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"Administrator", Full

27.12.2013 — 27.12.2013
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Our conversation at the checkpoint did not last long. Feeling embarrassed, I understood unpleasant situation girls, kill snipers раздевающими views hungry eyes of young people, I asked her to and talk somewhere in other place. The girl said to me, saying that, in General, she wanted to see Охромова, and therefore will not be able to follow my suggestion.

"Haven't you don't know? — I was surprised, again suddenly going into conversation with her, and thought to myself: "Where did she know something?"

-And what happened? He again, is in bol

"Hell Minister @ Tor"

Hyper Roman

Book one /third

"Megalopolis jungle"

Irkutsk, 1994-1995

Chapter 1. (023). (-> 024)

-It's time to pay the bills!

One day he came and said so. From the doorway...

It was the mystery man in his life, no one, absolutely no one knew about his familiarity si him. He, this man gave Жоре all, all that he had, and he same floor fear of death has forbidden not only to talk, but even to think about it.

He was a great game, a game with no rules to the game he turned at its discretion, to the right and to the left. What he did understand it was simply impossible. His actions will not give in to any logic. His desires were unpredictable.

Those who knew Jora, some time talking about him, that he is big. However, the George knew, that in comparison with him, with his play, he is nothing and no one, because it depends on him completely and is for odd jobs. If he did not help Жоре — he would never have become the Hippopotamus, which now everyone in town knew, respected and feared.

No, he didn't bother Jora on trifles. These were run errands big as the game. For all the time he spoke to Жоре only twice.

George knew his nicknamed the Beast, and for a long time knew not what his name was, but even name. Only a year after their first meeting someone from his entourage secret. Zhora pretended that he does not understand whom they're talking about, although it with the first words became clear. His friend затеявший this conversation, and подзуживал his Jora speak, using all sorts of ways. Shortly after he disappeared, as if it never existed. It's not remembered even relatives, and when a few times after his disappearance did not know about this, Zhora had called him home, then on the other end of the line after the mention of his name conversation interrupted, were silent, and then put the receiver.

This case made Jora think about your life and remember the good: the Beast is not joking.

One day he saw him up close. Жоре happened to pass by the building of the regional Committee. During this time the animal, accompanied by several in black suits got out of the door, and went straight to the black state limousine. The beast is not even glanced his way, but Zhora instinctively lowered his eyes on the ground: he already knew that the Beast is different eyes and ears.

Once George got out of the army. And after a month of being home where everything has been changed, realized that he could calmly write itself into the category of the poor. Go to work for peanuts for a factory it wasn't for him. After a month of doing nothing when the parent reproaches of a piece of bread became unbearable, he gave the announcement in the newspaper agree on any well-paid job (bad't offer. It was stupid, he knew this, and therefore I was very surprised that received responses.

Two weeks later, after the publication of Жоре called and asked to come to the Red hall of the restaurant Theatre. There he first saw the Beast.

After a short ужинатот wrote him a check for a large sum and said: "This is your first time. Spend as you wish, then you'll get another."

-But for what? — уливился Zhora.

-For the work.

-For what?

For coming, " replied the Beast.

-But how can You find? asked George.

-I'll find you.

Thus they parted then. A month later, George received by mail a transfer, sent from Moscow. The return address was not. The amount was even more significant. So was repeated regularly.

The first work order he, too, received by mail from Moscow. Printing the envelope, Zhora was surprised to read the short message: "you have To work. Be ready. The beast." later he got a call: "in the Evening, at the old place..."

Gathering in the restaurant, Zhora very worried. It was all so mysterious. That he will? What is this work? For which he paid so much? He built all sorts of assumptions, long pushing and pulling stubborn tie before the mirror, from the most simple to ridiculous and sometimes ridiculous.

At first he thought the Beast is a mediator of some club perverts, in whose networks and fell Zhora with his stupid announcement. Now they wanted him to fuck. But he added. He will return the money to them. However it will be difficult, because the most part he has already spent.

Потопм he had another idea. Perhaps he wants to hire for a нибудьубийства. It also wasn't in his plans, but it was somehow agree on, if they pay twice for the same.

Maybe it want to send somewhere fight. The beast certainly learned that George has special skills. As know, he did not exclude the possibility that he had been recruited as a Thriller.

All these and many other thought repeatedly пприходили to mind Жоре all these months, until he was paid, leaving him alone for a single minute. It was as painful lull before the attack. And now it was her time to go.

All the way Jora worried, going over in my head a variety of options. He was scared. When he entered the foyer of the restaurant, the excitement was particularly strong. He even felt as he caught his breath. But then he somehow unusually calm down, and when saw the Beast in the deep velvet chair for oak table for six persons sitting in splendid isolation, this made him absolutely no experience and not aroused any emotions. He only полумал that from the coming fate now not be able to get away lightly.

-Well done, without delay, praised his Beast, making discreet gesture of approval [Author ID1: at Sun Jan 23 13:48:00 2000 ].

To their table immediately the waitress arrived with a tray of the most expensive and delicious dishes could be enjoyed in the restaurant. The beast has not paid NEA no notice of her, and when she straddle кушванья, left, spoke again:

-It's time to work, Zhorik.

Beast paused, медленнопережевывая food, then did a relaxing SIP of red wine, slowly put tall wine glass on the table and said:


Under the table something hit. George leaned back and looked up. In the twilight between their feet was a small bag.

-You can start using right now. Поужинай if you want to. Take the bag. There is everything. The text disappears after двадцатьминут послевскрытия envelope. I advise his memory. And remember that the game is not a joke I hope you understand? Засыпишься — 'll get out himself.

Dine Zhora was not. In the bag were the keys to the car with a flat stick, tin oblong box and семимнутная a tape cassette. On the flat a plastic stick-жетончике was pushed number of the machine.

-It at the entrance of the restaurant, at the bottom, " suggested the Beast pulling his gaze. — Good luck to you.

Coming out of the restaurant Zhora felt again engulfed his excitement. Walking along the row of machines, he found that the machine with this number is "Opel". With this brand he was almost a stranger.

Sitting behind the wheel, Zhora set the cassette in the tape recorder.

"Remember good, " he heard someone скрежечущий voice, " your task is to steal the folder under C a secret document. At your disposal, in the apartment, the car, weapons, special equipment for opening сейфоф and castles."

Next followed the address of the apartment. Zhora like to listen to the recording for the second time, but it is not so. Instead she had some silly birthday.

Apartment keys were lying on the front passenger seat. The apartment Zhora found machine Uzi (oblong boxes were bullets) and lying close envelopes. Opening and reading them one at a time, he realized that he really weird pig. But there was nothing to do. It was his job.

Foolish and capturing the case with special equipment, Zhora down in the car.

He returned only four o'clock in the morning, went upstairs, and left the apartment documents and went home on foot, taking only liked him Uzi with all the ammunition load (during surgery he made one shot).

A week later he received notice of the ridiculously small sum. It was sent still from Moscow. Infuriated by this, Zhora't know what to do, but eventually calmed down and swallowed a first offense, went for the money. The mail he received translation and certified letter. Расспечатав it, Zhora discovered regularly the supplementary Bank book. From the sum, which it appeared, and dizzy.

Since then, he became a millionaire. The beast for a long time not bother him, and seemed to dissolve disappeared from sight. But George felt that he keeps it under control, and was sure that it was not the last of the "job", which he was assigned.

Since then произолшло a lot of changes.

With Uzi he no longer left the first time, rightly fearing that he will want to remove after the operation, he had taken him with a loaded and ready to shoot the whole month. Then I got bored.

Guess what it involved a great game, established after some time, when разрозился suddenly and unexpectedly international scandal associated with industrial espionage. Some American company patented the documentation on new сверхизносотермоустойчивую резирну, which development was led by a French firm, which has enclosed money in the chemical plants in Ukraine and Russia. Leaked documents reportedly occurred with one of the Ukrainian plants.

Learning of this, Zhora only smugly laughed, remembering how clearly he made this operation, mentally praised himself and decided that he paid too little. Being an industrial spy turned nasty nice, and now he even feel sad about the fact that the Beast to him no longer appeals. But he seemed to be dissolved.

It was a full year before the Beast made itself felt. His services he decided to use at the most inopportune for Zhora moment when he had firmly decided for myself that it will forever be left alone. George has already managed to acquire its own Affairs, managed to get his company and was thinking about getting married, when the Beast without any preliminaries personally appeared RNA threshold of his apartment.

This time it was not as solid as before. He looked more than usually, затрапезно, you could say. Zhora would even knew him not, if he had not uttered these words.

First thought was that on his door bursts with some обнаглевший пьянчужка.

-It's time to pay the bills! 'he and tumbled to his apartment, literally collapsed on Jora, not t o drunk, not the deadly tired.

Zhora dared вынать it immediately, although all kind of unexpected guest said that the Beast was not the same animal which he once knew. He laid him on the sofa, gave to sleep.

When the evening Beast woke up in the kitchen was ready light dinner and a bottle of cognac. Zhora decided that this man still did something for him and earned at least the reception.

"You must work, kid! he said, knocking over the first stack in one gulp.

-What happened? — Zhora felt right to talk down to him. Intuition was here there is nothing. Himself a guest appearance gave him an idea that he took a big change. Besides, as he thought George, they were in the calculation.

It happened, happened to him, " nodded the other.

"I don't know, " said George.

-I, too... But work is work.

-That is again necessary to steal someone else's intellectual property?

This time no. The work will be worse... And without fees.

Beast specially kept glass of корнъяком on the way to his mouth to test the reaction of Hippo on the last words.

George had a lot of objections to it. He himself worked for a long time as both legal and illegal Commerce, knew what business, and that how much it is worth, and now he sent men to jobs and paid them money for it, when large when not, when not paid at all.

So, after a long pause, he said:

-It seems to me that we have not paid off yet, according to the old case.

Beast покривился, has made such a grimace, as if toothache he drove immediately to half of all teeth, but he was silent, although felt a noisy breathing, how difficult is it given to him.

-Boy became a steep? — he said through clenched teeth, singing the words to Odessa style.

-No, дяд, I just wiser, — pointed his in his side of the index finger Zhora. — Past the case was a bit more expensive than you I was paid. I was not fool enough not to understand what задокументы stole then, and who, and that after that they earned.

The beast long silence, hunched over, whether from fatigue, or cargo unpleasant discovery, but still spoke:

-Zhorik, pay for candor, frankness, and I want to tell you that you should have long ago to rot in the earth!.. If I had another such Zhorik, — he noisy, with asthmatic присвистом sighed, shrugged and unnaturally wide grin, as if the carriage. — Well I have no other понятливого, smart and courageous, resourceful, and in all respects ready for a fight)! Nope!

"You are a little exaggerating my assessment, " explained George, stung by flattery, but don't want to fall for it, let deceive itself to the end. He was now a man of action and not going to work for free. — I have long departed into other areas of activity and lost heavily in spetsnaz the qualities. Got fat, softened, обленился. Fat instead of muscle — here is payback for the pleasures of life...

The beast put on the shoulder of his костистую, heavy hand:

-Zhora! All I know. Don't lie to me. And, believe that we should do. You know, I didn't bother you for nothing, I appreciate your level, you. Please! No one in this city can no longer do it, except you. So here I am. Remember that once when you was very difficult — I perfectly know that, " I came to you and lifted you up from the dirt. Now you're one of those I know in the city, somebody in here that respect, with whom considered and who are afraid. Think, who would you be, if I handed you a helping hand? Who would you be now?!

George thought for a moment. He was not sentimental, but the words of the Beast still affected him, awoke in him something similar to the remnants of conscience, who was still shaking.

However, they took possession of the secret fear that the Beast in case of refusal can make something of which his well-being dissipate like smoke. Although затрапезный a guest appearance does not give any reasons to think so, but George, who used to trust your intuition, this time also decided to act as he tells of something inside. Certainly, this once powerful man have any secret levers of influence. Otherwise, it just like that, without any payment, he was not asked to do serious business. Something still left in reserve, the Beast, some secret stone запазухой. Another't work. He would hardly come, not having a spare progress on the case Жориного refusal of a secret козырного a trick up his sleeve, which would beat all Жорину game of the years passed at one time. Could not such a mighty man of losing power overnight. Something he had in store. Otherwise, and requests no. Beast asks for only large serious cases, and the person who is asking, can't be out of the game, can't be with the one power. Maybe its entire modern-looking simply masquerade, drawing, acid test. Give up now, George, and who knows what will happen after some time. The beast is a man who will not joking. And he came to him not from the porch and not with outstretched hand. If he says that this time the Board will not, занчит действит get considers that first of paid him more than enough.

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