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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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-Well, well! Quantity, lot, and the quality...

The man ran in a notebook his hand, something touching there, in the middle of the stack, then said Охромову, showing the ties, which all this farm was перевязано:

"Well, untie!

I imagined now he will take the first got him a notebook, all равнокакую, because among them there is not one of those that need, opens it and sees that it is a synopsis of some of the cadet, and let a secret but nevertheless, it did not want him to open another, and the same thing there, third, fourth, and there all the same. Deception our opens with all frankness and arrogance. And then... Чтто will be then? I could not submit themselves, but felt that it would be something terrible.

There are moments in life that remembering them then, it is impossible to understand, what had happened, and how you managed to escape, when it seemed no hope of rescue, as миновла, as passed by a terrible danger ужасавшая once his despair and swiftness.

About people who come from such alterations say: "In the shirt was born!" "Kou destined to burn, he утопнет," — reads the wisdom of fatalism. I will not argue, насколко it is correct and competent, but in those fateful moment when death suddenly began to breathe in my face its appalling soul breathing, voice, out of nowhere, perhaps, from the depths of me, said to me: "Be still, nothing's happen, whatever happens!" And I unexpectedly for myself calmed down and watched reduce further with a view and a sense of impartial, непричастного and relaxing viewer. I knew I was now convinced that today these people do not Sogut me do anything that I could now no говоил and would not have done it.

What was it? Intuition, a sense of foreboding, born in the depths of the subconscious mind in motion secret life process in the brain, the decisive task with dozens of unknown quantities, connecting past, present, and future, to the life that flows in secret depths, bordering with nothingness and сверхъестеством things, where the will and consciousness of man is not in power to do something to solve. Only sometimes, in moments of most at risk, bursts out of there, like the eruption of the volcano's crater reach the surface of our consciousness and bring good or bad news that bring to the vibrant life that she'd already predetermined somewhere there, in the depths of the unknown. Apparently, in every sounds that faint voice called usually intuition, but for some, it louder, and other неиоверно deaf to his sounds and perhaps not hear him ever.

Perhaps it was the same intuition that to the village never talked to me, but maybe a suggestion some external mighty will of the standing over me behind my back and guarding fate, until not get bored or deny from the tragic dead-ends, until it reaches the person of the ultimate threshold of existence, the fatal inheritance that is destined to him not to stop in their lives location sponsors of him bodies.

Don't know what it was with me but I was calm and sure that you don't today will do me harm. This обостреное increased sense of confidence now, the moment of the highest, mortal danger, when the spirit of death have already been vital next. I acted like someone else's bidding, as a puppet on a screen puppet theatre, as the actor, who plays the role and knowing that after the show he will be oneself, another person, which do not relate to the danger and distress of his stage image.

-Well, what are you waiting for? Untie,I say!" — said the man, sitting on his haunches in front of our securities, referring to Охромову.

Poor Greg stood in a daze. He was unable to move from fear, and was probably considered himself a dead man walking.

-Grisha, do not pull the rubber! — I turned to him from the darkness. -Untie them. Only the link will they!

Greg looked at me aloof, as if seeing for the first time, then raised his eyebrows and, sitting down, began развязыват rope. It didn't give in, and then he began to frantically tear node teeth, clinging to him with my own hands like how fast it would unleash it, depended on his fate.

The man turned to me, carefully considering me for a few seconds, illuminating lamp. I stood this time with a quiet dignity, looking into the dark, where, in my opinion, were his eyes. He said, threateningly, stretching the words:

-I would in your place, keep quiet, guy!

"Why not?" — with a call voice if they didn't I was in the position of a rabbit before the lion, " I asked he. -We have done their job and teperь demand that the us paid the promised and you are here search.

-Pay-we'll pay! — the man said from the darkness — I already guessed that, among other he is here a senior. -But to make a fool of yourself h let. We are not going to take you a cat in a bag! First check that you us brought, and then, if perfect goods, then we will 'll pay, as promised and if not...

-As for "no"? That we do not trust?

-No, why not! But trust and verify!.. you know, I think this adage? That's the same!

At this time Охромов just finished suffer with the node. Despite his frenzy with which he has jumped on him, he was moving pretty slownabout. Freed from their bondage of notebooks spread in all directions, creating a bunch of.

-Well, here! said all the e voice, he времяодин reached my ears, like all the others were silent. -Right now we will see what you have brought!

Grisha with barely concealed horror staggered backward. I покащалсь that even one minute, and another and it ruins in a crazy flight, which невозожно will stop.

The leader picked up the first gripped notebook, opened it and stared at the text, trying to read биссер a ballpoint pen. In прыгающем and a blinking light it was quite difficult: light on the notebook is one of those who came with him from his back.

Охромов cringed as if in ожиданиии strike.

And then I saw that shall not be revealed to anyone from пристствующих. Seemed to me, or actually happened, but two hairy black paws, something similar to the human hands and feet of the huge cats, as if born to darkness arose from тмы and lay on the eyes to read. I've seen this so distinctly as everything happening around him. No one paid accomplished any attention, and they lay eyes bandit so real and seemingly that I was surprised that I'm the only one don't see them. It Blo like phenomenon night of ghosts, has decided to joke with people. And it was strange to me, why even those who dealt with these hands, feels their прикоснвения.

Just a few steps from me, so close and yet so unavailable far do something mysterious and otherworldly. Black , shaggy coat, glossy фосфорисцирующими play was so unnatural that I felt creepy and wrong from one of its kind. Where it was not, rough, wrinkled skin was black as pitch, Chern so that even the darkness of night, bottomless darkness of space and the abyss of the past seemed to lighten the skin. Before its black back any darkness. I tried to see the master of these hands, but he vanished into the night darkness, he was itself darkness himself darkness. I could see even those who stood in the deep shadows, and they are not dropped a single beam отсветов from the torch, but that's the one whom I tried to see, remained negligible, as I strained my sight.

I was wonder and I wonder why I was surprised, nor frightened when these limbs. As if expecting this. If such an occurrence has been commonly and even expected of me. No one else, neither Охромов, nor the one who touched these mysterious щумальца of иоткуда nor the other, standing around, didn't see it and not even suspected, it seemed to me that it is happening now. Major continued to read the text, if there was nothing except the lantern, jumping into the ROI his assistant. All the others stood around and waited for what he would say. Охромов still waiting for ежился imminent reckoning. And the only one I've seen these black hairy hands, playing in the terrible blindman's buff with a man. It was not clear what would happen. I knew now that I will be fine.

At this moment I caught myself on the thought that someone great, the mighty, and the terrible decided to help me окзать little service that emu probably worth nothing, and for me and my friend meant happy salvation. My heart was full of gratitude, which was mixed in it with zhutyu from visible. I was ready to in this moment give this supernatural power all I had for what it has come to help the mere mortal per minute deadly danger. I felt ready to love her the fact that she took part in the fate of such a small, imperceptible, a tiny creature as I, whose life compared with her fleeting fluttering butterfly-lived. I didn't know what to deserve such a favor, and even did not know who to give praise for the miraculous escape, but was ready now perform any of the will of that сверхъестества, who came to earth to save me from killing. Probably just had some рыжи th муравьишка-silly to thank me, when I поддел his wand out of the sea on dry place, as passed by the puddles in which he was sinking.

I have managed to zip the idea that pay for this little service I, apparently yet to be, whenheat me, because that I saw one, and then, it's been done to me...

-Excellent, great! exclaimed suddenly, the ringleader, who continued to sit on his lap and looking at the notebook. He slammed her, and in EBabout same instant bushy black ручищи dived somewhere in the darkness and disappeared without a trace.

A man rose from his squatting position, threw the notebook in a bunch of others and threw Охромову:

-Buns and throw in a trunk.

Охромов never understood not had time to recover himself, and not even knowing what to do, and what they will do with him and to me, instinctively stepped to the heap.

-Stop! Where to? "I called out to him.

Охромов stopped and looked at me, and I continued on, not from his impudence voice:

-No, tie and it will be you! We brought that required of us, all neatly connected. We have done their job, and the fact that you do not trust, so this is your personal. You had to check — you and tie everything back. Persuasion that we VM another, and Minister must, was not.

The leader looked at me evil, but confused, his eyes glowed with those lights, but I was not scared at all. I knew I felt that someone will not let him do anything with me, protect me in any moment of the evening and night.

-Do not be angry, I'm telling the truth. It is simple and clear. People get angry when they do not understand. You understand me. Let us our denьhi, we honestly earned. And you do with these securities all you want to. This is not our problem. Want — knit them want to — burn and we will return to where we are now supposed to be.

Man kept staring at me, but the malice in his eyes increasingly gave way to confusion. Apparently, by my sudden rudeness, what he clearly thought my behaviour, he speechless.

Finally, he had the power to pronounce, to squeeze out a few words. When addressing someone behind him, he said:

-Vasya go tie...

"That lucky us today Vasya!" — I thought.

Some guy in шляпевынырнул from the darkness, and reluctantly began to notebooks, collecting them in a pile, which collapsed.

-So, we are waiting earned! I ask to pay our work... Yes, I almost forgot. Let's играт honestly! I Grisha said you for delay in delivery and performance of the agreement intend to take some of the originally due amount. I advise not to do it, at least out of respect for myself. Pay us, please, as much as you promised in the beginning!

Leader of a gang, who had come for the goods, nothing nna answered me, though my words were undoubted impudence. Swing right in our Gregory position was unheard-of insolence, from which all present were right. He walked to the car and sat in the front seat. In the darkness broke out a match and lit up red светлячек cigarette, which he smoked. Usually in such situations, the bandits were not lost ever — and that they were criminals with experience, but still not one stints, I don't ссомневался the more that superiority in number and power was not on our Охромовым side, and kill us, kill us, they would not was easy. Pity us they could not, for the simple reason that in their everyday life of such words are not even there. But I was sure that I won't be nothing otherwise would not allow himself so openly be rude them straight in the face, and even in the Park, on wasteland outside the city, where, if пристукнут, they will find in the next century.

Охромов looked at was square eyes. To his surprise there was no limit. He could not понть, what actually happens and stunned, shocked gazed around. I came close to him and whispered in his ear, so no one heard:

-Grisha 't mind! All will be well!

Grisha looked at me as if I was not me, and some the cast and turned away in horror:

-Listen, you eyes burn!

-How to burn?! 't understand I his.

-Like a cat: green sparks in the dark glow. Such piercing, as Luh laser beat. Makes my heart sinks and stops as I can see. And the blood stops. What is it?

C'mon, " quipped I from Охромова, pretending to be offended at his words, as a stupid joke, and stepped aside. Actually сообщениебыло me very interesting, and I even wanted to quickly find the mirror to see if this really is something that tells me Grisha. "Might very well be that he is right!" "I thought about myself. And the most interesting to me was that no note of Grisha, nor my assumptions are not touched a single strings of my feelings, not dented serene emptiness, which I continued to feel inside yourself with the appearance of mysterious hairy paws, resembling a human hand, born of darkness. The soul was in a strange oblivion. As if she had anaesthesia, занасившую, заморозившую feelings. As if she ever left my body, раздвоилась, and the part that knows how to be scared, to suffer and generally feel that any flew somewhere in an unknown direction.

Come to me мужина, that was the leader came, my elbow and took ten paces away from the place where dealt with the books of his people. I looked him in the eyes, face, or rather in that place, where, I assume they had a lifeь because in the darkness I saw nothing. Now I knew from my eyes is a glow, green, bubbling up in the soul and pугающий suIanyone who sees this, light, and used that as it should be, without the triumph and without joy, without surprise, and without anything else, just with the calculation call it fear, as if was a long time ago familiar with the craft scare people. I saw in the eyes of the leader flashed little green lights, reflected from their iridescent shell languages MerzYuliving flame of a gas burner, and gave him plus at least for the fact that he has not trembled before this unexplained supernatural phenomenon at least outwardly.

-We'll pay you as much as promised in the beginning.. but there is one circumstance which I all need to discuss.

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