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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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My mother taught me some tricks bureaucratic tricks. For example, to not interested in where my father, and who he was at all, I filled count in the questionnaires of the "father" of the family does not live. And a black spot, портившее my biography, floated somewhere in the depths, in the personal Affairs, dust archives, not surfacing on the surface.

After Suvorov school me without exams took in "артягу"where the citizen was a big competition. Cadets and soldiers with parts were out of this contest, by a regulation. So after the end of the Suvorov military school I just "moved" to further training in higher military school.

Long ago I finished a gallant Suvorov military school, and this remained уиться just nothing. For a long time already my life is little interest in mother and I did not care about her problems. Letters to each other, we wrote very rarely, I mostly asked for her money, and she complained to me that become unbearably expensive to live, and, unfortunately, she could not help me. Share something more intimate with her I had no desire to.

I have long had their own passions and interests, which accounted for somewhere to find means. Together with her boyfriend,Gris шкой Охромовым, we indulged in the fun and entertainment, and do it often. I already knew women and that this is an expensive pleasure. Study at the College and military career interested me since. The main question was, where would get some money for a beautiful life.

We had since Grisha your favorite пивбарчик, so imagine пивбарчик, in General, nothing special, the IEO we loved to sit, draw beer. The bartender here was the good guy, almost not diluted, not "бодяжил" beer and cheated not by much. In addition, there were довольноо sweetheart furnished, cozy interior, was always a good campaign, and familiar our girls loved to sit here. So often we were sitting here in the campaign of gay friends, jokes, expensive cigarettes smoked, drank beer with cancers or таранькой, sometimes cognac with chocolate day long, when they "otmazatsya from the presence in the school.

Money melted as snow, hardly had time to appear. They flew, like paper, carried away by a wind, and, if earlier, at the initial courses, I am able to save and to accumulate, now suddenly расстрачивал and the little that gave the state in the form of a meager cadets ' pay, and in addition got a huge, just фанатстический by the standards of cadets ' life of the debt by borrowing money on booze through Grisha of his friend from behind the fence, and now, by the end of school, didn't know how to pay.

Money allowances for the student was miserable, исчислявшееся several пятирублевками, and the remittances occasionally still sent me a mother, seemed to be mocking ridiculous and pitiful. Even the first officer's pay, which had us to pay immediately upon graduation, could not correct the situation, and do not cover the tenth part of my debt, which continued to grow. Besides срабатывавшие my brakes, now suddenly, from the understanding that I won't be able to pay off the lender refused, and I carried the slope. I took so much money was given, and they immediately come to an end.

In school, many stopped me take another half a year before release, but I still кажджый times found another guy and held it next two-three hundred, promising every time pay to release from school. Held and spent held and spent it. Girls, bars, restaurants, taxi... I could not find himself. I could not myself believe sometimes that I can behave in a way with people and with money.

Not the best situation was and Грши. He's screwed well as thoroughly as I, and was in debt, QC in silks. He has acted and the guarantor to our main зазаборным lender, which I knew not. The bulk of the money, which numbered in the thousands, we had him. So sometimes the money a few hundred, who managed to take in school, we gave him, as if partially paying, and then held three times more.

No one and nothing could stop our транжирства. We like crazy in the absorption of any pleasures, as if in front of us waiting for the last day of Pompeii. We lived as if before his death, being sprayed right and left.

Meanwhile our lenders began in earnest to worry. Increasingly, the school day resembled endless series of meetings with раздасадованными cadets, who demanded the money back. Some of them, having despaired to wait and слушить our vague promises and отбрехи, who even threatened with reprisals, who by the court. Our зазаборный main creditor, too, became a pressing appropriations for our amusement, we have become accustomed. The situation became increasingly serious and required an immediate solution. Нужноо was urgently take something big and scary, maybe even a criminal...

Saturday we decided to go with Grisha sit in our favorite pub. Dressed in the apartment of a friend of an old woman. Who lived near the school and received from us a small fee for storage of things and inconvenience that we deliver, we went out in civilian dress in the city. As usual, we call one of the girls agreed and where to meet and waited at the appointed place, until the coming merry campaign. However, at this time Grisha offered no one to call and no one to take. To my surprised question: "Why?" he answered:

-Have a serious conversation. Well, you know what I mean?

"And where shall we speak? I inquired, starting пониматья that our endless fun comes to an end.

Where into usual.

Twenty minutes after we arrived we got to the city centre and напправились towards cosy пивбарчика where loved to sit. Cafes, bars, restaurants here was натыкано each ддруге. One upstairs, other, in the basements here. It was хлебосрольная Ukraine. In Russia this was not, and lately I've always, when he came in the cadets ' vacation, quickly rushed back into this blessed city, a small, intimate, but stuffed with bars and cafes, as if here харчевались visitors from all over the world.

Sitting campaign and without much money was so sad. So his heart was evil. The weather was becoming mood. Overcast sky, scowling lead clouds, drizzled small, nasty rain on our bare heads. Not summer-cool wind выдувал of the body residue heat, poured in the face water drizzle, climbed under jacket tossed over the nylon shirt, light and not the tea. The feeling was that you in the clothes put under a cold shower. Inside, everything seemed to be frozen, and was the desire to hide somewhere from the weather.

The same feeling I felt, perhaps, and Ukraine. We выглыдели. Perhaps, as two thieves the gloomy behavior, and passers-by fearful glances at us.

We got to the bar, it was almost wet. Wanted to go inside the warmth of his beer подвальчика. At the door of the staircase, descended down into the basement, a few people stood under a canopy and, talking, Smoking. We squeezed past them into the entrance.

Sitting down for their favourite table in the corner of Tolstogo moraine oak surface of the cover of which was polished to a Shine sleeves and circles, drowning in the shadows and a cozy warm bar, we are happy to facilitate sighed is reached.

Grisha went to the reception, where there was already a few people in the queue waiting for beer, тараньки, crayfish and hot sausages, and meanwhile I watched the audience, gathered under the vaulted ceilings of the bar. When you sit in the company of girls, to do this once. And now... I was one.

The audience, mostly gathered decently dressed, what, in General, met here permanently. But in one corner, dirty, забросанным remains of fish and filled puddles of beer table sat an old woman in a headscarf, in the dirty quilted jacket. The old lady was little, posts dwarf. Her hands barely hold out to the edge of the table. Полулитровая circle, from which she saw, was the size of almost from her head. I call it seemed that the old woman is going to dive into his mug. She drank beer, letting his head deep inside her, and зажмуривалась pleasure, not paying any attention to anybody. It's there, nobody paid attention. Even the waitress, заматерелая babenka age sunset youth, ругающаяся foul language is not worse than any man, not coming to her table and even are going to leave. In passing, as if it never existed. To the lonely old woman there was nobody except me.

In a vaulted niche is housed разудалая campaign, settling for a large oak table. From there came the cries, mats, breaking through the General hubbub. There happily together rang mugs, shot in the twilight of someone's hands, someone would get up, he was immediately put in place. At another table, silently exchanging words, sat four older man. They smoked сигаретками, and it looks like игралив game of cards, sucking beer from our mugs. To him a few times and came waitress, something loudly said, but they brushed aside from her hands.

Even a few tables occupied two or three regulars institutions. The waitress today was, apparently, not in the spirit, and do not have time, and was not in a hurry to clean the tables empty mugs, remains рыбыпленку with sausages, cancer armor, and all that was thrown at them unattractive in clumps.

At our table too, someone has already managed to sit. I wiped garbage into the empty Cup and pushed the dish on the far corner to less spoil the mood.

Under semi-circular arches потола sailed gray clouds of dense tobacco smoke, which continually surfaced lights under the retro covering the hall bar, faint, pleasant light, проникавшим through the frosted yellow glass, stuck in curly iron frame made under the antique gas lamps. These lamps, but still edgy, tables and vaulted ceilings and betrayed such a cute charm of this establishment, created the unique atmosphere which is so attracted to her. It seemed. This bar there are several centuries. It's like wandering shadows of the past centuries, and even Peter himself first, lost with пьяну in this city long time ago three bags of gold, or going to, or returning from the battle of Poltava.

There really was something of a medieval tavern. And only the electric light, оббитая red дермантином hour front of the barman with high stools for подсидки, Yes he, standing behind her in the white starched shirt with a black tie, returned to the present, from which I wanted to run away. Even here, in the bar was freer soul than on the street, обвешанной red flags and banners with silly slogans. I wanted to run away from communism, and the bar was such an outlet, which created the illusion of an escape into another world.

Sit around me already rather tired, and when I finally returned Grisha, carrying шеть mugs of beer.

-Go. Take the front two plates with sausages and fish, he threw me on the run, trying not to spill beer mugs.

-And hermit? I asked, surprised.

-Be enough! The pasterns are tight.

I went to the counter, took тареки apart толпящуюся in очередди the brethren, and went back to the table. Only now I felt a wild hunger and wanted to swallow all the sausages again.

"You took a little? again I asked his дружк, sitting opposite him. "I'm fucking hungry.

-You are right — thinking a bit, he said. You will then take another.

-Then, then, " said I, " you're always right you can't think.

-If you're so smart, he would go and take it, " answered Gregory.

I stopped, realizing that in my pocket is virtually empty. Then, makes peace (it would be because of what the fuss), we began to destroy the обещеки sausages, and when there was one RAM, turned our attention.

-I have serious talk to you, ' said Grigory, отхлбывая beer.

I have already said so, " I replied, " I am all attention.

-Listen, even sausages want to suddenly confessed Grisha. — Have you got the money, even a little?

"Yes, " I took from his pocket a piece of gold — but that is all I have left. And that you have not? I stared at Охромова, trying to read the answer in his face. -Now I see why you took so little sausages. Why didn't you say so, I'd added.

I don't know, I thought that was enough, " replied Greg.

He took my top ten and went back into the queue. Ten minutes later he returned with a whole mountain Smoking of sausages and four beer mugs.

Now, from here and you have no money, — commented as he seated himself opposite to me. — Now we Wallpaper no money.

"What is it? — not I understood.

-Your gold pieces no, with some strange Schadenfreude he explained to me.

-So what now? In school piashko драпом go back, — I said, munching sausage and squeezed her cold beer.

But the fact that we're both crazy debt, and in the pocket — shish, a penny, understand?

-It is clear. You say that, though I don't know. America through the window you want to open!

-What kind of America, damn it, damn it? You what? Issue on the nose. Us creditors to the wall shaking. Something must be done. Besides, our principal debts I am responsible. I pledged that we give money, you and I, before very influential in the city of man. And if you think that will give us уехатьь just so, you are mistaken. I sure. I don't want no trouble.

"Me too, " I said, feeling the настронение, which has started to rise, falls again.

"Then we must get money and отдатьь debts.

-But how? — I was surprised. — That go kill someone, Rob? I do not know how. Yes we're still in jail and serve. Besides to kill someone and Rob, you need to know someone who have money.

-Nobody should kill him, " winced dissatisfied with Grisha. — I have in mind one sentence. The case is clean, no noise, no blood. And, in General, ways to earn a lot of money, it would wish.

The talk I did not like. But, on the other hand, I myself have long puzzled over how to get money and рассчитатьс debts.

Feeling bad, I asked him:

-What is this thing like that, I would like to know, and who you suggested?

My question Grisha only mysteriously and sadly smiled, and then began to silently absorb sausages and drinking beer.

-The catcher and the beast runs, you know that? "he asked.

-What do you mean?

-And what can you offer me? What can you take to repay the debt, at least his debt? Nothing and say I want only what I need money, and I was asked to do so. Who? Let you not to care about it. I should keep my mouth shut, and told you all just because surety for thy debt, and therefore constantly think of how we pay for. So I want to offer you participation. Understood?

"I know, but what then? Tell me.

-First, you must tell me, do you agree to take part in this matter, or not? Tell you, that, if we succeed, we, or I earn that much money that we can pay off with all debts, Yes, there will be a few cool ones on vacation. As you look at it? We celebrated together, walked together, проматывали together money. Now I want us together earn them together to risk it.

-You said that the money are going to get without any risk. And now want us together, as you say, dare?

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