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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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-What to tell? I asked, wanting to understand and that he, strictly speaking, knows.

"Where are you from Охромовым went at night two days ago? he started to twitch with a shrug, as if pushing ourselves badly sitting uniform, and then, lifting them up, and iterate through his fingers on the table. It was a familiar all cadets our course sign of unrest and irritation.

"Nowhere, " replied I, the seeing that the commander of division jumped on its chair from resentment on my blatant lie. — I will not go. Went one Охромов, and I spent him to the door down. Stood there with him, talked.

-Well, take a look! Look at that!" — began to raise the tone of voice commander of division, himself egging and fueling. — Dove, right! Spent, stood, smoked! — he mimicked me, ехидничая, smiling with a stinging, curve and unkind smile forcibly strained his white and angry face. "Maybe you are in his cheek even kissed or still where-any lower, and the? he cocked his head, putting his ear as if to get a better hearing I'll answer him.

But I persistently was silent.

Lieutenant Colonel sprang up, and flew to me. Rage, клокотавшая in him, then burst out now, and frozen on his face and pretended to be dead restrained and nasty the smile fell suddenly, as faded husk, putting out a grimace of anger. He was panting from his rage, splashing a saliva, breath its not enough to say the phrase, and he talked, and then stopped. It долговязое body выписывало near me dance of anger, randomly waving arms and trying, thus threatening me.

-You, you, you, you're my — you've got it... everything you say! All you say!!! I long to understand I will not! Ladies fist... on the head, he swung me кулачищем, and instinctively I cringed in anticipation of the blow, but he immediately apparently, recovering himself slightly put his hand back: compressed in a rage palm stopped a few inches from my head. I was so scared that straightening like froze finally and now, don't move even if he hit me or waved again.

Nervous step, slightly limping and taking one side of his lanky body, commander of a battalion departed to the other end his Cabinet, apparently, away from sin, and from there, turned around, threatened me with a finger:

-I will show you! I'll show you! I'll show you!!!

It seemed to me that it all shakes along with the index finger. I stood, more dead than alive, and if not tired, deadly arms gripped my body, my whole being, not letting him go, get excited and растревожиться, as follows, I would, perhaps the his body shook with nervous overstrain. Now my soul and body just numbed. Even if I tried, I could not answer him a word.

Actually cadets did not like to put it mildly, the Cabinet of the commander of a battalion. To say more, they was afraid of it. Especially if he was "on the carpet" for some offenses. When the commander of a battalion command a battalion was in a battery of course, выпустившемся of school a year early, and had a reputation among his former subordinates rather various and diversified. Some considered him to be a man of good mixer, which meant that they could agree on almost everything. Others, however, remembered and cases show it in another way. He was the commander of the battery only a year, but during that time had a lot of начудить. And he began service as a platoon commander, too, in school, in the fourth year. Since those times and reached us some legends, speaking for themselves what a man was our commander of division.

With the fourth course very difficult to cope, especially to the young Lieutenant, yesterday's student. And he struggled and rather original way: through their personal example, so to speak. I wanted him to cut his platoon under полубокс — haircut this was неуважаема among the students from the second course, and here is the fourth. Of course, he is not something that a complete misunderstanding, and open hostility to his will. At this position he hadn't been shocked or suppressed, and went and took the entire platoon in училищную hairdresser, got there it took monastic vows under the полубокс himself, and then said, none of the cadets will not leave there from, yet on the head it will not be the same as he. And gained its all his platoon, only on a course, then walked with such a crazy hairdo.

However, it cannot be said that he was a cadet of ordinary. I heard that he was a foreman, classes went rarely, often missed, motivating business, and he went into the city to her needs. Cadets, his comrades and the little kids, the descent from no: no one could ever get him to agree to so проволынить a couple of other lectures, because he immediately warned that the deal will not leave and if not cope by themselves, it will report to the officers. Therefore it strongly disliked and even hated, tried several times to make him some pig, but the officers knew about his adventures, but turn a blind eye, because the whole battery under his paw screamed and squeaked in all keys. Being a petty officer in the fourth year, he himself, in the absence of officers when they not seen or can see, took the battery marching step from the barracks to the dining room and back, could keep her on the parade ground, the laughter exposing the fourth year to the younger courses. He never thought of retribution, that it may be too real. And the closer to the release of his course of the school, the more and more heavy black clouds were gathering anger colleagues over his head. Ultimately, this story had an end quite comical and instructive: our future commander of a battalion his comrades in his study on the issue was closed, запихав force in wardrobe for clothes, and thus lowered down the staircase from the second floor: here is what he arranged the fun. But the lesson to him not salutary, or has gone in the wrong direction, and that was what I thought earlier. Then he was the commander of the battery, but not long, because it quickly enough to improve further, to the commander of a division. As he was command a battalion — unknown. A story about herself. The fact is, that the course year senior us, where he commanded a battery, had relations with our rather tense and unfriendly. As soon as they become second year, they were in a hurry отчураться of its "shameful" of the past — not without reason the first course in the student's folklore is termed as "guilty without guilt", and therefore looked at us, just come in College, down, with your nose, and despised us, it is unclear what, for that year their younger. The third course is treated us with lukewarm, but comradely, there already understood that we cannot compete with them on any matter, and, therefore, more disliked the second course. The fourth course of the treated us with fatherly, giving all sorts of tips, and taught the sense that, Yes what to do to make easier life in this difficult cadets ' life. And for this reason, direct witnesses, who could tell us how they commanded our division commander, us almost no contact, to the very last course lived separately from us. But to not take it personally: in the end themselves in all figured out. However, once it was one witness.

Somehow, in the middle of the first course, after the first of their cadets ' winter holidays came back I was in school, has arrived already in place in the city. Yes there was a time hours, twelve, and trolleybuses in such a time went very rarely. Money for a taxi for me. So I went walking through the city with a guy from the second course: he returned from the hospital. We talked with him, and I started to complain of his commander of a battalion. But instead sympathize with me, he replied: "Vladimir Vladimirovich — the man explanatory. It seems to be bad, and stern, but with subordinates understands himself, never, if possible, to the top in no hurry to report. And, in General, to him of any matter, an agreement can be. We only approach to find!"

Putin actually always took the burden of proceeding with провинившимися cadets its division over, if only somehow it was possible to conceal the committed crime from higher management. He himself understood, determining the degree of guilt, and appointed himself the same punishment, on the one hand, could not be so dangerous as, say, expulsion from school, or something like that like that, but, nevertheless, according to the severity and duration of its nothing to him, ultimately, not inferior. Therefore, our cadets feared him to shake in поджилках of fire.

Sometimes the punishment of these seemed to be unfair and illegitimate but wound them, the system was such that a go and complain to him above was not possible, because upstairs in the manual training school usually knew what had happened violation, and therefore the one who came to complain, watched square eyes, and even worse, raise a hue and scandal, why the management of the division is engaged in concealment. Great fall and the commander of the division, but even more suffered one who was complaining. The punishment tacitly remained in force, but, in addition, he bore the punishment that received from the command of the school or, again, from the commander of a battalion after his complaint. Besides the cadets themselves did not support an informant should, because, though ye murmured in campaigns for the Vladimir Vladimirovich, talked about it all, but all the same, in the depths of the soul preferred that their misdeeds were not higher than division and закруглялись his commander. Well and, most recently, was that the one who complained once, never more ... until studied in the division, could not count on some sort of "подзаконное", свойское appeal in relation to him the command of the division and even the battalion, which, of course, obeyed the upstream over him nearest management. And "свойское" this appeal quite often was necessary to our brother in many cases, and, in any case, each of us understood that live under the oppression of formality, what was needed in relation to us, under the overwhelming pressure will simply hard and uncomfortable.

And therefore, the Complainants was such a little, and then the first time and, mainly, through ignorance.

On the other hand, Vladimir Putin put under the strict control of all violations, accidents and misdemeanors committed in the division, and severely punished the commanders of platoons and batteries for concealment. No one could say from whom, in what ways before him reached such information, but he as a rule, was aware of all the events. It is possible that he had on several informants in each division, but their names do not even know the officers themselves, because in the information reaching the leadership of the division, and they sometimes appeared not in the best light. Therefore, and platoon commanders, commanders of batteries usually tried to timely report to the commander of the division about the incident, rarely, rarely at your own risk resorting to умалчиванию. The exception was our John, which became command a battalion recently, but for some reason, hidden from most, проделывавший battery are the same as the commander of division: he rarely raised all accidents on the level above the battery, too, understood and appointed punishment. Upstairs he reported in its sole discretion, when believed that not cope on their own, but this happened very rarely.

Knowing this, there was talk of us that Furrier somewhere upstairs sitting protege, which fears not the one commander of a battalion, but the bosses higher. Besides some way from the very beginning of his career in the position of battalion commander Bob разнюхал, who reports to the upstairs, and found a way to squeeze these people and get their tongues.

Those were commanders.

Initially, when we have learned in the first year, our squadron leader allow various fancy robustness with respect is not something that the individual student, but also to the whole system, by teaching us something to his rudeness. Then he could easily conversing with eye-to-eye with some раздолбаем punch him or hindering the wall of his study, thank God, the health of the missing with a vengeance. however, similarly when conversations behaved not every, knew one can and should отмутузить the cannon, and to whom and the goat will not approach, and, therefore, need to go a completely different way.

Later this attitude became impossible and dangerous, because we Tali already are a bit older, and those who only yesterday allowed to give yourself a kick in the ass, today valued their personal dignity much higher than before. Therefore, our relations with Vladimir Putin became more even. From his vocabulary disappeared even those rude expressions that were used before. Now been replaced with a familiar way-фамильярное "muzhiki", which he spoke in a different tone, but with a constant share of incomprehensible, though subtle adulation.

Perhaps that is why he lost his temper and slapped me now, though it was evident, as he enraged and angry. Resist him, man hot-tempered and hot, took a great effort.

Now it was like some time his stilted step, circling around me, then stopped and looked over his brilliant black eyes right somewhere in the soul so that I felt cold inside.

-Well, what?! he asked again with a tone of the Prosecutor, apparently hoping that I'm in something I must confess.

-Nothing is gained, finally, the courage to answer him I. — I already told: Охромов gone to a friend and I stayed in school...

-What has he gone? — asked the commander of the division, pressing on the "why".

I don't know I replied in the same tone of the righteous and God's dandelion, intending to stand on his own to the end. — He told me about this and said nothing.

-No kidding! Don't lie! — a Lieutenant Colonel me right in the face of his hot, bad-smelling, unpleasant breath-smoker, it jumped almost close to me.

-I am not lying, comrade Colonel! With what joy he must report to me, where and why does he go? That said, it said. And about what he leaves us, and the conversation was not! — I tried to portray the intonation of the voice of surprise.

-And you don't know where he went?

I don't know, comrade Colonel! Said to my friend, and what is not said. Yes and little does he have any friends!

Vladimir Putin kept silent for a moment, and then spoke again:

-Well, well, apparently, we are with you this question cannot solve, " he sighed with a certain regret. — What a pity! It is a pity...

His last words had on me for some reason very a strong impression. From they smelled of temptation, and me it seemed that admit it-I told him now, and I will that be any good. Here same I flashed insipid the naive idea that, may squadron leader could improve my business with the distribution, and, may be, and make my further the fate of all as something wonderful. And under the pressure of these полубредовых dreams, suddenly опьянивших my mind, I almost undid the language.

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