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Armageddon Of The Lucifer

31.08.2018 — 31.08.2018
Mother Earth underwent terrible invasion. The terrible Empire of stelzan brought down the overwhelming power on a fragile blue sphere, and heavy chains of slavery, appear, forever held down all mankind. But the guerrilla movement without watching total terror, is not going to lay down arms. Lev Eraskander, and a small group of persons developing in themselves paranormal abilities became new hope of resistance. The challenge of space tyranny is thrown down. The way to a victory is difficult and long. Film!
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— It you is dashing! — The girl stuck the beam syringe lilac substance, and a strong hand enough dexterously pulled out arrows and arbaletny bolts.

— More careful sister. He can die, of such pressure. — Vladimir warned.

The pretty girl turned back, cunning as if the little hooligan who was already in time to play a dirty trick, smiled, disproportionately large teeth:

— And, you are a Tiger from an unknown galaxy. Pull out from yourself arrows, be not afraid, I stuck to you "Ridegeyner" giving lightning regeneration, you already as new.

Tigers did not begin to argue, and unexpectedly very easily pulled out arrows, bolts, with triangular and square tips. Dashingly too very quickly rose, surprisingly there is no trace left.

It seems that even little Stelzan was surprised to so fast restoration:

— What for a miracle, Caress you, the little magician?

— No, dashing it is just "Ridegeyner" an experimental preparation of instant regeneration. — The young warrior grinned, shook a voluminous hair, with the smell of expensive spirits proceeding from them.

— Why it is widely not used. — Razorvirov was surprised. To it even was annoyingly that his old girlfriend knows, about what curious Dashingly did not hear yet.

The little girl without superfluous, the necessary antimoniya answered nobody:

— It has side effects, only in such emergency as this situation it is possible to run risks.

Great! Mini-nurse. And still you have a weapon? — Malchishka-stelzan it was scrolled in a hollow, having taken an arrow in a hand, began to gnaw a tip childly.

— There is something. — The warrior said it such tone as if actually she has nothing essential and is not present.

— Give us! — Exclaimed angered Dashingly, having had a bite teeth an arrow staff.

— No! I will apply it in our common interests. — Already far more surely the seven-color little girl said.

— And if we take away by force. — Dashingly clenched fists and shouted to the friend. — It grabs legs a tiger!

The girl right there snatched out small with small buttons pistoletik.

— Do not twitch it a gamma radiator. It is universal not that nurseries on blasters! Specifically all live kills.

Dashingly calmed down especially as it became, it is visible and the arrow fired by the archer nearly got into the head. The mini-soldier movable by passion jumped out of a hollow, having shouted by a terrible voice:

— Pathetic mortal creations you dared to raise a hand against god's children!

Too having jumped over tigers, a big jump through the head of the companion, attached the too voice which became after bioengineering modification very loud:

— Impious you are waited by painful death in the reactor, you dared to attack gods!

Almost all soldiers fell on knees. A look absolutely safe almost barefaced clothes to horror of brawny boys who being utykanny arrows and arbaletny bolts tearing a raft. Only the Supreme priest of a cult of Solo remained to stand. In a red loose overall with a swastika, it was more similar to the nazi executioner, than to the priest.

— Demons, you want to intimidate us by the illusions. You have no force, to kill, so you not children of god!

— And you want to die? — Rumbled, having strong clenched fists Dashingly.

— Yes, if you are children of the Supreme god Ravarr, let your father will kill me. — Having shaken a threefold chin the pontiff shrillly exclaimed.

Tigers raised a hand, having spread wide fingers, said.

— Great Father punish the villain.

Dashingly added, trying to shout more loudly and having vertically thrown up the right leg with four between fingers arrows:

— Let his soul will depart in an antiworld together with vomit. nbsp;

The ironical smile of the pagan priest was right there replaced by bewilderment, and a second later it began to tear uncontrollably. The priest reddened, his eyes dropped out of eye-sockets, skin became flabby settling as bark of the decayed stub literally in the face of the shabby, but increased group. Some more hundreds of soldiers managed to approach them. Having spat out with cyanotic blood and brown bile of an interior, the head of a cult died. All soldiers and notable grandees of peahens on knees amicably began to yell, asking mercy.

Until recently proud and haughty low crept on a belly, trying to kiss legs. Dashingly just cut a leg on muzzles, Tigers did not begin to play the liberal too.

— Do not dare to concern us contemptible mortal.

Contemptible receded, the floor was taken by richly dressed grandee. Its voice was melodious, badly hidden fear was felt:

— About! Great children of the Supreme god Ravarr and to be consecrated his name. Whether you will do the honor to stay for a while in the palace of the Grand Duke Dizon de Padie. You will be accepted as kings, is more true as gods.

Dashingly with born arrogance roared:

— Whether not too you ask the worm ignored by stars much. Let the duke will come to us with bow for now we just sight-see the city. — The voice of the young warrior became angry. — And what you do not bow?

The grandee began to beat off bows, with great feeling Ivan the Terrible during repentance:

— Well, about great. The greatest of the greatest! Now you will be given a stretcher.

— We will go. — Unexpectedly declared Tigers. However the boy bryaknut it not because of modesty, and because of the energy overflowing a body when sitting on revenge flour.

— Yes — Quietly inserted Dashingly. And right there deafeningly loudly added.

— Only an imperial stretcher will suit us. Caress, get out, slightly we will walk. Hey, mortal welcome our most Saint sister.

Devchonka-stelzanka Caress left.

By sight to the beautiful warrior was years eleven-twelve, in practice only seven. When moving its form practically did not suffer, and provocatively sparkled on "Sun". Its seven-color hairdress with the magnificent falling-down waves hair (Marsov unplaited the hair, more practical for fight, with twisted one-nuclear needles) looked all effectively, the little fairy with as if a toy luchemet and the gamma gun. The seven-domed, desyatikryly dragon, gleamed on a surface of the medical diplomat, depending on a review point the dragon changed paints, from red till violet color, and also opened and closed mouths. It is visible elegantly on ceremonial the dressed Caress more approached for a role of the daughter of god, than its still dirty as devil brothers on the weapon. Here therefore hastily come running servants, under her legs threw large and small svezhesorvanny petals of flowers. So in this world it was accepted to meet gods and tsars.

— You not correctly execute ritual!

Ringing and too very strong voice of "goddess" forced all to fail on knees again. And the little girl feeling the exciting taste of the power, over similar to you individuals it was got:

— Petals have to be seven different flowers and they should be poured under legs not only me, but also my brothers. Otherwise the dome of heaven will break up, and the all-devouring lava will swallow you! Fire of meteors, hurricanes of seven mega-galaxies, eruption of quintillion superantiworlds will turn everything into an ultrapeculiar hyper collapse!

Dashingly unexpectedly showed the ethics absolutely by the way not peculiar to Stelzanat's soldiers:

— Caress it is not necessary to frighten so them, they were as it is befouled. Goddesses are decorated by modesty.

— It does not seem to you that it is blasphemous to represent from itself gods. — Assumed Vladimir, carefully stepping on petals, flower with strong aroma.

Razorvirov from the cradle (It is a metaphor, actually biologically and physiologically advanced babies of stelzan do not need diapers, pampers, pots!) the learned pathos said:

— It quite our way because on other planets stelzan, — there is god of this world. Where the leg of our soldier stepped, there is a place for eternal worship. So what the Tiger us still will be raised in a rank and will give officer stars, for acquisition of a new colony. Look, already brought an imperial stretcher.

Really enormous during a time the stretcher chariots harnessed by already familiar toothy mastodons seemed to an elephant from impressive gate. The city was surrounded dolno by a high wall, the central entrance was framed by four towers. Certainly the three-fingered pincers decorated with something like griffins only instead of forepaws, and on the heads also horns. With them as the second person of couples, Little Mermaids with gilded wings of butterflies quite integrally looked.

The city is very not bad protected. The wall was rather wide, couple of "KAMAZ" as marked out Tigers, could pass easily on it. However, the medieval settlement is visible too expanded, and a half of structures was deprived of protection. Houses were built rather in style of the Curtsey or late baroque, only the small part of tasks reminded classical medieval constructions. The city was big, and probably is rich. Thousands of easy soldiers and knights in the shining armor and magnificently decorated helmets, already managed to be constructed, solemnly meeting new gods. Even musicians were managed to be driven, music reminded the British anthem. Also the commonalty was at the same time tightened.

— To you that is better to sit down on a stretcher, near me, and a look at you not so divine. — In a whisper the young warrior offered.

Dashingly, without having kept, pulled the girl hair. Caress quickly snatched out a radiator, sparkled emerald and sapphire eyes. Having smiled, having coped with an anger attack, quickly hid.

— You are boys absolutely intolerable and not logical. I am concerned about our general safety.

— Let's sit down better the friend, for today were already run, we will better pass with comfort. — Volodya offered, and too it was not pleasant to him that dart at it deprived of any share of respect glances, for certain taking for the slave. Really in one turned black swimming trunks, and a soot, barefoot, with dry muscles of the boy were as if slaves or at best the lowest demonic servants of the esteemed gods. However, once you intercepted a terrible look any of boys, bows and blessings followed. It is clear slaves so cannot look...

When "divine" children took seat, under sounds of welcome march mastodons moved on all to the extending road again. The pavement was smoothly swept, houses are beautiful in colourful patterns. People are more or less dressed decently, for a preindustrial era quite safe situation. If for haughty it is dashing, this hail also seemed a savage hole. That for Vladimir it was the interesting and peculiar world. Most of all this city reminded old part of St. Petersburg. The marvelous city museum which presented to Russia there are so much outstanding talents: imperial and liberal at the same time. At Tigers from eyes teardrops acted, he remembered the ruined planet. By former times there is no return, and the future fog: empty stomach, torn pocket. The ancient song was remembered: to be God grant god though slightly, but it is impossible to be slightly crucified! Or it is even better: so many times crucified the person that to him it is not guilty, to be though a few God! And what it is possible to tell about the workmates? His new friends are children of the enemy of mankind number one, naive and cruel at the same time.

In each child the angel and a demon sits. They quite and quite peacefully get on in one head. Here he who: the soul rushes about, and there is no rest in it. Vladimir felt quite adult, abundance of experiences morally aged. Nevertheless, to distract he told:

— Excellent city of Renaissance.

— Primitive, any aircraft. Do we have a weapon beam, hyper nuclear, magoyaderny or jotas of the nuclear principle? — Venomously said Dashingly.

— I hope that is not present. — Sincerely said Tigers. To explain why he hopes for it this superfluous.

— Then we them will teach to do the new weapon and to fly to stars. — Razorvirov quietly picked an arbaletny bolt, in very strong capable to bite through the titan teeth.

— It is necessary to teach to be able it. — With undisguised scepticism said Tigers. — Here let better Caress will tell that for a side effect this superregenerator has "Ridegeyner".

The young warrior having made a clever face began to chatter:

— Well, as you know at each type of arms, there are pluses and minuses. For example, the gamma radiator allows to destroy physically the enemy, having kept material values. There is also a problem the penetration of beams, the less destructions is higher they make in living tissues. In this weapon, radiation is considerable more neutrally to not organic chemistry, and is at the same time more aggressive to live organic chemistry. — Here the girl as will be brought and give pulyat a tongue twister. — Preona of which quarks consist have a certain structure of communication among themselves which as structures their enormous impulses. In turn the similar hyper string does not give will collapse to a kernel, and is a core of electromagnetic communications in atom. The impulse of a preon and communications between them is extremely big, as well as the speed of the movement of this particle. Only it is hidden in special ten-measured space, such here mini-hyper string. In it this fantastic repeatedly exceeding the light speed of a supertiny particle with an enormous impulse on it is so noticeable. One if to translate a string from a ten-measured state in three-dimensional, a tiny particle preon will find the hyper speed which was so exceeding light that it will lead to instant disintegration of a superfast ball. There will be a set of other particles, with a smaller speed, but bigger weight. Some kind of there will be a birth of the hyper plasma capable to show the diverse properties. Both on distribution speed, and on the mass of a special sixth condition of matter.

— I understand, you want to seem the clever girl, but be simpler. — Vladimir interrupted. The boy, only externally seemed the age-mate to stelzana, and actually is twice more senior and he was irritated by a manner actually of "first graders" to pose as great geniuses.

— I will well tell shortly, the preparation of regeneration influences genetics and sharply slows down and even stops process of a physical growing, puberty and growth. That is if it is constant to apply it, you never grow up. — Already without obidnyak finished I voitelntsat

— And if to give this preparation to adults? — To Volodya it became curious.

— Then adults to decrease in sizes, having become externally similar to children. Will grow in minus.

— It is clear that is why it is also not applied in troops. — Tigers already having experience of reduction was not delighted with it at all

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