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Armageddon Of The Lucifer

31.08.2018 — 31.08.2018
Mother Earth underwent terrible invasion. The terrible Empire of stelzan brought down the overwhelming power on a fragile blue sphere, and heavy chains of slavery, appear, forever held down all mankind. But the guerrilla movement without watching total terror, is not going to lay down arms. Lev Eraskander, and a small group of persons developing in themselves paranormal abilities became new hope of resistance. The challenge of space tyranny is thrown down. The way to a victory is difficult and long. Film!
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— All of you used types of human tortures?

The chief of native executioners — the pimply grown fat Indian, corrected moved down from the head of the Neanderthal man the head device, with several reddish rumpled feathers, wearily spoke in a bass:

— I think all the master.

— And teeth to a gum drilled? — Contemptuously the general sniffed.

— No, forgot, but beat out and broke a jaw. We can dosverlit what remained. — Executioners got stuck the nippers which smoked from a flame, mechanical drills began to roar.

— Shut up, a lobotomirovanny primacy. You made the business. — Having pulled the bulldog's nose air and having felt a strong smell fake the torturer executioner with surprise bryaknut. — And how he at you did not die?

— The reptile is hardy. And it a rubber body, and wounds are restored in the eyes.

— Any primitive savage can tear to pieces a body, to ruin the main thing to burn out soul. And it is not given you. Here admire the general the murderer of your son, only, please, any more do not beat him. All the same you to it will not be able to add pain any more, and your hard blow can stop it at all. — The head of torturers looked with such complacent look as if it was talked of baking of cake.

— And I am also not going to be soiled about this jellyfish, but when we throw it in a cybernetic underworld, I would like to strike the first blow to it. — The look of the general Stelzanat literally ground up poison.

— Perfectly I to you trust, it to zapulsarit! — The torturer floutingly as if the criminal ready to thrust in the victim to peak, winked. — So the kid rejoice, you learn the most intimate depths of a nightmare and pain.

Having picked up the mutilated boy, executioners drag him along a corridor. On the road they several times stepped on the burned spoiled leg broken fingers, trying to inflict additional suffering. Having gone down on the elevator, they entered especially protected room. So place it in a space suit, having attached special sensors to the head.

The professional torturer of Purple Constellation winked at the general.

— Now your course the colleague, cut to it.

— I to you not the colleague, my task to be at war with the armed enemy, risking to die most, but not to torment the helpless victims. This slug exception to the rules.

I will cause it special pain.

First Eraskander could make out nothing, there was a pitch, pressing darkness, and then... Something roared as mix of the symphony of Wagner and a dead march. The boy saw armadas of starprobe vehicles of Purple Constellation. The looking like generations of hallucinations of the people's commissar in the period of withdrawal pains terrifying the ships brought down a crushing blow on the planet. He contemplated the underworld embodiment, and at once in a set of projections as multi-storey buildings fell as children alive burned. As the gone blind burned mothers cried out and raged, the remains of hardly living people turned into skeletik pottered about half. Then its own native village, those children and girls with whom he played the childish games until recently. The soldiers breaking boots children's heads, and from those who are more senior clothes break and begin to force is perverted and it is cruel. Pregnant women were thrashed legs hurting a stomach, or pressed kverlilovy to the estate of a piranha and tanks with barrels in the form of the heads of a cobra. And Lev not only saw and heard, the smell of fake meat, bloody sweat literally clogged nostrils. In a mouth bloody and metal smack and when one of chasteners cut a boot on the person was felt, threw the head from shrill pain. Not in forces more to sustain such Lev cried, and rushed towards to incredibly fanatic enemies. He wanted to kill, kill one all of them, to find and kill all trillions and quintillions of these biped parasites who defiled the Universe. To kill, strike, attack, a swing, all to burn, to burn!

— I hate them! I hate you! I want your death! Die! Die! Be annihilated!!!

* * *

In a dream Lev so convulsively pulled extremities that managed to dart off and, twitching, to take off for doors of the emergency dumping of dangerous objects. His suit automatically joined in the mode of extravehicular activity. How it in general could happen why the security cybernetic program did not work? In a light slumber the young man mechanically gathered a simple combination of opening of a door. Being in such state, he, without reflecting, jumped out in pass. It, it is natural even with acceleration as if threw out a champagne cork in others and cold space. A small grain of sand, the boy who is carried away by space currents in an infinite chasm of the star ocean.

Zero gravity — a strange incomprehensible state. You test something similar only in a dream when you soar under the imagined clouds. And around you vacuum and huge necklaces of the fiery flaring stars. Bright light of tens of thousands of stars which are not weakened by the atmosphere. Though the space suit is also supplied with light filters, densely covered radiant spheres blind eyes, causing strong patches of light. A space suit, however, from among the automatic machines operated during flight in open space.

Having turned, the boy saw a picture of grandiose fight. Though without optical amplifier even large starprobe vehicles seem the tiny shining midges, all the same the picture of grandiose space battle bewitches. The starprobe vehicles seeming small because of a big distance water each other with the killing charges capable to incinerate the whole cities, and even planets. They flash in millions of multi-colored fires of different brightness and size which are constantly jumping and rushing on space. Then explosion follows, two transports faced. The explosion is not visible yet. Light waves did not manage to reach, and the blow of a gravitational wave is already notable. It scatters the fighting ships. It is felt even as in a space suit the body as if it was struck with a tail by the real cachalot is flattened.

The lion felt how as if a weighty cudgel rejected him aside as on the head something sadanut. He felt the strong shock similar to a condition of sheer "otklyuchka", but, nevertheless, his consciousness completely did not go out. With big all the accruing acceleration the boy rushed in a kollapstichesky throw. Flattened flesh, Eraskander almost did not breathe, Dzhi who is nearly crushed by acceleration in many hundreds. The consciousness was stirred up, but stubborn was not disconnected as if the rope-walker keeping one hand, and not allowing itself to break in a non-existence gloom.

Gradually light waves of the happened planetary accident began to reach it. Destructive light for several seconds eclipsed stars, having filled in with megaplasma categories vacuum. The weak sheeting of a space suit only partially weakened blow. On skin right there were blisters and burns, causing notable pain at each movement. In vacuum it is possible to fly almost infinitely long in one direction, risking to roll in a gravitational field of one of numerous stars dashingly over time.

Eraskander desperately tried to leave by means of gvivio-photon tiny engines of a space suit in dive and to be developed to some inhabited planet, their benefit here as mushrooms after a rain. However, seemingly, that the equipment of a space suit was damaged during flash, and he not in forces to escape from strong embraces of vacuum. It is possible to pull helplessly hands and legs, to spin here and there, but here, in vacuum, even the strongest person seems the helpless baby.

There passed hour, then some more hours.

Having not felt hungry and drink.

It is clear, that if nobody picks up it, then it so can soar in space for centuries, having turned into an ice block. Still the option to get to a star orbit, and it is flight of millions of years. The transmitter does not work too. Well, it is necessary to die! No, it cannot so just take and die, dullly freeze here in ice vacuum. Council of the Sensei was remembered: "When you down and out, have to come to the rescue of you force. Remember, not strong emotions or anger, not hatred, but tranquility, the world and meditation have to open charkas, fill a body with magic energy. Power of reason will give the power capable to make many good deeds, and the anger, hatred, lust wrap energy on destruction and death".

The guru as always is right. Yes, it is good to relax and meditate. But as to make it if it is overflowed by hatred and rage. Perhaps rage will help to waken to superspace force.

When he in the very first time tested terrible anger and inflow of earlier not conducted mad energy, there was a miracle: the cybernetic three-dimensional reality failed, having scattered on splinters. Terrible virtual monsters literally in the eyes shrank and went out. Covered it with the gloom wave from time to time dissected by fiery sparkles. Then he regained consciousness. Faces of executioners were lost, repeatedly duplicated computer completely failed as if inside the small thermocharge blew up or probushevat a superpowerful virus. But Eraskander already then understood that this his rage burned all chips and photonew cascade reflectors of virtual hell, so, it is possible to kill not only a body. It seems that the Sensei knew it and not really wanted to train him in magic mental art.

Now it will concentrate the anger, hatred will begin to flow on veins — and all charkas will open. Time the Sensei could move, teleporting in space, means and at it it will turn out!

Lev Eraskander concentrated rage. He imagined all this space, executioners, stelzan, traitors of collaborators, ugly predatory inogalaktichesky monsters. Tried to feel superthin matter of space, to probe vacuum, to feel other measurements. Concentrating, it is necessary to forget about a body, to present that there is no body. Some of pupils of the Sensei and the Guru already tried to move objects. He heard that he has mighty force and that will not be able purposefully to operate it. Lie! The stream of wild rage drenched it, the body sharply moved. It's a go! It is capable to operate flight mentally. And now to gather speed — quicker to the next planet. The boy, however, forgot that it is after all space that distances are huge here, not comparable with terrestrial scales. It not on Earth to fly by hundred meters, having blown the mind of gawks! Even the most skilled of the Guru understand, than unprepared acceleration and furthermore, not controlled use of paranormal force is fraught. Acceleration was poorly compensated minigravy. This space suit is created not for interstellar flights. Dispersing and dispersing, Lev exceeded strength of the organism and nearly depressurized a space suit. Acceleration exceeded three thousand of Dzhi and paralyzed breath, having interrupted inflow of blood to a brain. This time thoughts and feelings interrupted the prompt run. It seemed, the multiton tank failed on the head, having crumpled intellectual perception.

If to you force opened,

Manage to hold it in hand!

That did not subdue you

That darkness that sows death and fear!

Chapter 24

At strong always powerless is guilty,

And therefore, if you want to live freely,

Fix the muscles, the brother,

At the same time arriving nobly!

Within solar system and in its vicinities tens of millions of fighting starprobe vehicles up in arm stiffened. Having hanged in space, they waited only for a pretext to be linked and rush to destructive fight.

But the occasion everything was not.

Nobody was so mad just like that to risk on self-destructive skirmish. All stood. It seemed that the tension is gradually relieved. Pirates, however, having lost a great number of the atamans, did not want to go ungifted away. The part of privateers, was in due time, on service of the empire of Purple constellation, actively participating in ecowars. These pirates knew, the center of a galaxy with its dense planetary educations is so rich, many of which were wild until recently, and now became active suppliers of resources. Though it and a tidbit, but as here watches for mighty star fleet of Stelzanat, and is no arrangement who will pass pirates to galaxy heart, and to be put is deadly. In a disparate pirates demanded from Fagiram of the admission of the ships as if the governor of Earth ruled over all galaxy. Yes, even the hyper governor had no right for independent removal of troops of the whole galaxy — similar decisions were coordinated with department "Wars and Victories". Squabble became more and more aggressive, the part of kapersky commanders entered negotiations with military submarines of other worlds. There too was the most variegated structure of fighting teams and commanders. Many of them were local absolute kinglets, and lower than the advantage in negotiations with ignoble persons was it even. Others burned with thirst of revenge, especially those at whom someone from relatives died, and all had a desire to be enriched and to plunder practically. Well the most aggressive representatives of civilizations in this part of the Universe, of course, went hiking. Sane creations were not pecked on similar adventure. Sinkh, obviously, fluctuated. Without support of other worlds war with Stelzanat is fraught with inevitable defeat, even change and bribery of tops does not give a victory guarantee. And it is not possible to keep a tight rein these mixed tribes almost.

Gradually increasing part of leaders of inogalaktichesky armadas, inclined to blow to the center of a galaxy. Yes, it ruined the initial plan of synchronous blow to the capital of Purple constellation, but nevertheless the next interstine meat grinder was the best option, than. The central commander-in-chief of sinkh supergross-admiral Libarador Vir gave the order.

— Due to the unanimous opinion of our brothers and us personally, the first blow will be struck to the local center of accommodation of these vile primacies.

Millions exulting graviogramm showed that the similar decision was to the taste to all:

— We will depart forward, and the center of a galaxy will be given you on full plunder.

Again unanimous approval.

— We take off immediately!

It suited everything, even Fagiram who, already fairly strukhnuv, accepted a portion of a dope.

Supergrossadmiral was happy. Of course, there can be unplanned skirmishes with army of stelzan, but it is much more of them, and, certainly, they will erase in powder of these parasites. Was considered earlier that stelzana are able to be at war, without being able to trade. Means, they can be crushed economically. Really it turned out that even in ecowars they are stronger, devilishly cunning primacies. And the only real way — to finish off them by force of arms. Therefore armadas of the fighting ships after short reorganization went to a hyper jump.

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