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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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I slept long. Someone touched my arm, and I, not even time as it should fall asleep, hardly opened one eye and saw low pitched me замкомвзвода.

-Get up! You battery commander calls! he said to me.

"What is it? I asked in a sleepy voice, although already woke up to a second two-three nobody touched me and not shook in, and you could feel in these moments as well just lie in bed.

I don't know! "replied he irritably. — Get up quick! He is waiting for you!

Most of all I like to fall asleep, staying in bed and not get up from it. Only now, after the night I felt, how beautiful my cadets bed. Withhow in the hher charms. And despite the fact that she was quite tough due to the gross spring grid, and not painted her iron tattered грядушки covered it was a drab, not the first freshness official linen on top of cotton, hard mattress, it seemed to me now the best beds in the world.

However, as neither wanted to sleep in and soak up and had to get up. Замкомвзвод was configured seriously and not going, apparently, leave me alone. His head ached from a sleepless night, rutoand his feet were like strangers and ached from exhaustion, but had to get up, time causing combat.

After sitting a little on the bed, to somehow myself after and come to himself, I got up and stumbled on an empty corridor through the whole barracks to the Chancellery of the battalion. I couldn't remember a single word from your version stubbornly заучивал all night, and was in such a state that Alo what thought and could наплести anything until that issue all clean, if only отвязались and gave me sleep. Maybe this combat intended.

In the office of the battalion smoke stood yoke. For his grey veil barely discern the contours of sitting at a table near a window into which брезжил dawn, Furrier. When I slowly asked permission to enter and took place in the middle of the room, he saw that what he thought and carefully as he stared into the glazed surface of the table, on which stood a crystal ashtray, over the brim full of cigarette butts and tobacco ash.

The commander raised his inflamed, burning feverish, red from fatigue and excitement eyes and tried to pierce me their tired eyes. On his face was marked tiredness and boredom. He put a cigarette in his mouth, half already скуренную he was holding, took a painfully squinted that he always did before with someone from subordinates long and difficult conversation. But this time, then he was more miserable than terrible. Cigarette was quenched, and, weary with an oath, the commander reached into his pocket for a cigarette lighter, again lighted it, frowned, and finally asked me:

-Well, as to where you were last night? again he frowned, as if swallowed something bitter, he pulled his fingers free hand by the throat and started squeezing it. Apparently, it had to hurt.

-Here, in the barracks...

Question caught me by surprise, and I felt that now I can talk, because I have no will to be unlocked until the end, and he should now ask позаковыристей...

-No, in the barracks you, comrade cadet, for once, was that night. You are out of the Dorm rooms together with your friend Охромовым, and then you nobody till dawn never seen.

True, comrade senior Lieutenant, I felt that I Wake up and little by little, we obtain desired to have this conversation form. Although I might after a sleepless night and left just a little, " I told you everything, as it was. Yes, I left the barracks together with Охромовым. But all! With him went no whither! He said that he had to visit one of his old friend. I stood with him near the entrance, talked and smoked a cigarette, and then parted. He went, and I returned to the barracks.

"Idiot! — I scolded myself. — What do you плетешь?! You're the same yesterday, not so very soon! Well, hold on now! Khan you, boy!"

The commander was, apparently, very tired, so paid no attention to such a significant difference from yesterday's my story, and continued to ask, Vedas some his line and, omitting from under the nose of my Frank miss the chance to score the decisive goal in my gate, pulled me over him like a Fox's tail out of the hole.

-Yes, very interesting, and what have you talked to him? — he again inhaled and released under the ceiling cloud of cigarette smoke.

"Oh, nothing...

-Very interesting! And about this "anything" you're talking to him almost until morning?! Tell me more, that you stood and tried to persuade him not to go in unsanctioned отлучку, kept from the evil action of his friend, telling him that he went no whither! And on their arguments and disputes with him you spent the whole night! Tell me that it was so! Yes?!

I was confused and stood with downcast eyes, no answer.

-Well, it don't you speak? So or not?!


-That the "no"?

-Not so.

-Well, what's wrong? Said or didn't say?

"Never, " I replied softly, trying to portray in his voice shame and remorse, if the commander decided to try me on the subject of military duty.

"Well, you see! — Лshoemakerн out his hand across the table, took a position on the other side of the thick book "regulations of the armed forces of the USSR", browsed through it for half a minute, NRимательно looking through the pages, then stopped and, turning a public place to me, continued. — But you have to responsibilities is written in thy duties of a soldier, in the duties of a soldier, you're still a cadet, and in his position приравниваешься to conscripts, now, in your duties says: "...not to allow yourself and keep comrades evil deeds".

He abruptly slammed the "Statutes..."and tossed the book back on the edge of Tola, where she lay again delayed, staring at me from the waist and continued to develop monologue:

"Well, suppose that bad deed you did not... let's Say... Though it is also under question. All right, suppose: not caught — not a thief. But why you did not perform their duties, the duties of a soldier? Because cadet is the same soldiers. You're not an officer. You're not an officer, although it may be already mnish themselves officer. You and act like a soldier. The behavior you in his psychology soldiers. How are you going to become an officer? — Лshoemakerн sneered. "You think, perhaps, that the exams will end soon, there edition, and will start another, new life! Yes?! Wrong! Life-the person is the one, and she new nothing can not be the. It only continues. I, honestly speaking, you, Yakovlev, here you exactly, officer and can not imagine.

-Why is this? I asked, trying to look on my face as much as possible the surprise. Actually I only wanted his monologue lasted longer and give it all to выговорился in him and he would not left forces for questioning.

To do so, — the commander smiled again, but now with a barely perceptible and barely visible sadness. His smile seemed to me more warm and welcoming, because nothing is not something that the officer even aboutwiththe military. Not a bit, and no капелюсеньки! I don't know, " he pushed back his chair, stood up, stood up from the table and paced up and down the office, I don't know what do you and like you, what do you yourself think. We were cadets... I don't tell that the gifts were not to say that the quiet was that AWOL is not running, it was all we have, but not to such an extent! We then at least some sense of responsibility was before commanders, before friends of his in the end. In AWOL we were not each and every day, as you're doing here, but only for especially needy. As to the dismissal too, happened, and by the month they were not allowed and even some two! You have no conscience, no consciousness, no responsibility, but it is simply no concept of military discipline. You, like kids are stupid, not wish to understand, that not in the kindergarten are, and learn in a closed institution with a limited access mode. But it is already here it is, the fourth course — tju-tju: over! And as you was a child, so they still are! Yes as you in troops go?! I can't imagine the horror! Because you through the month, and may, eighteen themselves will have to educate people, a soldier you will! And VAwith another consciousness at the level of the same soldier is!.. I don't know! You seem to not officers are going to be, not people who for twenty-five years must consciously give Homeland, education of their subordinates, primarily by personal example, that all these years must be tolerated, and is considered normal for a life in solitude, in some forest-tundra, where, in addition to military town, Yes, there's a military town — there are places where the entire region in a hundred versts two-three five-story building or two barracks stand, and all: neither the city nor village tens of kilometers not found! You from there AWOL't go? 't go! There is just nowhere to run!..." is that actually the army драпать! And so it is not released yet! How much money the state on training угрохало — have the duty to give! And дезертируешь — so get caught, go to jail... And the family will be? You're not you'll be all my life go blank? Not be! And his wife and children to feed? 't! In the town you work for the wife you will not find? You will not find! All places more or less decent will be full полканами and majors. Except that some грязненькую job can find where your wife soldiers will paw or have them dirty портянки, Yes pants обспусканные wash. And Yes, such a work, if you turn up happy. This is, of course, the wife of the commander of the regiment, the commander of a battalion will not go! Will your wife to work, because one лейтенантскую pay with family feet last. Yes there лейтенантскую! Now even the captain, though, at least for майорскую — family one, if the wife does not work, I can not feed! But she is so damn black job in any гарнизончике is, Laundry service, or worse — on the stokehold! And go thy will not go away, because his needs will make! And because of such doors can you be then large family disagreements and quarrels. You and that will have to endure, if a family save you please, for ten years, until the good posts дослужишься, and even more — here how подфартит in the service. Yes and if you put even the wife work at home make sit one is all one, lost, with the melancholy death spree anyway! And what had she done? You are at the service from morning to evening'll disappear, and хахали it always can be found! What to do in a military town, when no work, no entertainment, no other besides drinking on the weekends, Yes gadding about any day of the week, or rather under any night. The four walls of the sit — wrench одуреешь! You know that Baba get insane with boredom, become diseased? Her sexual activity increases! The energy of a young and spend it nowhere! Now through the STE case it exits. Except as еблю her this energy to do with the poor have nowhere to! In the villages the women withDuru though they sing songs, when not overly ймется without елды. And the military, in our town, podi, погорлань song dreary, while her husband to landfill or somewhere on a business trip! Not without the work of the same — a bad job, even worse. If the soldiers grabbed be — then it all through the anger go.

In General, one way or another, and not sugar alive, officers, anyway. Lieutenants all begin, and you, I know paws no no to you a warm place to find that the b in the city, Yes when normal people, culture or whatever. And it is good that area your will, cubicle, there, where to stay you can. And so, actually even hang, honestly, I tell you!

Here is how, for example, my friend, my one, my lad, after the release of the hit — no stake, no yard him in the regiment was not given — live like you want. Garrison in forest stands, close to even villages slightest no where could be some халупку for the family to withdraw. He and his wife went and live nowhere! Here and there, to the commanders of appeals, and he is no apartments, why wife pulled? Had to first one to arrive. And the garrison of the whole: one five-storey building hastily rebuilt: for staff. Others live in barracks, in which before the revolution the workers casual workers lived. That's it! And each apartment has three to four families live. What to do? Had been hanging around my buddy, had been hanging around, then said he did not come to the service until he angle will not find. Who is smarter than he was, earlier arrived hand appointment, sacrificing their holidays. And it's your послеучилищный vacation отгулял, as expected, and came to шапочному distinction. To you an apartment, you immediately roof over your head! As waiting there for you, Lieutenant!

Well, in the end, he declared, that will not work on the service until will not give him an apartment or corners, gave him каптерку battery. Well, what do you think? The "first time", so to speak, Dali. So he entire year there lived! And how I lived?! In the evening, with a genouxth go to sleep, and the soldiers at the door whispering, laughing, and then the door starts to knock, "joke". He's out the door POPs up, only his trousers have time to zip up, they're alone. Only the neighing throughout the barracks worth it. Well, he picked up a battery after that time, another time, and then? What kind of a person will stand against him so much, and he alone must to beat them. Let it even and his subjectnnye. But if they are not respected, with them, it'll do nothing. Here he is, after all, and broken. And battalion commander complain because as a young officers learn laugh at his raise. And one cannot change anything in life. So he suffered a year. His soldiers to ain that he was almost on its knees asked them, that they took pity on him. Did they spare? They each other do not spare, and if you can make fun of an officer, then certainly зверствовать will. Baba too quiet caught — not from шумливых. So the matter before realized that one of the soldiers поборзее was almost on the bed with my boyfriend, went to his wife. He fought with the most наглецами that is just not done, all the same, were not behind him. However, after a year housed him in a two-bedroom apartment, yet with two families in each room family. But it's all the same Luhmore than fighting every night with the soldiers. He was so glad that almost up to the ceiling jumped rejoiced with her luck. This apartment, that Imperial mansion seemed. However, this "казарменная life" has not passed DL him in vain: he then long impotence suffered and couldn't recover: got it in that cursed the gun shook the store-room. And the wife remained frigid. That's it! Vacation complained to me somehow. And the commanders of the year was happening, he was mocked by the soldiers, no one knows, not even his commander. Wife wanted some time, go complain to the commander of the regiment, Yes he had said: said, why do you go there, for shame? Didn't go to it even once. Yes it is true! Does she regiment commander did not help, and the people had learned so accurately to the laughter would have raised. They, our people, especially women, that if only the subject of gossip for find, what лясо поточить!

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