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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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I tonight it was such a bad mood that General 't want to go out, not that outside of school, but even from this empty and boring room. If I was a dog, you now have climbed would in his doghouse, far away in the corner and whined there from the mad longing. In my mind wandered to some vague and bad premonition. I pretended to myself tried to swing at his head, that all bad things are already behind that there will be only good, but it turned out I had a very bad. I couldn't overcome his homesickness, wantonly engulfed my entire being. Any, easiest and unexpected reminder to myself about Охромове gave me excruciating pain in the heart, or in him: I could not understand, where I have a pain, so much was is my soul. Seemed to me, that, despite the fact that I escaped reckoning, some other, more terrible punishment for treason brought me the sword and ready to put it on my neck. I was scared, I did not know which side to wait now strike. All that threatened me recently, this morning, like gone, gone irrevocably and forever, and at the same time, something more terrible and invisible left to stand, lurking behind my back, and I may of this salvation.

Me even somehow it was terrible to lie on his bed, and like a crazy thought now someone can come here and find me, if I am laid in its place. So I умастился on a neighbor's bed and watched with sadness in my heart faileth this is still one of the hot, Sunny days of July, as further away from the Zenith to the West creeps over the dark blue gross to the black paint of the night, forcing the pale blue, bright stripes of the sky to another алеющему horizon.

In memory I started to come one after another all the intervening days, since when I agreed together with Охромовым participate in this evil and dirty tricks. Perhaps even then I was not disclosed for a long time from what felt that all this will end badly. Then the memory of me in the evening, when we had a quarrel with Gregory and me in the beer bar sat down at the table, a weird old man. Indeed, it was a strange old man, Yes, and all that happened then, too, was no less strange. I rather agree that all the dreaming I be if we Охромовым then not tried to enter the house, where lived the old man, only to other, more complicated, confusing and wrong way. Perhaps, that night, when I sat down beside the old man, and was somehow the beginning of all my failures and misfortunes ended, in the end, the loss of a friend and my betrayal?..

With horror shook my body when in my half-asleep consciousness, one after another floated terrible visions, woven from the полубреда, imagination and really memories of what happened with me. Night chase the Exodus from the old man, his terrible senile smile in the dark, dark well, in which some a strange monster, similar to the crocodile, which I had almost landed in the mouth the will and the strange disappearance of the elder, night похождение with Охромовым and dreams a mysterious and terrible old man, seems to be the same, that hooked me in the bar at the table and took me in his strange dwelling, but never вспомнивший me, no matter how much I remind him of that. And the last thing that come to me, and from what I woke up in a cold sweat and terribly frightened, was the night, when we succeeded in deceiving the bandits and, it seemed, that all will be well. I remembered what helped to perform a forgery: the terrible black hands, covered with resin-black, shiny coat, resembling human, but something subtly different from them. They appeared out of nowhere right out of the darkness and closed their eyes gang leader, faced ordinary cadets notes. They could be, undoubtedly, the hallucination of my excited then to an extreme degree and a frightened imagination, but the bandit could confuse ordinary notebooks with those manuscripts, which he asked? Yes and now in half sleep seemed to me that to my face touched something like that, soft, prickly-fluffy some unnatural illusive elusive.

The room was dark and quiet, as often happened lately. I was one, but it seemed that in this darkness there is someone else, unseen, carefully witness, not so much for me as for my thoughts, seeing through me. I again experienced a cold sweat. I peered into the darkness, and it seemed to me that in the corners of the room, a dark gloomy than the walls. Something lurking and hangs out and looks at me, weightless and invisible, something prowling noiselessly from one corner to the other. I thought that probably soon go crazy from this constantly torments me fear. I suddenly wanted to baptize, but I was unbaptized from birth, besides, he was brought up in the deep veneration of atheism and disdain for any faith, although the sometimes found something strange and unexplained laws of reality.

To return to reality what is happening and finally go roof, somehow I reached into his left pocket of his trousers fell asleep on the neighbor's bed. Under your fingers it зашуршали banknotes, folded in a thick stack. This afternoon yet secretly from prying eyes I checked their authenticity, because it seemed to me that they now disappear or become chopped newsprint, looked at them selectively on the light, checking for signs of water.

Procedure feelings money somehow calmed me, and. feeling that's about to fall asleep, I hardly undressed, put a thick stack large the banknotes in the pillowcase pillows, and lay down sleep in your bed forgetting about the evening fear. However, as luck would have thought again drove away the sleep from my head, and I lay a long time, staring at the ceiling, unable to find peace and sleep. However, the former fear: I felt that the room now except me none.

I woke up in the morning unusually late, about ten o'clock, at half past. Already, a day in the battery was not attire, and nobody shouted a command to "Rise!" There was no one to pick me up and throw on charge, and I felt sorry for the lost once the cadets ' habits open your eyes and Wake up refreshed fifteen — ten to seven, and keep up to lifting already dressed, regardless of what you did the night, slept or not.

On the street already the sun was shining, and long ago began the morning even long the July days. Through the open window the room was filled with a fresh, slightly cool morning air and irrational, flighty and nervous twittering of sparrows, чирикающих somewhere on the roof, just above the window. Sometimes they were thrown down from there either in reaching each other in their incomprehensible to man the game, whether seeing some prey, butterfly, or a dragonfly in flight, and then with loud chirping flashed past the window down, falling stone, and then dreams soared upwards to the roof.

This is a quiet, serene and quiet morning vividly reminded me of those distant and irrevocably gone time when I was still a good boy at school and during the summer vacations daily woke up at such a time, and sometimes later, Rigas in his house, and could have a long soak in the bed-Wake me there was none, because my mother had long been at work.

Now I, too, no one shook and made me jump out of bed, but adult life began, which still depends largely on you, and therefore I could not allow myself a minute longer to remain in bed. I still need to get and to prepare for release form that my friends all have long been.

I quickly got dressed and hastily washed, left the barracks down on the porch. Now I could see the clothes warehouse. At the entrance it was a very long queue, a man of forty, fifty. These were the remains of those who have not bothered to get uniforms and had to postpone such an important matter almost at the last day.

Approaching the queue, I cursed himself on the run that slept, that stood before, and now I will be forced to stay in the queue for several hours.

I took the last and defended in the queue hours, three or four, but would remain for a little more, if not accidentally noticed the guys from his platoon standing much closer. They took me to him and calmed was started making noise neighbors in the queue, standing behind them, saying that I was with them, and departed for emergency needs. Those who stood followed them, повозмущались, but in the end, it ceased, mention the fact that ahead of them will stand for one person. Because of this, I came to the warehouse, when finally deign to appear our College the head of the stores warehouse, красномордый, fat, youthful and cute face, senior warrant officer named Hog, knew all without exclusion of cadets, referring to him as an equal and even perhaps the youngest, just: Pasha — before he was harmless and kindly man, while no one molested, and while he was sober. Even its impressive dimensions did not save him from the familiar reference, and from year to year, from course to course was passed such фамильярное, easy to evil, to his appeal.

This time Pasha quite late and started providing the form only in twelve hours, slowly digging in innumerable, in disarray completed basement barracks that was opposite to ours, where was a warehouse, boxes, and something forgetting and continually asking helped him кладовщицы, which together with us long waited for it, swearing at the door of the warehouse, where the. Pasha recently for the училищным standards replaced warehouse retired sack masters, and so not a firm grasp on this tricky warehouse work. Prior to that, he was hanging out laboratory assistant assistant on one of the chairs, and now and then, and cursed when something didn't work, cursing himself for having agreed to go and accept this stupid warehouse", and left his dust-free and a good job, where he finger about a finger has not struck.

On the advice of кладовщицы, women, has long worked here and поднаучившейся in anti-theft and other things that you need to know to not burn in a similar institution, Pasha ran in ten people, so that they could be follow and took them around confused подвальному maze friendly bunch, so they are not dispersed and not grabbed nothing. The woman, her name was quite rare and strange — Anfisa, went back and customized stragglers. That's the way happened supplies software.

Only cut in half an hour after the opening of heavy bales behind the first batch of ten people left the basement, and I don't know how many, but would remain for a very long time in the tail of the queue, if he had not seen their children.

Finally, launch, and our top ten. We went down to the basement. Pasha, walking between the mountains some sacks and pyramids of wooden boxes, something stupidly guided us, and the storekeeper fix it and sent the case back on track. We went behind our warehouse, and gradually each of us in his hands started quite a weighty burden. After half an hour of this marathon each of us was already pretty big bale with things made of the officer's coat-tents, weighing under полцентнера. It is hard to imagine how much effort it took me to pull him up the narrow stairs leading from the basement, and drag it to the barracks, and then another, and заволочь on the fourth floor of the dormitory.

Here in his room, his breath, I began to realise where to house belongings, so they are not left unattended in the barracks theft flourished there all the time, constantly disappeared then one, then another, good, expensive suits, hats, shoes, wind jackets, watches, magazines, books and even summaries of lectures. Now, for the production of theft took unimaginable scale, and wasted all that bad lay. The most important thing was that the thief had never been caught. So leave form just like that, in a room without any constipation and castle, I do not like. Only yesterday a guy from the next platoon avail scoured the empty barracks — it took just received a tent when he was gone out of her room just twenty minutes in the Studio, to pick up sewn him overcoat, and in another room of the same platoon similarly, the owner had disappeared, chrome leather boots, dress suit, coat, портупея and even a little thing, when he went out to call my wife so that she would come by taxi pick things up. After that he ran around all day in hysterics down the corridor, looking into the room, naively hoping that over him just подшутили, but could not find all was dead serious. And now two days before the release he had to urgently sewing in the Studio expense ceremonial dress to attend the graduation ceremonies, and to buy in stock new chrome leather boots. The rest had no money, but he couldn't even occupy them from someone, because now nobody is held.

Although in my pocket I had a few thousand, a lot of money, I didn't want to follow his example and to burden yourself with new chores and unnecessary expenses, so I dared not leave the form in school. Something had come up with.

And then I came upon quite a happy thought. I forgot about the familiar Grisha Охромова! She came in and gave me a note from him and then said that he is not going more to see him. How I forgot about it?! Now I remembered that day and our meeting under the scorching sun of the July heat. All stood in front of my eyes exactly awake. Her image, subtle features which struck me then, as if personally now floated before my eyes.

Me suddenly, with extraordinary power was longing to see or at least to hear her. Something fleeting, but the magic and great was born in my soul that day, and the memory of it brightened every cell of my body. The thought of this girl like enlighten my tormented conscience, and in his head became light and fast as I was long.

At the same time, have not managed to bright images, as follows, to gain a foothold in my soul, how selfish thoughts повылазили from somewhere in the dark nooks and strangely intertwined with their innocence, with their clean gusts, made me do, however, is the same: to immediately look for her. Wicked was my mind, he could not perceive the just and unselfishly bright and beautiful.

However, I rushed to his bedside table. But tried in vain to find anything about it in their papers. I tried to find a note Grisha she gave me some time. MNA it seemed that it should specify its address. Or not... Охромов seems to have mentioned it to a phone number. But the note was gone.

With unclear, vague melancholy, in which one maelstrom intertwined high and pure thoughts and murky water calculation and selfishness, I sat down on my bed, sad, but suddenly, as if struck by lightning started, jumped, because remembered how Grisha that night before going put me in the locker all his papers and documents. He freed his pockets, which he always had a lot of rubbish, turned me on the bottom shelf stands, where I was always lying unnecessary stuff. Then he, I remember the Maine, said:

-All this debris of the old life we leave here.

This phrase sounded so poetic that in mind I was born poetic lines. I even remember the first of them:

All this debris of the old life

We leave here.

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