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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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And here is another of my friend settled on arrival in the room bachelor's hostel. He spent whole days in the service of disappears, only for lunch sometimes bounds into: decided guy service to start, as expected, but for the first time firmly повкалывать need, by the way, to show yourself, what is called, sometimes at night not to sleep even. In outfits too — after a day on the strap, as everywhere. And OK all went: tolerate, hopes that it will take a year and a half such a life, you see, it комбаты nominated, and live it better. And then accidentally discovers that his wife during this time, almost all the hostel переспало: there are some bachelors live, he was the only one poor guy caught him, agreed with his wife to live, instead of looking for an apartment from the headstock some for полполучки. Like Louhbetter to have it to the family more money left. And it turned out as its economy! He paid for her, and with a vengeance! However, if Baba-streetwalker, it is everywhere yourself кобелиный end avenge! So it could be even better, so it quickly became clear. Yes. And how did he know? 'd never have guessed, told me if he colleague-bachelor quarrel with hot't blurted out. He to his wife: "However, — he asks, — you or not?!" and she said to him: "No, you, every забулдыгам believe?" Well, the wife is more trusted than насмешникам. Yes hurt them, scoffers, then suspiciously lot was. Thought evil, because they are envious that his wife is so beautiful. Well, Baba his will more and more become soldiers погуливать, Yes перепихиваться. Before остервенела, in the end, that he, my friend peasant soldiers in envelope sent pictures where they have it on a rubbish dump in various poses. She is there, in those pictures, and in the mouth takes, and what abominations does not. That's it! Well? He drove her then. And she was home. There restaurants, bars пошлялась, rubbed six months. Before came that her parents kicked out of the house, his father-in-law mother-in-law. And he told her, the fool, the divorce does not independent: whether loves, or a rag. She then returned to him, lied about the job just, among other things, that straightened up, bitch. And she does not say how many abortions during these six months did. He believed her. By that time and got an apartment with shared bedroom, with a second family to the truth. And went again merry life: in the evening, at ten or eleven come home tired, hungry and goes wife garrison get, from any campaign or bed. She it on "fuck it" frankly sends it, and he's drooling dissolved: "Go home!" So he still lives: bloat the sky, and family, his home and no. What a home?..

Kombat stopped at the table, knocked down in an ashtray, which fell over the edge butts, another "Bychok", immediately pulled out and засмолил another cigarette as if without it could not breathe again began to walk the short space from the door where I was standing, leaning back, so as not to interfere with his прогуливанию, to the table, where he shook the ashes in a bunch of cigarette butts, and back.

I have long noticed that the talk went somewhere else. It always happens when people speak, as if speaking aloud, developing monologue: it is very difficult to resist the temptation to expand the circle of themes, and, in the end, he is lost, leaves from under his feet, as the soil in a landslide. Thoughts go somewhere to the side, and he begins to wander in a chaotic during his thinking.

-Such businesses, again spoke commander after some thought.

me he now seemed much older than before, and it's just four years earlier graduated from the same school. His thoughts presented to me were trustworthythus man whose entire life behind. "Is it so состарила service?" I thought to myself and I was horrified his discovery.

-Of course, one can say that all these are isolated cases that all mostly live well! — he looked at me. — Not good, not good live. And you can say who. This Junior officers, i.e. you that tomorrow will receive officer shoulder straps and shoot курсантскую form. Very few are those who would say that he is all right, all right. Of course, there are optimists who on the moon will be good. But I will not take. And even arrogant. Such is also lacking. I'm talking about normal people say that if it is bad, then say what is wrong, and if it is good, then say what is good. Place under the sun for you — a tiny piece and at all desire can't all fit. The generals also the sons of lieutenants start. This warm places and reserved. And all the rest who without protege in the army, those two cart-horses, on which all our army and holding on.

He looked at me again, but strangely, as if only now saw that it is only woke up from a bad dream. Walked to the table, sat down at his place. But, apparently, he now realized that too has opened the heart with me, and the talk went too far. And, to return to the previous topic of conversation, asked:

-Where do you побежиnil? Yeah... So you say that I didn't went to a cadet Охромовым?

Apparently, the conversation was returning to its former course, and thought with regret, that my expectations were not justified.

-...and did not stop it? Yes-Ah, poor officer you get, Yakovlev. You're four years in the military, the military school, which prepares you for the future of hard service, but nothing like what you want to be an officer. Still acting like a kid: no sense of duty or responsibility whatsoever. That you will, when you become an officer — I'll never know! Тяготишься you the service you do not love you... But, however, it seems that we digress... So Охромов left and you went to the barracks. Who saw it? On-duty battery says that haven't seen you all night.

"But, comrade senior Lieutenant, I'm not obliged to report to duty battery and I, behold, there came, on a place, — parried I придирку, conjuring crook, so it just suddenly remembered that I spoke to him last night. For the time spent or lost command a battalion on his monologue, I have added confidence that he will not achieve anything. "Now I will be unlocked until the very end!" I thought to myself.

-Why it is not obliged? "asked the commander. In this book, and he tapped his hand out, "Statutes of the armed forces of the USSR", — it is written that during the absence of the officers on duty battery is the direct chief of all are in the soldiers and sergeants, as well it belongs to you. Therefore, you have him cadet Yakovlev, must obey the same way as all other, that we have not done. Means leaving the barracks, you had to warn the person on duty that for a few minutes out you understand? And then, that he knew, tell him on arrival, that you came. He should know how many people are in the barracks. Therefore, because thou hast not warned it is your fault. You never did, so the fact that you have not seen on duty all night, and would mean that you all night in the barracks was not. So where have you been?

Combat long and intently watching me expecting that I will answer. But I kept silent and then he said, apparently concluding the conversation, trying to highlight each word:

-Well, comrade cadet! I see with you is useless to say. Like you lost to the army, I wonder why you ever went to a military school. Why? After all, voluntarily went. To suffer, then life in the service? I see absolutely sense to let you out of school. I had my way, I would have you deducted. But, unfortunately, this now can be done only by the Minister of defence.

-Chairman of the state examination Commission can? I asked, challenging the battalion commander. I was tired that he chastises me, as a boy, as a freshman, while I studied in the walls of this "zadroty", as we called it, four years, four long years, leaving in караулах and all kinds of costumes, a lot of his health, when the end of the school remained only on a week, maybe less. Just me and without him knew firmly enough that even if I wanted to, I would never expelled: too much money spent state on my training, so just let me go. Now they had to serve, that is, to give back to the Homeland as a military duties in the twenty-five years. We had to spend those years, the color of life in the far not the best locations, where it was pleasing to throw you the fate of the Ministry of defence and the General staff.

Combat all kept looking at me and looked up expectantly. But now he was confused, because he does not expect me to be such an issue.

-Do you want to be dropouts from school, when you until the end and graduation, have nothing, a few days? he asked now a completely different tone.

-Yes, I'm tired of listening to your notation and, I confess you honestly, I really deeply disgusted with the service.

Face the battalion fell in amazement.

So I ask you, comrade senior Lieutenant, can I be expelled from the number of cadets Chairman of the state examination Commission?

-Yes, he is endowed with extraordinary powers, " replied Лshoemakerн, though his voice got stronger and became a bit more confident. However, I did not doubt that he had made a point, in its discretion to expel persons unworthy for the further service, if he deems it necessary...

He stopped once, and I thought to myself, probably, too, that he "...but he will do it!"

-...okay, go yet. Perhaps you'll be expelled, I'll report your statement above. And I think that the issue of the impossibility of your further stay in the armed forces solved positively, especially if there won't be Охромов. Do you think that disappeared cadet, and it all will stay to get away with it? No, you are wrong, comrade cadet. Drag-and-so, of course, likely to be me, but I will do my best to you and engaged, as it should be! You as the nearest friend, and perhaps a witness. Well, me — God himself commanded, because I have this balbes battery commander. Seems to me that, Yakovlev, " I can do nothing for it, unfortunately prove that you know where your friend, and what happened to him. Know and silent! And if you was a little more serious in life, he already could probably help...

"Why is it me will carry? — indignant, but refrained from reporting him about myself too I.

-And what do you think? What did you want, stay away? So it is all the more strange, don't you think?

-Who can prove that we Охромовым were friends? — I asked him. — If I want to, to me not concernedtoor, and I will say that Охромовым me no ties. That's all!

-Yes no you're wrong, not all! We have in the school a special Department called. Thank God, that you with it did not face. Now, in this very special Department are some guys who know everything about everyone, you know? To him we have not addressed — time is not ripe. But when it becomes clear that the problem has gone too far, and the cadet Охромов not get, not drinking any шмары, but for me it is, for example, it is already clear that the command of the school at the request of the commander of a battalion to ask for help to him. And although it is not their specifics, but I think that they will not fail us in search of the lost sheep. But who knows, maybe for a special Department it will be interesting, where and why disappeared cadet, five minutes graduate officer. That's it! Now, really, that is all!

I stood and looked at him, trying not to show my emotion. Actually I'm all shook from a single mention of this organization. About it as I quite forgot.

Kombat also silent and watching me, but now as something vague and mysterious. At times it seemed to me that he not only all guesses and he knows all very reliably and he almost did not present and never was in our deal.

-A lot of you I drank blood, a lot. Well, nothing, " he continued, stretching himself wearily and ingesting cigarette smoke — I in the long stay, comes my turn, all those who drank my blood, I'll not leave, I will not forget. Okay, go, comrade cadet. You I don't want to say, but because we will talk with you not now and not here, but in another time and in another place and in a completely different way.

I walked out of the office. It was early morning. Before lifting it was time to sleep, " I thought, because I felt again the stone fatigue, навалившуюся on my body. The soul I it was a chore. I couldn't understand their feelings, wandering about inside of me, as the blind.

I went through the corridor on the sleeping barracks and was already anticipating, as now fall on the bed and a little поваляюсь, but suddenly I heard behind me as orderly shouted command: "Battery, get up!"

I felt powerless rage. I wanted to kick this idiot Скорняку, because he промучил me as specifically to the rise. With me almost became hysterical, but I contained myself somehow, and then walked off, along with all of the exercises, which symbolically, but still had the place to be with us, almost officers. I had only one desire: to fall somewhere so that nobody touched me, and sleep, forget a dead sleep.

Chapter 24.

The whole day I walked as the plague. Yes Breakfast sleep failed: all the officers were in place and strictly controlled departure of the self-platoons in full. I hoped that at least there is something I will sleep for this sleepless night. But someone like chastised me: a day in the classroom sat the commander of a platoon and not go away anywhere, even for an hour. And hardly my head was too low to the abstract, as he окликал me, and I had to get up and make excuses, saying that I wasn't dreaming.

To top it all about eleven o'clock, I was summoned to the commander of the division. Had to go, and I felt like falling asleep on the go.

Squadron leader long hypnotize me moving their black splayed буденовскими moustache and watching some silly looking, but cunning and treacherous actually look in her black slightly косоватых eye and then asked:

-Well! What?!

Only this and said, but so expressive like I already got red-handed and the question of my guilt was finally resolved, and I now stood almost before a military Tribunal, and he was a juror. Is it "well" sounded like "That was caught?! With good reason!"

I didn't know him to answer. Intonation of his voice was such that it was necessary either immediately confess, almost repent, begging for mercy, though already read the sentence about the execution, or to be silent, like a fish, typing in the mouth water. Indeed, it was like a verdict and not a question. And he sounded accordingly, like a pistol shot: right and разяще. Here either miss or hole with a fist. Squadron leader hoped that got to the hole, but the hole was from the bagel: I was silent, preferring the second path, and this meant, he is perfectly understood, complete defeat, despite his angry look.

I stood in the midst of his Cabinet, and he continued to hypnotize me.

-Well, let's hear it! finally he offered me, but the tone of his voice became softer, you can say the conciliation.

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