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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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But the wish of the people, namely your insight and inspiration of hope your live their hearts and souls.

Chapter 26.

Your light, white sandals смугловатых legs passed away, farther and farther, and I looked and looked you after, unable to move.

People came to a stop, sit in the trolley. Those that stood a few minutes ago have already left those that came up, surprised, looked at the strange cadet, fool bristle at the bus stop, роняющего of hands on the ground coin, the coin and if in a dream looking somewhere in one point somewhere in the distance.

And I looked and looked and couldn't see a lot of you. You walked away, and I knew that nowhere you now will not be spared, and I was glad, and I thanked fate for this gift, for the miracle that she made for me. And I already confessed you in love and in the head one after another swept the scene of our Dating and our explanations. It seemed to me that you're feeding me the same adoration, which was full I, at this moment. I saw naked, naked in your body is slender, flexible, slender, young body thee naked and bare, still slightly childish angular, but feminine and delightful, and wondered exactly that combination it would seem two incompatible things, merged in you together: not a bygone childhood and still not coming maturity, which breathed your every graceful movement, every fleeting and small moment of your being, of your image, every turn of the head, every look inquisitive and careful, wary and attentive eyes, in which the lights girlish guile, the innocent and playful, yet chaste and unselfish, followed by a haze of shyness and of some vague me inner humility is not something to his fate, not even with something that was inside of you, inside of you and to anyone except you only knows. Thousands of unsolved mysteries and secrets, movements of the senses can be seen somewhere in the depths at the bottom of these eyes. I've seen it then, in our first meeting, but realized it just now.

I stood at the bus stop not paying attention to anyone of the others, and saw me you're a piece of fluff in my hand, it seemed that now, once you appeared as a miracle in my life, time itself fate sent you to me, I'm captivated by you, and you cannot get away from me, because, perhaps, herself, without knowing it, but somewhere deep within the subconscious feelings you have long want me to be with thee, thou callest me from the depths, from the depths of his soul and want me. Your whole being is without telling your mind, trembles at the sight of me, and only the consciousness of your still not know what he wants your body. But it learns, be sure to know it, give only period. Maybe it already нашептало you this, and only I did not guess.

My head is whirling around captivating dance thoughts. Vortices desires rioted in my heart, and delight immediately followed by the unaccountable sadness and confusion. Any poems, like snow, went on in my mind, and it seemed to me that now in the midst of unbearable summer heat around me slip and falls, the flow in the air, slowly neither fall nor melt, cool white snow. He spun around, similar тополиному Pooh, but not reached the ground, do not lay on it, but somewhere disappeared, and from this fantastic sensations from this incredible and miraculous vision and my head was spinning.

I saw a piece of fluff on the palm,

I knew that it was you in my hand,

Separation, meeting, my dreams chase —

All of us is the same river.

River томленья and bliss,

Earthly Paradise shores,

A simple miracle perfection,

Love green meadows

Spread on all чертогам

Shining green silver.

On rocks, distant mountains spurs

Love rumbles spring thunder.

We prisoners in the fate of each other,

Yet sweet together this prisoner.

Burns national Assembly in the arms of a circle

From our hands carpet нетлен.

Calling me your image gentle,

Stored sleep in my soul,

In the abyss of endless space

RSS. We are together in неглеже.

Communicate there, in the cold darkness

Like the stars. In an eternal way

Joining the heavenly zodiac

In a Union of hearts, know the essence.

The Creator, the Savior and the dust

The custodian, the fate of the messenger.

Christ crucified shirt

We will be bread for the crown...

My полубредовое condition suddenly by itself broke up, like a fragile thread. The one I loved and adored by all those endless moments that lasted so long, deleted all the same воздухопарящей gait, as if I was flying in weightlessness above the ground. Only now between us there were a few hundred metres, I woke up and found the strength to follow her, not even noticing that lost at the bus stop all разменянные coins. Even now when I kinda come to himself, but go ahead if spellbound, unable to tear his eyes away from her flashing ahead of sandals, of which glowed one and then the other heel.

The girl went to the checkpoint of the school, and I had no difficulty dогнать her fast walk. A few seconds I walked behind her metres in five-ten, admiring her gait, where were the charm and elusive charm movements slim antelope, its beautiful, fantastic, long legs, hip which only half have been closed floors skirt, her hair, glittering in the sun all shades of light brown.

At the entrance of the building The CPT she slowed down though hesitation, and doubting, and then resolutely stepped on the steps concrete porch and was by standing at the entrance cadets, дневальных on the cat, her окинувших from head to toe meaningful glances from top to bottom, in which frankly flashed vulgar hunger and shamelessness. They looked at each other and зашушукались between the in her address. But she was independent and proud past them, not paying any attention to their evil jokes and jokes that probably reached her ears, nor on their greedy eyes, literally пожравшие her almost bare, incredible lengths and harmony legs.

The majority of Dating some school for cadets began exactly that with such bad jokes, capable to lead to confusion, any girl, and the same shameless solitary views. Girls, meet a challenge like that, from the very beginning were humiliated position, so the best defense was, perhaps, not to pay and does no attention to similar, but not every courage to do so: for this you need to be fairly confident the same relate to the cadets, if not contempt, and then carelessly, as people lost for a civilized society.

The one that I loved, discovered apparently, this the courage to defy their evil jokes and with dignity passed.

I also went to the checkpoint, tormented by doubts and sudden shyness. In the lobby, in the center of which was spinner, shining their вытертыми to the matte Nickel arcs, and partition, finished under the polished floor meter high, splitting it in two halves, the wall was made of the window with a small, opening for conversation window. There, outside the window, peeking out from behind the pink curtains, sitting in a stately pose Sergeant, the duty on the cat, that talked now with my friend, embarrassing наклонившейся to low lying pane. It was felt that it is not for me to stand in such a position. Sergeant talking to her, obviously teasing and didn't want to her to say something. Here she is in a difficult position.

I came closer to her. She paid no attention to me. The back was the sound of laughter cadets. It seemed to me that they laugh in her address, but I had neither the spirit nor the confidence to turn to him and ask them to shut up. It was not necessary to have a special talent to guess, however, that they are now discussing its position, savoring наиполнейшие variants of its application, which can only come to mind. "Brutes! — with anger I thought to myself. Just think, a man stood so! So what?! Bastards!" If they gave me the slightest pretext, as some put it, then I probably would not endure and накостылял them. But they only laughed behind my back, and they could laugh and on whom everything other: not only the reasons for the laugh.

I remember not so long ago and he often amused himself likewise, he entered the dress checkpoints checkpoint, especially when it was a Sunday or Saturday. Then, even if allowed to go into the city and there was no other reason for the delay, it is still dismissal irretrievably lost due to attire, and no one seems to be was not to blame, but still we were also hurt, and we broke his anger on innocent girls, who came to date someone who was not allowed to go on leave. Here then we like erupted talent mean-spirited, dirty humor, which we were treated to all who could not snap back, and also спошлить to our address. So we tried to entertain and somehow disperse the sadness and disappointment on all the white light that would not in any way отлипнуть. Yes, what an ugly and vulgar words are not covered we attendees of the CPR, how much they have listened to us vulgarity in his address. I was now ashamed of that bad and green youth, in which there was none to develop and keep us good and suppress the growing as weeds bad.

Yes, and I'm not allowed myself these jokes in the presence of their comrades in service. They were often very original and even sometimes is too cruel to the subject of our attention, because then my hungry tongue, unbridled imagination, not утоленное never view firsthand the naked woman and even kisses and touches the female body, classed in their фантасмагориях in this dirt that sometimes it is not in itself became even present at the same time my colleagues who themselves were not averse to спошлить something crazy. In such situations laughter suddenly stopped, and they looked at me so strangely, as if reproaching or saying that this is too much. I always felt uneasy when отмачивал such insults to the address of a completely unknown to me girl, you had no right slinging mud. In me and then said internal shame, but I strongly drowned his voice, trying to find satisfaction soy pride in approval of my choice and caustic comments by comrades in service. This was a kind of cowardice, only fairly thin and delicate, almost imperceptible cowardice, the man who tried to create the authority of the very best way.

I was then those who, not having my girls, I tried to think about all the women very badly. This attitude disappears many when they get girlfriends. But then I was free — and, may be, alone, from such links, but because is free in his vulgar judgments.

Now, after so many years, I was ashamed to recall their past, looking like and I стервецов that were giggling behind me. I thought, how embarrassing had to feel those of the girls, since not every such a young age dissolved and гуляща, which had not fake and real, heartfelt feelings. Our училищное checkpoints was probably worse than the fires of hell, and they were ready to meet with his boys anywhere but here.

And now, in such a disgusting and ugly situation was me and my friend, charming stranger — I don't even know her name. And the most ridiculous and to bitterness offensive was that I couldn't help it: I, too, was once as Joker as they were, and felt no moral right to tell them something against. In this case, I was like a fool, because none of the cadets can't believe that there is someone better than him, but I'm not better.

She continued to talk with Sergeant through the window all in the same awkward posture, and I remembered that here there were also those who, on the contrary, in such cases распущенно and vulgarly put on display their round ass that seemed to have a great and are disproportionately more of those облокачивались on the windowsill, прогибали back, offering shamelessly consider yourself in this position. Maybe those girls and begins the ratio of students to the female sex, as to the subject of consumption and pleasures, as поголовным whores, can therefore it is considered that a decent girl in our school would not come, and there since time immemorial saying, born within its walls: "was Not блядью, so will!"

I walked up to the girl standing next to her, feeling awkward for her and at the same time terrible and joyful, almost light excitement. She still spoke with a duty officer at the checkpoint, but he stubbornly wanted to give her a positive response. Here she sat up straight and desperation brought eyes upward.

Of concern to me thoughts are captured my spirit, interrupted breathing. I couldn't utter a sound, and only looked at her, looked long and intently, fearing that now she looks in my direction and see my fascination with a glance. From the thoughts that I hesitated to even more.

But here's what happened: turning her head, girl suddenly caught a glimpse looked in my direction. Our eyes met, and our views on some instant merged and absorbed one another. In these brief fraction of a second I drank from her pupils, her large marvelous eye so much emotion and dumb words that did not believe that this is possible: so much immediately senses were passed on to me from her that the expression on their words would need one ten minutes. These eyes expressed their first surprise, then they flashed rapid spark of joy, they then with a haze of confusion, and through it already time a sort of despair and grief, which, apparently, their mistress has long grieve. At the last moment I heard, seen, felt in their Nemo, strange incredible language plea for help in something important and difficult and request quickly to help her leave this unpleasant place.

For a few moments they told me so much, how much it was impossible to tell words of the day. I'm only sorry that I didn't end up and are very poorly understood, that they want to Express in his tremulous light.

The girl took a step toward me, but then stopped, evidently wishing I walked up to her. I approached her close. Some time between us lasted not very long, but uncomfortable. Finally, she spoke first deciding to join in the conversation:

-Hello, we seem familiar to you?

-Yes, it seems to be so, " I replied, smiling and blushing.

"You're a friend of Grisha, Yes? Grisha Охромова? Remember, I came to you from him with a note... I brought you from it...

-Yes, I remember, " I said, making deliberately view that just remembered what she says. I terribly blushed, even cheeks lit up with a fever. -Now I'm very well remembered.

She was excited and shining, smiling at her white, even teeth:

-Oh, I'm so glad! You probably, I now пригодитесь and help to find him.

My heart was beating wildly in her chest. It seemed that excitement it's about to jump out from there...

I woke up from the heady, but a mysterious and terrible however, sleep, in which he remained the whole next day after the meeting only in the evening, when was alone in his room in the school. Lying squeaky iron bed, naked, not the first freshness student's mattress, изляпанном spots of various colors and shades, size and origin, — sneaky battery каптенариус has already посдирать with beds and to warehouse linen, Yes, indeed, and he done all right, " I remembered, with an odd, special delight the last hours of this magnificent and wonderful day event which will be remembered to me, if not for life, for a long time, very long time...

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