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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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All day money, several thousand big notes eating and rustled in my pocket, thus lulling conscience and worry about the other. Even in the morning, despite not the past fatigue and weakness, I found the strength to count them, will check again, not fake, and, wonder and authentication them, and the number again reached into the pocket. I was супербогат!

In the evening, when it became clear that Охромов not back the delay was more impossible, our замкомвзводу had to go to report to the battalion commander about his disappearance. He so should have been cool to go for it двенадцатичасовое concealment. He crossed over to the commander of a platoon, and together they hid in the office of the battalion. From there, they appeared quite a long time, and when they come out, both evil and some miserable at the same time, there one after another began to call duty battery, дневальных, squad, whose subordinate was Охромов, and his roommates. See who of them said that he had seen us in the night together, as we came out of the barracks, discussing something. And in General, all in the battery was known, we Grisha were the closest to each other friends, and who could better know where he disappeared, as not me. So soon in the office called me.

In the study, as in one of the many memorable evenings, I again waited three: замкомвзвод with the platoon commander and the commander. The commander was writing and not even raise his head, not noticing or unwilling to notice, that in office of someone came in. Commander sat on one of the oversight of the lateral wall of a room chairs, sadly, his head. He looked tired. Замкомвзвод stood right NEXm with him, p.Rислонившись to the wall.

Kombat, without ceasing to write, took left hand from his pants pocket for a cigarette and a lighter, lit it and he. The room became filled with cigarette smoke. He shot me a quick glance and again began to write, puffing a cigarette.

-Tell us. — he turned to me. — Where were you last night?! Where Охромов?!

I expected such questions, but still failed to seize him, and for a few seconds was going with the spirit, in preparation for the upcoming conversation.

I don't know, comrade senior Lieutenant. At night I was in the barracks.

-Really? — Лshoemakerн raised his eyes and looked at me, frowning.

-Exactly! — I felt something strange, обуревающее me, hardly transcended my spiritual forces temptation to confess, but he controlled himself: lie battalion commander was very dangerous, but recognition would mean the consequences of the still more terrible, if, in General, not the end of my military service.

-Well, look! summed up so brief interrogation combat. — Everything is clear! Therefore, in the night you were in the barracks. And where Охромов you don't know. And see you night not seen. So I realized?

-Yes so, is experiencing unpleasant chill, wandering along the back, with difficulty I got the words out lies.

"Hmm, strange... I Have, in fact, other information... Well, go yet.

I left the office. Commander during a call, never interfered and did not even raise his head to look at me.

The battery was at dinner, but I didn't catch up: there was no wish. After entering your empty room, I took out of my pocket money and began to them again, again automatically recalculated. Large bills quickly opRеделились into the impressive sum even for two this was more than enough.

Dividing money for two shots, Rovno in half, I put one of them Grisha, but from any other paid after dinner with all their creditors that were pleasantly surprised because already I ne 'd probably get your money back, I was once in debt.

Having heard about the fact that I pay debts, I was approached by those who held Grisha, asking me if I give money, occupied Охромовым. I didn't like it, because, as it seemed, they all realize. And, though I could and wanted to get even for Grishin bills, out of caution, I did that and answered such questions, that I Охромов did not answer, let it be calculated for their debts himself.

After I suddenly returned to the very last penny, in my share of money there are still a few thousand. And as was right my friend, to suffice with a vengeance to good good time after release from school. And even with chic carousing, when, as we had dreamed with him, will finally totally free from this crazy military system and can without any barriers and obstacles to devote themselves entirely to pleasure and plunged head first into the foam immense mass of revelry.

The share of Охромова was untouched, and I flashed an impure thought that it would be good if she got me an inheritance. Then I would become a real rich and lived in clover at least another year, walking and kutya, I only want. I tried to rid myself of these сволочные мыслишки, копошившиеся in my head, but they spun and whirled around, and around me, like annoying flies, even and загаживали my brain. However, it seems that work to ensure and went, what I унаследую part of his devoted friend.

In the evening, an hour after finally reported on the disappearance of the cadet, closer to mount, all officers not only batteries, but division were raised to his feet to start any search of the missing. Now a serious concern was spread to the whole battery. In the air smell trouble, and in the Alma mater immediately became restless. Alarm gathered all management school, urgently organized the headquarters of search and began to think of some activities.

I continued to torment twinge of conscience, that were now all with greater force. It was a real meal. How could I now think that because of my betrayal, cowardice and cowardice was gone, but it may be already died people, not just a stranger, my old friend, with whom we had a chance to survive and try even if it is our own stupidity and лихачеству, граничащему with the hottest adventurism. Of course, if I was guilty and the suffering of some distant me a man, it would be very unpleasant for me. And when I did so with one another, here my remorse and torments, was not a limit. However, now they have been in vain. Me and wanted to go to confess all over the deed to my commanders and, probably, I would have done, in the end, if remembered at least address where we were last night. I even, at least shoot me, not could say, what we findby then the quarter. And so, my statement would be useless for searching, but harmful and extremely dangerous not only for me but for Охромова, if he suddenly nothing happened, and he will be back in a day or alive and well. And there you are again, " you will, that having one meanness, I followed her to do, and second.

With nightfall, when heard the command "lights out", which is so rarely heard in recent times, and inwithe officers remained in the barracks, sitting in the office, jumping up and going somewhere, but then again returning, infinite anxiety and terrible longing seized me.

Empty bed Grisha in the next room not let me rest. Again I couldn't sleep and the second night spent already awake and thinking, thinking, thinking about something. My thoughts revolved all on thethe same vicious circles, and this carousel, there seemed to be no never no end or stop. I was mortified by the fact that the left Grisha with bandits left, though had to stay with him, that, in General, acted like a fool, and agreed evalue for them somewhere with the appointed meeting place, fearing that criminals won't pay us the money for the forgery, which we have committed, and, forgetting completely that Охромову could threaten from my compromise great danger also, if the bandits are not stupid, and they are not stupid at all.

Then I suddenly remembered the pleasant crunching of a few thousand in my poor, poor pocket, which had never seen or smelled such crazy money. And then tried to soothe, comfort yourself, fool flared up in me feelings, seduce their phenomenal wealth, suddenly fallen down on my head, and that will not get the more, the less will be contenders for his share in it, that is exactly twice, if I had to share with Охромовым. But barely calmed down, so Ihti immediately thought of myself as Grisha, and I was scared for the first SEBI if this really happened, and then again sorry for Охромова. Carousel made a full turn and went to the new circle. All over again. And again I whipped himself remorse, and then tried to soothe, to speak, to lull them that I could. Only now have I fall asleep and could not. Carousel this is the убыстряла, was slowing its rotation, but did not want to stop the axis of its rotation was the idea that, to save his hide, and besides, you are taking another big money, I left the man in the scum of society, capable and ready for anything. And this man was a friend of mine.

It was already three in the morning and she could not sleep on my разламывающуюся on the part of the head. From time to time in the room looked that one, another officer, checking, probably, everything is in place — although, of whom must it was in such a restless night to go somewhere? And then, and along the corridor sounded measured steps. This noise makes the barracks last crumbs of comfort, which is still теплился in her rooms. Clop boots of the night and blew the anguish of his constancy, like ходики hours, counting down the seconds flying mIMO a sleepless night.

Outfit standing today, loomed at a bedside table. Usually at night, not to sleep and stay in energy, but also not get tired of service, he was engaged in any nonsense, those who listened to music, playing tennis in the Lenin room, sliding along a few tables and putting partition instead of a grid of several volumes of collected works of the classics of Marxism-Leninism, who drove hard teas, вскипятив water in glasses with the help of an improvised heater razor blades, who, when he worked, he published a powerful buzz, as the tractor engine, sometimes seconds in a glass of huge blue spark short-circuit and, in General, acted like he's going to explode, at least as a nuclear bomb, and for all the cadets and called him MCAhtion word "бульбулятор", which gave complete and exhaustive description of this device.

Now, under the watchful eye of the commanders outfit couldn't afford from these pleasures. He left that represent on the nightstand in the middle of a long and narrow corridor hostel cheerful performance of services and Kwasi all night instead of somehow relax. So, that night, too, had not pleasant.

I was lying, fixing the eyes in the ceiling and sometimes when the steps sounded in the corridor as something special, hastily and fractional ежился under a blanket. I thought that now would be integrated into our room, and raise me, and go into the office to begin again inquiries. At such moments I felt suddenly that creepy want to sleep, and my eyes closed, but had only steps walk past sleep if he were not there, and once again I was lying in restless thinking, feeling already a fever and elevated temperature in the whole body from the fact that my body is already the second day did not know rest.

Remembering now day a conversation with command a battalion, I fear the thought almost confessed to him in everything. Whether it is a bit понастойчивее this time with your questions, and I'd certainly be fragmented. To lie and to stand on his own, should also have at least a small fortress of spirit and strength of will. Cowards do not lie big. They are interfering with your own fear, the idea that ate suddenly come exposure, then they'll be sorry. And only by reckless and arrogant people, daring the-his and solid in solving stand your ground, lying carelessly, not retreat even a step back, even if the facts speak against them, and because they often leave winners of those skirmishes are. And that is why can convince them of their opponents, that it was as they say, but not otherwise. If the opponent they can, of course, not harder nut to crack than themselves. I myself was a witness, as the most impudent and outright lies because of its hardness and reckless desperation than once won a soft, pliable, though fair truth. And, if so desperate вралей and catches up with some kind of punishment, it is strongly flavored, softened doubt, закрадывающимся soul допытывающегося it is through persistence of lies.

However, there are people for whom lie true flour: so great they influence their conscience on behaviour towards their past deeds. Such should not be taken to cheat. They are too fast and admit only create about yourself disagreeable impression, thus getting in great конфузию. For them it is easier to suffer the punishment for his misconduct, than to enjoy the fruits of his lies. This is hard to walk with impure conscience. But those who have conscience blind in both eyes, deaf in both ears and chrome on both legs, one must remember that the most important thing is to have a hot some courage to not waver even under the pressure of indisputable facts, and especially to be persistent, if such facts or have to prove, and in whatever was to stand on his own to the end. This is the only chance for them to allow them to leave the game winners. The only, but not to all available, so as not everyone can withstand torture lie.

So I lay there, still suffering угрызениI conscience and those painful thoughts that I have already described, was preparing for the upcoming me to the test. This occupation is, frankly speaking, it was not pleasant. Again and again заучивал I word by heart, as a first-grader poem version of his night's adventures, according to that which I have seen Охромова the last time licked out of a taxi in the center of the city. The difficulty was in the fact that the options for such a version was tempting to many, and one seemed to me another plausible and better. But to choose the you had one, and completely forgetting about the rest. The more that I had lied when I was called into the office of the battalion commander, and was best to stick to now this option, though he was not the best. Otherwise I was'll be sorry. If the commander suspected me in a lie, he, I think, would put every effort to bring me to clean water, and I think that it worked.

So passed this night: in an anguish of conscience, перемежавшихся with the expectations of questioning and зазубриванием his alibi. I couldn't sleep a wink until the morning. And when the Windows piercing black night white faded, faltered in his thick paint, and then, посерев, moved quickly in the pre-dawn light, same for any weather, the lead cool and foggy cloudy, regardless of whether the coming day, Sunny and serene, or over the city will hang high stratus clouds or low rainy clouds — I suddenly felt an irresistible heaviness in the swollen bags centuries, realized that deadly want to sleep and felt eyes shut themselves under the power mastered me sleep. When the gray paint bucket shone through the morning the first pink tones, heralding the good weather, I dropped off a strong and short sleep.

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