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Armageddon Of The Lucifer

31.08.2018 — 31.08.2018
Mother Earth underwent terrible invasion. The terrible Empire of stelzan brought down the overwhelming power on a fragile blue sphere, and heavy chains of slavery, appear, forever held down all mankind. But the guerrilla movement without watching total terror, is not going to lay down arms. Lev Eraskander, and a small group of persons developing in themselves paranormal abilities became new hope of resistance. The challenge of space tyranny is thrown down. The way to a victory is difficult and long. Film!
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— I understand morals culture your right...

— You already got me, the morals are thought up by enemies of the nation, with the purpose to weaken and hold down us. Contemptible mortal, primitive worm primacy!

Dashingly jumped towards to the duke and, without having calculated force, got to a fiery streamlet. Fire captured the boy, having turned into a live torch. The little god seized the duke by a throat, and probably despite a bear neck, would strangle the dignitary, but Tigers the lulling charge managed to thrust from a spitz-dog gun. The benefit the medical-diplomat can be opened also without code if you are similar to a stelzan. Dashingly dropped the duke and it was filled up in a dense dream. Caress did not resist, it is visible a children's organism and was so overloaded. To the place of extreme excitement there came somnambulistic dullness.

— Gods were tired where our bedchamber?

Couple of the scared servants grew up as from under the earth.

— We will specify to you the most magnificent bed from all possible about the greatest!

Already on an automatic pilot Tigers dragging the companion, and the unsteady mini-sister dragged to rooms. Then they fell as if from blow a cudgel, the truth Vladimir managed to push a bolt on a heavy door. But unless a door a barrier, them it was possible to take barehanded.

The very cardinal offered the duke it and to make:

— Your bright shine was convinced what gods and God's children are. Unless it is not visible that cranky demons, it is time to twist them while they are helpless as wood lice.

— I incline to such thought. A small devil how the throat, but which of mortal will risk to arrest them brutally hurts? — The duke began to cough, spitting out blood.

— It is necessary pin up secretly these monsters, we have necessary criminals, will climb through a secret manhole and the end. — For persuasiveness the Very cardinal carried out by a palm edge to himself on a throat.

— Here you also solve their problem and if all of them are immortal gods? — The duke indeed doubted that such small fingers, can reap so at mere mortals.

— They were drunk, and I saw blisters on skin, fire unless can burn Ravarr's children. Excuse the duke. — The prince of church turned to the opposite side. — What happened what for signs you give?

The person in a black loose overall showed a difficult symbol, a signal of an urgent call.

— Speak rather, I should be through with demons of Hell.

— You are called extra urgently by the Very father. Concerning gods to undertake nothing, it is the order. — The sentry monk blurted out.

— What it is necessary not to touch, children of an underworld? — Having received confirmation the Very cardinal agreed. — Well I will obey the father. When at infinite Yarkosiyaniya to be?

— Tomorrow. For you the great pontiff sent a rat flyer. On it you will quickly reach quickly the purpose.

The envoy in black specified.

— Da Archipapa as always is kind to me and all of us! — The prince of church with some regret added. Everything operation is cancelled. So far I at the great pontiff, these impostors will live. Continue to do them divine honors!

The very cardinal having taken easy baggage, hasty came to a palace court yard. There already the kryso-flyer clapped wings. The animal who is looking like a bat with an eagle beak and with thirty-meter wingspan.

The cardinal about himself rugnutsya.

— It is known that the father is very cunning. Why it needs demons, wants a bigger power or it has more good reasons. Persistent rumors go that the Supreme pontiff in seriousness looks for that he will help to become it a god, the real God from capital letter!


Though the cripple as a result of injuries it was impossible to become awfully angry Lev Eraskander. Each cell, each muscle of his body bubbled by strength of a printseps-plasma dragon and was eager for a revenge. Meanwhile millions of fighting starprobe vehicles were built a shock order and reserved energy for unprecedentedly huge hyper jump. On intergalactic submarines joyful revival the proximity of battles reigned, inspired fighters. For the first time for nearly one thousand years of a stelzana have to perform large-scale military operation in the territory of the opponent, so not without reason them since the early childhood, loaded with ultraboundary trainings. Eraskander decided not to postpone revenge in the store who knows after star campaign either you, or your opponent can stop corporal existence. Girim Phish just finished preparation, in principle as it is everything is ready as on a threshold there was an angered Lev.

— Hey, you a shakalny mollusk turn, quicker, to beat not to a gozha to me you ridge.

Phish smiled and gave a hand.

— Everything is over, rumpled Lev. War is necessary, and in fight all of us are brothers and should not remember the old conflicts.

Eraskander with a ring slapped on the stretched extremity.

— I at first harm you, and then we will forget and we will become brothers on the weapon.

The hand grew dumb with sharp blow and Girim with rage rushed to hand-to-hand. It was more senior and Eraskandera, the great fighter, fast as the Tiger furious as if the Wild boar is heavier. But the young soldier tempered in fights from the planet Earth was obviously higher a class. It moved as a lightning, striking with efficiency of a luchemet. Couple of direct shots and Phish lay on a metal covering. The young man — stelzan moved in painful convulsions, catching a mouth the heliooxygen atmosphere of the room of a starprobe vehicle. All ribs are broken, so at least at several o'clock fighting unit is put out of action. Friends Guerima of course are not in debt, but this time, Lev was already so captured by a storm of wild anger that these elements could not already be bridled. Thrust a leg in a chin, the opponent does not even manage to react, such is the speed of the storm movement. Other leg hits into a patella. Then a hand in a neck, an elbow in a temple, a knee in a groin. And all this in the ultraboundary high-speed mode. It is already not just equipment, words of the Guru and stories of pupils of fighting Tibetan school are remembered here. You enter a condition of a hyper trance, magic force, and you already out of this physical world which is able maradaka-hung well only to great masters. When the speed of movement of your body is beyond human opportunities. And not only for imperfect human reflexes, even genetically perfect stelzana do not manage to react, and all twenty beefy young men are prostrate superterminator. Large boys not movably are paralyzed in semi-deadly coma. The lion stopped what feeling of force unknown earlier overflows a body.

He becomes the great master more and more, martial arts opening power of unknown energy. The shot from a gravio-paralyzer interrupted all feelings, having lowered "Guru" on a covering. Twisted muscles in the intolerable spasms which are breaking off sheaves, having squeezed a steel hoop breath. Several officers ran up to the prostrate young man, and having hastily set on edges, dragged in a punishment cell. Doctors hastily were engaged in the others. Fighters were with severe injuries, but there were no killed fortunately for Lev. In that case under war laws not to pass painful execution. Having stuck a stimulator what pain would be felt repeatedly more sharply, disciplinary employees started torture. On a surface of a chamber there passed sparkles, struck with an electrostatics, the charge was strong, began to smell fake. When the electricity passes on the nervous terminations it of course painfully. Nevertheless, the commander of torturers nine-star officer Loga was not satisfied.

— It is necessary to diversify tortures. Give alternation the hot mix then cold.

The assistant to the executioner tries to object.

— What it will give, they on doctrines already got used to extreme difference of temperatures and will not surprise them with current. All of them tried, even radioactive painful radiation with the alternating phase.

— When you train thrill-seekers, especially their group, it is necessary to select an arsenal of tortures more carefully. Can try cinema, contactless impact on mentality. — Ravines itself also it was puzzled.

— This guy is not really skilled, something can, we will beat out in respect of shock influence. But there is still a brown beam. It immerses everyone in the individual hell. — The assistant began to chatter.

In four days in a brain there are irreversible processes, and even the most firm soldier turns into the coward idiot.

— Better so far we will execute alternation, and you and should not become the idiot! — The torturer made witticisms.

The fire-throwing stream singed skin, having fried thoroughly microwave beams all body. Usual fire is not able to cause so strong and bright feelings. It seemed, even bones were heated, and the brain melts, skin oblazit, sticks blood, and from a mouth brings down a smoke. Each cage on fire was bombarded by quanta, and pain accrued, flame temperature all increased. When intensity of the heated impact on fabrics exceeded the level of conscious perception, having settled the potential of sufferings, right there all particles of a body were pierced by chilling cold. The frost held down all interiors, blood promptly stiffened, being turned in ice. Heart froze, the liquefied air filled in lungs interrupting breath, the devilish cold was more terrible than a death hurricane. Then again repetition fire, ice, plasma, liquid helium. In total at the level of wave radiations. You get used to it and it is it seems already not so terrible. Here a heavy childhood was remembered when he broke the computer chastener, executioners were shocked. They caused the whole company of fighters, connected and threw into a chamber. Some time he was not tortured therefore he just deeply to the level of hibernation fell asleep. When woke up wounds, dragged on and were not ill, the broken bones grew together. Damages were closed, and then just completely disappeared, having only painfully felt hungry. Executioners were so struck with healing that satisfied its request, having fed the little prisoner. What occurred further was not clear at all, more did not torture any more, and for so serious crime only banished to work in stone quarries. And it is a trifle, many worked without any fault there. To work banished not on uranium mines where prisoners to the most painful death do not see the sun, and in an open granite pit. Of course, there it was worse, than in the wood, a work at full stretch till 18 o'clock in days, food if only did not starve to death, and beating a usual order of things. Even if you are obedient, then all the same will surely receive the portion of lashes. Stupid cybernetic supervisors, it is even worse local native sadists. It is a lot of people, especially children, died on such hard work, of course, he survived and even managed to run away. Not a donkey to suffer a yoke.

Memoirs were interrupted, in a chamber pink light was switched on. The gentle music was heard. The pleasant female voice said:

— As it perfectly keeps this little soldier from the alloyed kverlil. Stop training in endurance of the lovely boy, to bring him.

The lion was brought, he learned a voice at once, Dina Rozalenda tenderly smiled:

— My Young lion and you are a real hero. One coped with twenty best guys. And you that idiots? Why so to irradiate the Super-soldier's boy!

The officer-torturer tried to object.

— We are skilled professionals. Wave torture is absolutely safe for a potentiality. More likely, can render, the stimulating effect.

— Dominiruyushche! Can test for you, lift your opportunities. — The General giggled.

— As you will consider expedient! — Executioners having barked, were extended.

— Hour of stay in a contrast beam bathtub! Do not challenge, and that I will add term. — The dyne became severe, the smile turned into a grin.

— And it can even be pleasant.

Rather large torturer did not keep from flat sharpness.

— Let's treble pleasure time. Can treat you with a brown beam still.

The executioner so wanted to bryaknut and ask seven-color radiation that he even pushed two weighty fists in the mouth.

— Who does not want to pobaldet from a superhigh! — Muffled low was heard.

— Here and perfectly be silent! And you too!

And it having left regular executioners, friendly winked at Eraskander:

— You the hero at us are able to appreciate strong and courageous soldiers. In you there is so much energy, forces of paranormal abilities that we decided them to use correctly.

— In a rat tigers to play with you. — Rigidly the young man joked.

— Faugh, what you are a rough barbarian. I decided to appoint you the commander of prospecting group. You are the born leader, and your abilities, will serve for the empire benefit! — With pathos the general exclaimed.

— Seriously? It is a great honor to me!

In words of the Lion the irony sliped, but Dina pretended that she accepted everything literally.

— But you have to justify this honor and the status of the interim officer. At such age not many received it, especially considering that you not stelzan.

— That's it, all your laws... — The lion did not find a bright metaphor and became silent. Dina on the contrary delivered the whole speech.

— Now we already fly in the direction of the empire of sinkh. There will be serious fights, and you with your energy will make nice feats which will give new opportunities. Besides, I have a plan, we can issue you as my native son. You will become a full-blooded stelzan and in the future will be able to apply for any positions. Think, was a slave, and you will become Ultra — hyper — gross — the super marshal. The one who cut down alone twenty not sickly fighters is quite capable of it. In general I for the first time see the fighter of such highest class. Who knows, can me will remember as mother of the most great soldier Stelzanat.

The prospect is tempting, Lev was not a fool to reject such offer straight off. It is necessary to seize it death grip. Eventually, it can and not the person, all know that he is a star boy, a comet come on a silver platter.

Clever has to provide everything.

— I am a slave, I have in a backbone a watching device. If that the owner will just kill me.

Dina grinned, but already kindly with irony:

— What device, can system Gili-vastor? You remember the one whom you called a butterfly Cheburashka. This of inogalakticheskiya behaved in a queer way, the master of technetronic business. The genius with the shifted mentality and weak will. While you were unconscious, it accurately removed everything. If something happens your owner and that biting potaskukha from manure constellation Sinkhov will receive only couple of seven-level mats. Can send the Felt-tip pen to your group? No, you are dangerous as a termopreonnovy bomb, still will kill the valuable worker.

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