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Armageddon Of The Lucifer

31.08.2018 — 31.08.2018
Mother Earth underwent terrible invasion. The terrible Empire of stelzan brought down the overwhelming power on a fragile blue sphere, and heavy chains of slavery, appear, forever held down all mankind. But the guerrilla movement without watching total terror, is not going to lay down arms. Lev Eraskander, and a small group of persons developing in themselves paranormal abilities became new hope of resistance. The challenge of space tyranny is thrown down. The way to a victory is difficult and long. Film!
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Having recovered Lev, suddenly felt that material objects begin it to obey again, huge metal pancake came off a floor, and Eraskander nearly smeared them the head to Girim. However the beefy stelzan-teenage friendly smiled and gave a hand.

— We will forget the past in one team.

As Lev wanted to send all their team to a quasar subsoil and to cover with pancake, but suddenly understood that cannot change the rule and so. To strike stealthily the given hand, means to humiliate the planet, having shown mean essence. Eraskander it is proud kept silent and did not stretch the. Pancake with a roar fell to a covering.

Fasch smiled.

— As you do it. Well, then we will talk when all cool down, five fighters it was necessary in regeneration chamber of a message. You are just a dragon of the anti-Universe.

Giry run left the hall, he felt Lev's rage each cell of swarty bronze skin.

HEAD? 28

Pierced space open spaces

The love will not bother you!

Because of it you will pull up trees

You will find beautiful many places.

After the emergency alarm signal, interrupted game at the time of the culmination, Labido already did not meet the casual scientist any more. Command is visible decided that at it time is free too much, and it was transferred to courses of the strengthened fighting training. Preparation for war at all never stopped because military work most important can be the only purpose of existence of each Stelzan. War produces heroes, and the world only of bribe takers and traitors. On courses on increase of fighting capacity all possible fighting situations forced to pass. Fights in vacuum, in zero gravity, in the jellylike environment, in liquids of different density. It was necessary to battle in the conditions of constantly changing, fluctuations of gravitation, light and radio-streams, the space planes and so on. A variety too tiresome for detailed transfer. There were options of military operations in multidimensional space, in the heated lava and a black hole. The limiter was only in expenses on training therefore the preference was given to the cheapest forms of fighting training. Naturally virtual shooter games and rigid sparrings are the most cheaper. Sparrings passed peculiar, them forced to undress (though from the practical point of view — nonsense, nobody will go to real fight without military special suit!) and absolutely naked maidens to fight with each other. Fights had or thematic character, or to win on the contrary without rules. Only one condition, do not kill up to the end. When to one girl Elena in exasperation knocked out an eye, her victim only joyfully smiled. And then after fast restoration even bragged of it. After any sparring with the weapon or just hands there were scratch bruises, sometimes and changes. Somehow to Elena even cut down a brush. A stump as if in boiled water, but when put back, the medical robot cut the field gluing cages and bones special as if, fingers begin to move almost again at once, and in half an hour already the slightest trace of wound. Even skin was left smooth, moderate and bronze color, without white strips or scars as people had it. Small damages were not even examined, they took place. It is good still that at stelzan such phenomenal abilities to regeneration.

Now arranged them a sparring again, will fight one with another on the heated frying pan. Temperature on a course of action will increase more and more. They came to a ring, it something like an aquarium, through transparent walls other guys and girls who were brought to pro-frying are visible. Her partner of approximately identical growth close both on weight and on force, couples skillfully pobrana, and part of couples mixed guys against girls. The siren a signal to fight howls. A surface heating, but it is still tolerant. Both girls enter practically at once full contact. They too well know each other and therefore do not climb on silly exchange in blows, and jump, maneuver, trying at a distance, to get each other. The covering of a ring is quickly heated, burns graceful barefoot maiden heels. Wild jumps become higher, and blows more and more sharply and more fiercely. Sweat drops ominously hiss, falling on promptly reddening surface. Both young females battle as goddesses of death. As if the lava and ice, plasma met with liquid nitrogen. Having despaired, to punch each other they were linked by direct strokes in convulsively twitching ball, used nails and teeth.

Elena for the first time felt on taste skin of hated invaders, in language blood of a furious stelzanka. It seems sweetishly and with sourness as if juice of ripe plum. The skin strong,-word a cheshuychata a chain armor, but Elena of a jaw and teeth is stronger than spark. The workmate cruelly answers her. Girls fall sideways. The covering heated in many thousands of degrees literally burns flesh. As poor little girls hysterically squeal, the floor which already began to be softened from the unknown Elena of metal singed to both warriors and hips and sides and a breast. Even air began to highlight promptly being ionized from terrible heat. At Labido-Elena the crazy thought flashed: "And what is created in other aquariums?" It is good still that they soundproof differently the rumble would stand such as if in a volcano muzzle, at once pushed millions of menageries. The ultramarshal Eroros monitoring doctrines indifferent tone gives team.

— Stop everything, for today will be enough. Last check!

In an aquarium liquid helium, supershock the transition of brutal heat which is cutting down consciousness, to terrible cold poured down. Couples from evaporations as a stopper from champagne throw out the fried bodies mutilated half. Even it became clear to it that he went too far. Here to what it brings rage, there is a wish to break it, staging fanatic drills. In other it is present everywhere, all stelzan train on barbarous cruel, on the verge of deaths. Where now this of the Misinformation imer? That his name was damned eternally by enslaved descendants, zorg will groan under stelzanam. This "metallyuga" already on Earth, and ruthlessly brings order. Probably, not to pass to it the death penalty as it was stuck though to blame him there is nothing, he warned the Great emperor. Yes the greatest is wise, correctly told.

— The empire perishes, the world decomposes it to rescue the nation it is necessary to begin new universal war.

Or as the very first Emperor spoke.

— The world which lasts more than a year is harmful to army, the world which lasts more generation is harmful to the nation. The world which lasts longer than a century is deadly to a civilization!

Graviopole hesitates, having slightly bent light. Maloluchemet Erorosa similar to terribly fancy gun with eight barrels, got out of a hyper plastic holster. "Was got" from invisible inflow and similarity of a song peeps:

— It is pleasant to live among fire and plasma when from explosion the vacuum shakes! We test terrible orgasms, a throw deadly attack forward!

The ultramarshal stroked the weapon:

— And you an umor, it is correct that you were supplied with the hyper plasma processor. Expensively but economy on clowns.

— If you want, I can lose you any of two hundred twenty five million melodies of seven thousand powers. — Said the scraping tone magoluchemt. — Or games at me hundred ten million six hundred thousand "shooter games", "strategy", erotic quests.

The ultramarshal interrupted:

— Everything will be enough so far, time we on a power trick, we will better relax. Tomorrow we declare a season of XXX, children deserved pleasure and rest. And my dear machine we will play with you.

Luchemet by means of a tiny antigrav rose in air, and issued the enormous hologram. Eroros plunged into virtual fight, it helped to distract from disturbing thoughts. Besides, in it it is possible to strain not only brains, but also a mighty body. In particular the part of holograms and a novelty lets out a gravitational wave, imitating strong blow. Also they can fight, press and caress. The truth at the same time raises power consumption, but it is always possible to recharge.

After regeneration and extraordinary long dream of Lzhelabido Karamad it was very fresh and full of strength. Here just abnormal was in her feelings. Something burned inside, already almost forgotten voice of flesh was felt. And when they were constructed in a traditional column, the internal itch became almost intolerable. Many girls felt the same feeling, and only the discipline did not allow them to let loose hands. They were brought as always naked in order that each muscle, and each damage causal was visible during fighting doctrines. There were, however, fights and in the most different in modification boyekostyuma, but it is already far more rare, despite great practical value it is kinds of military exercises.

Two commanders in the rank of ten-star officers a huge male and massive as if a buffalo cow a female left to read instructions:

— You are already adult little girls and to you I think it is not necessary to explain what is sex. Now you have to battle on the sexual front. That you got wet, and your military units already scratch!? Relax service in army continuous pleasure, at first you derive pleasure, beating each other, and now corporal commitment. Now we will break you into couples. You will copulate for the sake of Superimperiya's greatness.

Practically all girls were delighted, of course, to love guys much more pleasantly, than to knead moreover on the heated pressure cookers. Especially as the preparations suppressing sexuality ceased to come to blood, and the radiation of special range to inhibit desire. Sexual coldness for stelzan not conceivable concept, is more right an illness. The first couples had to pass in any order as the commander will specify, then also combinations were possible. The sex instructor chose couples for the first act primitively just on growth...

It was so opposite to Elena and it is a shame that she even densely closed eyes, tried to present that all this only a bad dream. No, to happen to it never. It is impossible here so directly in the face of all the whole regiment and under bright lighting to be engaged in It... What is business intimate romantic about what poets compose verses, sing beautiful songs. To so vulgarize love, to turn it into the fact that... Even wild animals do not behave so shamelessly, roughly, and it is the race which is keeping more than three and a half thousand galaxies under complete control, finished all diseases (can except mental!), in a literal sense supercivilization.

The loud hail interrupts thoughts, burning touches of rough hands to a body, shame and flour, awakenings of sudden desire. Elena already thought nothing, lost sense of reality. Her genetically perfect body, reacted itself having plunged meanly pleasure, and reason... The reason could not resist because other meant to give itself and to doom not only the soul and a body to incomprehensibly terrible sufferings in hands of executioners, but also to bury the failure, it is possible to exempt the only ghost of a chance the planet from aggressors.

So let the tornado from the passions and emotions which are torn hyper nuclear Baume, raising giant tsunami in the ocean storms. And it will jump on waves, flying up on the highest wave of voluptuousness, fighting and, I am blissfully happy also every time, mental anguish is given by pleasure of treacherous flesh. As if millions of pulsars rush and carry by on veins, flutter in a step of a set of hearts, streams of the asteroids which are chaotically facing, torn flashes by supernew stars in arteries and veins. Team:

— And now change of partners! Well you as termopreonnovy bombs! — Already it is also not heard, behind hubbub of "zoo", it is guessed by itself. And in the head the song sounds;

The person in the Universe only the wanderer —

Protect us from troubles about sacred the cherub!

The spirit suffers I the exile now....

Jesus in a fit of temper I trust, we will keep!

If hell on Earth, is not present pleasure,

Because know people — flesh is uniform.

You want to find perfection?

The way is uniform it is necessary suffering to help neighbors!

Starprobe vehicles cut space —

Seven-domed came down to Earth a dragon!

Here the anthem terrible rattles on the planet,

The house Russian is burned by a hyper nuclear tornado!

Ashes, corpses — live are not present the place,

Who did not die of pain awful, roars!

The bride went with darling to the altar,

But not honey invasions year!

Those who survived slaves — a worm insignificant,

Human the end is not visible to humiliation!

But know, the knife dashingly from a sheath is torn —

The revenge flares, conducts in abuse of the fighter!

Enemies have hyper blasters, bombs,

Termokvarkovy flashed napalm...

Mother Maria who Gave birth to God

Help to hold this blow!

Let's win, we trust in it sacredly,

We will lift Russia from ashes, from knees!

There is no Fatherland of the soldier stronger —

There will be time of abrupt changes!

Here then the evil will disappear forever,

And the Lord will give grace to kind —

There will be easy expensive Milky Way,

Happiness, world and love each hour!

When the voluptuous nightmare ended as a moment there passed the whole days, a frenzied orgy. The indifferent voice of the car sent all to sleep. The girl was sad and angry, feeling as the washed-up whore. Can take away luchemt and to thrust an ultraplasma charge on chiefs, but so it will open itself, having failed a task of the guerrilla center. Though however why to be executed by it, the body is defiled, but the soul is not enslaved.

It is impossible to call a sin of bringing of flesh in the victim, for the sake of the purpose — rescue of all mankind. Before a task the Most Saint Patriarch of Vsey Zemli Andrey Pyotr professing declared, after a participle, dawning a cross: The Lord, God and Christ Redeemer Nash releases to you all manumissions or involuntary a sin made for the sake of the Homeland and a victory over hordes of the Devil!

The end justifies the means, as spoke — the leader of the world proletariat Vladimir Ilyich Lenin!

On the planets floating in eternity

Prejudices of people are poor,

There's nothing to be done, mankind,

Nonsenses, but not gods govern!

Though it seemed to Tigrov that he infinitely long falls in an abyss, actually several seconds lasted. The boy quickly recovered, having felt a prick. Not so similar from the sticking-out arbaletny bolt in a clavicle. He managed, having filled up for edge of a hollow, to drop out of a field of vision of enemy shooters and pain from a prick was other, heat, but not painful, and this time pleasant spread. The crimson haze before eyes dissipated quickly as if wiped sweaty glass. Before them the small, broad-shouldered girl with the syringe in a hand and a small suitcase of a health service sat. Here whom he least of all expected to see. Behind shoulders of the mini-amazon was small multibarrelled luchemt, hair seven-color. He already somewhere saw it?

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