somehow different, but not better. All of tricks, облегчавшиенам carrying the guard were invented and are known almost since the first course. He who at the dawn of carrying us on guard duty, not to be afraid, as many did, of some mythical an attack on themselves and could easily break even then, being a first year student Charter, always boasted of their misdeeds before my friends, and, thus, the experience was transferred from one to another, and soon received a significant spread. Those who tried not to violate the Charter, diminished, and by the end of the third course I didn't know anyone, whoever commits guard some violations, actions, запрещаемого Charter. May be, and remain, and even until the end of the fourth year, when the us finally liberated on guard duty, such heroes, but good, correct actions in our environment boast was not only accepted, but a shame, because it was considered abnormal for "normal" cadet behavior. This all shy, and so, anyway, this is not boasted. But the bad example flourished ever since the first day, Yes, moreover, he was known to be still and contagious.

Feeling the bliss of all the body, we almost fell asleep, but наали chat about all sorts of interesting things. Then talks саим themselves started угасат sinking in half sleep. We felt that dream relentlessly overcomes us, and even rose to their feet to cheer up, and stood, leaning to the pipe back, тотгрдью. Whatever you say, and it was already quite cold. For the winter hour issued toe loop, but clumsy слуюба not kept pace with fast the first frosts, rapidly enter into force, and because we were in some overcoats.

However, we fell asleep together with Gena even standing and did not notice...

I woke up from that creaked iron gate of the courtyard. Or rather, not even woke up, as if waking from a dream. From this evil squeaking heart sank in the chest in a frightened ball. Inside all in one min gone cold.

I peeked carefully from behind the pipe and in the moon свте saw three figures. Ahead, ka I guessed was heading our diluting. I recognized him by exceptional growth. Behind him trailed guard, but who knows. Over his shoulder was a bayonet-knife, put over the barrel of a gun. The third was an officer. But who? If it was начальик guard, he will go ahead. Yes and its unlikely he would disturb once again diluent, which day was held at the office and back more than fifteen kilometers, — he would have gone himself, taking someone from the guard. So, the last was a reviewer!

"Help! "my head is проенсись thoughts, tens of all thoughts, overtaking one another. I wondered where could take now reviewer? Because it according to my calculations had давго to go back home, because, after all, it has been more than one and a half hours from the moment of our intercession for the post, and we were just about to change. — Who could be this came to us on the post?"

These and many other thoughts rushed headlong in plagued my mind. If I hadn't woke so thoroughly, was ready to believe this is just a bad dream.

I pushed Генку that sweet snoring in the next compartment, between the railway кронштейно, supportive pipe. He also woke up with consternation shaking his head. With просоня he could not understand what happened, and tell him I was afraid, because we could услыщать. In the dark I only saw his frightened eyes, shining in the moonlight, and, hoping that he will understand me, put his index finger to his lips, bestowing upon him the knowledge to be silent.

"What is it? asked Genk.

"Do be quiet, you fool! — разозлилс I from what he didn't understand my gesture. CheckUser came.

-Where is it?! another испуганнее and louder asked Musuc.

-Yes do not lean out of you! — I hissed, pulling it off at the collar of his coat, as he tried his own eyes, that I'm not kidding with him.

Now we stood silently looking at each other and hiding behind a pipe, and knew not how we do it.

Reviewer meanwhile was approaching us, venturing farther on the territory of the household on a footpath, shuffling between snow drifts and piles of all kinds of junk. I suddenly thought, perhaps our diluting and not скащал him that we can hide here on the tube, and they just came here in search of us, beating both positions. Then they had to go to the end of the courtyard and finding that there's nobody here, go back. In this case, the main thing was not to give away their location, and sit quiet as a mouse. The pipe was in the party metres in five or ten off the path, and the path to it blocked a impassable heap of sawdust and chips, наструганных on the bench. So I was born weak, but surprisingly tenacious hope that we will not notice. This was the most important. And then we come up with, would have done so, as договоривались before.

Come already passed the pipe and, apparently, as I expected, gathered go further. To remain unnoticed, we had пеелезть in бругие section, so that трба hide our silhouettes.

I touched Генку, anxiously watching the movement of the inspection, by the arm and nodded to головыпоказал that the us, one has to go through scarves supports. He nodded as a sign that he understood. Carefully, I stepped into the next section and, when began to translate the other leg over the oblique edge of the sheet steel bracket, you've done a lot of noise, enough to tell you that we are here: ebony scabbard of my bayonet-knife with a flourish громыхнули about the hollow iron pipes.

All three of them stood in the middle of the courtyard turned in our direction.

-Let's call these hidden there! came up to us, the voice of the officer.

We were still there, continuing to something to wait for, as if hoping for some miracle that was to save us. But no! diluting headed in our direction, moved between the piles of garbage, and stood, and said quietly, with some fatal tranquillity, making it clear that nothing will change:

-Go on!

We seem to have waited for this non-agressive signal, somewhere in the depths of his compassionate and which was still ruing of everything that occurred, have crept out of his hiding place and went in single file to the examiner, realizing that everything now depends on his will.

Remember, what was my surprise when, coming closer, we saw that a reviewer who comes to our posts, this is the new Lieutenant Colonel, who came to проверкунашего guard when we only went intrude on shift. Since then it's been half an hour, and I thought he had been at home, asleep, or, at worst, to drink his tea. And only then we Gena learned that the validator has bypassed all the posts, every one of them, and going home already decided on a course of a look on our posts. He was so sure that he will not come back, that even made a record in the guard Vedomosti that the service is OK. And to return all had...

-That, asleep? — asked us Lieutenant Colonel. In his voice was something like his son understand the notes, but it was my fault. What is that to you?

We Gena started to explain that not asleep, and have come here слуайно, just to warm up, though, if we would listen at that moment to what we say, we'd probably feel ashamed of the ridiculous nonsense we talk.

-Where is your post? — asked me a reviewer. He, in fact, probably the first time came to check the guard.

-Here, — I replied, looking around the hand of the space around you from the entrance to the Department and to the warehouse.

"Your post? — he turned to the Gene.

-My there, waved his hand Musuc towards warehouses. -Warehouses NC glove service.

-Well, I can see what your important posts! Let's separate, " he said to разводящему, -now the posts. May they accept them under guard. And then come to change them now because the change does not end, right? And we understand.

Then he turned again to us:

-You've достоите shift to the end? — in a voice suddenly arose whether some cautious утивость, or suspicion, or fear, as if we have not done now for something else. He was trying to catch the movement of our thoughts through everything that we said. Knew Lieutenant Colonel, shows that they very often differ from among the people, sometimes almost to the opposite.

Lieutenant Colonel asked us about this, as usually ask in seriously ill patients, who for some reason hurt, whether they be patient or not. Or it might be thought that we are not on guard standing, but just for fun games in the military, and I'll now take, clap their Gene on the shoulder and ask him: "Well, brother! Достоим or maybe по1дем from here to hell?!" And he, thinking a bit, which is harder: somewhere shove or just stand there, say in reply: "Yes, I think that достоим!"

Of course, we agreed достоять until the end of the shift, and this was granted for us but not for the Lieutenant-Colonel. But sorry! He'd better not said as much, because it gave us to understand once again that he fears. Perhaps he just experienced my service because was an old officer, повидавшим, probably, of all kinds, and we were the future he change that so it saddened, but we saw that he was just afraid. And he's the fear had nothing. He no responsibility for our service is not carried.

After the change from the post of the us immediately took off guard and sent to the barracks. That night I could not sleep worrying about what had happened and for what awaits us.

But events took such a turn that the case of this was to get a huge impact. Still, if checked one of his own, with the division, then we would surely have punished, but the thing above the battalion command publicity hardly received. And here we "flew" on the level of the school.

In the morning after the night I woke up with ощщением that I am a criminal. I do not know anyone, but for me it was a painful feeling. All around there was some detached, detached and cold accurately scenery. The world suddenly itself became suddenly wider uncomfortable than it was for me yesterday. Involuntarily began to loom on the horizon some vague images, not the disciplinary, correctional institution, not sending in troops after expulsion from school, when we left behind three quarters of the way.

The whole next day was for us with Gena as in a bad dream. We pulled in different offices, starting from the commander of the battery to the генеральским. However, наальник schools do not accept us, and we are only receiving his apartment, but the fear had suffered a fair amount. Moreover, all the experiences adds even and guilt before Gena. Him and scolded more, and, strictly speaking, it is not the fault was in fact: it's because I persuaded him, and, after long belief. Gene Мушука scolded for not fasting, and me only for violation of the Charter, which was much softer. And though any time at all levels I justified him and said that Musuc was not guilty, that he gave in to my bad influence, he suffered much stronger than me.

What I had that day! We were threatened with a disciplinary battalion, and I had a mortal fear of such a perspective, I looked at the dismayed Мушука, its a simple person, luminous some perplexity, and laughed to hysterics, to a nervous attack, abnormal laugh. I was ashamed of Gena, he looked at me with surprise, not understanding the reasons of my oars, and I couldn't stop and, especially, to explain to him that laugh from it, because he would have taken it as сверхнаглость and mockery with my hand in his address, even though I experienced quite the reverse, that sort of awkwardness, compassion and desire to ask him to forgive me for everything that happened, but it was me and funny. Yes I объснить its state not differently as laughter through tears as hysterical.

Strangely enough, but then I got quite happily, we can say that easy fright. Threats дисбатом replaced with the threat to expel and send in the troops. Then and пошествию вреени replaced in the guardhouse, and after already went long time, almost a month since the event, we were told that for this act we can't go on vacation after зиней session, and guard us plant will not be.

But in the vacation I decided to go. And the story only confirmed me in opinion that in the army, I don't know, maybe somewhere and still, there is парадок that the more serious the offence, the less, eventually, the penalty for it. Maybe for some it's improbable, but I know this, what is called, the actual skin...

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