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Armageddon Of The Lucifer

31.08.2018 — 31.08.2018
Mother Earth underwent terrible invasion. The terrible Empire of stelzan brought down the overwhelming power on a fragile blue sphere, and heavy chains of slavery, appear, forever held down all mankind. But the guerrilla movement without watching total terror, is not going to lay down arms. Lev Eraskander, and a small group of persons developing in themselves paranormal abilities became new hope of resistance. The challenge of space tyranny is thrown down. The way to a victory is difficult and long. Film!
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— It is not necessary. This primitive tribe. Now will be as in a video cyber they will take us for gods and will come a solemn procession. — Dashingly spoke it is sure. Especially as to it it was already necessary let and to look through the squeezed look a virtualka, behavior among primitive races. Become god and then you will win.

— Or perhaps will consider for demons, and will drag on a fire. Here tell better as far as we will have enough charges? — Vladimir was seriously disturbed.

— I do not know, we did not recharge them long ago. Approximately I suspect average fight on twenty kilikul, on a power maximum fight is twice less. — Said Dashingly, nervously turning the radiator.

— Though it is more than an hour if to transfer to terrestrial time, we specifically were stuck! — It was expressed Tigers. — To seem weak cunning, the weakling to be real — idiocy!

Dashingly automatically lifted at first one, then to the friend a leg and without having understood allegory objected:

— While not, you are mistaken, soil perfectly holds us on a surface.

— It figuratively. — Vladimir sometimes marveled to what these beings for a fraction of a second taking a root from twenty-place number happen stupid.

— It is clear your human slang. At us happens similar, a peculiar slang especially on the periphery too. — Malchishka-stelzan did not refrain from boasting, however without having exaggerated also on a photon. — You represent what huge power at us, from one edge to another light goes one million cycles.

— Yes! It if to raze To the ground, he for a second of 8 times runs all over it. — Without shadow of envy Vladimir answered.

— We have almost identical seconds, too calculation for blow of quiet heart, here only other cycles decimal similar to your hours, minutes. People of Earth, why all of you so complicate? Passed to number of fingers of hands and legs, it is so natural! — Dashingly threw to Vladimir the nutritious ampoule taken because of a belt, a form as a cube, of the size of the Greek nutlet. — Take, it very much is necessary to you!

— Because we had many countries and the people. I think better to go to them to a meeting if we run away, it will only inspire persecutors. — The ampoule itself with an easy tickling was soaked up in a palm. On a hand began to spread warm and pleasant, gradually passing to a body. Dashingly having caught an eye of Vladimir explained:

— Mix of amino acids and bio-annabolikov, after recent modernization is necessary for you. It seems you managed to remake completely before attack of the unknown enemy. So in any case — transformation hundred percent was declared by the medical hyper plasma computer.

The boy once again looked back, the neck at him rotated and bent at any angle as if at a gutta-percha doll. Probably it all was solved:

— Of course, we will go to a meeting. Let's cut to reptiles that parody our race.

They got out to a footpath and vigorously walked in that party where domes were seen. Soon, as expected, both came to the wide road. Knock of hoofs and sounds of a fighting horn was heard. On a meeting the whole cavalcade of terrible riders took off. Here they were the whole army, many on horses, others on deer, and here unicorns was only two, and sat on them, judging by rich furniture it, there were notable grandees. Deer were very large with three branches of horns, and six hoofs, on them tyazhelobronirovanny knights were piled up. The part had a brilliant armor, part black, other armor coal-black ominous against horned helmets and predatory emblems at all. And here horses were quite terrestrial beautiful harmonous, on them soldiers with light weapons, at the majority arbalests and onions jumped in gallop. Of course, easy soldiers made the four fifth group. And all there were more than five hundred riders here. Besides them in the tail three fatties in magnificent red cloaks, on immoderately the fattened gray goats trudged. Riders did not pay to children attention, well for them barefoot ragamuffins. At Dashingly magnetic space sandalik evaporated in hyper plasma, and Tigers was almost naked, after a pressure chamber. Riders just could wear out them, even without having warned. Mini-Stelzan accustomed to shoot at first, and only then to think cut on knights a light beam. Cut deer on part, animals were slaughtered in convulsions. Some knights fell, to someone cut or broke legs. Vladimir opened fire movable by rather nervous excitement too, than to cold calculations. The group was scattered, easy soldiers came off horses, many, having even laid down arms, ran away.

— It turned out to be afraid these savages of us. Everyone stelzan is god for other world.

Dashingly jumped and, having jumped on a croup of a prostrate horse, shouted at full blast.

— On knees. We gods came here to rule this world! Who not with us that against us!

The tall and large person in a red cloak stately got down in a trekhrogy goat. Besides a velvet red cloak on his breast the swastika, a symbol the highest wisdom and the power was embroidered with gold in a pearl frame.

— You are not a god, You are just little demon pathetic vampirenysh, Solo, powerless against a cult.

— And you with a spider on a breast receive a divine lightning.

Dashingly thrust a charge from a luchemet, expecting that the gray-haired little man will scatter on the smoking pieces. However a beam, having struck in a breast, only generated the sparkling cloud characteristic of childish sports. Dashingly frenziedly continued to shoot.

— That little devil. Your lightnings are powerless against the divine strength of the Supreme priest of Solo.

Several archers fired a volley, long arrows nearly got to the mini-soldier, and one slightly scratched skin. The first having understood tigers that business accepts not favorable, a turn seized the workmate by a hand and sharp breakthrough entrained. That tried to beat off.

— What for a shame to run away?

— It not flight, it is tactical maneuver. Change of a landscape of fight. — Seriously joked Tigers.

— On the open district it is easier to evaporate them. — Roared young stelzan.

— You that did not understand yet. Why your beam did not cut it. — Explained on the run Vladimir.

— The magic or defect with the weapon can? — Assumed Dashingly.

— I for the first time see that the magic would protect from a laser beam. And it is possible to check for the account of defect on mine.

On the run, having developed, the boy-popadanets, sent a charge to the closest archer. The light stream got directly into a face, probably having blinded the fighter, having forced to drop an arbalest, but all also was limited to it. The skull did not burst, fried brains were not spilled.

— You see, now you understood. They it you or we therefore the minicomputer, in our fighting toys distinguishing them, gives welcome salute. — Explained Tigers.

— Demons of an antiworld. Obviously it is your, our not such primitive savages. — Parried Dashingly.

— And can on the contrary yours. Language at them yours of the Purple empire. — Vladimir noticed.

— And where you the person learned so well our language? You speak on it so, it is natural apart from a sleg as if was born in mother countries. — Suspiciously the mini-soldier jumping through hummocks blinked the eyes.

— I do not know, can do it it is connected with a movement phenomenon. — Not everything was clear to Tigrov and most.

Children ran quickly (though in an absolute form could be even more bright) and they had decent chances to come off from even dobrokonny persecutors, but the unfamiliar alien wood is rich in surprises. The soft yellow-red grass fluffy as a moss seemed under legs, and on you the sharpest as a vikudra sting the prickle sticks into a naked heel. Dashingly knocked down, the predatory plant is visible developed the strongest paralyzer. Legs were completely disconnected, only hands slightly twitched in the convulsive movements. Tigrov had to shoulder the companion. Speed fell at once, persecutors partially — the majority on good horses, is partially pedestrian, the last however lagged behind, began to overtake fugitives. Vladimir neatly shot back, beams quite coped horses and could even cut off the rider if that had enough mind to hide for a horse. In principle the system of recognition-others saw in the different ranges, but thermo-kvarkovy explosion with movement reduced its sensitivity. If the shooter sent an arrow to the purpose, hiding behind a tree, then the reciprocal shot quite could demolish both a tree, and the shooter. The guy thrust charges, they chopped trunks, large trees with a roar fell, sometimes pressing down fighters. Those whom the beam cut represented a terrible show, the burned body fragments slightly smoked. Tigrov was filled up with arrows while he was lucky, managed scratches, skin became stronger and often ricocheted an edge, besides, rescued thick trunks of trees which disturbed a sight.

Dashingly moaned, the son of the aggressive empire had a noble heart and feeling of solidarity:

— Throw me, Vladimir. I am only a burden, without me you can leave!

— No, we are with you brothers on the weapon. Swore to live and battle the place, means together, we will accept death. — With pathos the human boy said.

— It is not logical. If we die both, there will be nobody to take vengeance on enemies. — Said genuinely suffering Dashingly, the face of the mini-soldier became lilac from effect of vegetable poison.

— I trust, we have a chance.

Archers soon understood that the safest to shoot from the open place, without disappearing. Soon one of long the improved training of arrows punched a hand biceps. Besides the charge of the hyper plasma battery ran low far quicker, than low intensity of the throwing-up annihilation streams allowed to hope. Even the children's weapon of Stelzanat could be is used in fights, on the maximum power capable to sink the biggest and modern battle ship of the twenty first century. Now arrows flew clouds. To evade there was no sense and Tigers, just started running. It is heavy to run with the companion on shoulders. Horse archers came nearer the Two-three of arrows nevertheless got, having struck semi-insensible is dashing. Then one more arrow pleased Vladimir between edges (beat from the arbalests, special with four bowstrings, calculated on punching of a heavy knightly armor, of course rate of fire of such weapon is weaker, because of hardly tension of a faucet, but lethal power). It is already the end, the fellow reeled from pain, having stopped. Several big sharp arrows right there got to it, and to the helpless companion. To be motionless the certain death means, Tigers overcoming pain, jerked in the direction of an enormous tree, the grief ennobling over the others is similar. Maybe in this tree there is a hollow, and it will be able to disappear from persecutors so. Before this monster of flora the pure lawn with fine not seen coloring and forms stretched in the flowers. And what exotic stupefying smell was exuded by these unearthly plants.

Here only cover from them not important it is necessary to run on almost open district. Archers having adjusted fire, are sure of the aim. Both boys are wounded, be they people, for a long time died, rescues durability and survivability of superhuman bodies. But the limit is to everything, feels Tigers that it faints, and around the fine nature, there is a wish to live in such beauty, but not to die.

Through the bloody fog clouding eyes through booming noise as if sea surf when heavy waves beat directly the head, mosquito peep the voice of the Supreme priest was heard opposite and thin as.

— Stop shooting. Demonyata should not die so easily, cruel ritual execution expects them.

Vladimir reaches a trunk and falls forward, it seems to it that falling lasts eternally.

Plunging into a voluptuousness wave Lev, it was disconnected from reality. As to both of them it was good and pleasantly soft silk of hair tickles the person, and the man's desire overflows flesh. Having been removed to the closed mirror room, they were engaged in what they dreamed long ago of. In the voluptuous ocean of intoxicated honey, volcanoes were thrown up, lifting up emerald and sapphire waves. They jumped out the coast with golden sand where scarlet, nacreous cockleshells tips of female breasts sparkled. And the tornado is lifted by volcanoes, raged stormed at the increasing speed. And suddenly as if flew a tornado from the North, volcanoes fell asleep, and waves were held down by the cold, giving an artful reflection ice. After the first emotions passed, Eraskander suddenly felt terrible hostility and roughly Vener pushed away.

— That Allamara that Velimara. Two wings of one branch! Why you betrayed me, I use as a toy? You thought up, weaved a mousetrap web for Great Zorga.

From a push Vener fell, but did not become angry, and on the contrary rushed on knees and began to stroke, the young man brawny, with bronze, pure as at a marble statue skin a leg:

— No, not I. I was only a photon in a multicascade reflector. It is even not idea of the governor. You are a Young lion not for mind of the chernorozhy degenerate.

— And it does not acquit you. — Eraskander looked with a chill, but did not draw aside a leg. Vener as if the insignificant slave began to kiss to the angelic boy of a foot. And did it passionately, having forgotten about any pride, not the representative of the grain in the nation Universe, and the captive under a heel of the usurper.

— I do not justify myself my love and fidelity. I will tell even more if you were not wanted to be used, then for a long time would liquidate.

— Who main customer, center of brain quanta? — Lev blinked the eyes.

— Head of department of protection of a throne Velimara's brother. — Vener crookedly grinned. — What is terrible? At you on the planet by it children are frightened.

— It is already search. More we cannot meet. We leave also the end to the relations. — Contemptuously the young man sniffed.

— No, it is not necessary Lev, I sincerely love you. — Kisses became hotter.

— You love not me, and pleasures. — The young soldier however and loved them, without wishing to push away the beauty.

— No, not the truth, Lev. It is not it, it is much higher. — Vener it was drunk in him by a bloodsucker

— Whether the spear can become higher! Go away you already proved the love. — The lion found forces, to throw off the loveful bore.

The proud stelzanka without any pretense began to cry.

— A lion I love you and I have the most powerful proof of your love.

— Yes at us to Earth usually it is a pot-belly. — Eraskander pinned up.

Vener purely in a feminine way caught sense.

— My darling if you mean reproduction of posterity, then you are right. — With theatrical aspiration added. — I conceived from you the boy and the girl who have to be born soon.

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