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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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Finally, in the surrounding world, everything is back to normal, and my best friend in school, downright иудофоб, I started compare me with Pushkin, who, he claimed, was a Jew, although he had lived in Russia and wrote in Russian poetry, then, seeing that I like his conversations'm trying to remain silent and not to accept the topics became increasingly teasing me and in other ways in the most inappropriate and awkward moments for me. And if, when our conversations, it подклепки were alone, somehow I still tolerated, not paying attention and pretending to miss it by ear, in humans, in the presence of strangers in their молании looked pretty stupid and guilty. In recent years, and especially during our disagreements, Охромов not упрускал case that not directly, but indirectly affect the patient to me topic. He then began to squabble over the Jewish origin in nearly a half of the platoon, but they took his ambition with due sense of humor, and I am not participating in these перебранкках, sat in such cases, I buried my nose in a book, pretending to read it and hear what is going вокргу, and he was afraid that now, in the heat of passion, which took possession of Охромовым in the minutes of such squabbles, he lifts his withering fire at me and say, "now, who are we real Jew!" and I was almost convinced that I could not give him a due rebuff in a joking tone, which would defuse the situation after such a statement. And, although this has never happened, I don't know that this could happen between us. To such antics, Grisha I have not хвтало spirit refers to the innocent jokes, because I knew in the depth of the sunshine that he is always glad to подковырнуть me on this, and, although it clearly and wanted to say such a thing, I could feel it almost physically, spinal cord, but he was not sure exactly what I think of this problem at his address very painful and close to the heart, and combined with my temper it became dangerous and unpredictable not only for me.

Sometimes, when I know, of course, Grisha was telling the training with a loud voice, heaven forbid that does not go over my head, anti-Semitic jokes, and then, having finished his story, while everyone laughed silently and vile, недвузначно looked in my direction. I felt this view, even if he walked from the back, "gallery", where usually all kinds of vicious пабаски and tales...

"The Jew, " I thought to myself, standing before the Охромовым, -Jew!" And I was very sick. I knew I was almost sure that Охромов thinks at this moment the same thing.

Охромов stood there a long time and silently stared at me.

-What shall we do? "he asked finally.

-If you want, I'll take your buddies all this and take the money? I asked, honestly thinking that I need to do to not подвергат other danger because of their greed. Let their жидовскую blood I поплачусь himself.

-You, in your mind? — made round gala Охромов. -Yes if you have one then you разделают on all counts. Inspect every last piece of paper and, at best, will give a kick in the ass. At worst... Ugh, I know these people. Believe me man. They are from you and wet places will not leave.

He fell silent again, something over and then said:

-Okay, let's go together. Whether that will be. If so what, you say, that took what was laying there, and if you don't like it, go themselves and take. Am I right?

Grisha told me that just called them, and he appointed a meeting in one provincial town near the school. I asked, what a place selected by his "friends", and at the mere mention of it I was not myself. I imagined this vast wasteland, on the far edge of an abandoned orchard broken on the outskirts of the city, which started the collective farm lands, Yes separating from each other fields tree-planting strip. It was quite an eerie place, on поторому other побавивались walk and in the afternoon, and we went there in the twilight of the approaching night, and not just rode, and should быливстретиться there with dashing people who have decided that утварить with us.

Wasteland the one assigned to us for a meeting, was a kilometer away from the school, but дибираться there it was only by a taxi, otherwise we would not dragged their unaffordable кипв and a pile of wastepaper.

-You know, I don't feel good, " I said Охромову.

-Me too, " he said.

I looked at him in this moment and almost frightened. His face was stone pale and motionless, as a person plaster statues. His eyes somehow fell in love deep inward eye hollows, and around the entire eye socket any необыные and scary pale-grey circles. Cheeks hollowed pits inside the old man.

I heard that людец shortly before his death on the face is her mask, but thought it was grandma's fairy tales, fables for стращяния gullible, I thought, it's all nonsense mad old women, although almost openly afraid of all kinds of superstitions and signs, хотьь somehow affecting oblastь transcendental.

May be, and now I saw on his face, something he could not feel. And maybe it's just a fright it happened.

After a few minutes we managed to catch a taxi. The driver at our request, drove the car to the fence of ' sports area, and we threw the pile of paper over the fence and loaded them into the trunk of a "Moskvich".

"Where shall we go, guys? — asked the taxi driver, driving up to the exit to the prospect.

-Until towards аропорта, " replied Охромов.

The driver turned left, wait until the bus drive away so trolleybus, speeded up, from what strongly a worn engine здребезжал and banged valves, switched transmission and again spoke to us:

-And you, guys, garbage подрядились throw, whether that?

I I heard his laughter and thought: "Talkative caught..."

-Yes, only bury, and not thrown away remarked Grisha.

-Yah? — surprised the taxi driver.

"Yeah, " confirmed Охромов.

-And do you need it? "the man asked.

"Yes, " replied Охромов.

Taxi driver shook his head and silent, focusing on the road.

I sat just behind the driver, looking at his лысеющую head and thought: "Now pulls the very with our three-rooms, Gad, and the Deposit will not give. How many times has this happened! Knows that pride Deposit of not asking, but if remind, answer that no trifles. on Saturdays, probably, beer crack with herring in some занюханной пивнухе on the "left" money, and even friends of the party treats. He, money free of charge. And пьянчужки him for it, certainly, is greatly revered. It is in your Board. And I wonder how much he earns in a day? The gold coin? Two?!"

I just wanted to crack this old, thick boar, brazenly and arrogantly talking with us, something weighty and serious in his bald forehead, that he knew who he was dealing with.

-Er, wait, overclocked! — Охромов всполошенно задергал taxi driver on the shoulder.

"What is it? "Mattie wrapped the his face with sagging бульдожьими щекамми, even from soft greenish backlight dashboard отсвечивающими unhealthy, purple spots blush.

The machine came to a screeching halt and clung to the side.

"What is it? — asked the driver after stopping.

-Turn slipped! What is what! — evil snapped Охромов. -Go here, you know! Ссдавай back now!

-You so immediately and said, " replied спокаиваясь driver, toggle switch transfer and looking pass us by the back window of the car.

-Come on, come on. Back and then to the right, he commanded the Охромов.

-On primer?! — asked the taxi driver, raising his eyebrows in astonishment and bulging eyes. The machine again put the brakes, driver turned away, not looking at us, said, — no guys I on primer't go вылазьте here if you need.

"What is it? Afraid of, then? — Охромов indignation jumped to the ceiling of the cabin.

-Why should I be frightened? — handed the man, looking at the blinking somewhere far to the right of the chain and veins of white, yellow and orange lights that could be guessed at home behind a large field окрайного microdistrict of the city.

-I don't know what can we was scared!

-You?! — carcass whole body turned to us, appraised Охромова, and then I their fish, watery, dull eyes and giggled. -You... hehehe... brother you-I'm not afraid! And not so соплякам neck мылил — happened!

He обперся its hefty ручищей on the backs of chairs and concluded:

-So вылазьте and not to speak!

In me all закипелло outraged. But I was perplexed, not knowing what to do. The audacity with which talked with us, the taxi driver, was возмутилельна and self-confident. Apparently, this ham had not received from anyone in the face.

Охромов choppers and позеленел anger. I've seen it compete desire to hit insolent and fear to get a response even more. It was evident that, and the taxi driver and he, conscious of his superiority and timidity of the enemy, smiling at us right in the face, still grinning with Golden crowns on several teeth.

Grisha, apparently, all the same order quailed and hesitated to strike. I, too, sat pretty attention, testing struggle inside desire and fear and sensing the nearness of minutes of shame. I wanted to, and could not make himself hit this broad face. Confusion suppressed my will. It would seem that is to hit him. We need only apply all the power to blow was devastating, for sure. But between desire and action, the imaginary and the real lay a huge gap, jump through which lacked determination.

Охромов chattered away a hand through his clothes, then climbed запазуху. He looked, though frightened, but some self-confidence. His eyes seemed to say: "Now, now, wait for me!"

Suddenly, his hand came something black dim поблескивающее in блеклом lights on the dashboard. In the gloom, I'm guessing the barrel of a gun. This was likely to be a Makarov pistol or something similar in design of a system. I have not had time to be surprised by this turn of events, I heard the command Охромова:

-Well, go on, you bastard, you say! Otherwise now you изрешечу!..

Охромов was very excited, and I, sitting next to me and felt his body trembling large nervous trembling. I was familiar with this condition. It comes a man with a strong excitation of the nervous system, when there is excessive energy expended nerves stands out through this small, but frequent reducing million subordinated muscle fibers of the body. Nothing good this tremor is not promised. It hampers the freedom of movements of the body, and along with that envelops the mind of a misty veil, which greatly inhibits the reaction. People calm, with strong nerves, constantly training our psyche, such stress-induced fever in extreme situations not знакоа. They completely control their actions, as well as in обячных conditions.

-Oh, you Murlo! Well, throw the gun! — the man reached out his hand Охромова, holding the gun, but he dismissed it further.

I said: go, where I say, not the шлепну! — repeated Охромов already a little more confident.

-Yes I love you now the шлепну, образина! — man shouted, grabbing my friend Breasts. He had to lean over her seat and easily find all the weight body on its back.

Taxi driver somehow fit his carcass in a relatively small space between the backrest and the ceiling of the cabin, and then leaned, leaned all his weight on Grisha. Struck up a fuss. I heard something fell with a dull thud on the rubber polik car. "Probably a gun!" — I thought.

Next to me in мелькающем the light of the headlights of passing cars fought two: my buddy and each school and toandwhich impudent, nowhere on our head grafted nахалюга-the taxi driver, big as a bear, kilograms per hundred, I guess. They fought, and I could not help because I don't know where and how to get to help a friend, not to be together with him подмятым under this carcass. General it all happened so quickly and unexpectedly that I still didn't really have time to realize that this is done.

Охромову obviously it was tight. The driver pressed his weight, trying to also grab the Гришкино throat, and took back from the roof of the machine, отего the глюкала steel sheet and went hopping up and down. All this I have watched very bad, because that's the point after another, the oncoming car covered beauty своимим headlights came full, blind darkness ниччего was not possible to make out. But only the eye began to distinguish something accustomed to this darkness, as appeared again counter or passing machine and cobbled my eyes.

Some time until I just could not comprehend that everything that happens next to me not a joke, that it seriously, that fight-it may have taken such a turn that is not for life and death. So I do not get involved in a fight. But soon I came to my senses, realizing suddenly, it will take one minute, and another, and the guy finally get Охромовым, and then take up and for me. And both of us will come natural, the real end. And to ask the taxi driver that he was going to do with Grisha, and then with me, was, at least, foolish and naive: "What, you ask it: -Uncle, and we will not kill? And of course he will answer: " No, my friends! On the ass now you настукаю, Yes to let you go Mamma!"

In General, whatever had ended in the victory of the fat man, even the fact that he took us to the police, us much good it did not promise. And therefore it was necessary to do something, because the victory now depended only on how quickly I start to act and what to do.

At some point I became quite intolerable terrifying. I was afraid that the taxi driver will not leave anyone of us alive. In my head are carried stupid thoughts: "can't be. I don't want to die! This can not be! As it is so. I had lived and suddenly — you... Yes because of what? Why? No, this can't be!" — and the hand already went through along the bottom of the compartment floor. Several times she hits in the darkness on the other hand, vainly looked up something at the bottom of the already not because this was the salvation, but because it was another movement, still life. Second Grisha were numbered. Several имолетных moments — and all...

I heard somewhere very close in the dark hoarse, choked my friend, but could do nothing to help him. I'm so probably, not fully understood, that everything that happens, not a dream, that this is not make-believe, and because mine hand obeyed me very badly. I moved as if in a movie with speeds frame: hand-looking for the gun with a kind of detached from all that is happening tranquility, carefully and thoroughly прощупывая inch by inch of the floor blending sometimes with a hand Охромова, which seize her cold and sweaty palm as if to crush the stranglehold tenacious in its death throes of the fingers. I could not even realize why I'm looking for this iron toy, like a machine that performs a given someone program, producing one and the same action. Can't it do something different for our salvation? Could probably stand...

Suddenly the door of the saloon opened, and in the car caught fire at the seat lighting. I first noticed this, and, looking up, saw a militiaman's cap, заглядывавшего in beauty. He glanced at me, then a few seconds watched дерущимися. The taxi driver by this time fully rolled into the backseat, and tried to now, sliding shoes, to find a foothold on the floor.

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